Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1217: Downing Special: Exception

Xiao Yu’s words reveal the biggest stain of tranquility in this life!

A quiet heart, there is nothing to answer. She did leave the medicine for Tang. If it weren't for the wrong time, she estimated that it wouldn't be a mess with Tang.

"Five elders, do you dare to leak?" Tang was particularly angry.

At the beginning, he was quietly prescribed medicine and forced to marry by the Di people. In Tangmen, except for his parents, only the elders of the Presbyterian Church knew about it. Undoubtedly, Xiao Yu will know that the five elders must go out!

The five elders have slowed down and did not know how to explain it.

"Come to people, bring people to the main door, listen to the treatment! Xiao family's crimes can be more!" Tang Li Li ordered.

The Presbyterians will cross again. After all, they will still obey the Tang family. Tang Zijin, the old master, has nothing to do with it. What can the five elders and elders get from Tang? What's more, Tangmen knows that there is still his brother behind Tang!

The five elders and Mrs. Xiao were desperate to have no strength, let the guards be held, and Xiao Yu was mad and struggled with the same mission. "Tang, you answer me! You answer me!"

"Quiet she is the same as me! Quiet, you have touched the medicine, you will never wash it!"

The quiet face looked at them with no expression. Tang left and walked to Xiao Yu, and said coldly, "I don't know if it's quiet. It doesn't matter to anyone. It doesn't matter to you! As for you, it's not clean. Oh, I don't know, I don't want to know!"

He said, the belt of the attendant was tied, and Xiao Yu’s mouth was tied, so that she could no longer speak and could not make a sound.

As for the attendant who was taken away from the belt, he squatted on his pants and ran away.

The five elders suddenly screamed, "The doorkeeper! The doorkeeper, the subordinates choose the helper, and the subordinate is a helper!"

Will Tang leave the choice of the five elders? will not!

He looked at the people who were gradually taking them away, and they swept through the eyes.

Since the five elders dare to leak secrets, they are not allowed to leak secrets. At that time, the peace still does not know what will be done?

Instead of letting others say it, it is better for him to admit it. He is being prescribed, and he is willing to be treated with tranquility. What?

"Come on!" Tang shouted.

The attendant rushed over, "the doorkeeper."

"When writing a few bulletins posted, I said that Xiao Dong was guilty of the following, and he was disrespectful to Mrs. Jing. Xiao Yu was ill-intentioned and seduce the main lord. The five-year-old post of the Xiao Xiaodong was used as a helper."

Tang thought about it, and said again, "If you don't let go, you can say that only peace can put medicine on this door, and everyone else will accept the heart. This master will never be jealous in this life!"

A publicity is adding a word of mouth, although it is not clear what Xiao Yu has done, but it is enough to cause people to guess. Xiao Yu can only live in rumors.

When Tang left this, the attendants were all stunned. The doorkeeper should really put the words "putting medicine" on the table.

Not to mention the guards, it is just a piece of Mrs. Tang who can't stand it.

"A, you don't make a fuss! Punish the Xiao family. What do you say about the 'drugs'! Don't lose people?" Mrs. Tang said dissatisfied.

The calm, stretched face finally couldn’t help but smile, but reluctantly and happy.

"What a shame, I am happy!" Tang did not care if he looked at him. It was like a doorman, it was a blind man!

However, it is his scorpion behavior that can't get on the table. It shocked the Tangmen Presbyterian Church and dispelled the people in the Tangmen.

Perhaps, Tang is really

In the whole position of the main seat, it is from this matter. The style of Tang Li’s form is quite different from that of Tang Zijin. It is really unimaginable that Tang Lilai will be in charge of Tangmen, and the future style of Tangmen will develop. Of course, these are all words.

Mrs. Tang spoiled this son and she could never refuse it. Perhaps it is the excessive favor of Mrs. Tang, Tang Zijin's excessive rigor, and Tang has long since tempered; or is he under the protection of Xuanyuan Night since childhood, can Tang have such a free-spirited temper?

The word "not to be jealous" has been lingering in the quiet ears. For her, it is definitely the most beautiful love story in the world, the most important promise, but unfortunately, she can't afford it.

She just made up her mind, she wants to return Tang to freedom, Tangmen can't bind him, and the Di people can't bind him, and she is even more reluctant to bind him.

"Mother, go find it, I have an important thing, I want to tell you." Serenity finally opened his mouth.

Tang looked back and looked at it with a look of silence. "Quiet, what else do you have to say to me?"

This tone is more than waiting for Tang Zijin!

"A very important thing, you must... seriously." Serenity is serious.

At this time, Tang Licai noticed that something was wrong. Although quietness was a very serious woman, her expression at this time told him that what she was going to say was not a trivial matter.

"What do you want to do with my mother? What did you say to me?" Tang came over and took a quiet hand. "Go, let's go back and say."

"A, you..." Mrs. Tang shouted pitifully, crying without tears.

Quietness was taken away by Tang, and there was no chance to speak.

"This matter is very important. Tang Li, when I was born with a daughter, I had to use a drug to give birth. The price is that I can no longer be pregnant. I can't give you a son." Serenity said it without warning. .

The bitterness of eating at the time of production, the various kinds of illnesses that fell in the postpartum period, she did not mention it, she said the result in an understatement.

Both Tang and Mrs. Tang were stunned. I never thought of the important things that serenity said, it would be like this!

Tang was stunned, and Mrs. Tang’s face was white, she could not believe it, and she did not want to believe it.

If you can't give birth to a son, then the door is not... Don't you stop?

Mrs. Tang was panicked and muttered, "Ai, this thing has to tell the father, this thing can't..."

After Mrs. Tang’s words have not been finished, Tang will be angry and “can’t tell him!”

"Ah, this is not a trivial matter?" Mrs. Tang murmured. Other things, big, she can be separated by Tang, alone can not let him come. It is about the things that have been passed down from generation to generation, she can't do the Lord!

"Mother, even you have to force us to go?" Tang asked, whispering.

When this was said, Mrs. Tang’s tears were left behind. "Mother is not, how can she be, how come!"

"Tang is away, don't you..."

The silence just came out, and Tang was interrupted with anger. "Quiet, why are you saying it! Why are you telling them? Are you stupid?"

Quietness was stunned and there was nothing to answer. It is estimated that she and Tang have been separated for so long. Is Tang murdering her for the first time?

Why is she saying it?

She should have concealed it, took the small sugar sugar down the mountain, and went away with Tang.

However, she did not go, she went up the mountain.

A few months ago, on the first day of her return to Tangmen, she knew that one day she would say it.

She has no right to hide

Hey, this is not her own thing, not the thing that she and Tang are two people, but the thing of Tangmen!

She couldn't help Tang to refuse to accept the blasphemy while concealing it.

There are three filial pieties, no big ones! Tang Li and Tang Zijin are noisy again. After all, they are blood and fathers and sons. Otherwise, she has long left Tang away from Tangmen.

Moreover, just as her brother was a family mission of the Di family, he was destined to be willful forever. Tang is also the same. He inherited everything in Tangmen, and he is not willful.

Quiet did not answer, Tang was very annoyed, he asked again, "Why?"

"Because you are the Lord of the Tang Dynasty." Tranquility summed up all kinds of things in the simplest sentence.

Mrs. Tang looked at her daughter-in-law and didn’t know what to say. For the first time, she was so lucky that she was glad that Tang had married such a woman.

However, Tang left his head and shook his head.

He still doesn't understand why he likes peace. He will forgive her for taking medicine that year and will be willing to serve her.

The two of them are actually two people from the south and the north, and their temper is not the same.

For peace, some things can't be impossible, and some rules must be observed. Marriage is her only rebellion.

For him, if you don't like it, you don't like it. If you don't want to do it, you don't want to do it. You never want to be forced. Marriage is also his only compromise.

"I am the Tangmen Lord? Then?" Tang asked and went on.

"I, I am not against you." Quiet and surprisingly calm.

"It turned out that for a long time, do you want me to be jealous? Hehe! Hehehe!" Tang gave himself a mocking smile. "Quiet, if I refuse?"

"Then I will..." Quietly hesitated.

Tang looked at her gaze and turned cold. He didn't rush her, waited for the sex, waiting.

Mrs. Tang is waiting too. She is suddenly very scared. She is willing to leave without the peace of the Tang dynasty. She will be willing to leave, and will be willing to let the lady of the door go.

Tang is away, why not be afraid! He is flustered but afraid!

If serenity dares to say that he is going to leave, he will certainly retaliate against her and retaliate against her. She can't disturb his heart, but leave so irresponsibly!

Finally, Tang lost his patience. "You say it!"

Tranquility is still a calm and slightly cold expression. She looks at the wrath of Tang, but she is strange but familiar.

She said, "Tang is away, if you refuse Nayong, then I will... very happy!"

When she finished, she laughed.

In fact, what she wants to say is that if he refuses to accept Labin, she will take him off and she will leave. From then on, no matter what he is, no matter whether he is born or not, he has nothing to do with her.

However, after all, she still couldn’t convince herself of her own words.

Tang was stunned, and it took a while to ease the coming of God. He said nothing, and when he took the serenity, he kissed him in his arms.

No matter how much the two people are going south, as long as they are willing to treat each other as an exception, then the big things are not a big deal!

Tang is enough to kiss, only to be quiet, and whisper in her ear. "A fool, what do you have as a son? I like my daughter. Serving you and your daughter is enough, no more... Oh, you can't wait!"

Tranquility never knows, the original Tang’s voice can be so, so gentle! She listened to her heart.

Mrs. Tang looked at them and her face was complicated.

How to do?

(End of this chapter)