Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1160: Revenge for her sister

"Come, fix his hand, ten fingers open!" Su Xiaoyu, this little girl made a call to Han Chen, and quite a master gesture.

Seeing that the lord did not make a sound, the black servant did what Su Xiaoyu said. One person seized Bai Yanqing’s hand and forced him to open his fingers.

Su Xiaoyu laughed silently, how much evil the smile had to be evil.

I saw that she had threaded the needle from the sleeve, like a large tailor needle, but it was harder and sharper; the line was harder than the ordinary one. When I saw it, the old servant and the attendant were very curious. What should the needlework do?

"This account is what you owe to my master!"

Su Xiaoyu approached, holding Bai Yanqing's thumb, and actually pierced the golden needle into his thumb and crossed the needle from his flesh and blood.


Although the old servant and the black servant were not scared, it was really unexpected. I didn’t expect Su Xiaoyu’s teenage girl to do something like this.

Really embarrassing!

If you change to another girl, don't say that you have to do this kind of thing, don't say it, you will hear that you will be awkward!

Needle stitching without anesthesia is actually nothing. However, Su Xiaoyu chose to refer to the belly!

Ten fingers wear the heart, threading the needles on the fingers of the fingers, what is this taste?

Although Bai Yanqing lowered his head and did not move, Su Xiaoyu's needle thread penetrated ten fingers one by one. However, his brows were clearly smashed.

The old servant kept staring at Su Xiaoyu and found that when Su Xiaoyu did this thing, his eyes were not even awkward. The young face that was still young was full of seriousness and concentration.

The old servant couldn't help but ponder a question. This little girl is good or evil! Sovereign, what is she looking at?

Soon, Su Xiaoyu used a line to penetrate Bai Yanqing's fingers.

She looked up and squeezed her neck. The corner of her mouth showed a cold smile. She yanked the line and Bai Yanqing couldn't help but scream.

We must know that she had a knot on every finger of Bai Yanqing's ten fingers. When she pulled it, the knot became a knot and pulled his flesh tightly.

Ten fingers and even the heart, not hurt!

Bai Yanqing had a goose bump in his arm, and the cold sweat also slowly flowed down from the two.

Don't say Bai Yanqing, that is, everyone around you sees creeps. I don't know when, Han Chen also looked up.

Su Xiaoyu said with a smile, "Old things, you should never ask for mercy! If you call for pain, it is ok! Oh!"

Ten fingers wear needles, ten fingers and heart.

Su Xiaoyu put a golden needle into the palm side of Bai Yanqing. As a result, Bai Yanqing’s hands were tightly tied together and could not move. Once he struggles a little, it will affect the line and the needle, causing pain.

In other words, if no one helped Bai Yanqing unravel these needles, Bai Yanqing’s hands would be abolished.

Looking at Bai Yanqing's sweaty look, Su Xiaoyu kneels down and looks at him with his head. "This account is over, are you dissatisfied?"

Bai Yanqing glared at her and did not say anything.

Su Xiaoyu stood up, "Okay, it's enough! Let's count the second!"

What will be the second account?

The old servant and the black servant did not consciously look forward to it. It was too memorable to blame Su Xiaoyu for calculating the first account.

Han Chen looked back at them, and the light was as quiet as the lake, without waves.

I saw Su Xiaoyu’s a small drill, very delicate.

Just three inches long, the tip is particularly sharp, and I feel that I can pierce the hard object.

The old servant couldn't help but walked out and wanted to ask, but he saw that the lord did not say anything, and he still endured it.

Su Xiaoyu handed the little drill to Bai Yanqing's eyes. "Hey, guess what?"

Bai Yanqing seemed to be ignoring his heart, but Su Xiaoyu suddenly worried, holding his chin and forcing him to look up.

She angered and asked, "You dare to open your sister's two front teeth, I dare you to fill your teeth! Bai Yanqing, Ning sister offended you? You say it!"

At this time, everyone felt the anger of Su Xiaoyu and found that this little girl was not a cold sadism.

The old servant understood this. The original door of Miss Jing was pulled out by Bai Yanqing!

He couldn't help but feel up, Bai Yanqing, such a heartbreaker, really got the little devil of Su Xiaoyu to cure!

However, the old servant still couldn’t understand, Su Xiaoyu’s relationship with the small drill and the tooth extraction?

In fact, not only the old servant did not understand, Bai Yanqing was full of incomprehensible, unable to understand what Su Xiaoyu wanted to do, he actually had a sense of fear. However, he quickly ignored it. How could he fear a little girl who was not stinky?

"Come, please open my mouth!" Su Xiaoyu cold.

The black servant immediately did it, and couldn’t wait to know how Su Xiaoyu would use a small drill to pull his teeth!

Bai Yanqing was forced to look up and open his mouth. Su Xiaoyu's big eyes gradually cooled down, she said coldly and faintly, "the front teeth..."

Finally, Bai Yanqing struggled and turned his head. However, as soon as the guards tried hard, he couldn’t move.

Just when Su Xiaoyu wanted to start, Han Chen came over and opened Su Xiaoyu’s hand.

"What are you doing? This is my personal grievance with him. Anyway, he can't die, I won't kill him..." Su Xiaoyu hurriedly explained that she was afraid of Han Chen's soft heart and would not let her torment Bai Yanqing.

Han Chen did not say a word, grabbed Bai Yanqing's neck and forced it to squeeze, and forced Bai Yanqing to spit out several poisonous needles.

Han Chen took the poison needle and threw it aside.

It turned out that he was afraid of her poisoning.

Su Xiaoyu was happy, look back and scream at him and smile. "Thank you, senior!"

This smile is like a little girl who is innocent and innocent, especially pure and true.

The people around him were very surprised. I didn't expect Su Xiaoyu to be so bad. It was also a good thing to be surprised. There was no hidden cover.

Han Chen looked at Su Xiaoyu’s smile and laughed wildly. “Polite.”

Although I just laughed a little, but everyone was stunned, including the old servant. He has been with the Sovereign for so many years, and he still does not know that the Sovereign would have laughed too!

Su Xiaoyu didn't know Han Chen, and she was not surprised at all. She felt that this guy seemed to be younger and laughed.

Su Xiaoyu’s mind was on Bai Yanqing’s big white teeth. She took a serious look and felt it. “Hey, this tooth is really good!”

She said that while holding a small drill on Bai Yanqing's four upper and lower front teeth, Bai Yanqing was clearly afraid, but he couldn't move, and he couldn't say anything.

"Start from here!"

Su Xiaoyu chose the incisor on the lower right side of Bai Yanqing. She took a sharp little drill and stabbed it into the root of the tooth!

This piercing, Bai Yan Qing Ding is tight, scalp tingling, a blank mind, only pain!

The first thought of pain is death!


The people who were injured were all numb and numb, and this thing was too embarrassing and terrible! Compared to the root of the tooth, the pain of tooth extraction is nothing!

However, Su Xiaoyu has to do more than just hurt Bai Yanqing.

After the small drill pierced the root of Bai Yanqing's front teeth, she swept through the bottom of her eyes and began to turn the little drill, drilling a little deep into the root of the tooth!

Really... it’s just!

The old servant couldn't help but swallow, and he couldn't read it. It seemed that he was not abused by Bai Yanqing, but himself.

Other guards have not been like this, although they still help Bai Yanqing, but they all closed their eyes!

This little girl, what the **** is it! At a young age, these methods of abusing people are all thought of, it is a demon!

Although the martial arts of the people present are higher than her, everyone’s ideas are the same. Don’t offend this gimmick.

Han Chen looked at him with no expression.

Although he was expressionless, he was still watching and paying attention.

The little drill drilled down bit by bit. Bai Yanqing was sore and painful that he couldn't bear it. He couldn't move it. He could only use his eyes and beg for mercy.

Unfortunately, Su Xiaoyu ignored it.

She concentrated on it for a while, and ruined the entire root of the tooth. Then, the white door of Bai Yanqing was automatically dropped.

Su Xiaoyu picked up the front teeth and took out a small bag prepared in advance. After she was rescued, she began to think about how to take revenge. These things are naturally ready.

She wants to unplug all the teeth of Bai Yanqing, and then send them to Jing’s sister and Tangmen. In any case, the quiet sister can't bear it! This is also the promise of her sister in the cell at the beginning!

Su Xiaoyu is like this, using the way of destroying the roots, one by one, unplugging all the teeth of Bai Yanqing!

Throughout the process, Bai Yanqing was cold and sweaty, and by the end it was sweating.

When the last tooth fell, he blinked and couldn't stand the pain and stunned.

Su Xiaoyu put all the teeth in a small bag and sighed. "Oh, the third and fourth accounts can’t be counted."

Everyone around is a master of the Xuankong mainland, but they all feel terrible. I can't imagine how Su Xiaoyu would compare Bai Yanqing's third and fourth accounts with Bai Yanqing.

Who knows, Han Chen has opened his mouth coldly, he said, "When he wakes up, continue."

The lord is cruel and terrible, and everyone has seen it. However, the lord is a big man after all, and Su Xiaoyu is just a little girl. This little girl will grow up in the future, will be as cruel as the lord, or, even more cruel than the lord?

The old servant looked at his master and looked at Su Xiaoyu again. He suddenly found that Su Xiaoyu seemed quite suitable as a disciple's apprentice.

At least, the temper and heart of Su Xiaoyu should be able to hold the master's personal training.

Waiting for Bai Yanqing to wake up?

Although Su Xiaoyu wants to wait, but God knows when Bai Yanqing will wake up? What if he wakes up after three days?

Su Xiaoyu hesitated a bit, and he said very generously, "With this bag of teeth is enough, I will not care more about the other two accounts. I have to go back."

Say, after she and Bai Yanqing were personally grievances, she went back to think about it for three days, and then replied that he would like to learn from the teacher. She still fled to be wonderful!

However, Han Chen did not say, "Let's think about it and go."

Su Xiaoyu smashed, Han Chen did not care, turned and left...

(End of this chapter)