Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1147: Hatred of little things

The little things smashed out the space of Bai Yanqing's storage, and Han Hao was in a coma?

These two things seem to happen at the same time. We don't know whether it is a small thing to help Han Hao advance, or Han Hao's promotion allows small things to come out.

Everyone is happy, but they found that the small, bright and sharp wolf eyes of the little things are staring at the dragons and watching them all night.

That kind of gaze, like a wolf staring at a prey, can attack at any time!

After the dragon was stunned by the unconscious Han Han, he was the first to feel hostile. He was alert and wondered.

What happened to this mouse? I saw him on weekdays and ran. When I turned into a wolf body, I dared to stare at him with a big eye.

Everyone was also very surprised. Gu Beiyue whispered. "His Royal Highness, it seems that the Snow Wolf has fully recovered and even advanced. It is very angry."

"How? Does it recognize Bai Yanqing as the master?" Long whispered in the night.

"I don't know, but... very bad, be careful." Gu Beiyue said that although he can't communicate with the little things, it is also a spiritual connection. In the past, a little thing, a look, he knows what it means.

The gaze of the little things now makes him see the killing of hatred.

Compared with Bai Yanqing, the snow wolf is not dead, and the tooth decay is highly toxic, once it is bitten, it will die. Now the princess is in a coma, no one knows when the princess will wake up. Gu Qixiao had to defend against Bai Yanqing. If the snow wolf attacked him, he and his Highness could not resist.

Gu Qixiao also saw that the situation was wrong. He originally wanted to go. However, he looked at Bai Yanqing who was shocked to the side. He still did not move. He had to guard against Bai Yanqing.

At this time, the snow wolf has been squatting low. It stares at the dragon and looks at the night, while sticking out the front paws and slowly bending the body. This action is going to be rushed over!

Gu Beiyue shouted, "Small things, what happened to you?"

The little thing looked at Gu Beiyue, and the **** red eyes clearly passed a touch of sadness. However, it quickly looked at the dragon and the night.

This is the man who loves the hemp, this is a man who has been jealous for a long time.

Today, it finally knows why he is so afraid of him, almost every time he appears, it will be afraid!


It turned out that he was hiding the power of love, he turned out to be the one who has the power to love! It is the one who has the power to destroy the snow wolves!

It certainly knows the people who destroyed it hundreds of years ago, and its people are not him. However, he has the power to turn the love must be related to that person that year, there must be!

It can't be calm, especially in the snow wolf grave, it can't be calm! It smells the scent of the snow wolf!

Although the snow wolves are poisonous, they have never hurt any innocence. They live freely in the mountains and peacefully coexist with the snow wolf humans. Why, why was that person so cruel to kill its people and slaughter its father and mother?

It thinks of everything, the **** scene! The mother and father fell down and looked at it without hesitation. It was frightened. It desperately ran to the crater. It trembled in the crater. It kept whispering and kept crying. It didn’t know how. do……

The fragments of memories once again appeared in the minds of small things, hating in its hearts, gradually burning its reason.

It can't see its favorite ramie, nor can it see its favorite son. It only sees the dragon and the night, and the dragon that is holding the power of love is not the night.

He is...the enemy!

It takes revenge!


The little thing suddenly slammed and he had to rush.

At this time, Gu Beiyue stood in front of the dragon and night, and opened his arms. He said, "Small things, you come over! The son wants you!"

When this is said, the little things can't control themselves, and once again look at the son!

It understands, the son said he thought about it!

The embrace of the son is the most missed! At this moment, it can't wait to rush into the arms of the son to cry, crying!

However, it can't!

It takes revenge!

Gu Beiyue does not have the confidence to stop small things, but at least he has to figure out why the little things come out so resentful to the dragons and nights?

He asked aloud, "What are you going to do? You dare to hurt your Highness, and the Princess and I will never forgive you!"

It is the power of ecstasy that stimulates the hatred of the little things, let it burst out of the greatest power, and compete for the imprisonment of Bai Yanqing's storage space. The promotion of the small things allowed Han Han to follow the promotion.

Small things can already be communicated with the numbness, and they can fully understand the human language.

If the son, let it stop.

Never forgive?

Don't know anything about the son!

The son does not know that it is the power of the ruin to destroy its home. It is the power of the ruin to ruin the worship of the snow wolf, and the snow wolf has to marry the poison sect;

The son does not know that the pedigree possessed by ramie is the purest snow scorpion lineage;

The son does not know, the power of love is also ruining the people of the ramie!

The little things can't control themselves, and the rushing killing has almost drowned out all its intellect, and the nature of the animal bloodthirth gradually emerges.

Finally, the little things disregarded the discouragement of the son, culling the past.

"Gu Beiyue, you are guarding you!"

Long Fei night is about to hand Han Han to Gu Beiyue, pull the sword to deal with the small things, Gu Beiyue pushed him to the side, turned and faced the small things that flew over and opened his arms.

The little things are the beasts that are not dead, and once they are on the bar, they will be both defeated! The best way is to drag, it is best to wake up to the princess.

The princess can communicate with the little things, at least know what the little things are?

The speed of the little things was very fast, and the claws were all exposed. It didn't expect the son to do this. It didn't want to stop.


It was awkward, but in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the son. Fortunately, its claws were collected in time, and only the son was thrown to the ground, stepping on his feet, and did not scratch him.

The little things fled immediately, but they were attacked by the thunder and lightning. The dragon was not prepared for the night, and the Han Han was backed up. The sword in his hand was long pulled up.

Gu Beiyue flew past, he was reluctant to hurt the little things, and he might not be hurt. He once again blocked in front of Long Feiye and Han Han.

This time, his eyes on small things are no longer gentle, but serious and fierce. He does not speak or speak.

The little things were stunned, but they quickly rushed from the other side of the son.

Gu Beiyue is chasing after him, the speed of the little things is fast, but it is not too fast! In this way, one person and one beast are constantly chasing.

Bai Yanqing did not have any movements, he looked far away, and there was a sneer on his lips.

He was seriously injured, and he was unable to escape the thorns of the seven. Even if he is dead, he must also be buried with this poisonous beast!

The power of the dragon's non-night sensation can kill him, and the same can kill the poisonous beast!

He is sitting on the ground, like

Watching the play is like watching the chase of Gu Beiyue and the little things. Watching the dragon and the night holding Han Han, follow Gu Beiyue to avoid.

After the success of the double repair, the power of the Brahma of the dragon and the night disappeared. Now he has only one internal strength, that is, the power of love.

Therefore, as long as the dragon does not work on small things at night, as long as a sword is all, you can kill small things.

He is looking forward to it!

Looking forward to Han Yu's pet beast, the last snow wolf of the Snow Wolf family died in the hands of the dragon. He believes that Han Han will cry.

Dragons and non-nights will always owe a **** debt to the poisonous sect!

Gu Qi Shao looked at the anxious, and wanted to rush to the past and give the little things a lesson. When the help was not coming out, they finally caught Bai Yanqing, and the little beast actually came out to make trouble! Simply hateful!

As soon as the little things rushed over, Gu Beiyue appeared in front of it. After a few round trips, even the little things had not yet passed. Gu Beiyue knew which direction he was going to attack, and stopped in advance.

Where is the brain power of small things?

After several rounds of fighting, the anger of hatred completely blinded the eyes of the little things. It became more and more angry, and even forgot who the white man was.



It screams and screams. Its offensive is getting fiercer. Suddenly, it was photographed with a paw, and it was hard to crack the grass.

Long Fei night protects Han Yu Li Ma volley, Gu Beiyue is also leaping, and the little things are at this time, flying from the foot of Gu Beiyue, straight to the dragon non-night.

Long Fei night can make Gu Beiyue protect for so long, it is considered to be good patience, small things attacked in front of him, he has no reason not to do it!

Of course, he does not know that his power of love can easily destroy the undead body of small things, and it is easy to kill small things.

He was cold and cold, and decided to give a little lesson to the little things!

However, seeing his sword is going to rush to the little things, Gu Beiyue still arrived. Gu Beiyue pushed the hand of the dragon non-night, and at this moment, the claws of the little things rushed over, and the sharp claws swept over the chest of Gu Beiyue.

This time, everyone is stunned.

I saw four long traces of Gu Beiyue’s chest, and the blood soon emerged. It suddenly drenched his white clothes, and after the blood appeared, he immediately began to turn black.

This is poison!

Although the poison of the claws of small things is not as toxic as the toxic tooth blood, it is also very poisonous!

Long Fei night guards Han Han landing, angry and shouted, "Gu Beiyue, what stupid you made? You are looking for death!"

Although he can't kill small things, he can stop small things.

Gu Beiyue still looked at the little things with a serious expression, and his brows gradually began to pick up. At his speed, he was still able to escape from the situation.

However, he has long decided to gamble.

The little thing was stunned. It looked at the brow's brow and looked at the black blood on the chest of the son. It suddenly became awake, and it subconsciously retreated.

What did it do?

It just... injured the son.

Suddenly, Gu Beiyue seemed to lose strength and his legs fell down. He subconsciously grabbed his chest and his hands were covered with blood.

However, he still stares at the little things.

"Gu Qi Shao, squatting to do? Detoxification!" Long non-night shouting.

Who knows, Gu Qishao’s answer is desperate, "I can’t solve it!"

(End of this chapter)