Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1242: Nightingale Special: Tableware

A skirt skirt palace girl, sneak out, for every visitor to the scene to send good food and wine, all the palace women's clothing is a unified festive color. They are clearly trained, and their steps are like a light dance; the team seems to have rehearsed in peace, one after the other, the speed is balanced, elegant and orderly.

The hall, which originally had no decoration, became lively and festive because of the dance steps of the palace ladies.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu Gao sit in the main position, and the long-shouldered face of the long-nosed night is hooked with a shallow smile, and the mood should be excellent. Han Wei is actually not a person who laughs. However, since she became a queen, she has appeared in public, basically smiling and very harmless.

How many people in the middle of the country want to see her crying, how can she not laugh?

At this moment, Han Han’s smile is very bright. Looking at the in and out of the palace, watching every empty table gradually filled with large and small tableware, she is more and more satisfied.

She looked back at Gu Qixiao and asked with a smile. "Yu Wang, how is this child? This palace has been carefully prepared for several days, and it has also spent a lot..."

When Han Yu’s words came here, the ministers all looked at it. Almost everyone thought that the Queen would say “spend a lot of money”. However, what Han Han said is, "It took a lot of thoughts!"

"Good! Excellent!"

Gu Qixiao answered with an applause. If it is a child prepared by others, he will certainly be abandoning not grand enough, not enough fun and not gorgeous enough. However, as long as it is prepared by the poisonous hoe, it is the best in the world.

"From the uncle, what do you think?" Han Yu asked again.

"The taste of the Queen's Mother is unparalleled!" Tang said with a smile.

"That is, how can the Prince's birthday party be chilled?" Han Yu pretended to be proud.

Not to mention the people of Baili Yuanlong and Xiaojia, the other two national governments, as well as the ministers who have always respected the Queen and supported the Prince, are also dissatisfied.

The herdsmen of the Northern calendar are still in dire straits. There are not many foods in the national treasury that can be used for disaster relief. The people of the local people spontaneously organized disaster relief. Han Yugui is the mother of a country, the mother of the Prince, how can I be so busy at this festival, and have a happy banquet?

Of course, everyone is angry in the heart, dare to speak out.

Seeing the Queen watching Gu Beiyue, everyone looked forward to waiting for the Queen to ask Gu Taifu. Everyone hopes that Tai Fu can say what everyone is complaining about, can persuade a queen to persuade, or even persuade the emperor to be a spoiled queen.

Bai Liyuan’s old face was gloomy and full of anger. If the daughter had not stopped and persuaded, when Han Han came over, he stood up and denounced her.

At this moment, he stared at Gu Beiyue in a cold and secluded manner. He had to take a look at how Gu Beiyue would evaluate this banquet. He waited, if Gu Beiyue opposed the Queen's practice, he must stand up and agree immediately.

Berry Li was quite puzzled. She thought that the emperor had listened to Han Yu’s pillow-side wind and promised to do this feast. Could it be that Gu Beiyue was also stunned by Han Yu?

With Gu Beiyue's temper and style, it is time to persuade the empress of the emperor before the feast!

Bai Lili Xiang waited for the temper, waiting to sneak up the father's clothes corner, reminding him to be a little safe, and wait and see. This incident is still awkward, and she has to be wary of what traps Han Han set up to pit them. After all, when the Tianning Taihou birthday banquet, Han Han pitted a lot of food for the people in the disaster area.

Everyone is waiting for Han Yu to ask Gu Tai

Fu, but who knows, Han Wei looked at Gu Beiyue for a while, didn't say a word, turned his head and looked down.

Now, everyone has bowed their heads and dare not look at her.

On the left and right sides, the person sitting from the first row to the back has a status of high to low. The four nationals, the three generals, and the other five divisions of the Shangshu are sitting in the first row. Almost all of these people brought my wife, and the wife sat on the side.

The exception is the eternal life of Baili Yuanlong. The original wife has long since passed away. He is sitting next to him. Behind him is the eldest daughter, Bai Li Li Xiang, behind his back is his wife.

The realization of Han Yu fell on the family of Baili Yuanlong.

The ten empty red envelopes she sent out were given to the Baili family.

Although the lady of the Baili family passed away, Han Han prepared a red envelope. This red envelope is what she sincerely wants to give. It is not so much the memory and respect for the lady, but rather the respect for the Baili family. It is a special treatment. To put it bluntly, I told the other three ladies, the Baili family is different from them.

However, Baili Yuanlong and Baili Lixiang did not understand the meaning of Han Yu, especially the red envelopes received were empty, and their resentment was even greater.

There are also two red envelopes, one for the generals behind the Bailiqi, and the other for the Baili Lixiang! The celestial incense undercover has a meritorious deed and was named as a lady.

The thyme fragrance was sealed as a lady, which is actually another special treatment for the royal family.

Mrs. Yipin is the highest-ranking lady of the commandment, and enjoys the best treatment. A lady who can be named as a product is generally the mother of the high official, the wife. Baili Lixiang is the nobles of the Beili Emperor. If it is really pursued, Baili Lixiang cannot accept this kind of canonization.

Long non-night can seal her as a county owner, or give a large reward, but Long Feiye uses this kind of exception to express the special treatment of the Baili family.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic, the south was strong and there were hidden factors in the north of the country. Long non-night can be suppressed by power, force, and tyrannical iron policy. However, this kind of method, the Yunkong continent has at least three years to complete the post-war reconstruction work. The people must at least five or six years from the original stable days, want to be rich, no one Ten or twenty years is impossible!

Long non-night does not want to waste these hours, these times are not only his, but also the people of the sky! Before the imperial controversy and the worship of the king, he passed through countless days of deliberation, and he talked with Gu Beiyue and several confidants for countless nights.

They finally decided to succumb to the Baili family, and selected four homeowners in the south, west, and north. Together with Baili Yuanlong, they ranked in the ranks of the four countries. In this way, it is no better than giving too high a title and a stalwart, but also can borrow the Baili family to highlight the status of the other three families. Let the other three families, at least convinced.

Long Feiye did not tell Baili Yuanlong this reason. He had wronged the Baili family and also tested Baili Yuanlong. After all, Baili Yuanlong once let him down.

The result is regrettable. Baili Yuanlong has not seen the two special treatments he and Han Hao have given so far. He even colluded with the Southern Army.

Han Yu slowed down from her thoughts, and she smiled still, her eyes falling on the identity of Baili Lixiang. "Is that Li Xiang?"

Berry Li Xiang quickly got up, "Chen Li Baili Lixiang

I have seen the Empress. ”

Han Hao looked up, she has never seen Baili Lixiang, today is the first time. I have to say that the thyme fragrance is much more beautiful than the thyme fragrance, even if it is old, it is still beautiful.

However, Han Yu saw the difference between her and Baili Musk at a glance. There was no kindness in Bailili's eyes, and there was more enthusiasm than Baili Muxiang.

What is the temper of the hundred miles, and what kind of brain, Han Yu has seen a lot of back, she has been discussing with the dragon non-night, how has Baili Yuanlong changed like a person in the past year, more stable than before? many? Moreover, his collusion with the Southern Army is also quite concealed. They haven't caught any handles so far.

All of this happened after the return of Berry Lixiang. Can Han Yu not doubt the fragrance of the hundred miles?

"Li Xiang, you have a wide range of knowledge, you have to see a bigger scene than this one. You should have seen it. You said that this banquet for the Prince’s birthday will not be humiliated to the Prince?" Say.

Berry Lixiang really has a wide range of knowledge. She originally wanted to wait for the first time, but Han Yu gave her this opportunity. She didn't mind explaining the explanation to the people present. How much money Han Han spent on this scene today.

For the time being, Han Han’s biggest spending is on the tableware in front of everyone!

"Yes, the minister is obeying."

Baili Musk nodded and said seriously, "The feast of the past is seemingly simple, but in fact it is everywhere, you can see the heart of the Queen's Empress. The ministers will talk about tableware."

Han Hao smiled and gestured to Baili Lixiang.

"The tableware used by the emperor and the queen is a rare and rare colorful dragon and phoenix porcelain. The whole set is divided into dragon porcelain and phoenix porcelain, each with 69 pieces." Baili Lixiang said loudly.

When the words came out, many people were shocked.

Linda colorful dragon and phoenix porcelain!

Everyone has heard this name, but almost no one has seen it in the real thing. It turns out that these two treasures are in the royal family!

Dingguo Gong Xiao Anchao Baili Lixiang voted to admire the eyes. He just saw the emperor's tableware, and he also had doubts. However, at this time, the tableware had not been fully arranged, and he put about ten pieces, so He is not very sure. The knowledge and eyesight of Baili Lixiang is really good.

Han Hao took a clap and was very happy. "It’s rare to see it, hehe!"

Although everyone was shocked, it was only shocked. After all, the emperor and the queen had this qualification and enjoyed the tableware of these specifications.

However, Han Han’s next sentence immediately made everyone dissatisfied.

Han Wei said, "Today, let everyone get a glimpse of the light of the Prince, and open their eyes, and the whole set of colorful porcelain will be put on!"

The whole set of colorful dragon and phoenix porcelain should be put up, which means 69 pieces of tableware, bowls, plates, pots, spoons, chopsticks, saucers, spoons, etc. of all sizes, all things will be used!

So how many kinds of delicacies are there for this evening?

On the other side of the Northern calendar, the soldiers were hungry for disasters. The herdsmen were hungry and refuge in the refuge. Han Han, the queen, actually spent so much money on a meal?

Everyone is looking at each other, and even some straight people have already discussed it.

The scent of Baili Li was swept over a smear, and said, "The tableware used by the Prince of Yu is not ordinary. The Empress of the Queen is generous, and the tableware given to everyone is also very good..."

(End of this chapter)