Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1155: Will be indefinite

Gu Beiyue, the most authoritative doctor in the Yunkong mainland, said so, everyone's mood is somewhat relaxed.

Han Hao spit out a long turbidity, letting herself calm down, and she really can't move her tires again.

"It’s not too early, it’s gone! Anything is going to be discussed tomorrow!” Long said that he was cold and cold, and whispered Xu Donglin. “Minger invited Miss Si to come over in the morning.”

The biggest tumor of Bai Yanqing was removed. Although the next thing was a lot of miscellaneous, the dragon and the night did not have any plans for Han Han to intervene in anything. Although the winter has not yet arrived, but he is already considering whether to send her to Jiangnan Meihai to raise a baby.

"You go back to the house first, and I will go back when I handle something." The dragon whispered in the night.

Han Wei is still very embarrassed, touched his stomach and nodded. She thought so in her heart, she had to sleep well, and she had a good spirit, so that Miss Ren could help her to see her. After a few days, she must start to get busy. She still has a lot of things to do.

Everyone has dispersed, and Gu Qi is on the roof and does not know where to go.

Long Fei night immediately pointed out that Chu Xifeng chased the past, Gu Beiyue came out early, he whispered, "His Royal Highness, seven less may lose the evil spirit sword, plus the thorns thorn spent too much blood, the situation is not very good. In the enchantment, I took the pulse, didn't find anything different, and let him rest for a few days to see."

"This matter is handed over to you, and Tang is away." Long said not at night.

Although he had just left the maze, he couldn’t be idle for a moment. He turned to Xu Donglin and said, “Send all the letters of the past few days to the side hall, and let the spies responsible for the Northern calendar come over as soon as possible.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Xu Donglin had to leave, but he turned back. "His Royal Highness, there is something urgent."

The dragon stopped at night, and Gu Beiyue, who was about to leave, looked back.

"Mu Qingwu is still trapped in the maze, and ... Duanmu Yao's whereabouts are unknown, and it is very likely to be in the maze." Xu Donglin said seriously.

"Look for someone to bring Mu Qingwu out." Long said coldly at night.

"That... Duanmu Yao?" Xu Dong asked casually.

The dragon didn't have a pit at night, turned and left, Xu Donglin knew that His Highness meant... let her die!

Seeing the back of the dragon's night disappeared outside the courtyard, Gu Beiyue came over. "Xu Shiwei, this maze is not easy to get in, or let me take a trip. You have been busy for a few days, just take a break."

"This...Is it going with you?" Xu Donglin said.

"No, I am going to speed back." Gu Beiyue's "speed to speed back" word makes Xu Donglin have nothing to say.

The night is getting deeper, and the doors and windows of Tang’s house are closed. At this moment, no matter whether it is quiet or crying, no matter whether Tang and I still recognize her, at least, from this night, they will be with each other.

Han Hao washed a lot, washed away the mildew in the maze, a refreshing, lying on the bed, while waiting for the dragon to come back late, while pondering a few things. For example, help the quiet to find a dentist, such as whether or not to let Su Xiaoyu go to the teacher...

She waited and waited, thinking about it, and slept in unconsciously. If it was in the past, the dragon would not come to sleep at night, but she would not sleep, but at this time her stomach was big and it was impossible to sleep.

The dragon was in the side house at night, and when the niece had extinguished the lamp in her house, he knew that she was asleep. He also managed to deal with the letters that accumulate into hills.

Both Baili Muxiang and Su Xiaoyu are still asleep, not knowing that the masters are back.

Gu Beiyue quickly returned to the labyrinth entrance. He stood at the entrance for a moment, remembering where they met Mu Qingwu.

I don't know if Mu Qingwu is still in the same place, or lost in the maze.

Gu Beiyue soon recalled the stone room. He went to the stone room and found that the stone room was empty.

In desperation, Gu Beiyue can only drag the tired body, looking for a full maze. Fortunately, he did not look for too long, he saw Mu Qingwu in another stone room.

Mu Qingwu sat in a daze, and when he saw Gu Beiyue coming in, it was a big joy. "Have you caught Bai Yanqing?"

Gu Beiyue glanced at the dry food on the side, faint and laughing. "Fortunately, the generals are looking for dry food, or else, I should come over to collect the corpse."

"It should be a few days, even if there is no food, I am not so weak." Mu Qingwu said seriously. He waited for a long time in the original stone room. Later, when he was hungry, he walked to the stone room where he was supposed to be detained. There was also Bai Yanqing who left some dry food. He originally wanted to go back to the stone room, but when he went out, he suddenly couldn't tell the left and right directions. He could only stay in place.

"The young generals will decide that we will come to you?" Gu Beiyue still smiles.

"Must be sure!" Mu Qingwu hesitated for a moment, seriously said, "The princess is not a ruthless person."

"The young general, Bai Yanqing was killed. The princesses are also gone..."

After Gu Beiyue’s remarks have not been finished, Mu Qingwu interrupted. “Is Bai Yanqing not an undead body? How?”

"The princess and His Royal Highness have their own way, this...the young general does not need to know." Gu Beiyue sat down and had a long-term plan.

Mu Qingwu is still interested. He did not ask Bai Yanqing about it, but anxiously asked another thing.

"Gu Dafu, my father, what is the situation of Mu Jiajun? Is Tiananguo down?"

The one that Bai Yanqing showed him, he is definitely a father. However, he did not believe the absurd words of Bai Yanqing.

Gu Beiyue sighed, "The young general, I made a special trip to tell you about this. The princess and His Royal Highness will not come again."

Mu Qingwu was quiet at once, and Gu Beiyue’s dignified look made him very upset. Gu Beiyue threatened Mu Yuanbo by Bai Yanqing, and took the city as a shackle. He said that the princess went to the Tianan Emperor and all of them were mentioned. Of course, it also included the fact that the dragon was not slaughtered by the night.

Mu Qingwu was stunned and slowed down.

"The young generals, your father and sister are no longer personnel. The Mu family are buried in person, and they can only guarantee that they have no dead bodies. Hope, mourning." Gu Beiyue said faintly.

Mu Qingwu suddenly got up and rushed to the door, and his fist slammed on the stone wall, and he gave the stone wall a big hole.

He looked back at Gu Beiyue and roared, "Why?"

Gu Beiyue is as calm as ever. "The young generals, this is the retribution that the ethnic group should have. The generals blame the lower house, and the hate of the lower house. This is already a fact. If there is a heart of the massacre, even if the temple does not kill, the people of the world will also Killing. The generals are understanding people and looking at them."

"I can't see it!" Mu Qingwu yelled, his eyes were wet.

He also looked forward to thinking, the princess and the temple down to save him, he went back to convince his father and Long Tianmo to surrender. But who knows, things will become like this overnight!

After Mu Jiazhen was a divorced family, he himself became the most disdainful after his own! My father is gone, my sister is gone, and the Mu family is gone! Left over

Under him alone, become the public enemy of the world!

Mu Qingwu squatted against the wall, and the whole person squatted in vain.

Gu Beiyue passed the mercy of his eyes, and he was relieved in Tianning and Mu Qingwu. He was also known as Mu Qingwu. If not, he will not come in person today, and he will not come alone.

He came over and kneels next to Mu Qingwu, pulling Mu Qingwu over his shoulder.

His shoulders seem to be thin, but they can withstand any pressure in the world, even if it is heavier than the mountains.

Mu Qingwu leaned on his shoulder and his shoulders trembled, perhaps he was already crying.

Gu Beiyue is like a brother, the temperature is gentle and the strength is not lost. "The generals, the people of the Tianan Imperial City do not allow the Mu family to enter the earth, only cremation. The real bones of the Mu family are buried in the Lijiashan, the western suburb of the Emperor's Imperial City. On the mountainside, there is no word tablet. The people who are separated from the family have escapers, and the highness of the temple may not be pursued in the future. Perhaps... one will not let go. Now let you go down the mountain and out of the medical city. Go back and tell your highness and Princess, you strayed into the organization and died in the maze. How?"

Mu Qingwu suddenly looked up and asked seriously, "Gu Beiyue, you are not afraid of the people who are in a hurry to leave the country, rebel, revenge for the tribes?"

"You won't." Gu Beiyue is very sure.

Mu Qingwu is about to say that Gu Beiyue has said again, "You can't report revenge. From the family, the loss is the heart."

Mu Qingwu, who is bright and upright, how can he not understand this truth?

He looked at Mu Qingwu and had not spoken for a long time.

"Little general, you and when... The princess passed by the alley, did not notice you, did not save you." Gu Beiyue said faintly.

Mu Qingwu suddenly laughed. "I would rather be like this! Would rather be like this!"

In those days, if the princess did not save him and solve the poison on his body, he would have died! You don't have to go through so much, you know so much. Heart, it will not hurt so much!

Gu Beiyue patted Mu Qingwu's back and quickly let him go and got up.

"That would rather be like this, let it be like this. Less generals, the sky is bright, let's go." Gu Beiyue said calmly.

Mu Qingwu closed his eyes and was silent for a while. When I was blinking, I could not see the tears in my eyes. He followed Gu Beiyue's labyrinth and went all the way to the medical city.

"Gu Dafu, thank you! After the meeting... no time!" Mu Qingwu arched his hand and bent down to give a big gift.

As in the beginning, he and Gu Beiyue went to the Qin Wangfu, and thanked Qin Wang for his life-saving grace, and he did a great gift.

"There will be no future."

Gu Beiyue looked at Mu Qingwu's back disappeared in the morning light before turning back to the medical school.

When he came back, he met the dragon and night tea, and Han Han had already started, and stayed with him.

"His Royal Highness, Princess, early." He laughed.

Long Fei night personally poured a cup of tea for him, motioned him to do it, and asked faintly, "Are you going back and forth, spending a night?"

Obviously, Mu Qingwu’s sorrow is not the night, and Han Han seems to know something, and he did not say anything.

"Mu Qingwu went into the trap and died. He was buried and returned," Gu Beiyue said.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu did not say anything. Long Fei did not continue this topic, but urged the servant to invite Miss Ren.

They don't ask much, they will not pursue it again, and Gu Beiyue will not say much.

Miss Ren did not arrive, and Baili Muxiang and Su Xiaoyu arrived first.

(End of this chapter)