Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1163: Why is the thorns

In the face of Gu Beiyue's patient inquiry, Gu Qixiao is really impatient.

He pushed Gu Beiyue's hand and explained, "I really recovered. I used it too much in the enchantment. I have eaten and slept in these two days. I really recovered. Are you going to? Believe, or else, let's go out and fight now?"

"Okay, fight one." Gu Beiyue actually agreed.

Gu Qishao was a sneak peek, and then he repented. "In the middle of the night, they will not wake up the poisonous hoes, tomorrow! It will be bright tomorrow, about the back mountain, not coming!"

Gu Beiyue’s gentle gaze suddenly became serious. He did not speak, and he looked at the seven.

If Gu Shaoshao does not evade, he will still feel that his status is good. However, Gu Qihao’s state of avoiding this makes him very sure that this guy must have something to marry him.

Gu Qishao got up and avoided the gaze of Gu Beiyue's review. He complained, "I said Dean Gu Da, you are not going to accompany you, Miss Four, you are running around in the middle of the night." ?"

"Miss Ren Si is not mine, don't talk nonsense." Gu Beiyue also stood up.

Gu Qi Shao Ba is not allowed to transfer the topic. He smiled and sat down at the table. He smiled and said, "Don't you say that you will be embarrassed? Why, if you are a good candidate for Miss Si, would you let go?"

Gu Beiyue was too lazy to answer, "Go, go to the backyard."

Gu Qishao suddenly approached, squinting and whispering, "Gu Beiyue, do you like poisonous hoes?"

Gu Beiyue is not shocked. "Can't you go?"

"When I was in Qinwangfu and Hanjia, I came out!" Gu Qixiao said.

Gu Beiyue still ignored it and asked, "Are you sure not to go?"

"Gu Beiyue, you don't want to marry your wife, do you want to marry a dean's wife?"

Gu Beiyue looked straight into the eyes of Gu Beiyue and seemed to want to penetrate his eyes and see his true heart.

However, Gu Beiyue used a sentence to make Gu Qi Shao completely defeated.

He said, "Seven less, tomorrow morning is OK. But, tomorrow morning I have no time, my Highness is free."

Gu Qixiao’s expression was stagnation, and suddenly he was unable to do anything. He went back to the couch and lay down on his feet, muttering, "Gu Beiyue, don't have to fight, you won."

It’s true that Gu Ruo’s words about Han Yu and Ren Si’s thoughts really have no effect on Gu Beiyue. He walked over and asked seriously, “What happened to you?”

"Gu Beiyue, I can go to the medical city with you, nowhere. But, you promise me one thing." Gu Qishao said seriously, "Don't tell anyone, including poisonous hoes and dragons."

Seeing that Gu Beiyue hesitated, Gu Qixiao said quickly, "When the poisonous **** is born, the child will say it again!"

Gu Beiyue considered it for a long time and finally nodded, "Good!"

Gu Qixiao did not say much, he pulled up his cuffs and exposed his arms. When Gu Beiyue saw the condition on his arm, he suddenly took a sigh of relief. "How could this be?"

"Gu Beiyue, you said... Will Laozi die?" Gu Qixiao asked with a smile.

"No!" Gu Beiyue is very sure.

Gu Qixiao smiled even more brilliantly. "Cheng, you said no, Laozi would believe!"

This night, Gu Beiyue stayed with him for seven nights. On the morning of the next day, he saw him rushing to the medical school's cell and banned him. He went to Gu Yuntian.

As for Gu Qishao, he didn’t go anywhere. He didn’t know that Gu Beiyue went out. He was lying on the couch and falling asleep.

When I have breakfast, Han Wei

Then he asked, "Why didn't you see Gu Qishao in these two days? Why did he go?"

If Gu Shao knows that the poisonous girl will remember him early in the morning, will he be very happy? You must know that the poisonous **** has never remembered him, and he always feels annoyed and drives him away.

The dragon’s non-night eye passed through a complicated and faint road. “I saw you and Gu Beiyue last night.”

Han Hao did not feel relieved. After all, Gu Qi was in the enchantment, she did not know. Gu Qi Shao has never been a ghost, and it is normal to see no one in a few days.

"Xu Donglin, you go to bring them both, and said that I have something to talk to him." Han Yu said seriously.

What she is going to talk about is nothing else, it is the undead body of Gu Qixiao.

However, Xu Donglin looked for a circle, but did not find Gu Beiyue and Gu Qixiao.

"Gu Beiyue is not there?" Han Yu asked.

Xu Donglin shook his head. "Would you like to go to Miss Four?"

Helpless, Xu Dong ran for a while, still did not find someone.

"Small things? Let the small things go and find them." Han Wei is a little uneasy.

"Princess, the little thing is on the side of obstetrics, but the four Miss Miss said that the North Moon son has not passed these two days." Xu Donglin answered truthfully.

"What is the little thing doing there?" Han Yu was suspicious.

Xu Donglin said, "Just on the beam, nothing was done. Miss Ren said that the little things have been staring at her for two days. She doesn't know what to do with small things?"

Han Hao didn't make a sound, wanted to communicate with the little things, but suddenly found that the little things had no poisonous blood, and could not communicate with her.

"They won't have anything to do with it?" Han Yu looked at the dragon and watched it all night. She also had no trouble with small things.

"Reassured." The dragon is a faint night.

Until the evening, Gu Beiyue appeared in front of Han Yu and Long Fei.

Long Fei night seems to have guessed something, and did not say anything, Han Han is suspicious. "Where are you going? Can't find someone in a day?"

"Going to find seven less, and looking for him in the medical city, he did not find it in a day." Gu Beiyue said helplessly.

This words immediately transferred Han Yu’s attention to Gu Qishao. She was about to ask, and the voice of Gu Qixiao’s smile was heard outside the door.

"Poisonous hoe! Poisonous hoe, guess what the seven brothers brought to you?"

I saw Gu Qi Shao slammed into the door and smashed two big packs of hot snacks. He put things on the table, spread them all out, filled them with a large table, and the scent immediately spread out, which was mouth watering.

He introduced these snacks in general, and these snacks are all famous snacks in the towns and villages near the medical city.

"I heard that my child will be anorexia, and my seven brothers will help you find it. I have tried it all day, and it is non-toxic and harmless. You should try it and see what kind of appetite." Gu Qishao said seriously.

Han Hao did not remember that this was the first time. Gu Qi and Xiao Shao quickly smothered the famous snacks of Yunkong.

Long Fei gave two words to the evaluation, "too busy."

"The poisonous **** is happy!" Gu Qi Shao immediately retorted.

The dragon was too lazy to argue with him, and he sat down to move the chopsticks. Seeing the dragon's non-night-moving chopsticks, Han Yu Li Ma, who is in the mouth, sat down and greeted Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao, and Xu Donglin sat down to eat. Everyone’s dinner was contracted by Gu Shao.

After the meal, Gu Qi Shao wants to slip. Han Han shouted, "Stop, wait for you for a day, go to our doctor's office."

Gu Qixiao turned back and smiled. "Where do you go?"

Where to go. ”

Long Fei night glanced at Gu Beiyue, Gu Beiyue also just looked over and shook his head. I don't know if Long Fei can understand the meaning of Beiyue. In short, he didn't say anything.

When I got to the study room, Gu Beiyue took out a thick record book and a thin book of medicines. "Princess, this is the subordinate from Gu Yuntian. This is the seventh from the mother's womb. Leaving the medical city, all the medication records. This is a prescription that is sorted out by the subordinates. The princess looks at this book."

Han Hao swept the drug with a single eye and did not look at it.

She asked seriously, "Seven less, how did you plant the thorny vine? Why is the thorny vine? Is it something else?"

Gu Qishao's blood can support the thorns, so that the thorns can have the same immortality as him, and the poison is not invaded. Han Yu has always suspected that the mystery of this head will be the blood of Gu Qi.

The reason why Gu Qishao will become like this is that he must be related to his own medicine. In other words, it is related to the drugs he uses.

These drugs are rare, and it is impossible to take them to achieve the immortality. However, a complex reaction between drugs and drugs may be possible.

This matter can't be solved in a day or two. Han Han knows that he can't solve it with his own ability. Therefore, before leaving the medical city, she has to tell Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao about what she knows and guess. They stayed in the medical city and studied slowly.

Gu Qixiao took out a **** seed. "Hey, what is different."

Han Hao looked carefully and didn't see anything unusual. She asked seriously, "Gu Qishao, what is your plant in the thorns?"

The thorny vine is not a thorny vine, but an image of the name.

Thorns are not a plant, but two plants, thorns and spines. To be exact, Jing refers to the Vitex, and the spine is the thorny vegetation. The thorns that people often say are a general term referring to the thorny shrubs in the mountains.

The thorny vine is a thorny vine.


Gu Qixiao said that while the **** seeds were opened, a drop of blood was dripping from the seeds.

Gu Beiyue took a serious look and asked, "Seven less, this is... your blood?"

"Yes!" Gu Qi is so hard to be so serious, he explained it.

A few years ago, he was tired of medicine in the drug ghost valley, so he always wanted to ponder a plant to be a weapon. Later he found a rare vine called the thorn. This is a plant that feeds on animal bones. Once it has been absorbed into the essence of flesh and blood, it can germinate and grow long and long in an hour. The thorns are extremely flexible and can be used as ropes.

This plant gave him inspiration. He planted the seeds into his own flesh and blood. After discovering that the thorn seeds had sucked his blood, he instantly grew up and was controlled by him. Later, he nourished the seeds of the thorns with his own blood, and then planted the seeds into the flesh and blood of animals and ordinary people, and found that the seeds could grow quickly and be manipulated by him. Even later, he planted the seeds directly on the ground, and the seeds could grow and grow at any time for his use.

He called this seed nourished by his blood, called blood vine. If it is a blood vine that grows from him, as long as he keeps his connection with his body, he will not die like him, and he will not invade. In addition, blood vines can be controlled by him, but nothing special.

After Gu Qixiaoyi finished, Han Hao, Gu Beiyue and Long Feiyin all three of them were all face to face.

Gu Beiyue muttered, "Seven less, the problem must be in your blood!"

(End of this chapter)