Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1213: Tang Ning's special article: the final g

In the cold winter, Tang was only bare-boned and ran wildly down the hill.

The guards at the gate of the mountain were scared by him, and all of them retreated to the side, thinking that the stupid doorkeeper was mad. When Tang Zijin took a horse, he forgot the direction of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce.

Quietly alone on the road, in order to catch up with time, did not ride a carriage, but also riding. She left for a day, and was eating at the farmhouse in the village.

She did not plan to spend the night, ready to hurry the road overnight, helpless, the snow next night was getting bigger and bigger, and there was no sign of stopping at night, she could only wait.

In the middle of the night, Tang passed the village with snow and snow.

He was so cold that his teeth were shaking, but he didn't realize it. He entered the village and looked around in a room that was staggered among the strangers.

The snow is so big, the tranquility should not catch up with the night road. In this neighborhood, only this village can settle down.

Tang opened the door of the first family, and came out with an old woman. When she saw Tang holding the sword, she immediately closed the door. Tang Yi knocked again and twice. "Quiet, quiet, are you inside?"

There is no movement in the house. Tang can only find the next one, but who knows, the situation is still the same. Tang lost the sword and found another family. However, the person who opened the door closed the door as soon as he saw him. He did not even have the opportunity to ask.

Tang was so eager to burn, simply turned over the horse, while riding horses in the middle of the shuttle, shouting, "Quiet! Tranquility! Tranquility! You come out! Serenity... You come out! I am coming to you, you come out!"

The sound of the horse's hooves, as well as the sound of the north wind, could not be overwhelmed by the voice of Tang. His shouts were as loud as the clock, and as the horses shuttled, among the strangers, within the village, one after another.

Quietness has already fallen asleep. She rushed to hear her name and quickly got up. She listened carefully and immediately stopped.

This voice...


She quickly stayed, her robe was forgotten, and the shoes were forgotten. She rushed to the door. I saw a familiar figure, riding on a horse, holding a torch and running away from a distance.

"Quiet, where are you? My Tang, I am coming to you!"

"Quiet, you come out! I am coming to you!"


The sound of this sound has already disturbed everyone in the village. Every household has lighted up. Everyone has come out to watch the fun, and even the people who have been scared by Tang have come out.

Quietness was still stunned at the beginning. As Tang was getting closer and closer, as more and more people stood in front of her, she immediately eased her mind and quickly pushed the person in front of her to rush to barefoot. Going in the snow.

"I'm here!"

"Tang is away, I am here, I am here!"

Tang came to chase her, Tang shouted her name, did Tang Yi recover?

Quiet and excited, and nervous, she rushed out of the crowd, Tang saw her. He flew out from the horse, and she flew over, quietly stepping on the light, and flew over.

The north wind whistling, the snow fluttering in the sky, one naked, one barefoot, standing in front of each other.

Tranquility has been covering his mouth and not letting himself cry.

However, when she saw the person in front of her, she couldn't help but see his eyes, even if it was shining in the darkness, and she couldn't help but scream. "Tang Li, you are finally awake!" ”

Tang did not speak, and a quiet embrace into his arms, holding on to tightness, for fear that this is a dream, a dream that wakes up no matter how long and beautiful!

"Quiet, I thought you..."

"Tang Yi, I thought you..."

The two open and close together, and at the same time stop, Tang leaves the quiet face

Come, look seriously, and suddenly laughed. "It’s good, you are still alive!"

Tang Jing’s tears flowed down at once. “Tang is away, you...do you know who I am?”

Tang did not know how to answer, but he certainly knew who she was.

Quietness is not sure whether Tang Li is really awake. She thought about it. She also held the face of Tang Li and said seriously, "Tang Li, I want to eat red bean porridge!"

Tang looked at her and didn't talk.

I can't wait for the quietness of the answer, and the tone is almost pleading. "Tang is away, I want to eat red bean porridge!" Tang smiled and smiled as he used to. "Oh, quiet, you are Please, please?"

Which one of her time to eat red bean porridge, isn’t it arrogant to order him?

Almost every time, when she orders him, he will laugh and say, "Quiet, you beg me, I beg me, I will cook."

She always looks at her eyes, and he sticks and cooks.

The serenity is a glimpse, and then it will slow down. She knows that Tang Lizhen really recovered!

She imagined that she had murdered him fiercely, but she was hard to get up. Her tears couldn’t stop flowing. In the past few months, all the bitterness and grievances have come to my heart.

"Tang Yi, I thought you couldn't wake up anymore." She whimpered, burying her head in his arms and holding him tightly.

Tang Li also hugged her tightly. He looked up at the sky and snow, and for a long time, he murmured, "Quiet, you finally really hold me back."

When the serenity looked up, Tang looked down and seriously stressed, "Really, this is the first time you really take the initiative to hold me! You hold me for a while."

Red bean porridge is not as touching as Tang’s words! This is Tang Li, it is the Tang Devil who is bad and bad!

Quiet and laughing, "I still want to kiss you, can you?"

Tang was close to Li, and whispered in confusion. "No, this kind of thing can't take your initiative."

He did not give the opportunity of quiet rebuttal, and then he kissed it.

This long-lost embrace, this long-lost kiss, in the sky of the snow, enough to warm each other.

Tang was really recovering. He was still in that bad habit, kissed and kissed, and wanted to put the peace to the "local law."

Fortunately, the noisy arguments of the villagers awakened the silence, and the tranquility also bit his lips as before, and his restless hands stopped.

"What do you want? Isn't it shameful?" Quietly roared.

Tang looked at her, licking his lips and teeth, laughing very incomprehensible. He didn't talk, he leaned his head and suddenly kissed him. He was so happy that he was willing to let go.

He whistled and yelled at the horse, holding the quiet horse, and forgot the direction of Tangmen.

Instead of teasing her, he asked seriously, "Quiet, have I been in a coma for a long time?"

"You don't remember?" Tranquility was unexpected.

"I only know that I am in Fengmingshan." Tang quickly asked, "Are you not falling into the fire pit?" Serenity told him what happened in the past few months, Tang Yiyue listened, and he was quiet. The tighter the hand on the waist.

Even, quiet and understated, but he is not stupid! As far as the words he had said before his father, he could imagine how much pressure the silence had!

"How are you sober?" Looking back quietly, it was only then that I realized that Tang was naked.

I just watched the excitement and surprise, and actually turned a blind eye.

"So cold, your clothes? What happened?" Quiet and upset.

"My father shut me up in the house, to me... I took medicine for me, it was hard.

A woman gives me. "Tang is talking about this, and the anger is particularly uncomfortable."

Father, what did he think of him?

Quietly stunned, she stared at Tang with a shocked look, seemingly want to ask, but did not ask.

Tang bowed his head and his forehead fell on her forehead and muttered. "No, nothing happened. I swear! My mother opened the door, and I came to you as soon as I came out."

Quietly staring at him, I was wondering if it was the antidote given by Mrs. Tang. She had personally experienced how crazy this man was after being prescribed.

Tang was panicked and asked aloud, "Quiet, don't you believe me?"

"I believe. If you say no, there is no." Quietly answered quickly, she thought, must be Mrs. Tang to understand the medicine.

Tang’s heart was flustered, and this was let go. He held his silence and licked a few kisses on her jade neck. It seemed that he could heal his panic.

How scared he is, this woman misunderstood, this woman minds! How strong her temper is, he knows.

After returning to Tangmen, Tang Li and quiet kept sneezing, both of them dyed the cold.

Regardless of his father and Xiao Yu, Tang Licai returned to his own yard with peace. He put the tranquility on the couch and was wrapped in a shackle.

He poured a cup of hot water for a quiet drink, and he took a fox to wrap it.

He was the son of a man who came to Zhangkou with his clothes. However, after he had been quiet, he learned all kinds of work for the waiters, and he did not personally help quietly wash clothes.

He said, "Jinger, you are waiting, I will go to the red bean porridge for you to eat, hot red bean porridge!"

Big and big, quiet to eat red bean porridge is the biggest thing!

How quiet is it, "No, come over!"

Tang is going to go hard, quiet and fierce. "You can't live?"

Tang was separated from the horse, and the peace pulled him closer. He wrapped him in the bedding, wrapped it tightly, and gave him the hot water in his hand.

Two people have a runny nose, but they are pitiful but kind and loving, and even if they are sick, they are happy!

Quiet in this life, from small to large, it’s not as easy as it is now. I only felt that everything was put down. She hoped that the snow could go down tonight and go down to the ground. She is willing to wrap the same beggar with Tang and warm each other forever.

In the silence, you can really hear the sound of falling snow.

Tang opened his mouth faintly. "Quiet, I... I have a word to tell you. My brother and nephew left the three-way black market that day. I was going to jailbreak to find you this sentence. I..."

Tang Li will actually be embarrassed, how many times back to face forced to bully this woman, but, with her words, he actually blushes.

He didn't dare to look at the quiet face, hugged her, whispered, "Quiet, I... love and love you very much. Although, I don't know when it started, but... I really love it."

The quiet face was also red, and there was no sound.

After waiting for a long time, Tang finally couldn’t help but asked, "You... didn't want to tell me anything?"

Quietly laughed, "No."

"You have!" Tang was like a child who couldn't eat sugar, and got into trouble. "You have! You are going to say!"

"No! Really not!" Quiet death does not recognize.

The two were on the bed, but the voice of Mrs. Tang’s sobs came from outside the door. "Are you, have you found peace?"

"Come back, what's the matter, say tomorrow! We are sleepy!" Tang shouted loudly.

Mrs. Tang did not leave. "Ah, you... you all have a look. Xiao Yu, she... she wants to see short-sightedness."

(End of this chapter)