Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1162: This trick is very useful

Han Hao has read the letter and also saw that the main problem in the Western Zhou battlefield is that several army generals are vying for merit. Can the dragon not be able to sleep at night? He can only talk to her!

I have to admit that he still likes to talk to Han Yu about politics, compared to the military commander of the reckless gang of the hundred miles. Once you have trouble, you don't have to explain too much. Second, the woman can always tell some tricks that surprise him.

On the battlefield of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Kang Cheng once murdered the territory of Tianning, and later saw the general situation retreat to defend his borderline. After that, the two armies have been confronted. At the beginning of the night, there were not many troops arranged in Xiqiao, mainly relying on Chu Jiajun. After the Chu family was rebellious, Long Fei night adjusted several troops from different past. Now stationed in Xiqiao, there are both the forces of the Baili family and the forces of the Ningjiajun, as well as two or three forces stationed in the central and western regions. As long as the dragon is not a night, any army of the Western Army can attack the defense line of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It will be invincible, and within a year, it will be able to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the Western Zhou Dynasty will be abolished.

Long non-night was busy this time, and he did not order it. Several generals could not try to figure out the dragon's non-night mind when they could not order, and they would send someone to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty and set up military merit. In the future, who will be stationed in the Western Zhou Dynasty to control the power of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

However, the minds of the dragons and the nights are all unpredictable, so the gangs began to take the initiative to actively fight, and they have come to take the initiative to ask for help, hoping to become the coach of the Western Expedition.

At the beginning, the Baili Army and the Ningjia Army were competing for each other. Later, some local troops in the Midwest were supported by the local big family consortium, and they also joined the battle.

The struggle between the Baili family and the Di Ning family has always been there, so there is no need to say more. As for the competition of local forces, it is nothing but the fear of the Western tribes to the hands of the Baili Army or the Ningjia Army. In the future, the position of their place will not be guaranteed. The days are not good.

If it was before, Long Fei could also assign a suitable army to the west. Now, in the face of a bunch of letters that are actively requested, Long Feiye must weigh the parties and seriously consider it.

"This is a good way for me to set up this game." Han Yu said with a smile.

In fact, for the situation in the western battlefield, Long Fei night has already had a lot of thoughts. However, he is happy to listen to Han Yu’s views.

"How do you want to say it?" he asked.

Han Hao has not sold the Guan, he was seen through him.

Han Yu smiled very embarrassedly, "On a condition! Guarantee that you are not losing."

"Say." The dragon was helpless and laughed at night.

"Take me to the army!" Han Yu is very serious.

Although Long has not arranged to leave the hospital for the night, she guessed that he would send it to raise a baby, and would not let her follow the things.

Sure enough, when she said this, the face of Long Fei’s original representative was serious.

"You have to find a few more Zhao Wei to follow, I also have opinions. I will be obedient, eat what you eat, sleep when you sleep, as long as you take me and the child!" Han Yu said seriously.

Long Fei night looked at her and didn't make a sound. Han Han was nervous. He said, "I can promise everything, just let me follow you. Dragon is not night, you must not go to the battlefield in the west. You won't go, you should stay in Tianning's army."

Long did not look at her eyebrows at night. "Are you so sure?"

"You have to stay in the Tianning Army for at least two or three months. When you are in the New Year, you will come to the South to accompany me. Right?" Han Yu asked again.

Long Fei night wants to tell her

No, but he really planned it.

"so you……"

Han Hao has not finished, the dragon is interrupted by night. He took her hand and said seriously, "There are too many chores in the army. I am afraid that it will affect your rest. And the garrison is far from the city and the county is lacking in material..."

He said, spoiled her nose, and said helplessly, "I am afraid that you and your child can't eat good things."

Han Han raised his eyebrows and looked at him. He gave two words. "Excuse! These are not problems! You said, do you think I am in trouble with a big belly?"

The dragon was crying and laughing at night, but he could not answer.

Seeing the reaction of the dragon and the night, Han Yu’s heart is happy, she knows this trick... it must work!

She looked grievous, "It became a thing, I don't tell you more, you have to throw me wherever you go, just like you. I slept..."

Han Han really lay down and turned back to "sleep."

Long Fei night finally understood, this woman went to the study room this evening, the real purpose is not to solve problems for him, but to take the opportunity to talk to him to stay with the problem!

He looked at her back, frowned, and didn't say anything for a while.

The army is noisy and the materials are lacking. As long as he is willing to take care of her well, he is worried that nothing is the biggest problem. He is afraid that she knows too much, will work hard, can't relax, and rest well. We must know that, just like the struggle for power in the western battlefield, many of the forces' struggles will be erupted from the military.

Long Fei night frowned and thought, Han Han did not sleep at all, and his eyes were waiting.

She counted from one to ten silently, and she has counted up to seven. When she counts down, she will be unable to hold back.

However, just as she counted nine, the dragon came together overnight.

He asked softly, "You just said that you want to be a bureau, let's talk."

Han Hao was a glimpse, but he quickly turned around and was overjoyed. "You promised?"

"Well, I promised. If it is not good, you will go to Jiangnan Meiyuan and wait for me." Long said at night.

Han Hao looked at him and couldn't help but laugh. This guy puts the water too obvious, and which time she was in the game, he is not satisfied?

"Recruit!" Han Yu said seriously. "Tell them, don't want to move, hope to be able to recruit."

When this was said, Long Fei night looked at Han Han and looked at it. I don’t know what to say about her.

He originally wanted to let several generals propose a strategy for recruiting each other, and finally chose one.

However, Han Hao’s move is even more absolute! He doesn't make any orders or make choices. He makes an attitude and let the people below compete. In the end, whoever has the ability to recruit the Western Zhou Army, the slogan of the Western Zhou Dynasty will fall to the shoulder.

In fact, how to conquer the Western Zhou Dynasty and conquer the shoulders of the Western Zhou Dynasty is not the most important. The most important thing is that Long Fei night does not need to express his position directly in this matter, and he does not directly express his position, so that the following people can not understand, his true attitude towards the bias of several forces in the army.

The main reason for a family is to be fair, and the king of a country is also a truth.

However, no one can achieve true justice. Whether it is on a single matter or on the overall situation of the country, true justice does not exist. True justice is not necessarily the best way to govern the country.

Nowadays, the whole situation is reshuffled.

The competition for many forces has already been raging in the waves. At this time, what Long is not going to do at night is to stand firm and fair, so that no one can guess his mind.

"What are you looking at? Am I wrong?" Han Han asked.

The dragon is not laughing at night, but the three points are helpless and the seven points are favored.

"You talk! What are you laughing at?" Han Hao was in a hurry. This guy should be able to understand the meaning of her sentence!

"You don't call the emperor an emperor, but unfortunately." Long Fei night said quite seriously.

Han Hao was a glimpse and immediately laughed. "I prefer to help you have children."

Long Fei night did not say anything, got up and went out. After a while, Han Yu heard him order Xu Donglin, let Xu Dong pass the order to make the Baili garrison in Tianning, ask them to choose a quiet place, tie a camp, and prepare enough water. And the grain, sent Zhao Wei to the past, and arranged the next person.

Han Han’s stone in his heart finally fell, and she couldn’t help but start to pick it up and lick the next days.

This night, the dragon stayed at the couch next night, accompanied by Han Han, Han Han and him looked at the letter, looked at it, I do not know when I fell asleep, but sleep very reassuringly.

The night is quiet.

Gu Qixiao was awakened in his sleep, because Gu Qi rarely appeared in his bed next to him, helping him to pulse.

"What are you doing!" Gu Qiu retracted his hand and looked alert.

"You promised the princess before, after returning to the medical city, let me be good. In the afternoon, the princess and His Royal Highness asked about this." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

"They asked in the afternoon, you don't have to come in the middle of the night?" Gu Qishao said with no anger.

"Don't find you at this time, when can I find it?" Gu Beiyue asked.

"Tomorrow! I am going to sleep now, don't send it." Gu Qixiao keeps a good temper and smiles.

I can find him tomorrow morning!

When Gu Beiyue was in the morning, he could not find anyone everywhere. He came back from Fengmingshan in the afternoon and found that he had not found anyone at night.

If he didn't find someone in the house tonight, he would soon suspect that Gu Shaohui would disappear.

"I will take a pulse, don't delay you to sleep, you sleep." Gu Beiyue said gently.

Gu Qixiao’s smiling face was pulled down, and it’s cold and cold. “Gu Beiyue, are you rolling?”

Gu Beiyue did not answer, grabbed Gu's hand and grabbed his wrist.

Gu Qixiao struggled to break away, but instead, the two turned to the door, "Goodbye!"

Gu Beiyue does not chase, "Seven less, if you can't do the promise of the princess, I can only alarm the princess."

When the words came out, Gu Qihao stopped, and he said one word at a time, "I am fine! Can't die!"

"You talk to the princess yourself."

When Gu Beiyue’s voice fell, the man came to him and grabbed his shoulder. This time, Gu Qixiao can't make a living without breaking away. He can only compromise.

He did not say anything, impatiently turned back to the house, sat down and reached out.

Gu Beiyue took the pulse for a long time and always felt that something was wrong, but he could not put it out. He seriously asked, "Seven less, your pulse is very special, different from ordinary people. This pulse may not be accurate. Do you still feel hungry these two days?"

"The food in your medical school is so good, how can I feel hungry?" Gu Qixiao asked.

“Is it tired? Can there be a sense of powerlessness?” Gu Beiyue asked again.

(End of this chapter)