Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1215: Tang Ning special: she firmly believes

Tang Zijin, is this iron heart to be Tang Yanna?

Quietly sneer under the heart, Tang Zijin still does not know that she can not regenerate the child, can do so without the means to let Tang leave the shackles, let other women for the son of Tang. If Tang Zijin knew about it, what would it be like?

She can't give birth to her son, she admits.

Since Tang Wei woke up, she would not hide it again. What should I do? What can she not afford to be quiet?

However, one thing is the same thing, and it is necessary for Tang to be counted unclearly, and Nayong, even if Tang refuses to agree, she will never agree to this room. Retreat 10,000 steps, even if Tang is in need of concubines, it is such a Nafa.

"Quiet, can't you interrupt this thing?" Tang Zijin was welcome.

Tang was about to make a sound, and Mrs. Tang opened her mouth first and said with anger, "Tang Zijin, this thing is clearly that he and the five elders hooked up, how, the five elders and Xiao Yu are victims?"

As she spoke, she went to the house. When she saw Xiao Yu wrapped in her armpit on the bed, she became more and more angry. "Xiao Wei, you will dress me right away! What do you say when you go out and say, don't I’m crying here! I don’t know, I really thought that my son was bullying you! Hey, it’s obvious that you joined hands to count my son, I tell you, you’re going to make things clear today. I’m here, elders. The people at the meeting are called to let everyone comment!"

Xiao Yu has been crying and crying all the time. Mrs. Xiao is a woman who is a woman. She is afraid.

Although she threatened to take this out, let all the people in Tangmen know that Tang had bullied her daughter and still did not accept it.

However, that hand threatened it!

If things go out, they can’t compete with them. Then Xiao Yu’s life is not to marry, even if it’s difficult to go out, where can’t he go? This thing, the daughter's family is ultimately more disadvantaged than the man.

Tang was too big to fall into a playboy, and the name of the chaos was abandoned. Xiao Yu was completely destroyed in his life.

Mrs. Xiao is at a loss, Xiao Yan raised her head, crying with pears and rain, and pitiful, "Old lady, mother, you go out, I pick up, go out. I have to say something about this matter." Today, if I don’t understand, I will jump from this Wolong Peak. I am not alive!"

"Daughter, silly daughter, don't you think about it!" Mrs. Xiao cried.

Mrs. Tang’s words are much lazy to say, and the sleeves left, this crying and making three suicides, she saw more when she was young.

Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Xiao are both out to wait.

However, when they came out, Xiao Yu shouted outside and shouted, "Mother, you are going to help me with my clothes, my clothes... my clothes are broken."

When the words came out, the audience was silent. Tang got up and frowned, very tired.

"What are you tearing?" Quiet and quiet, the tone is still calm. Even if she is very concerned, but for reasons of efficacy, she does not account for.

Tang wanted to deny it, but hesitated a bit, but still said the truth, "I don't remember clearly, I remember she took me, I later retired her. The previous thing... I can't remember ""

Quiet heartbeat is a big leap!

She was still very calm, but now I think of Tang’s memory of the stupidity, and what happened in that room, he really can’t remember. As a result, it is difficult to judge Xiao Yu lying nowhere.

Even... including the medicine that Tang left under the service, how is it solved? Tang may not be clear from himself!

That medicine, she still knows,

At the beginning, she also left Tang.

Some medicines are very strong, not solved twice or twice!

The quiet hands were cold, and she looked at the closed door slyly, and suddenly felt that this might be a retribution. At that time, if she did not count on Tang, she would have to stay in the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce and wait for the arranged marriage, perhaps there would be no pains experienced in these years. And Tang Li, perhaps not yet married, is still escaping the world; perhaps encountering another woman, a woman who will not bring him so many embarrassment.

She looked away from Tang, and the only thing she was fortunate was that in this retribution, fortunately she still got his love.

Love, contentment, enough.

Quietly grasped the hand of Tang Li, secretly told myself that no matter what the truth, she must win the innocence and freedom for Tang Li!

After a while, Mrs. Xiao took the clothes, and Xiao Yu changed her clothes and walked out.

When Xiao Yu came out, everyone could see that there were two or three red marks on her neck, like biting out, the color faded, but the position was obvious and it was very noticeable.

Everyone looked very embarrassed, and Mrs. Tang glanced at him and immediately removed his gaze.

Tang left the consciousness and looked at the serenity. However, tranquility is what I found, and I kept staring at the bite.

"Still..." Tang was panicked after all.

"You said no, no, I believe in you, you still don't believe in yourself?" Quiet and quiet.

She stood straight, her chin was high, and she was as calm as a queen.

Tang tried hard to think, but there is really no one who can think of it. However, if he can’t remember, how can he determine? He can't wait to slap himself.

Also, Tang Li and quiet will be obsessed with whether there has been anything in the end? Tang Zijin, Mrs. Tang and the five elders have long recognized Tang Yi and, otherwise, the medicine of Tang Li can not be lost.

Mrs. Tang did not accept it and accepted it. She now only wants to clarify an innocence for her son, and let peace believe that all of this is the combination of Tang Zijin and Xiao Jia, and Tang Li is the victim. She went to see them last night, and it was for this purpose.

If it can be argued clearly that the five elders, Xiao Yu and Tang Zijin collude, then Tang does not have to bear this responsibility. However, if the responsibility for this matter is all taken up by Tang Zijin, Xiao Jia is also a victim. Tang is in charge of Xiao Yu and he is responsible for Xiao Yu!

When Mrs. Tang came over, she did not intend to speak. However, she never imagined that the situation would evolve into such a situation. Tang Zijin would take all responsibility to himself and use these methods to force Tang to leave. !

Everyone is quiet, but they are all thoughtful and have their own purposes.

As for Xiao Yu, there is no such thing as Tang’s departure. It is estimated that Xiao Yu himself is the clearest.

In the silence, Mrs. Tang faintly opened her mouth.

Not like the anger that was released, her tone was particularly calm, and calmness made people feel the feeling of despair. She said a very simple word.

"Tang Zijin, I will finally ask you once. Is there a share of the five elders and Xiao Yu?"

Tang Zijin looked at his wife and her heart was stunned. For so many years, he knows her best.

Her attitude is so gray, and she is clearly warned. At this moment, Tang Zijin, who has a firm attitude, is still shaken.

However, it is time for Tang Zijin to give up and to acknowledge the truth. Suddenly opened his mouth, she said, "And whether or not there is a share, first figure out if Tang has touched her. I don't believe this thing!"

Mrs. Tang

Nai, she is most afraid of peace and mind this matter!

She was about to persuade, but quietly gave her a look and gestured to her. "Mother, Tang is a man, what he has done, how can he figure it out?"

Mrs. Tang felt that the silence was not right, but she couldn’t say what was wrong. She nodded and simply let go of the calm.

However, Tang Zijin can not refuse, he is still very rude, "quiet, you do not interrupt this matter! I will give Tang a confession!"

In fact, Tang Zijin still has a step backwards. He acknowledged the matter of taking medicine. The five elders and Xiao Yu both had a share, and the wife was settled. He can still sacrifice the life of the five elders in the life of the five elders, and the five elders in the construction of the emperor to plead for the five elders and Xiao Yu. At least not to drive the Shaws out of Tangmen. As long as Xiao Yu can continue to stay in Tangmen, with the ability of Xiao Yu, there will still be opportunities in the future. Of course, if Xiao Yu can bear the child this time, then everything will be different!

Finally, Tang, who had been silent, fired. "This thing is quiet and not qualified to interject. Who else is qualified? Tranquility is my wife, even if she is a nephew, she must nod. Father, this number, is it right? ”

Mrs. Tang laughed. "A, you can't be rude to your father. This kind of ritual, your father certainly knows, I want to be your father, your grandfather forced your father to marry, your father can put a message to the whole Tangmen. No, no, you nod, no one wants to enter the door again!"

Tang Zijin’s ears are red, and for a while, the lady’s family and the quiet situation are different!

He was helpless and didn't explain much. He only said, "Quiet, there is something that is clear. You don't believe it or believe it."

"Tang Li said no, there is no!" Quietly clinging to this sentence, she said coldly, "In addition to the examination of Miss Xiao, otherwise, I will not believe!"

Tang’s hand on his quiet wrist was tight and tight, but he never said anything. Mrs. Tang looked at the look of serenity and was very distressed.

Tang Zijin and the five elders are afraid that they are all sneer, why is this quiet? Do you not see the coffin?

No one knows, peace is gambling, and my heart is betting!

Xiao Yu bit his lip, and looked at Tang with a pitiful look, whispered, "OK, check it."

When this is said, Tang will be paralyzed!

Xiao Yu is a big niece of Huanghua. If she dares to let her check her body, then there is nothing to argue about. He must have done the confiscation and broke her body.

However, the tranquility of the eyes clearly flashed a sneer, but no one noticed.

"Mother, there is work." Quietly said.

Mrs. Tang sighed and said coldly to Xiao Yu, "Come with me!"

Waiting time, quiet and long, quiet and distinct feeling that Tang kept sweating from the palm of his hand. She didn't say anything, just hold it tightly.

"Oh," the door finally opened.

Mrs. Tang and Xiao Yu came out one after the other. Mrs. Tang was helpless except for helplessness. Xiao Yan lowered her head and was red-faced.

"Mother, how?" Quietly asked.

Mrs. Tang looked at the silence and was very distressed, but she still said the truth. "Qin Wei is not finished."

At this moment, Tang suddenly let go of the quiet hand.

However, quietly immediately pulled him back, she sneered, "not what the body is doing, who can prove that she is a big yellow niece?"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Xiao Yu was finally unable to hold his breath and asked, "Quiet, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)