Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1194: Dark enough to see the starlight

Where is gold going?

If it is not for the Ningcheng panic that the gold went to the winter Wu State, it is estimated that the military has long been rumored, and the Hei people will also make trouble.

Because, in the next two months, gold has not appeared again.

In the three months of the disappearance of gold, the medical team under the personal leadership of Gu Beiyue completely controlled the epidemic in the northern part of the northern calendar.

The plague was not transmitted to the south, and almost all the cities in the north have returned to normal order. Today, there are more than a dozen patients left, and they are concentrated in a deserted place, Gu Beiyue and Mu Linger, as well as several physicians.

The medical team continued to separate operations, finalizing the areas where the plague occurred, and controlling the distribution of medicinal materials. Ning Cheng led the soldiers to carry out food distribution and reconstruction of the city.

Spring and summer are the time when pastures grow. The Northern calendar experienced such a great disaster in the spring. Not only did the animal husbandry suffer a great blow, but the population dropped sharply. It could not be restored in two or three years.

The herdsmen are very popular but straightforward. They have revenge and enmity, and the herdsmen are regarded as the savior of the grassland. They respect the soldiers very much and call Ning Cheng the benefactor of the grassland.

At the end of the plague, there was news from the snowy county. The emperor of the northern calendar was forced by the people of Xuejun, and there was no way to escape. He fled to the snowy mountain and committed suicide. When the emperor of the Northern calendar died, the people who died in his loyalty were scattered and fled.

Ning Cheng always knew that there would be no war at the foot of the snow mountain, but he did not expect it to be so fast. He did not personally go to Snow County, but sent a deputy to clean up the mess.

In this way, the northern calendar, which used to be the strongest in the air force, is gone!

In fact, if it is really worth comparing, and not to mention the Ning Jiajun, it is not the short-term thing that the East Qin army wants to destroy the Northern calendar. In the Northern calendar, half of the reason was the civil strife caused by Jun and evil, and the other half was the plague.

Half a month later, Gu Beiyue saved seven patients and personally sent away the remains of nine patients, officially ending the plague of the Northern calendar!

Ning Cheng prepared a grand bonfire banquet, and I have to work **** the soldiers, and they are medical teams. But who knows, Gu Beiyue actually let the medical team's doctors leave low-key in advance, and he has no plans to stay.

On the night before the banquet, he opened Mu Linger and went alone with Ning Cheng.

Gu Beiyue went to the big account and thought that Ning Chenghui was drinking, but he saw Ning Cheng standing on the wall of the Beiliu map, thinking about it.

Gu Beiyue stood for a moment and then said, "Ningda General."

“Come on the line?” Ning Cheng asked, attention is still on the map.

Gu Beiyue did not arrange for the medical team to leave, and told him afterwards that he was helpless.

Gu Beiyue's temper, he knows. Tonight, he made a special trip to wait for Bei Yue to resign.

Gu Beiyue did not answer, and when I came closer, I saw a lot of marks on the map, distributed in the border of the northern part of the northern calendar, and there are some big cities in the snow mountain.

"Ning's family intends to send troops to station around now?" Gu Beiyue whispered.

Ning Cheng took a look and suddenly smiled. "How? Long will not agree with the night?"

In the past few months, Long Feiye has already completed the military deployment of the Yunkong continent. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, Tianning, Tian’an, Central and Southern, there are garrisons guarding the situation.

Whether it is the Western Zhou Dynasty, Tianning Tian'an, or the central garrison in the central part of the country, it is not like the dictatorship of the Northern calendar. Basically, every major area has two or three branches.

The army belongs to different military departments. In the Northern calendar, only the Ningjia Army had a confrontational army, which was equivalent to the Ningjiajun monopolizing the entire Northern calendar.

This is a big taboo!

As long as the dragon does not make a sound at night, he will be the adviser, and the men who will be under his command will have opinions.

If Ning Cheng is smart enough, he should not move anything. He rushed to Yuning Palace this morning to let Long Feinight arrange his own garrison affairs in the North.

Since Ning Cheng answered Gu Beiyue so much, it shows that the relationship here is very clear. He is well aware.

"Ning family, His Highness, he did not agree to be His Royal Highness. What do you do is your own business." Gu Beiyue said faintly.

Who knows, Ning Cheng replied, "I remember that the military affairs of the Northern calendar is the princess's full responsibility. Is this a princess? The princess is familiar with the Bei Li, but he wants to give this picture to the princess."

Gu Beiyue’s expression is still gentle and calm. He said, “Ning family, the princess is familiar with the Bei Li, but the Beili map in the hands of His Royal High will not be less than you.”

Ning Cheng gave a slight glimpse, and soon it was like understanding something. He laughed loudly. He didn’t talk much about it, but invited Gu Beiyue to the side.

"Come on, bring the dishes prepared by the generals!" Ning Cheng shouted.

Gu Beiyue knew that Ning Cheng had already prepared the wine for him.

When the wine was delivered, Gu Beiyue glanced at it and found that there were only two dishes, not even meat, but the wine was a good wine.

"Gu Beiyue, is there more food in the army? Please, please." Ning Cheng said.

Gu Beiyue only returned his words, "it is enough."

It is already late in the summer, there will be no bumper harvest in the autumn of the Northern calendar, and in the winter that followed, the situation is still grim, and at that time, I know how much food support I have with the central and southern parts. Now, they have two dishes here, and it’s really good.

Last time, Ning Cheng saw that Gu Beiyue was in a hurry. He didn’t have time to sit down, have a drink, and have a good chat. This time, I finally have the opportunity to say a few intimate words.

They all tacitly did not mention the things in the military. They talked about the Di and the sorcerers and talked about each other's childhood and their families.

Occasionally, the little things came out from the wide cuffs of Gu Beiyue. They were curious and looked at the wine on the table. They wanted to drink but they didn’t dare to discuss it. They entangled for a long time.

It clearly sneaked, and did not know why, while the son and Ning Cheng chat, while still seeing its mind.

When the princess poured a glass of wine on the table, the little things flew out without hesitation, and snorted at the edge of the cup. Just one bite, it is very exciting.

I didn't expect the wine to be so delicious, so it slammed hard. Soon, it’s going to be clean for a lifetime, and there’s no drop left.

At this time, it looked back at the son, and it was somewhat unstable. It only felt that it was rising alone, and the head was shaking. The son in front of him turned into two people.


The little thing is to express something, but unfortunately, it screams, and the body is lying straight down.

"This is drunk!" Ning Cheng was shocked.

Gu Beiyue is also quite an accident. According to the food consumption of small things and the physical condition of intoxication, it should not be so immune to wine!

Ning Cheng is a wine, but it is not an easy-to-drunk wine. Even people who don't drink alcohol, don't just lie down if they drink five or six cups?

"Gu Beiyue is the master

How is the amount of alcohol? If I drink it, I can stay for a few more days. Ning Cheng joked.

"The little things are princesses." Gu Beiyue explained quickly.

Ning Cheng does not care about this problem, he is curious about the amount of Gu Beiyue. He picked up a large jar of wine and put it on the table, laughing, "Without accompanying?"

"More wine, hurt." Gu Beiyue said faintly.

"The heart is moving, nothing can hurt!" Ning Cheng retorted.

Gu Beiyue pondered and smiled. "It makes a little sense."

In the end, he still very modestly refused Ning Cheng that a large altar of wine, did not accompany the end, "the amount of alcohol in the general, like the amount of wine of the Ning family, if you want to be happy, I am afraid that you can only invite your Highness to accompany you."

Ning Cheng’s eyes passed through a complicated complex. He came to the jar and sipped his head and sipped his mouth. He took a quick breath and slammed the jar of alcohol.

He laughed. "Yes, after a few days, I have explained everything in the army. I went to Yuning to invite him to drink! Drink it!"

Gu Beiyue wondered, and the relationship between Ning Cheng and Long Fei, Ning Cheng did not really invite the dragon to drink at night, and the dragon is not interested in the night.

However, as far as this tone is concerned, it seems that it is not a joke.

This night, Ning Cheng and Gu Beiyue talked to the middle of the night, while Mu Linger was alone in the grass outside the camp, sitting in the middle of the night.

In the grassland of June, no matter where you are, as long as you look up, you can see the stars in the sky.

Mu Linger is lying on the grass at this time, looking up at the stars.

After the starry sky, behind the scenes are all black and bottomless. However, if you are not behind the darkness, how can you see the stars?

Mu Linger looked at him and muttered to himself. "Is it dark enough to see the stars?"

Mu Linger knows that the medical team has gone, and knows that Gu Beiyue will leave tomorrow.

What about her?

Three months, overdue for three months, gold has not appeared again. Do you not know that there is a word called "overdue waiting"?

If he does not come, does it mean that the agreement between them is over, and she is extremely responsible for her commitment?

Mu Linger suddenly sat up and said seriously, "Well, it is not overdue!"

She thought clearly, and strode to the side of Ning Chengda, she did not know, gold is always in the vicinity, looking at her.

In the past three months, gold has not gone, and has been following her!

Mu Linger had just arrived at Ning Cheng Da Lian, and had not let the soldiers report, Gu Beiyue and Ning Cheng came out.

"Linger girl, so late, something?" Ning Cheng asked.

"You talk, I will go back first." Gu Beiyue left.

With Gu Beiyue’s martial arts, she has long been aware that gold has been following them. He has not been so vocal, so he wants to take care of this matter.

Who knows, Mu Linger suddenly asked, "Northern doctor, do you go back to the medical city to get married?"

In the past few months, Mu Linger and the doctors in the medical team have had contact and heard a lot of gossip about Gu Beiyue's marriage. Many people say that Gu Beiyue will go back to the Qin family and go to the Qin family to prepare for marriage.

Gu Beiyue gave a slight glimpse. He looked back at Mu Linger and looked at it. He wanted to laugh at it. He could see Mu Linger’s face for three months. He couldn’t help but open his mouth. Your own business."

I can't take care of my own affairs, and I care about his marriage in a day. This little girl should be alive!

(End of this chapter)