Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1184: This is a good sign

Long Fei night silently watching Tang leave the quiet and hug the carriage, do not look at Tang's face, just look at his back, this action.

The dragon is not a night stalker, and Tang is a stupid fool. Even if he is stupid, he is still a wife and slave in front of silence.

After the silence stood still, I took the hand of Tang Yi and said seriously, "That is Your Highness, your brother, and there is no hostility towards us."

Tang looked back at the dragon and looked at the night. There was not much reaction, and there was no speech, but obviously there was no hostility.

Although he has never spoken and talked with peace, he can understand the meaning of peace, which means he is willing to listen to quiet speech, which is a good sign.

"Go back." Long said nothing in the night.

Quietness did not take the car again, but took Tang to go back with the dragon and the night.

She took Tang's arm and let Tang leave the dragon at night. Don't be afraid when Tang fell away. It was expressionless, looking ahead and going forward.

There was no way to go, the dragon was deliberately stopped at night, and the silence was noticed. However, Tang Li still went forward.

Tang is not invisible, not even inaudible. He perceives that it is just that he does not care.

Looking back quietly, I was about to speak, and the dragon raised his hand and stopped.

He followed this way behind the serenity and Tang, and slowly walked back to the barracks.

It’s not self-deception, just watching Tang’s familiar back can make him feel a little more relaxed.

The attention of the dragon and the night is in the body of Tang, however, when the serenity and the Tang Dynasty appear in front of Han Yu, Han Yu looks at the quiet at first sight, specifically the quiet teeth.

It is reasonable to assume that Han Ying’s camp cannot allow men to enter casually, but Tang is an exception.

Han Han wears custom-made clothes, loose and decent, sitting on the collapse of the expensive, leaning against. Serenity and Tang were sitting in front of her, she seriously asked about the quiet teeth.

"Going back to check once in three months, there is no big problem." Quietly answered the truth.

Han Hao looked at the right and suddenly smiled. "Quiet, you smile."

Quiet at the beginning was still serious, see Han Xiao smile a little funny, she could not help but smile, revealing a very good looking teeth.

Han Han is serious, "It’s beautiful again, really!"

Quiet and silent for a long time, see Han Han smile, not to lose, she also laughed and said confidently, "Yes, the beauty is back, there will be no men's clothing in the future."

Tang is so stupid, quiet and strong.

At this time, Zhao Wei took Xiao Ruier over, and Tang did not react at all. Instead, he looked at the serenity and looked at it. He liked it very much, but he did not dare to say that he wanted to hold it.

"What about yelling?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Zhao Wei can not speak out. Tang is the cousin of His Royal Highness. Peace is a younger brother. On the other hand, the young master should really call their uncle, hehe.

However, if you talk about identity, you don't have to.

Han Hao didn't have so many rituals, she said with a smile, "Come, hug a hug."

The dragon was sitting on a teahouse not far from the night, watching, not making a sound.

Quietly and carefully took over Xiaorui, holding, who knows that Xiaorui is not afraid of life, not crying but also grinning.

Quiet and excited, "Look, he laughed! He smiled!"

"Oh, really laughed, the little master is daring, not afraid of life." Zhao said with a smile.


I seem to think of something, looking back at the dragon and looking at the night, I saw the dragon and the night staring at his baby son.

Zhao Xiao, who laughs and laughs, has not realized that he has made a mistake.

Quietly hugged for a while, said, "Small sugar is one year older than him, and he is a sister."

"Quiet, you just stayed and let Mrs. Tang send the little sugar candy." Han Han proposed.

Quiet smile, did not answer.

Han Hao did not know what she intended, and she did not say much. Han Yu leaned closer and stared at Tang to see, Tang was still indifferent and regarded her as the air.

Han Han did not speak, just stared at Tang to see. In fact, every change of Tang Li, quiet will write a letter to tell her, Tang Li's situation, she is very clear.

Tang’s reaction to the words of serenity is a good sign. Perhaps, for a long time, Tang will react to the dragon and the night, and will respond to her and even more familiar people, and it will gradually recover.

Han Hao personally went to take the pear blossoms and tears. In the late pregnancy, all the accessories on her body, including the hidden weapon, were all collected, leaving the bracelet that the dragon was not sent at night.

Although the dragon's tears are not sent by the night, it is designed by the dragon and the night.

Han Yu deliberately took away a few parts of the pear blossom tears, and then handed the pear blossom tears to Tang Li, she has not yet opened, Tang's realization of the original empty hole fell on the tears of pear blossoms.

This subtle change has made everyone nervous. Quietness is the most exciting, just about to open, Han Han a look to her not to worry.

When Tang took over the tears of pear blossoms, he glanced at it and actually spoke. "Broken."


This voice, really long gone!

You know, in the past few months, in addition to repeating the sentence, "I want to be quiet, I want to be quiet...", I have never said anything else!

"How is it broken? Tang Li, you said, how is it broken?" Quietly choked.

Tang did not answer, but took the tears of Pear Blossoms and looked at it. He said, "There are two lines missing." The two parts that Han Hao took away are two special lines!

Tang is stupid, and no one can recognize it. The hidden weapon he made can be recognized at a glance.

Looking at Han Hao quietly and excitedly, at this time, Han Hao was also excited, that is, the dragon and the night sitting on the side also quietly came over.

Quiet and careful, "Well, can you fix it?"

"Can!" Tang is very sure, the expression of stupidity has become serious.

"How to repair?" Long did not insert a night.

Helpless, Tang did not answer. Quiet and anxious, and asked, "Ai, how can this be repaired?"

Tang is no longer answering, and it is to play with the tears of pear blossoms.

Long Feiye still wants to ask, but Han Han stopped and whispered, "This way, let Tangmen send the hidden weapons that Tang has personally done."

Many people who are frustrated will forget everything, but they will not forget all the professional skills they control, at least not.

Perhaps, starting from this aspect, will wake him up more quietly than quiet, and come faster.

"it is good!"

Long Fei immediately went out to arrange this matter. He directly let Chu Xifeng give orders to Tangmen. He did not know where to find a bunch of hidden weapons. It was actually designed and produced by Tang. Several Koreans have never seen it before.

These things piled up in front of Tang

They clearly found that there was a **** in the eyes of Tang.

Tranquility is both excitement and sadness. I am joking and self-deprecating. "Dare to love me and my daughter, in his heart, it is not as good as this broken copper!"

"You work harder, wake him up, ask him personally, is this pile of broken iron and iron important, or is it important for you and your daughter?" Han Xiao smiled.

"As long as he can wake up, even if my daughter and I are not important, it doesn't matter." Quietly looking back to Han Yu, I am afraid that Han Han does not believe, and said, "Really! I don't mind!"

Han Yu would like to embrace the silence, but in the end she just patted her shoulder. She knows that tranquility is not the same as Mu Linger. Tranquility only needs to take a shot of the shoulder to re-energize. Mu Linger’s girl needs to borrow a cry to recover.

Han Wei originally wanted to ask questions quietly, whether to let Mu Linger and Mrs. Tang send the little sugar sugar, but she had just mentioned the little sugar, the silence did not react much, she is not good to mention.

Small sugar sugar is coming, and Mrs. Tang will definitely come. Mrs. Tang’s coming is nothing, but what about the other people in Tangmen? At that time, can peace still quietly accompany Tang away?

Long non-night is behind the back camp, and a quiet camp has set up a small camp for Tang Li and quiet. Tang Yi and quiet stayed like this.

Tang was indulged in the hidden weapon, disassembled and assembled over and over again, quietly did not understand the hidden weapon, asked the question of the layman from the beginning, but who knows, Tang Li will take the initiative to pay her how to design the hidden weapon.

In a few days, Tang’s words were more and more, but unfortunately, he was only willing to talk to the quiet. The dragon came a few times in the night and asked him a few times. Tang was not reasonable.

When quietly chatting with him about the hidden weapon, he chatted and often asked him suddenly, "Ali, do you know who I am?"

Tang shook her head. She didn't know that this woman was the quietness he often muttered to himself, not to know that this woman was his wife.

Everywhere in peace, he will tell him, "I am quiet, quiet."

Tang will nod every time, but he nodded. The next time he asked, he still didn’t know anything.

Regardless of what Tang said, the tranquility is calm and gentle.

However, in the back of the ground, it is very uncomfortable. In the past, I could only avoid myself. Now in the military camp, she will go to Han Han if she is uncomfortable.

She doesn't complain, don't cry, just talk to Han Han and chat, tease Xiaorui, and feel good soon.

There is a quiet woman who has been a month, Han Han suddenly feels that the days in the moon are not so boring, and even the time seems to pass a lot faster.

In the daytime, when the time is quiet, the dragon is rarely used to accompany Han Yu and Xiao Ruier. He is busy paying attention to the epidemic in the Northern calendar and the formation of the medical team.

When he was busy, he finally couldn't help but go alone to the back of the camp.

Chu Xifeng had already asked Gu Beiyue about their location, and Long Fei was able to find the hut on the top of the mountain with ease.

At this time, it is late in the evening. In the spring, the mountains and forests bloom all over the grass, even in the sunset, giving people a sense of vitality.

However, the dragon is not far from the night but sees a dead scene!

I saw Gu Qixiao sitting alone at the door, the whole man curled up in the black robe, only revealing his head. He lowered his head and was shrouded in the setting sun, like a coveted person.

Long Fei stood for a long time, did not leave, did not approach...

(End of this chapter)