Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1183: No one is comparable to Ning Cheng

The general of the Southern Army said that it was all right. Ning Cheng, if he kept the Three Ways in the south, had enough troops and grain to really occupy the land.

There was a quiet in the big camp. If it wasn’t for the problem that Baili Yuanlong provoked, no one dared to mention it.

After all, Ning Cheng represents the power of the Xi Qin royal family. The person behind Ning Cheng is Han Han who just gave birth to his son for the night.

The dragon was not screaming at the night, and the people who were present were faintly asked, "What about other people? What do you think?"

At the beginning, no one dared to speak out. Although there were several people who did not recognize the attitude of Bai Liyuan and the men’s military department, I felt that Ning Cheng would not rebel at this festival. However, they could not find other reasons to explain why Ning Cheng had to send troops at this time.

The dragon didn't smile coldly at night, "How? Is it a sign with General Bailey?"

Long Fei’s attitude towards Ning Cheng’s night made it difficult for everyone to ponder. He smiled so much that everyone’s heart was even worse.

Baili Yuanlong hesitated for a moment, and said, "His Royal Highness, it is better to refute Ning Cheng first, and see how his attitude?"

The dragon didn't make a sound at night, and the fingers tapped on the table, and the attitude was not revealed.

Baili Yuanlong did not dare to speak too much. In this way, everyone is quiet.

I have to say that at this moment, the dragon is not disappointing at night.

He is such a group of civil servants, and in the future they will all be with him to keep the river and the mountains, and leave a brilliant one on the history of the Yunkong continent.

Such a large group of people is not as good as a Ning Cheng!

The dragon is not disappointed in the night, more is heartache!

He is tapping the table faster and faster, and his strength is getting heavier and heavier. In the silent big account, everyone's heartbeat is accelerating with this rhythm and getting more and more nervous.

No one knows what the dragon is like in the night, but he can see that he is going to be angry.

At this time, He Wenqing, the head of Wenchen, stepped forward and respectfully said, "His Royal Highness, the grass people are ignorant, and they do not recognize the military."

This He Wenqing is also in his early forties. He looks like an old man in his fifties. He is very slow in his actions and speech, but he is a person with feelings and strategies. At that time, Emperor Tianhui and Emperor Kang Cheng had sent people to invite him to the mountain many times, and ended up failing.

Long Fei Ye originally had the heart to invite, but it was too busy. After the fact that he was brought to the founding of the People's Republic of China, who knows that a month ago, He Wenqing personally recommended himself to the army.

"Then what do you think? Let's listen." The dragon was still knocking at the table.

He Wenqing seriously said, "The grass people think that General Ning Da will send troops at this time to ask for food and grass. It is not the military squadron of the Northern calendar, but the troops and disasters! According to the grass people, the snow disaster in the northern part of the northern calendar is very difficult. Famine and plague are prevalent, and many villages are ruined everywhere. The emperor of the Northern calendar has not done anything to this day. After another month, the emperor of the Northern calendar has the heart of disaster relief and no disaster relief."

When I got here, the action of Long Fei’s hands finally stopped, and everyone was relieved, and he was attracted by He Wenqing’s statement.

"Army, fight for the war, for the next; fight for no war, for the upper. General Ningda is the latter." He Wenqing said this, the audience was quiet.

This is a slap in the face of the hundred miles of Yuan and the men’s military!

Regardless of the life and death of innocent people, the war waged for war is the next. This is the hundred miles of Yuan and the men's military.

For peace,

The battlefield is on. This is said to be Ning Cheng. Ning's commitment to food is not to fight, but to save people!

Nowadays, with the grain of the emperor of the Northern calendar, no matter what Ning Cheng did in the battlefield of the Northern calendar, the emperor of the Northern calendar was unable to defeat it. Ning Cheng will send troops to the disaster at this time, and will be able to win the hearts of the people! Ning Cheng can win without fighting.

This game of the Northern calendar is not only about the battlefield of the Northern calendar, but about Ning Cheng, it is more about the dragon and the night.

Ning Cheng waited until the plague was rampant and then sent troops, that is to kill! At this time, the soldiers sent troops to the disaster, and the people of the Northern calendar would read the goodness of Ning Cheng, and read the benevolence of the dragon and the night.

We must know that the Northern calendar is a nation on horseback. The people are very popular. To surrender the people there, it is not so easy to keep the stability of the future.

The dragon is not the night to be called the emperor. He controls the whole cloud, and the entire people of the sky will be his people.

Is the Baili Yuanlong and the male military system to leave a corpse in the North Calendar before the dragon is called the emperor?

If this is the case, if the dragon has not yet reached the position of God, the name of Ren will be lost, and even the name of the tyrant will be crowned.

These, Ning Cheng have thought of him for him.

However, following his many years of eternal Yuanlong, following his many years of the Southern Army, he completely ignored this point.

The dragon looked up at the night and looked at the Baili Yuanlong and the Southern Army. He screamed, "When fighting for the war, it is cruel!"

The dragon was not reprimanded at night, and he handed the personal letter sent by Ning Cheng to the face of Baili Yuanlong. "Our self!"

Baili Yuanlong quickly picked up the letter, and after reading it, his face was red.

Ning Cheng said a word in the letter. He said that if he had to wait until the plague to send troops, he would quit the post of General of Northern Expedition. In his life, he will never send troops to the land after the disaster.

The hundred miles of Long Ma immediately smashed down, and the one behind the ticket also followed.

"His Highness, you will know the truth at the end! At the end, you will consider the amount of consideration, and ask your Highness to look at the heart of the heart, and Rao will return."

The dragon is watching the hundred miles of the dragon in the night, and the deep dawn is full of disappointment. The Southern Army always thought it was a plot, but Baili Yuanlong was the one who followed him for the longest time!

The former General of Baili was not like this.

In the future, he will not be ill-treated to the Baili family. Why should Baili Yuanlong be so anxious to play the means of eliminating dissidents for the benefit of the family? Even the truth that "the people are expensive, the society is light" does not understand?

At this time, He Wenqing added a sentence, "His Highness, the grass people are ignorant, and the Highness not only needs to send food to Ning Cheng, but also to send medicines. If necessary, you can ask for medical assistance. Tianyi warm, the plague spreads faster, by then, The southern part of the northern calendar is also dangerous."

"The medical city has been prepared." The dragon is not faint in the night, "Hundreds of Yuanlong, the grain and grass are handed over to you, and you will be credited!"

This is the last chance for the dragon to give the old general. If the hundred miles are still disappointing, it is estimated that Long Fei will take him to kill the chickens before the emperor!

"His Royal Highness Grace!" Baili Yuanlong repeatedly hoes.

Many people in the room really want to care about the child of Han Yusheng. Unfortunately, if the dragon is angry at night, everyone will not dare to talk more, afraid to say more mistakes.

In the case of the Northern calendar, Long Fei was not stunned by Han Wei, and told the truth. Han Xin’s heart is to appreciate Ning Cheng’s attitude, but she did not say much.

She said seriously, "Dragon is not night, this is an opportunity!

And the doctor’s assignment is handed over to Gu Beiyue, in the future...”

When Han Han’s words stopped, she patted her head. “It’s not a success, Gu Beiyue is too busy. Give it to Shen’s academy!”

Long Feiye and her have the idea of ​​bringing the two cities of medicine to the jurisdiction of the court. The plague of the Northern calendar not only requires a lot of medicine, but also many doctors.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity, let Gu Beiyue manage the distribution of medicines and doctors, and give financial support. In the future, the medical department will be established separately, and the resistance will be smaller.

This matter is related to the power of many families in the medical city, and it is also related to the great family in the medical city. If it is not the shot of Gu Beiyue, it is really difficult to do.

However, Gu Beiyue has to help the seven less drugs.

The dragon is not silent at night, no sound.

"After ten days, seven should have to return to the medical city?" Han Hao has been counting time.

Xu Dong’s letter is very clear. Gu Qiu has already found the medicine, just on the way back. That is the last medicine. As long as the medicine is delivered, Gu Beiyue can formulate an antidote according to their assumptions.

As long as the medicinal materials are found, Han Yu is still very confident in the cure of Gu Qi.

"If this is not the case, let Miss Ren Ms. go back to assist Shen Affiliated Hospital. The plague is not over a year and a half and it is estimated that it will not end. Waiting for Gu Shaohao, let him go to the North calendar together with Gu Beiyue?" Han Yu said seriously. "I will go out in a few days, let Miss Ren go back!"

Long Fei did not hesitate to answer, "Good! Let Chu Xifeng arrange it later."

Han Yu is overjoyed.

It is said that sitting on the moon will be very boring. She didn't feel it at first, she felt tired.

However, in the last few days, she couldn't help herself. She couldn't wait to go outside the camp to breathe cold air, and couldn't wait to intervene in military affairs and government affairs.

Of course, the most urgent thing she couldn't wait was to go to the medical city and witness the Gu Beiyue's antidote, which was the undead body for Xiaoqi.

"I will invite Miss Ren to come over and set up a medical team to go to the North calendar. I have to discuss it with her first." Han Yu said seriously.

"Good." Long no night nodded.

When the dragon came out of the big account at night, Chu Xifeng came over and smashed. "His Royal Highness, Seven Shao and the North Moon Doctor are in the back mountain." The dragon was a little glimpse at night, and said nothing, he waved his hand to indicate his retreat.

Long Fei didn't go to the back of the mountain to find someone right away. He didn't understand why he was sober, why he didn't go, what he was afraid of.

After leaving Miss Four, it was not long before the two employees came to the camp. The visitor is not someone else, it is quiet and Tang away!

They have not yet reached the camp, and they have found ambush in the surrounding shadow guards.

Long Fei night personally went to meet, suddenly fell in front of the carriage, frightened the horse and the driver, but fortunately the driver took the reins in time and stopped the carriage.

Tranquility just picked up the curtain, Tang Yi first jumped down, he rushed directly to the front of the dragon, and opened his hands to resist him.

He did not recognize the dragon as the night, and used the dragon non-night as a bad guy to stop the road.

Quietness has been mentioned in Han Xin’s letter. Tang has changed and she will not ignore her, but will protect her and rely on her. Long Feiye knew this thing, but he couldn’t help but feel sad when he saw the hostility of Tang.

Quiet and anxious, "Ali, that is your brother!"

Quietness is about to jump off the carriage, Tang is running away from the horse and reaching out to hold her down.

(End of this chapter)