Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1139: Bai Yanqing, you can't ask for it.


A loud noise, Bai Yanqing's huge stone fell to the ground in an instant, Bai Yanqing was pressed under the head.

Han Wei, Long Feiye, Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao stood on the big stone. They didn't have to put pressure on them. It was basically impossible to shake the stone with Bai Yanqing's internal strength.

Although I saw the model of this abyss in the maze model, but I saw the real scene with my own eyes, Han Hao still marveled.

This abyss is a gold line. Looking at it, the entire abyss is a huge stone room, and the earth is full of inverted arrows. These sharp arrows are bigger than the long guns used on the battlefield, and the arrows are sharp and sharp, all of them are poisoned!

Looking around, this is simply a sea of ​​arrows!

"Oh, if we fall, it will die!" Gu Qishao said with emotion.

"This speed, I can't escape." Gu Beiyue is not modest, he is telling the truth, this abyss is still very deep, just the speed of falling off the big stone, it is just a moment.

The distance between the bottom of the abyss and the big rock is very far away. Bai Yanqing can't hear what they say. At this moment, he is not only pressed under the big stone, but also a few arrows. If it doesn't hurt, it's definitely a lie!

If he had an undead body, this fast stone alone would be enough to crush him, not to mention the sharp arrows that pierce his body. Add up the arrow that penetrates the body and the limbs. There are twenty less!

He hurts!

For the first time in my life, I was so sinned that there was no place in my body that didn’t hurt, and it hurt him to sweat cold. The first time in his life, he had the idea of ​​dying.

However, this thought also flashed through his mind. Since Mu Xin left him, he had only one obsession in his heart, and he was obsessed with his thoughts. How could he want to die?

He wants to live, to live well, he has to take a look, in the end is his right, or a heart!

Obsessed, hatred started.

Hatred made Bai Yanqing calm down a lot, and realized that he had just been fooled by Han Hao and their four people!

They must have known that there are traps here, so he can not count them, but he falls into the trap.

Thinking about this, Bai Yanqing's hatred is even more prosperous!

How can the young people, especially the dragons after the Dong Qin royal family, fight him?

He waits!

Waiting for them to move the big stones away! He knows that they will not be reconciled, and their reluctance is his chance!

Bai Yanqing does not overestimate himself, but really underestimates the dragon and the night.

At this moment, Long Feiye has already asked Gu Beiyue to check the surroundings. After walking around, I found that this abyss is indeed hidden in the maze like a labyrinth model. It is a hugely enclosed stone chamber. The exit is only the top of the head.

Long Fei said, "Gu Qi Shao, sealed the exit."

Gu Qishao looked up at the huge exit, pondered it, and soon raised his hand. A few thorns and vines flew out of his sleeves, and soon they became a huge thorn network on the exit.

Han Han looked up and was scared. "So many thorns!"

Gu Qishao pinched his head. "It’s a bit dizzy to raise so much. Bai Yanqing gave it to you, and I was responsible for keeping the exit."

He said, flying up, sitting on a thorny vine, swing, saying how much leisure is free


Han Hao, the three of them did not really see how he was dizzy.

"His Royal Highness, Princess, I am guarding with the Seven. I will hand it over to you." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

In such a confined space, they don't have to be afraid of Bai Yanqing to escape, and there are princesses, Bai Yanqing's best poison is equal to zero.

Although Bai Yanqing is not dead, but it is difficult for Bai Yanqing to follow them. There are also Gu Shao, who are on the sidelines. If there is danger, Gu Qi can always go to block.

At this time, they occupied an absolute advantage, and Gu Beiyue was relieved. The reason why he retreated to the side, without him, is because he knows that the princess and His Royal High will not be merciful, and will be very cruel.

He does not like cruelty, but he does not object to the cruelty of His Royal Highness and the Princess.

When Gu Beiyue and Gu Qixiao flew up, Long Feiye and Han Yu flew down and stood in the gap between the arrows. The big stone drowned the whole person of Bai Yanqing, and even his head was not exposed.

The dragon pulled out the Xuanhan sword from the night, and picked up the big stone. They finally saw Bai Yanqing’s head. Bai Yanqing’s head was deep in the ground, and he slowly raised his head.

"Oh, you are not trying to trap the old man? If you have the ability, don't let the old man go out."

Bai Yanqing sneered, who knows, the dragon suddenly pulled out the long sword, the big stone instantly pressed down, this moment, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu clearly heard Bai Yanqing crying.

In the dragon's nightingale, a sneer was taken and Han Han was brought to the top of the big stone. He stepped on the stone and stepped on the stone. Soon, the full-scale power of the emotions gathered on his feet, forcing huge The stone has been sinking and pressed to the ground.

After a while, the big stone fell into a full three inches.

In the process of this sinking, God knows how much pressure Bai Yanqing has been under pressure? His back, five six scorpions, all the bones were oppressed, including the face!

He was so painful that he couldn’t help it anymore. However, after blocking, he realized that his internal strength was far less than half of the dragon's night.

He can't stop it!


It hurts him so much that he can't stand it.

However, the dragon is still continuing in the night, showing that there is no stopping. How long does this torture last?

At this moment, the small things trapped in the Bai Yanqing storage space not only felt the ramie in the vicinity, but also felt that Bai Yanqing seemed to be suffering.

It is very happy, full of poisonous space running around, squatting up and down. It is no longer the appearance of the little squirrel, but a tall and mighty snow wolf looks like this, so it is just a second!

Bai Yanqing has been trapping him for so long, and the storage space has long been swept away by it.

Although those things were disgusting, he recovered very quickly after it endured disgusting eating. At this point, it is not only fully recovered but also stronger than before.

Excited and excited, his teeth and claws suddenly became the appearance of a little squirrel. He suddenly flew high and old, and after flying down, he recovered the tall form of the snow wolf.

Soon, it seemed to be addictive, turning into a snow wolf for a while, and becoming a little squirrel for a while. In the end, it all tired of playing with yourself.

Bai Yanqing is still uncomfortable and painful.

It sat on the ground, like a little squirrel, clawed to the chest, wondering what they are doing outside, how to torture Bai Yanqing?

Why is it so long?

It didn't understand it, and dragged him away with the poison that he had hidden. When he was holding it in his hands, he saw his two white fluffy claws.

It smashed, and realized that it was the state of the snow wolf, not suitable for this kind of silly action. It stood up immediately, and raised his noble head. He snorted and saved the image of a wolf for himself.

The little things have been confusing the way they play.

Bai Yanqing is still suffering from unbearable pain!

The huge one has fallen into a full foot!

He finally couldn't stand it, but he wanted to yell and his face was buried on the ground and he couldn't shout.

Except for the pain of being crushed by the skin, the bones, and the five internal organs, he could not do anything.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu naturally will not only let Bai Yanqing endure this kind of pain, and will not double up everything Bai Yanqing has done for them. Their hearts are hard to calm down, and they do not revenge for peace. They are even more unable to calm down.

Bai Yanqing is not dead!

They want him to die like death!

Above the big stone, the dragon is watching Han Han at night, waiting.

Han Han is sitting on the big stone in a leisurely way, eating dry food slowly and drinking warm water.

Han Han used to eat and chew slowly. Nowadays, it is slower to eat dry food. However, the dragon does not feel that she is slow at night. Instead, I want her to eat slowly, not to squat.

Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao, who are sitting high on the thorns on the thorns, are waiting, watching.

If Bai Yanqing knows that he is suffering from great pain, the dragon is not the night, Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao are three people who are enjoying the Han Han’s eating leisurely. What would he feel?

For a while, Han Han finally filled his stomach. The dragon found that the woman’s food intake seemed to be larger than before.

Don't say that nowadays one person has to feed two people. Even if Han Han is not pregnant, the dragon often wants her to eat more.

"Do you want to eat more?" Long asked the night.

"No, it is too uncomfortable to eat too much. You have to eat less and eat more." Han Han touched his stomach and said seriously.

"Don't take a break?" Long asked again.

"Nothing, eat well!" Han said with a smile.

She was so satisfied with the smile, and Gu Qishao and Gu Beiyue, who were on the top, did not consciously laugh. The two men looked at each other inadvertently, and the smile suddenly froze and was awkward.

Gu Qishao took out a small packet of dry food, "Give."

"Not hungry, keep it for the princess." Gu Beiyue refused.

"I am not hungry..." Gu Qi Shao said to himself.

Are these four guys coming to deal with Bai Yanqing, or come to vacation?

Of course, it is against Bai Yanqing!

Han Han stood up, took a little bit of activity and gently stroked his stomach. "Little guy, go with the aunt to clean up the bad guys!"

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu finally flew off the big stones, and Long Fei night also used the Xuan Han Baojian to pick up the big stones.

Bai Yanqing was so painful that he could not lift his head. At this time, he realized that the undead body was not bottomless, and the undead body could be abolished.

"Bai Yanqing, if you ask for this Prince, this Prince will let you out." Long said coldly at night.

Bai Yanqing slowly looked up and looked at them, his eyes were full of hate.

He, will he ask?

(End of this chapter)