Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1220: Tang Ning special article: encounter

The meaning of Wu’s treasurer is obvious. I want to ask Tang to leave them.

Tang looked at Wu’s gesture and angered him. He tried to make his wife and daughter safe and happy, and he spent a lot of time trying to find this tea house.

The snow outside is getting bigger and bigger. This is not the case after the village. Why should they go there for the New Year? Want to be in the carriage?

The little sugar can feel the anger of the cockroaches. She poked out the small head from the cloak of the cockroach and stared curiously at the shopkeeper Wu. The watery eyes were full of confusion and especially lovely.

"If it is not convenient," Tang asked coldly.

Wu’s treasurer certainly saw that Tang had changed his face, but he still politely replied, “Don, I am really sorry. How much compensation you need, despite the offer.”

Tang was cold and quiet, and there was no sound. He took the little sugar and sat down and waited. This shows that I don't want to go.

When I saw it, Wu’s treasurer also showed a difficult color. “Two, it’s not the boss, you can’t do it! You don’t go, you blame it, you have to go down! Two, just beg for you. ”

"With such a big manor, what is the situation? Can't you give us a family of three to make a yard to spend a night? When the New Year is over, the outside is snowy, we still have children, we must drive us away? Wu treasurer, you Let me talk about it, is this kind of way? Open a shop to do business, not a long way to be long?" Quiet can not help but sound.

The manor is big, there are at least dozens of courtyards. Tang left the entire courtyard with a large hand, and now he is out of the situation. He can't take the entire manor and live in a yard. This is already their biggest concession.

Tang Liyi sat down lazily, and he squated up and lifted his legs. "Hey, you can go. Let your boss come up with a reason to let the Lord be convinced! Otherwise... Believe it or not, I will burn you." This tea house is happy with my niece?"

I don't know if the little sugar candy didn't understand it. She was in the mother's arms, especially with a giggling.

Although Wu’s treasurer does not know the coming of Tang’s departure, he also knows that it’s not too small. Otherwise, it’s impossible to pack the entire manor. He hesitated again and finally said the truth. "Two people, it doesn't matter. Just half an hour of money, Zhuangli came to two guests, and also covered the whole manor..."

I haven't finished talking about this. Tang left the filming. "Yeah, I booked it in the last few days! What do you mean? Why, we are not considered a guest? I am going to be awkward today. It’s called a guest!”

"Don Lord, angry and angry!" Wu shopkeeper looked mysterious and lowered his voice. "Don, the two masters are not provoked by the next move, nor are you both provoked. You don't want to do your business. Can you do it? Do you understand? You listen to the next one, and let's go. Let's send someone to shove the snow to make sure that you are properly sent to the county. As for your loss, you are willing to stay with you three times. !"

"I can't afford it? Can you not be able to talk about rules? I tell you, in this world, besides my brother's nephew, I still can't afford it! You lead me, I will go there for a while." Dear customers, teach them what they call the rules of coming first!"

Tang Li is more and more sorrowful. I can meet this kind of thing in the New Year. This tone is not good enough. How can he mix in the future?

The patience of Wu’s treasurer finally worked hard. He sank his face. “Two, don’t toast and don’t eat fine wine.”

As soon as the voice fell, a touch of dark dart instantly wiped the mouth of Wu’s treasurer and made a long blood mark, which made him stunned.

It’s too late to understand what’s going on.

Tang did not know how to add a dark dart in his hand. He played and looked at Wu’s treasurer with great interest. He smiled. “Yeah gives you a cup of tea time, please come over to your guests, just say I want you to have a fine wine!"

Wu's treasurer is purely a businessman. He doesn't understand a little martial arts. He is scared and screams, and flees without saying anything.

However, not long after he went out, a group of small knives with knives rushed in and surrounded Tang from their family of three.

"Looking for death!" Tang showed his hidden weapon from his hands. Every hidden weapon hits it without a false hair. It is all harmful, but it does not hurt his life. After all, in the face of small sugar, he does not want to kill.

Quietly held the little sugar into his arms and grabbed her eyes. The little sugar sugar went out from the fingertips of the mother, not afraid at all, but giggled. After a while, she pulled down her mother's hand and slap her hand. "Oh, good! Great!"

Tang did not have a few to clean up a small room in the house. He looked at the little sugar candy and said with a smile, "Is it fun?"

"Good! Fun!" The little sugar was excited, and the milk was so smooth that it was smooth.

"Go, take you out to play!"

The anger of Tang Li has been reduced by the smile of the prostitute, but this does not mean that he will easily count.

He picked up the little sugar and said to the serenity, "Follow me, I am happy and happy."

Quiet no opinion, followed.

Only the couple accompanied the little sugar, while gesturing a small squat, while walking to the depths of the manor, along with the sound of the sneak peek of the Tang dynasty, it was the laughter of the small sugar giggles.

When they went away, several of the shadow guards hidden in the dark came out, and it was not Xuanlin who was headed.

"East brother, is that the Tangmen Lord and Mrs. Jing?" asked the shadow guard.

"Yes! The Tangmen Lord seems to be... not stupid? Xu Donglin muttered to himself, "Don't listen to the master?" ”

"East brother, do you want to tell the master?" the defender asked again.

"It looks like a coincidence, hey, give the master a surprise, blame me for carrying, don't be afraid!" Xu Donglin laughed.

The masters traveled, and the film guards were accompanying them. He brought more than 20 shadow guards and kept them around the manor. Just as Tang was close to them, he knew it.

He was only curious about the Wu treasurer. It was obvious that the Tangmen first wrapped up the tea house. When the emperor and the empress of the emperor came over, why didn’t he tell the truth?

"Dong Ge, is this Wu treasurer seeing the identity of the master?" the defender asked again.

"Not at all, it is estimated that the main son's offer price is higher than the Tangmen Lord. The main son lived for three days, Tangmen lived for one night, he even compensated for three times, still earned!" Xu Donglin said seriously.

The emperor and the empress maiden traveled in micro-services and did not reveal their identity. Wu’s treasurer scared Tang from the “guest” and should only be a rhetoric. It is not really the identity of the two masters.

"Dong Ge, Mrs. Jing is right, this Wu treasurer is not good at buying and selling! I don't know who his master is? It is not the kindness of the master." The film guards said with emotion.

"Take him kind and not kind, if the master likes this manor, it will be bought!" Xu Donglin did not care.

This master has strength, and the servant is also powerful!

Soon, Xu Donglin chased Tang and left behind their family of three. The manor is very large, and there are a lot of small toads. Tang is very happy with the little sugar.

At this time, the dragon is not night and

Han Yu was at the deepest part of the manor, the most hidden and the largest yard to rest, and the two had not heard the movement outside.

The dragon is not happy at night, but in the past it was king in Tianning, and he hid every holiday banquet. Those things are really annoying, and they say the New Year’s Day. He has to stay in the house, waiting for the ministers to come to the New Year. How can he suffer?

Nowadays, as an emperor, although he is not easy to hide, he still hides. He deliberately avoided the cold as an excuse to bring Xiaorui to the No. 7 tea house to celebrate the New Year, so that the ministers sent people to send them when they had an urgent need.

In fact, his original plan to go south to Jiangnan Meihai is only a long way to go. Nowadays there are so many things in the DPRK, he can't leave too long. The Northern calendar is still in the midst of disaster relief, and he has to keep an eye on the dynamics.

He had to give up, but he found the hot spring tea house in the west of Yunning County. It can be reached on the 5th and 6th, and the new play of the tea hot spring is especially appetizing. He took his wife and children and braved the wind and snow.

Han Wei sat on the side and arranged for the red envelope to be distributed.

Nowadays, no more than the past, the old red envelopes are not old, she is worried, but now she is a queen, the mother of a country, in accordance with the rules of the sky, those official ladies, women and official ladies have to enter the palace to ask her, she rewards Give a red envelope. Although going out, the red envelope is still to be sent out from the tea house in Ming's early morning, lest people say that she is stingy, especially the husbands and officials of the Jiangnan area, who love to care.

Of course, Han Yu first prepared for Xiao Ruier and Xiaotang Sugar. Although the dragon will give it to the night, she is very happy to add money to the children.

Xiaorui is sitting behind her mother, quietly taking out the silver ticket in the red envelope and putting it all in one red envelope.

He is almost a year old, but he is the son of Long Feiye and Han Wei. At a young age, he has shown extraordinary situations in all aspects.

For example, height is higher than that of children of the same age. Just look at the body and say that he is a two-year-old child and someone must believe it. For example, hands and feet, especially flexible, small sugar is only one year old and two months to fully stabilize. However, he can go now and run on his toes. For example, the language, small sugar can only be spoken one and a half years old, and now it is almost two years old to communicate smoothly with her. However, he is still not old enough to speak clearly.

For example, sensitivity, a little bit of movement, he noticed that the dragon was tested by night, and his sensitivity was no less than that of martial arts.

For example, learning ability, Han Yu teaches him things, almost all of them will be taught again, and remember very strong. For example, courage, whether it is a stranger, a sudden situation, a dangerous environment, he has not been afraid, but did not cry. Helpless, that is, let the dragon hold the night, crying! It’s not a kiss with the dragon and the night!

If the two fathers and sons are very similar in appearance and temper, it is estimated that there will be people who suspect that the child is not a dragon and a night.

Of course, the children who are not yet old, the talents that are displayed are amazing, and he is not sensible after all.

He took out the silver ticket in the red envelope and even closed it, and sealed the seals one by one.

Han Han seriously wrapped the red envelope, and the dragon was not far from the window at night, watching the snow and thinking about things. Neither of them noticed what the son did.

Xiaorui probably took ten red envelopes, ten silver tickets all in one red envelope, and the red envelope was hidden by him.

"What is the sound outside?" Long suddenly asked at night.

Han Hao did not care, Xiaorui suddenly got up and ran away.

(End of this chapter)