Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1185: They are liar, I am a fool.

Long Fei night stood from the side of the night to the sky, the whole world was dark, and Gu Qi did not move.

It is better to say that he is like a dead object than a man who is a curtain.

After all, the dragon was gone in the night, but he stood in front of Gu Qishao. Gu Qi was still not aware of it and immersed himself in the black robe.

So close, the dragon still can't see his face.

On the contrary, Gu Beiyue in the house noticed that someone came over. He went out and saw the dragon and the night, but it was not unexpected.

He knows that Long Fei will come sooner or later.

"What happened to him?" Long asked at night.

Gu Beiyue looked at Gu Qixiao, his eyes were full of softness and pity, just like watching a child. He said, "Should it be asleep? He often sleeps for a day or two this month."

Long Fei night immediately raised his brow, Gu Beiyue helplessly smiled. "I am afraid, maybe, I will wake up when I fall asleep, and it will be the end of torture for him."

"Gu Qi Shao, wake up!" Long non-night suddenly screamed fiercely.

Unfortunately, Gu Qi is indifferent.

Gu Beiyue did not make a sound, he went into the house to continue dispensing. He clearly knew that Gu Qishao could disappear at any time and become a thorn tree. However, he has not given up yet.

Long Fei did not go in with the night, only the full house was all medicinal materials and notes written by Gu Beiyue.

Long Fei night pinched his brow and found a position to sit down and asked alone, "Is there no progress in Mu Linger?"

The thing that Mu Linger went to the medical city, the dragon is not known at night, Han Han does not know, Gu Qixiao is even less aware.

"There should be no hope. In the past few days, Linger left the medical city to find medicine. There was no news for her for more than ten days."

Gu Beiyue seems to be rational, but actually the most irrational. He clearly knows that everything he is doing today is in vain, but he still keeps dispensing medicine day and night. Like a child, I hope that a miracle will appear.

The dragon is silent in the night.

Gu Beiyue is also immersed in the medicinal materials experiment.

After a long time, Long Fei night said faintly, "After four days, Ruier is full moon, I intend to bring you and Rui children together."

Gu Beiyue’s hand was slightly stiff, and looking back, “His Royal Highness, can you get it?”

This is also the most wanted to ask for this trip!

Can you make it……

"His Royal Highness, have been stunned for so long, don't let the princess be sad. The full moon is a happy day, can not be treated badly." Gu Beiyue said lightly.

Long Fei night leaned back on the wall, faintly said, "I can't come... Han Hao will not feel good in this life."

Gu Beiyue had nothing to say, and he stopped sitting in his hands and sat down.

The two were so silent, and they were silent than Gu Qixiao outside the door.

At this time, in the big account of the back camp, Han Wei still knows nothing about everything.

Quietly accompanying Han Hao for a whole day, after Xiaorui was taken away, there were two of them left in the big account.

Quiet, this is the opening. "Princess, I want to take Tang back to Tangmen."

Han Yu’s eyes passed through a complicated complex. So it seems that Tranquility originally intended to bring Tang back to Tangmen, but just cross the military camp and take a look at them.

Han Hao nodded, no words, quiet laughed, "I want to go to the daughter, and then do not go back, she really will not recognize her mother."

"Tang is a single pass from Tangmen, and it is the main gatekeeper of Tangmen. I can't bully him and stupidly let him go back to Tangmen." Quietly said.

"I understand." Han Yu said faintly, Tang Zijin and Tangmen’s entire Presbyterian Church are busy with the preparation of the Imperial Palace.

They are all on the Cheonan side, not in Tangmen. It is time for you to go back this time. ”

Quiet and silent for a long time, only seriously said, "Princess, I will tell you one. This trip, no matter what, then harder and harder, I am guarding, and staying in Tang to recover."

After Tang’s recovery?

The words of tranquility are clearly not finished, and the focus of this statement is also in the latter part of the sentence she did not finish.

Han Hao waited for a long time, and the silence seemed to say, but the easygoing still smiled. "Well, I am going to clean up. Minger will leave early."

Han Yu has a thousand words, all in my heart, she secretly said in her heart, "Quiet, you can rest assured. If I am, I will not let Tangmen owe you!"

Quietly got up, Han Hanjing said from the mutter, "You go back, Linger's gimmick should come over."

She thought, when Linger’s head came over, he must chase after the whereabouts of the seven.

Quiet but stopped, suspiciously said, "Linger has long been in Tangmen, she was asked by Gu Beiyue to go to the medical city to help."

Some tired Han Yu suddenly became shocked. "Medical City? Gu Beiyue?"

"It should be a month? When she left Tangmen, she sent me a letter saying that she would go to the medical city to help the doctor to dispense medicine." Quietly explained.

Han Han nervously took the quiet hand, "What medicine? Who should use the medicine?"

Gu Beiyue has been helping seven people to find medicines and medicines! Moreover, there was no mention of Mu Linger in the letter sent by Xu Donglin.

Han Yu still has to think about it in the future, but she already feels that it is not easy to get this thing. This matter must be related to the matter of Gu Shao.

Why does Gu Beiyue need Mu Linger to help? Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao are paired together. Isn’t things going smoothly?

This time, according to the news sent by Xu Donglin, Gu Qishao should send the medicine, and he and Gu Beiyue should be preparing the final antidote!

Quietly ignorant of the situation, just say that, I did not expect Han Hao to be so excited.

She also realized that something was wrong, "Princess, what happened?"

"You are going to say, what kind of medicine does Mu Linger use to help Gu Beiyue? Who is it?" Han Hao did not realize that his hand was shaking.

However, quiet discovery. Tranquility can't imagine how big it would be, and it would scare Han Hao before he could understand the situation.

"You say it!" Han Hao was anxious.

You must know that if Gu Beiyue asks for Mu Linger because of Gu Qixiao, it means that the letters from the medical city are cheating her!

That means that in the past few months when she left the medical city to give birth to Ruier, the dragon is not night, Gu Beiyue and Gu Qi are all cheating on her!

Why do they want to lie to her?

If you can't find the medicine, you can't find the medicine. Is Gu Qi Shao not always good? They are looking for medicine, originally to prevent it from happening!

They can't find the medicine, and there is no need to lie on her.

Is it difficult to see what happened to Gu Qi?

How serious is the matter, will they let the three people join hands to deceive her?

Han Yu’s heart was chaotic, and her mind was chaotic. She didn’t dare to think about it. The feeling of restlessness is expanding in the bottom of my heart, getting bigger and bigger, almost completely devouring her reason.

The silence was scared by her, and she couldn’t speak for a while, and Zhao Wei, who was outside, heard the voice inside and rushed over.

"Princess, you... what happened to you?"

Han Hao then slowed down and realized his own state of affairs.

However, she could not calm down, she still took the quiet

Hand, seriously asked, "Quiet, what does Linger do in the medical city? You tell me everything you know, okay?"

Quiet nodded and explained, "I don't know much. Linger told me that Dr. Gu invited her to go to the medical city to help with the medicine. She asked her to rush over as soon as possible, saying that the patient is very dangerous..."

When I got here, Han Hao suddenly let go of the quiet hand and fell on the warmth.

"Linger had to wait for us to go back to her before leaving, but Gu Dafu said that if there was no medicine in the past two months, the patient would not be able to live."

When the words of serenity are finished, Han Han’s face is completely white, and the strength of one seems to be instantly exhausted.

She was unable to sit on the warmth and looked at the silence, suddenly... suddenly she burst into tears, and she cried. "Small seven! It is Xiaoqi! It is Xiaoqi!"

Still not enough to understand?

Dragons and nights, all three of them are cheating on her, all lie to her! The letters from the medical city are all fake!

"con man!"

"All are liar!"

Han Yu’s tears are like rain, and she can’t care about wearing shoes and stepping on her socks. “Don’s the night? I want to see the dragon and the night! The dragon is not the night!”

She rushed directly to the big account, quiet and Zhao Wei did not slow down, when chasing out, Han Hao has stepped on the snow.

"Dragon is not night! You give me out! You come out!"

"The liar, you are all liar! You lied to me and lied to me! I lied to me!"

"Why lie to me!"

After the shadow guards and the next man in the camp, they chased them out. Zhao Wei and quietly came to pull people.

You know, it takes a few days for the princess to officially release the moon. She can't come out! Don't say that people who are still in the month, that is, normal people wear a pair of socks and step on the snow, they will be frozen. Moreover, this night, the temperature outside the house was extremely low, and the north wind was very cold.

How can this be endured?

Zhao Wei didn't know what was going on. She was so anxious to cry. She took a thick fox cloak and wrapped it up for the princess. He hugged him. "Princess, no matter what happened, you Don't listen to the old slaves, just go back!"

Quietly took cotton shoes, squatting in the snow for Han Han, and a few prostitutes couldn’t care if they would offend. They all came to help, holding down Han Han’s hands and feet, for fear that she would move, for fear that she was struggling.

Han Hao did not move, and could not move. Her tears seemed to be a dyke, and she could not stop flowing.

"I want to see the dragon and the night... I want to see the dragon and the night... I want to see Xiaoqi... I want to see him!"

"They can't do this! I want to see them... they can't lie to me like this, no!"

"They are when I am a fool... I am a fool!"

"Quiet, I am a fool!"

"Oh... they are liar, I am a fool..."

"Quiet, do you know? Gu Beiyue's patient is Xiaoqi... Do you know? If there is no way, Gu Beiyue will not ask for help... No..."


Han Hao cried, crying and insulting.

Quiet and squatting, I didn’t expect things to be like this!

What about Mu Linger?

Does Mu Linger know that Gu Beiyue’s patient is her seven brothers?

A group of prostitutes surrounded Han Han, Chu Xifeng came back from the outside, seeing everyone around the account, and quickly came to ask, but no one said clearly what happened, only know that the public mainly sees His Royal Highness, to see Gu Shao.

Chu Xifeng was stupid when he heard it. He asked the person next to him, "What about His Highness? Your Highness?"

(End of this chapter)