Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1243: Nightingale Special: Gifts

In fact, it is not necessary to introduce the ideals of the hundred miles. Everyone can see that the tableware placed in front of them is not small. However, Baili Lixiang also introduced, everyone is still an accident.

For example, Baili Muxiang said that the tableware on the second seat is not annoying. It is a black porcelain that is hard to find. There are a total of fifty-nine pieces of tableware, only ten pieces of colorful dragon and phoenix porcelain.

For example, under the seat of Baili Lixiang, the tableware on the 100-seat seats is a very rare white jade porcelain. It is both jade and porcelain. There are a total of 55 pieces of tableware. There are four pieces of black porcelain cutlery in the second seat. Regardless of the preciousness of these porcelains, and the number of these porcelains, the audience added thousands of pieces of tens of thousands of pieces of tableware. To use these cutlery, how much is it?

How many foods do you have to eat?

Even if there is no disaster in the Northern calendar, even if Daqin does not lack food now, even if Daqin is already a very rich country, it is not so wasteful!

On each table, there is a round dish, a pair of chopsticks, a wine glass, and the three kinds of deductions. The other tableware is used to hold food, and the ladies are placed in front of everyone.

After Baili Lixiang finished the words, the ladies had already sent three personal food pots to everyone, big and medium, and each food pot was covered with a lid, and I couldn’t see what was inside. However, it was seen that hot air came out from the edge of the lid and smelled.

As the smell smells, everyone can basically judge that the three food pots should be meat.

Although Long Fei night said a feast, but he did not use moving chopsticks, no one can move chopsticks on the scene, so in the face of hot, delicious food, everyone can not do it, can only smell.

The generations of Baili Yuanlong and Xiao'an seem to have a cold face, but in fact they are excited. It is the acute ones that are completely resistant to the heart.

He waited, waiting for all the dishes to go up, waiting for the loyal people on the court, completely disappointed with Han.

He knew that the emperor had been alert to him. He did not necessarily persuade the emperor, but if those loyal ministers joined, at least the emperor could re-examine the woman beside him.

He had heard it for a long time. He heard that the emperor was in the royal study room, and several literary ministers said that he had changed, and the Baili family was no longer the former Baili family.

Well, recently, he will let the emperor look. People will change. Han Biao, who was at risk for the disaster, will change.

In fact, the emperor himself has changed, isn’t it? Perhaps, he is the earliest one. From the time he met Han Han, he was no longer the master before the Baili family.

In addition to the gang of Baili Yuanlong, some of the ministers behind the seats were all worried and face to face. They are very respectful to the Empress and are full of expectations. However, today's banquet made them very disappointed.

The prince’s banquet is indeed a big event, not a chill, but now it is a very special period, and the Queen is so good that it converges.

Of course, everyone is worried in the heart, no one dares to exhort. After all, the emperor sits on the top and has only said one sentence so far. He can't figure out how to see the Queen's practice. Moreover, since the beginning of the banquet, the dishes have not yet been assembled.

Even if you want to exhort, you have to have a good reason to convince the emperor.

In addition to the confidants of Long Fei Ye and Han Yu, the hundreds of people in the big hall are increasingly dissatisfied with Han Yu.

Han Wei ignored other people, her attention is

On the body of Bai Lili, she is more and more satisfied with the Baili Lixiang.

She said with a smile, "It’s rare to meet a clerk, Mrs. Li Xiang, and the package will be rewarded as a Prince."

Berry Li Xiang quickly came out of his seat and thanked him.

After the re-enjoyment of Baili Lixiang, the audience was restored to silence. Only the palace ladies were still dancing elegant dance steps and continued to serve everyone. Each dish is covered with a lid, steamy, full of fragrance, and coveted.

The weather is cold, and, according to the specifications of the feast, it is true that every dish must be covered, so everyone is not suspicious.

They have already arrived at the meal, and many people are hungry. It’s a pity that the dragon is not moving the chopsticks at night, and everyone can only be hungry.

The dragon was sitting high on the night, lacking the dignified majesty of the Shang Dynasty, and a little more leisurely laziness. However, the domineering between the eyebrows and the nobleness of the body, the temperament of the king was undiminished.

He didn't pay much attention to the people below. Even if Berry Lixiang explained the origin of the tableware, his favorite realization was also on Han Han.

As if he knew that Han Han was in trouble, he also knew that everyone was dissatisfied with the Queen, but he was willing to be fooled by her.

After the scent of Baili Li sat down, she couldn’t help but look at the dragon and watch it all night. I heard about the master’s things since I was young, and I have to see it in the near future.

See him handsome and handsome, see him domineering, see him arrogant and cold, she and all the women who have seen him, will be instantly heart.

However, she is sensible to know that she missed the opportunity more than 20 years ago. She only blamed her sister Baili Muxiang in her heart. After the scent of thyme into the royal palace of Qin, so many opportunities, how can you not catch it? Otherwise, there will be at least one more emperor's position next to the man today, and her hundred homes will have one more chip.

Quiet for a while, everyone will not be able to count the dishes in front of you. There are still a lot of dishes not on, the emperor will not have to wait for all the dishes to go up, will you really open a feast?

Gu Qishao and Gu Beiyue both came over today, and they don’t know anything about what Han Han and Long Fei want to do. Although Gu Qishao often has bad nights and good nights, however, the recent banquet is also the home of Rui, and he naturally shuts up.

He sat with his arms around his chest and carefully smelled the table full of dishes, seeming to find something.

Gu Beiyue seemed to have no interest in the food on the table. He got up and broke the silence.

"The lower official prepared a thin gift for His Royal Highness, and he also hoped that his Highness would be laughed."

There are two kinds of situations for the birthday banquet gifts. One is to "send" before the event, and the other is to "send". Sending is the rule of ordinary people. The "gifts" are the royal rituals.

Nearly a hundred people in the field, the ones with low status, gave the imperial **** of the Royal Highness to the **** in the early days after entering the palace. Those with high status will be on the banquet and present a big gift in public.

Generally speaking, the gift will be started after the banquet.

It is the head of Gu Beiyue, and everyone is hungry, so no one cares about Gu Beiyue. After all, there are not many people who need to give gifts in court. Perhaps, after the offering, the emperor will move chopsticks?

Gu Beiyue, the Taifu will give the Prince Edward what age, and everyone is still looking forward to it.

Gu Beiyue sent people a gift, he sent nothing else, but a huge map!

He personally and the servant unfolded the map and showed it to the emperor.

After watching it with the Prince, I also showed it to the ministers.

This map is taller than him. It is more than two meters wide and is a large map of Yunkong.

"His Royal Highness, this is the third official spent three months, hand-painted, including every county, town, and cloud in the mainland. It is prone to floods, droughts, fires, snowstorms and other rare disasters. ”

Gu Beiyue stopped and sighed. "This year, the northern part of Daqin has been in a disaster. The famine, the plague and the snowstorm alternate, and the people are not happy. His Highness is now full of age, and the lower official offered this thing for the victims of the North. Pray for the royal family for the Daqin people, and wish me no harm in Daqin."

Rui Er couldn't understand, but he was already attracted by the huge map of this picture. He looked at his father and saw his father nod. This time he jumped out of his seat and walked to the unfolding map.

He was only one year old, and he was small. Standing at the front of the map, he was even smaller. However, he was not scared by this behemoth. He held his hands behind his back and looked up and looked at every position on the map.

Everyone was quiet, including Long Fei Ye and Han Yu. They both looked at Xiao Rui's back to look at the back of Daqin map, and they all had the same idea.

Time is lingering, and whistling past for decades, Ruier will eventually grow up one day, he will no longer look up this map, but will stand at the highest point of Daqin, step on the big Qin halfway, smash the world! At that time, Daqin must be a prosperous and powerful country, a prosperous state, and there will be no more wars and disasters!

In the view of Long Feiye and Han Yu, Gu Beiyue placed such expectations on Xiao Ruier.

Unfortunately, many people present have another understanding. In their view, Gu Beiyue mentioned the victims in such a grand feast, such a wasteful feast. This must change the way to remind the emperor and change the way to express dissatisfaction with the queen!

Bailiyuan had a beard and thought, and he did not respect the wrong person. The whole Xiqin camp had so many people, he would serve Beiyue one. Baili Lixiang smiled slightly and secretly looked at Gu Beiyue. I heard that the dean of the medical school had married a woman whose legs were abolished. She really couldn't believe it!

Xiao Dong kept his eyes on Xiao An. In his opinion, Gu Beiyue first stated his position. They naturally wanted to fight the iron and use this opportunity to speak.

However, Xiao An used an unpleasant gaze to bring Xiao Dong's impulse back.

In the recent good show, who will come out, who will pick it up first, it is really hard to say it!

Gu Beiyue just returned to his seat. Gu Qixiao sent out the title deed of No. 7 Tea House. Tang and He Jing sent a special hidden toy.

After the emperor’s family, it was the gift of the four kings.

Among the four kingdoms, Baili Yuanlong often lives as the head of the four kingdoms. This time, he was also the first to stand up. In the expectation of everyone, Baili Yuanlong presented a pearl in his hands.

"His Royal Highness, this is the new white pearl in the East China Sea this year. I am cautious and hopeful!"

This time, everyone will face each other and fear it.

The Baili adults sent a pearl as a national official, and it is a very very ordinary pearl. What does he mean? This is a big provocation to the Prince and Queen!

Rui children don't understand, but he also feels that the adults are not good at him. He hasn't moved.

Baili Yuanlong has always maintained the act of giving gifts, but soon, Han Han was cold-sounding. "What is the special thing about this white pearl? Is it worthy of the Prince Edward?"

(End of this chapter)