Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1146: Hello, think of people

Han Hao seems to be somewhat worried about the injury of the child in the abdomen. She holds Mo Xie's sword in both hands, and she looks at the eyes of the dragon.

This is also an adventure! She gave the choice to him.

The dragon was not locked by the night, and he looked at the distance. He saw that Bai Yanqing, who was seriously injured, was once again **** by the seven thorns of the thorns, and at this time, the thorns were flying.

Long Feiyue made a decision. He took Han Han’s hand holding the sword and said seriously, “Double repair, I will help you.”

Double repair?

This guy actually wants her to surrender the Moxie sword while doing double repairs?


"Excellent idea!" Gu Beiyue is overjoyed, he can finally retreat to the side to guard.

"Be obedient." The dragon whispered at night.

He hugged Han Han from behind, and also held the hands of Han Han holding his sword with both hands.

As always, the double repair began with the cultivation of the heart, and the two quietly felt the existence of each other and the atmosphere of each other.

Different from the past, this time Han Han used the power of Feng, not the power of Brahma.

The thick force of the phoenix lingers on the spirit of the evil spirit sword. Soon, the force of the dragon's non-night affair will slowly cover it and lock it on the shoulder. The two forces seem to have spirituality and intertwined, like a lover. Such as glue like paint.

The original suffocating spirit of the evil spirit seems to be influenced by these two forces, and gradually subsided.

After a while, Long Fei night let go of Han Han’s hand, and as soon as he let go, Mo Xie’s sword would suddenly tremble.

The dragon's non-night hand continued to cover, and Han Han whispered. "Nothing, I can!"

The dragon was not at night, he was relieved that he pulled out the sword of the cadre, and one turned over to the opposite side of Han Han.

He gestured to Han Han, and when Han Han nodded, he attacked with a sword. Han Hao had to surrender the Mo Xie sword while he was dealing with the dragon and the night.

She is far less relaxed than before, but she still swayed the sword of Moxie.

She held the sword in her hands, and it was a loud noise.

The two swords hit each other, and the generals and Mo Xie were reunited, and the Mo Xie Baojian suddenly weakened, like surrender!

Han Yu was overjoyed, let go of one hand, and began to move the Moxie sword with great movements. It was attacked by the dragon and the night, and the dragon was not comfortable at night.

The two seem to be fighting, but they are more like swords. They sometimes defend each other and attack, and sometimes they attack. Gu Beiyue looked at him, his lips smirked, and his warmth was like a breeze.

Seeing that the princess should be aware of this, he knew that the princess had successfully weathered the storm and surrendered the Moxie sword. In fact, it is true that His Royal Highness has helped the sword to surrender the Moxie sword. Therefore, if you use the Moxie sword as a weapon, you will be able to use it freely.

However, it is not so easy for the public to use the sword.

In the future, even if the princess is full of the power of the phoenix, the forces are estimated to have a big gap. However, he knows that the only one in the world who can surrender to His Royal Highness is the princess.

Gu Beiyue was thinking, Gu Qishao suddenly shouted at him in the distance, "Gu Beiyue, give me some dry food, hungry!"

Gu Beiyue looked back and couldn't help but laugh.

I saw that Gu Qi rarely used the thorns and vines to bind Bai Yanqing on his back, and tied it tightly. Even Bai Yanqing’s mouth was sealed, leaving a pair of eyes.

Seeing that Bai Yanqing was tied up, Gu Beiyue was assured that he was taken by the bamboo building where Gu Qi was on the side.

As soon as the ration arrived, Gu Qi was so happy that he was facing the dragon and the night they sat, so that Bai Yanqing, who was helped by him in the back, could see the dragon and the night and Han Yu volley.

Bai Yanqing can of course see that Long Fei and Han Han are entering

The last big pass of the double repair, he was full of unwillingness, and his heart was blocked and it was blown up.

However, he couldn't even speak, let alone stop.

Gu Qixiao arranged an excellent perspective for him, he can only watch!

Gu Qishao is actually very reluctant to eat dry food, but his blood has to support so many thorns and vines, and then he will not eat something, he will really be hungry. He told himself that the food was left to the poison hoe, and he ate a little.

He did not forget to chat with Bai Yanqing while eating.

"Old things, are you hungry? The feeling of being hungry is not good."

"Old things, you said why you are so useless? You have spent so much thought to stop the poisonous scorpion double repair, but people are now double-repair in front of your eyes, why don't you stop it? Go! Go hurry! ”

"Oh... old things, you said that you have fallen to this point, is it strong? Is it interesting? Is it better to die? Oh, yes, I forgot you can’t die."

"Old things, I am so afraid of pain, do you know? You are afraid? I have been wondering if our skins are really ruined? Is it all self-healing?"

Gu Qishao said, suddenly serious, "I haven’t been able to get away from you. You said that Laozi has smashed you, can you recover?"

As soon as this was said, Bai Yanqing’s body trembled fiercely, and he was shocked by a cold sweat.

Gu Qixiao laughed happily. "Hey, Laozi is a genius!"

Gu Qixiao must have forgotten that the words "阉了" are what a woman said first.

Bai Yanqing is simply a heavy body and mind! He didn't even care about Long Fei Ye and Han Yu double repairs. He was terrified. He couldn't imagine what kind of humiliation he would have to bear after Gu Qixiao let go of him after the double night and Han Yu double repair!

He is finally scared!

Finally... I want to die!

If... If the dragon is repaired by night, it will kill him with a sword!

The power of love is the mysterious power that slaughtered the snow wolf. The mysterious power is different from the power of the phoenix in the human body. This power is a secret method and still needs to be practiced, not human. People can build it.

After the secret law fell into the hands of the Dong Qin royal family, the Dong Qin royal family had never been cultivated, and the dragon is the first night!

During the night, Long Feiye and Han Yu are all devoted to practicing. And Bai Yanqing is in the mood of fear and death.

This is his worst and most sad retribution.

However, during the night, Gu Qiu had already had a whole ten bags of dry food and two pots of water with Gu Beiyue. If they don't have enough dry food and water, they will be eaten by Gu.

It’s not that Gu Qi is less greedy, but his body can’t hold it.

During the period between Long Feiye and Han Yu, even if the dry food was eaten up, he must maintain his physical strength and raise the thorns.

Gu Qixiao has never had such hunger feelings, and even feels that the strength of one body is being dull, and even has the feeling of exhaustion. He had never spent so many thorns in a few days before, so he had not experienced this situation, and he did not know what happened to his body.

He can only eat and eat!

Gu Beiyue knows very well that Gu Qishao has a lot of pain in those dry foods and water. He guessed that Gu Qixiao must have had any problems with his body, otherwise he would not feed it as much!

While Gu Beiyue is giving dry food, he is also worried.

They have not found a way to open this enchantment. What if you have to be trapped for a month or two, or even longer?

He and the dragon are not the night, Gu Qi and less can pass the way of retreat and perseverance, so that the body is in a state of low consumption, at least for three months, or even longer.

However, the princess who is pregnant can not repair it.

Gu Qihao didn't worry about this problem. However, once he felt that the thorns and vines had a tendency to be weak, he had to endure the shackles and continue to eat dry food.

Gu Beiyue glanced at the dragons and nights, knowing that they had to wait at least one hour to end. He did not hesitate to reach out to Gu Qixiao’s mouth and said seriously, "Seven less, wronged you."

Gu Qixiao certainly knows what Gu Beiyue meant. He locked his brow and hesitated.

"The princess is hungry, my little master is even more hungry. If you don't tighten it, then another hour or so, they will end."

Gu Beiyue smiled slightly, but he was not gentle. "If you have nothing, just take a bite."

Gu Qishao had no other way to see Gu Beiyue smile, and he smiled openly. "So chance, I can waste! Gu Beiyue, you have to endure the pain!"

Gu Beiyue laughed and said nothing.

Gu Qishao really bite it down, don’t bite, how can I drink the blood of Gu Beiyue?

He didn't know if this blood could help him, but he wouldn't let him go hungry and let him dare to be powerless. At this moment, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are doing the last and most important practice, and they have no time to take care of this.

When Gu Qihao released Gu Beiyue's hand, Gu Beiyue's arm appeared a vague and **** mouth, which was shocking on his warm skin.

Gu Beiyue looked the same, and knew that this mouth would stay.

Gu Qishao’s discomfort and guilt were all hidden in his heart. He pretended to smother the blood of his mouth and smiled and said, “Give you a sigh. If I am dead, you are thinking about things. ”

Gu Beiyue gave a slight glimpse, and soon he smiled lightly. He was joking. "You can live well, and the future wife will misunderstand. You have to explain it to me."

Gu Qixiao laughed, "Gu Beiyue, in addition to the poisonous skull, no one deserves you! You will not have a wife!"

"There will be."

Gu Beiyue's calm tone makes people laugh or joke, anyway, Gu Qi does not believe.

Gu Beiyue did not make a mistake, his blood was enough to allow Gu Qi to support for a while.

After an hour, Long Feiye and Han Han unanimously gathered up the long sword and joined hands to slowly fly.

Gu Beiyue quickly took the dry food, and the whole night must be exhausting the princess.

Gu Qishou stood up, stretched out and ran away.

Han Yu and Long Fei were only able to find out that Gu Qixiao had turned over Bai Yanqing from the far side, and they all laughed and laughed. The dragons who were not screaming laughed and laughed at the corners of the night.

Gu Beiyue's speed is fast, he has come to the side of the dragon and the night, Gu Qi is still running.

"Princess, Your Highness, everything can be smooth?" Gu Beiyue asked seriously.

The dragon nodded in the night, he held the sword of the sword, his hand was tight, and an invisible force came out.

Gu Qi Shao retired and only felt that this power was strong, overbearing and strong.

"This is the true power of love, the most powerful force." Long said not at night. His Brahma power has been swallowed up by the power of love, generating the most powerful force.

Gu Beiyue was overjoyed and was about to speak. However, Han Han suddenly took Long Fei’s night hand and was shocked. “Little things...”

Han Yu’s words have not been finished yet. In front of him, he was fainted in the past. At the same time, Gu Qishao suddenly stopped, and Bai Yanqing actually broke away from the back of his thorns.

However, Bai Yanqing seems to have been shocked by a force on the ground, only to see a huge snow wolf out of thin air.

The little things are out!

However, why is it filled with hatred?

It... glaring at the dragon night!

(End of this chapter)