Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1195: Do not disturb

Mu Linger did not expect that Gu Beiyue would call her a girl!

She can't adapt to it for a while, just think that Gu Beiyue has just said that, and the way she laughs is not the same!

Inexplicable, Mu Linger suddenly felt that Gu Beiyue had become more cordial. You know, although he is humble and gentle, he always gives people a sense of alienation.

If he said that his brother-in-law is a gas field that refuses to take people thousands of miles away, he will not be close to seeing him for the first time. Then, Gu Beiyue is the first time to see the impression is very good, and after getting along for a long time, he will gradually feel it. His coldness. I have known each other for a long time and I am very familiar with it. However, if you think about it seriously, you will find out that you know him at all.

Mu Linger couldn't help but wonder, Gu Beiyue will have a real closeness to the Miss Qin Da?

After thinking about it for a moment, she quickly felt that her idea was ridiculous. I have to marry people, of course, I will like it. If I like it, I will be close.

If it wasn't for Mu Ling's big mouth, Ning Cheng didn't know Gu Beiyue's marriage. He was very surprised to ask Gu Beiyue, "You want to get married?"

"Well, it's fast. You must show your face to the medical city to have a cup of wine." Gu Beiyue finished, smiled, turned and left, clearly did not want to answer more.

He and Mu Linger looked at Gu Beiyue with a sly look. The idea is the same. Gu Beiyue is a guy... It’s hard to understand!

"Linger girl, are you looking for me?" asked Ning Cheng.

Mu Linger looked around and asked Ning Cheng to let her enter the room.

However, when it came to the camp, Mu Linger was still arrogant, and seemed to have concerns.

"Or, do you think about it again?" Ning Cheng asked.

"No, I just want to ask you... ask." Mu Linger can be entangled, hesitated for a long time before he said, "Gold?"

Ning Cheng is not surprised, the accident is not Mu Linger to ask about gold, but Mu Linger's attitude towards this matter.

This little girl has always been greatly embarrassed, what is said. I haven’t been embarrassed to chase after Gu’s less than the world’s running. Everyone asked her if she liked Gu Shao, she admitted it generously.

She rescued and asked the whereabouts of gold, and she was able to ask for so long.

Is she shy or guilty?

Ning Cheng looked at Mu Linger and asked, "What are you looking for in gold?"

Mu Linger was full of chaos, and did not feel that he was ashamed and guilty. However, she was taken a look at this, so she was a little embarrassed.

"I am looking for him... something," she replied.

"What is it? Very important?" Ning Cheng asked again.

Mu Linger hesitated for a moment and suddenly said, "There is no important thing, I am disturbed so late, I am gone."

Ning Cheng’s eyes swept through a touch of fine mans and said loudly, “I have already sold the deed to gold. He left after selling the deed and has not appeared yet. It is estimated that it will be returned to the winter and will never appear. It is."

Mu Linger suddenly stopped. "Is he free?"

"The sale of the deed is burned in my big account, it is already three months ago." Ning Cheng's voice is still very large, some deliberate.

"He went back to himself..." Mu Linger muttered to herself, and suddenly her eyes brightened. She looked back at Ning Cheng and laughed. "Too good! Then I am free!"

She is also free?

Ning Chengzheng is pondering the meaning of this, Mu Linger has already smashed out, and at the door, he turned back and said with Ning, "Ningda

General, I will leave after I will, I will go back to my sister! ”

Will you leave later? Going overnight? Are you so anxious?

Ning Cheng’s mouth was twitching. As he expected, Mu Ling’s figure disappeared and gold appeared at his door.

Gold will push Ning Cheng into the big account, angry, "Ning Cheng, who told you that I went to winter Wu? Who told you that I will never come back?"

Ning Cheng just said that the sentence is to deliberately use Mu Linger to stimulate the gold. At first he thought that the gold had returned to the winter, but during this time, a letter from gold was not given to him. He knew that gold had not gone.

"Misunderstanding, can you explain? She has to wait until she will." Ning Cheng said.

"My business with her is not your business!" The fire of gold.

Ning Cheng is not necessarily able to relax in front of Gu Beiyue. It is only in front of the gold. Every word he can say can be said.

He condensed his smile and said seriously, "Gold, I am looking for you to have something to discuss. The things in the North calendar are basically closed. You don't follow me to Yunning County? I will leave in a few days."

Ning Cheng was still afraid of gold to refuse, and wanted to say that he would consider making a few days to make a decision, but who knows, gold actually nodded and thought, nod, "Go, I will go tonight. You are free!"

At this time, gold is so anxious to go, how much is it just like Mu Linger?

Ning Cheng held down his shoulder. "Just Mu Ling said that she is also free. What does it mean?"

When Han Hao left the Northern calendar last year, he told him to investigate what happened between gold and Mu Linger. He could not ask.

However, just Mu Linger clearly said that he missed his mouth.

Gold back to winter, never come back, she is free? It’s hard to be done, what is the gold force?

"I don't know, let go!" Gold said coldly.

"I told Han Hao about the sentence just now. Do you think you still have Yun Ning?" Ning Cheng’s voice was cold.

Gold was silent for a long while, only to say faintly, "Ning Cheng, I have always treated you as a friend, I am with Mu Linger, you don't care, okay?"

Ning Cheng is a little angry. "Cold, if I don't treat you as a friend, can I give you a sales contract? Do you know that Han Han once again confessed, let me keep an eye on you! You want to provoke no, you are biased To provoke her sister!"

In the back, Ning Cheng will call the words "Han Wei".

The gold turned back and looked at Ning Cheng. He saw a wine on the side, and strode over it, and took it up and poured it!

The original amount of gold is not very good. These days, along with Ning Cheng, every day, Ning Cheng took the drink, the amount of alcohol was well trained, and the big altar was still drunk.

After the gold had finished drinking, he sat down beside him, embracing his arms, leaning against the map on the wall and looking at him.

Gold is a silent person. At this moment, the figure sitting alone there gives a feeling of silence to loneliness.

He said that Mu Linger and his agreement had come out.

Ning Cheng thought about it for a long while and said seriously, "I don't know if it is overdue, do you know?"

"I only promised her. Within a year, Gu Qi was on her, I let her go. The year has come, I want to take her back to Dongwu, that is my business!" Gold is strong and strong .

Ning Cheng asked curiously, "Gu Qi Shao did not accompany..."

In the case of Gu Qishao, no one but Han Han, no one knows, Ning Cheng and Jin are even more inquisitive. However, Mu Linger’s trip, Gu Qishao did not come with him, plus Han Wei

汐 汐 交 顾 顾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

According to the previous agreement, the gold can of course take people away, and Mu Linger also took the initiative to come to the army and asked his whereabouts.

"She must have come to breach the contract. Otherwise, with her temper, she has long been hiding far away, and will not come here." The mouth of the gold mouth smacked a smug, faintly said, "Ning Cheng, we are all starting to buy and sell." The most important contract. But... he would be afraid to allow her to default!"

In the past three months, he has been hiding from her, and she is afraid that she will come to negotiate, fearing that she will be soft again in her pitiful eyes!

How can you give up when you come to the prey?

Ning Cheng smiled helplessly, patted the shoulders of gold and said, "It is! I don't know about this matter. Go to Yunning County and hurry to prepare!"

Gold is about to leave, who knows, Mu Linger has turned back, she did not come in, she said outside the big account, "Ningda General, can I ask you one thing?"

Ning Cheng looked at the gold and answered, "What?"

"I have a gold card. I am tired of seeing gold in the future and handing it over to me. I said that I gave it to him."

Outside the door, Mu Linger has been carrying the carriage and carrying the luggage.

"Well, you can give it to the guards." Ning said loudly.

"There is work, then I am leaving!" Mu Linger's face is cheerful.

Gold looked down at the side, and the expression was cold and unhappy.

After Mu Linger left, Jin and Ning Cheng went out. Gold took the gold card and played it. He said to Ning Cheng, "Yun Ning sees, and, before saying good, I have to compensate me for my money house. Otherwise, even if I stay in the Northern calendar, I will not be jealous of the Hei!" Gold is not polite.

Ning Cheng is also refreshing. "No problem. Leave your tiger to stay. In the past few months, the Hei Army and the Tiger Army can be in a mess."

Gold did not think much, took out the tiger and gave it to Ning Cheng. He hurried away, and he secretly chased Mu Ling.

Until the gold leaves, Ning Cheng’s mouth is only a mess. “Brothers, people and money can only stay with you. Ask for money, go with the dragon and go to night!”

Ning Cheng returned to the big account, took the pen and ink, went to the map, and soon circled on the map.

The labels that Gu Beiyue saw just now are all before, and the position he wants to mark is still not written!

He spent a whole night, a bureau, a black and tiger army dominated the Bureau of the Northern calendar. He is not trying to give this map to the princess, but to find a game for the princess!

In any case, the North Calendar must be the power of the princess!

On the following day, he mobilized the Hei Army and the Tiger Army in the name of gold, stationed in the Third Road, and several major levels in the Northern calendar.

A few days later, Ning Cheng’s affairs on his hand were handed over to the deputy, and he left the camp alone and rushed to Yunning County.

Three days later, the deputy received a personal letter from Ning Cheng. There was only one sentence in the letter. "Everything is fine, don't bother."

The deputy was shocked, and this began to look for Ning Cheng, but unfortunately, how can I not contact, can not find.

Ning Cheng actually only disappeared on the way to Yunning!

The deputy will find the gold, let the gold find someone; also tell the quiet Ningnuo, let them find someone, but unfortunately, no one can find Ning Cheng.

All major military departments have been full of strength, ready to wait for Ning Cheng to Yun Ning, compete with him for the Northern calendar forces, but rather to abandon the Northern calendar and leave!

As for the dragon non-night that has prepared the spirits, it is undoubtedly the pigeons are put!

(End of this chapter)