Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1214: Tang Ning's special article: let her wai

Xiao Yu wants to find short-sightedness?

Tang Li and quiet looked at each other and were very surprised. But it is just an accident.

"A, quiet, Xiao Yu is going to die to live, I can't take her with you, Ah, if you want to persuade..."

After Mrs. Tang’s words have not been finished, Tang Li has been interrupted with impatience. “Tell her, I am not free! Why do she love to do it!”

"A, you can't..."

Mrs. Tang’s second sentence is still not finished, because the silence is interrupted. “Mother, we are not available, she wants to die, not bad for such a night, let her wait!”

The words of serenity are more than the Tang, and they are ironic. Mrs. Tang herself couldn’t help but laugh.

I don’t know what Xiao Yu’s feelings will be, and Mrs. Tang certainly won’t convey the past. Otherwise, Xiao Yu’s temper will not be rushed here to be quiet.

Mrs. Tang knows too much about the temper of her son and daughter-in-law, so she can’t persuade. She was thinking about what to do. At this time, the prostitute came over.

"Old lady, Miss can't find you, noisy!" This lady is naturally a small sugar candy.

"Hey! My careful liver!" Mrs. Tang was anxious, and no matter how much, rushed to her yard. Xiao Yu will leave a Tang Zijin to handle it! She also didn't want to make trouble with Tang Zijin. Tang Zijin made his own embarrassment, and he packed it up! Anyway, Awakened, Tang Zijin can't play any intrigues!

Tang Li and Tranquility, regardless of Mrs. Tang’s departure, the two men embraced each other and held each other tightly.

I haven't seen each other for more than two years. The souls miss each other, and the body is also missing each other! At this time, even if the sky is falling, I will think about separating them.

Tang couldn't help but sneezed, and the quiet horse immediately followed, and it seems that this cold is not light. However, the two did not mind, they embraced each other and warmed.

However, gradually, Tang's big hand is restless, and the peace immediately feels, but it does not resist until every time before death. She leaned on Tang's shoulders, closed her eyes, and quietly felt his caress and touches.

She still had a calm face, but she didn't know how Tang made it worse under the quilt. She gradually raised her brow and bit her lip in a while. The far mountain eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter, the cherry lips are biting and heavier. Finally, she can’t help but spill a slap.

Just a word, Tang’s ears are happy. He suddenly pulled up the beggar, covered the silence, and rushed down.

For the rest of the time, the silence has long been faded by Tang’s clothes. Under the shackles, the long-lost two people are completely “candid and relative”, just like the firewood has encountered a fire, and the thunder has slammed the fire. It’s extremely fierce!

It can be said that the sea bream Xie Chun warm and melt, the squatting people rely on, the waves are sloppy, like the bed is stable, 鸳 * 谩 exhibition, the waves turn red, * thick like wine, fragrant sweat stains, a few micro-transparent...

Said that they are love, it is better to say that they have a few battles in the fight, in short, the two people who have clearly dyed the cold have sweated, do not runny nose or sneeze, the wind seems to be so good.

The two were exhausted and satisfied, and finally fell asleep.

On the next day, the day was up, and the two talents woke up.

When Tang turned over and rolled over, he would calm down and sway under his body. He said with a smile, "Quiet, are you full?"

The silence has not yet returned, and the knock on the door came. This time it was the voice of Tang Zijin. "Tang is leaving, you are coming out! Five elders are coming!"

The color of Tang’s face was all overcast. Did not answer.

Sleeping quietly for a night, the spirit is much better, she questioned suspiciously, "Tang Li, are you doing something about people? Are you lied to me!"

Tang Li Li Ma

Start, "I swear, if I really want Xiao Yu, I will not raise it forever!"

Tranquility was still sullen and very serious, because Tang’s last two words immediately broke, and he gave a laugh.

All the way back from the wind and snow, excited to die, but also cold to death, there is not so much thought to consider so much. However, today, tranquility is still very cautious, she asked, "You didn't really think about what people are doing, then have you seen people and met people?"

Tang tried to remember that the memory was still somewhat vague, but what he can be sure of is that he absolutely did not do anything that is sorry for peace.

"She wrapped her bedding, didn't she see anything?" Tang said while thinking, "Touching..."

His expression was stiff and his head was quiet and said, "Surely, it should be..."

"What is it?" Quiet and anxious.

"It should be that she took the initiative to touch me, quiet, this is a conspiracy! My father and the five elders' conspiracy!" Tang explained.

Tang Zijin was still urging outside, and Tang Li and quiet were completely ignored.

The quietness slowly raised his eyes and asked, "Small Xiao first touched you?"

Tang is very sure to nod.

"Where did she touch you?" Quietly asked.

"Actually...in fact, there is no..." Tang is a branch of the branch.

"You give me honest account!" The silence suddenly angered.

"Yes, that is..."

Looking at the serene face of the storm, Tang’s heartbeat accelerated, and the more he did not dare to say.

But those who are slaves and slaves must be feared, and this is true.

"Quiet, in fact, really nothing, there is only one in my heart!" Tang said seriously.

"I asked you, where did she touch you? You can't say it!" Serenity was angry.

"Just hold it and hug it from behind." Tang quickly explained that he had held two impressions. He also pushed Xiao Yu, but these Tang Yi will not say. He had medicine in the moment, and almost treated Xiao Yu as her. If he said it, he would not want to touch the silence from now on.

"Looking for death!" said quietly and coldly.

Tang is crying and tears, and wants to explain, who knows the tranquility but stays and changes clothes. "She wants to die, I am fulfilling her!"


Tang was stunned, but soon his mouth slammed open, revealing a meaningful smile. Looking at it, he is safe.

In this life, in addition to fearing his nephew, who is afraid of a woman? I thought that when I arrived in Tangmen, I would fight with his mother to kill you and live, and I didn’t lose.

The two quickly washed and packed up. When they opened the door quietly, they saw Tang Zijin’s face sullen and stood at the door.

Tranquility was originally polite to Tang Zijin. After all, the generations were there. However, nowadays, she really does not want to be wronged and polite to him.

She said coldly, "Hey, the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce’s complaints are nothing, you just want to open me?"

"Tang is away?" Tang Zijin said coldly.

"I don't know, let's make it easy," said quietly.

Seeing Tang Zijin does not move, she sneered, "Hey, early in the morning, you are so stuck in the door of the daughter-in-law's house, isn't it right?"

As soon as this was said, Tang Zijin’s face was pale and instantly let go, and it was far away. He is so embarrassed, it is scared!

The serenity came out, and Tang Zijin immediately stopped the door and yelled inside the house. "Tang is leaving, you come out. Since you are awake, this matter is a matter for the father to discuss with you. Five elders and Xiao Yu are still Waiting in the back hill."

"No time, wait until I have breakfast and say."

This voice was not transmitted from inside the house, but from behind Tang Zijin. He hurriedly turned around and saw that Tang was standing not far away, holding a quiet hand.

When he went out quietly, Tang had already turned from the window.

"Tang away!" Tang Zijin angered.

Tang is so good from his temper. "Father, have you had breakfast? Do you want to be together?"

Fortunately, Tang Zijin has not eaten yet, otherwise, he will definitely be outdated by the Tang.

"For the father to tell you serious things!" Tang Zijin stressed.

Tang left him with a sentence, "Don't eat it!"

He said, he took the quiet to the fire room, he had to personally sip a bowl of red bean porridge for quiet eating.

However, Tang Zijin chased it up, cold, "Tang Yi, anyway, Xiao Yu is already yours, you have to go to the table at least! Appease to appease her and five elders!"

Tang stopped and stopped, and there was no more smile on his face. He turned and looked over. He said very seriously, "Father, you can't talk nonsense, I didn't touch her! Absolutely not!"

Tang Zijin had a complicated face. He approached and whispered, "Tang Li, you didn't touch him. How did you get the medicine?"

When the words came out, the silence was shocked. She always thought that Mrs. Tang gave Tang Disintegration.

"Forbearing the past." Tang said sullenly. Talking to his father like this, he only feels sick!

He took the peace and wanted to go. Tang Zijin took his arm. "The medicine is from the door of the poisonous door. It is impossible to endure it. Xiao Yu said that you have touched you. Anyway, this Things must be made clear!"

"I haven't done it before!" Tang Liyi opened the hand of Tang Zijin. If Tang Zijin is his biological father, he will definitely beat people!

These things are simply shameful!

Tang is leaving, but the silence has stopped.

Tang was angry and shocked. "Quiet, do you really doubt me?"

"I believe you, you said no, there is no!" The quiet face is not good-looking than Tang, she said coldly, "But Xiao Yu said that this thing can not be considered!"

The tiger does not show up, the people who are full of Tangmen are when she is a sick cat?

As long as quietly believes in him, what are the concerns of Tang Li? He and the quiet Fang Fang and Tang Zijin went to the back mountain, and Mrs. Tang heard the news, handed the little sugar to the prostitute, and hurriedly rushed over.

In the house of Houshan, Xiao Yu was wrapped in a bedding on the bed like two days ago, and he did not wear clothes on his face.

Her father's five elders are at the door, and the mother is accompanying the house.

When I saw Tang Zijin, Mrs. Tang and Tang’s couple came over, and the five elders got up and walked. Although he was angry, he was still respectful with their luggage.

He hasn't spoken yet, and Tang has made a pre-emptive, cold-spoken smile. "Five elders, you and my father joined forces to calculate the owner. What crime should you sin?"

"Oh! This is the doorkeeper. This is only a part of the order. If you eat the bear, the leopard will not count you!" The five elders shouted.

Tang heard the parents bickering in the door the day before yesterday. It is clear that the father and the five elders counted him. Nowadays, the five elders have shirked their responsibilities and played the role of a victim.

The five elders shirked their responsibilities to his father. If he was a son, even the doorman could not take his father!

Sure enough, Tang Zijin immediately made a sound. "Tang Yi, this is my idea. For the father... I am confused. Now, uh...who cares about who’s wrong, it doesn’t help. You still give Xiao Yu an account. According to the father, it is better to be ashamed of Na Xiaoyu. This matter has not happened. How?"

"Do it, don't, come!" It is not Tang, but tranquility.

(End of this chapter)