Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1244: Nightingale Special: Retire

In the face of Han Yu's cold questioning, Bai Liyuan showed an innocent expression.

I have to say that if the eldest daughter is told again, he will never be tolerant at this time, and will not show this poor appearance.

He was wronged and helpless, sighed, "Queen of the Queen, this pearl is nothing special. The avalanche of the Northern calendar, countless deaths and injuries, my people in the Qin Dynasty are hungry and cold, and displaced. The old man came these days, the night can not be paralyzed, the day can not eat The soldiers who have been worried about the disasters and disaster relief in the north have been unable to make time for the Royal Highness of the Prince. The ceremony is small, but the heart of the old minister is sincere. The old minister and Gu Taifu are the same, and they are the victims of the north. I also prayed for the royal family of the Daqin people, and wished me that there would be no disaster in Daqin."

Don't say that Han Han and the dragon are not night, that is, people who are not familiar with Baili Yuanlong are surprised by the words that Baili Yuanlong can say.

The words of Baili Yuanlong are enough irony!

First, the satirical Queen before the natural disaster, there are so many thoughts for the Prince to prepare for the age of the Queen, the Queen clearly has no disaster record in the north;

Secondly, pulling Gu Beiyue to his own camp, forcibly misinterpreting the true intention of Gu Beiyue to send the map; pulling Gu Beiyue to his camp is also a satire on Han Han. What Gu Beiyue said is also the most cronies of Han Yu.

Third, forcing the Prince to earn this little gift, if the Highness does not accept it, it is superficial, only the value of the gift, the meaning of the gift. Of course, the Prince is still small and does not understand anything. The satire of the prince of the hundred yuan Yuan is to satirize Han Han as a mother.

In short, in the phrase of Bai Liyuan, all the lines in the word are all about Han Han’s satire and Sven crusade.

At this moment, everyone is looking at the Koreans, and guessing what this would be the Queen’s reaction.

Her response to the provocative practice of Baili Yuanlong will directly determine the attitude of other ministers.

Han Yu was silent for a long time, and his face gradually became gloomy.

The audience was silent, and no one was snoring.

At this time, the dragon opened his mouth at night, and he said, "The singer is a big gift! Prince, isn’t it a big gift for the town?"


Ruier's milk is milky, the voice is tender, but the light is serious. He personally walked down and walked to the front of Baili Yuanlong.

Baili Yuanlong was surprised and surprised. He quickly fell down and presented gifts with his hands.

At this time, the following ministers all smiled! The emperor is still wise!

The emperor has opened this mouth, what are they afraid of? It’s straightforward!

As a result, the public official Xiao An also stood up and presented a special small gift, saying that the words of the country, the worry of the country and the people, and the meaning of Baili Yuanlong. Expressing his worries, he ridiculed Han Han.

The other two national comrades also offered gifts, but the ceremony was not too big or small. They did not satirize the queen, and there was no words in them, and all kinds of rules were congratulated.

After the Four Kingdoms, there are several big ones. These one-person members gave the two regular rules, and others learned the practice of Baili Yuanlong and ironically denounced.

Han Hao sat still, with no expression. Looking at her grievances, the long-sinking suffocation in the heart of Baili Yuanlong finally stretched out. Xiao An’s mouth turned up and sneered. He had no choice but to play the Queen’s face, regardless of whether the dragon was the night or not. He only knows

Everything has an opening, and it is not difficult to do it later. For the first time, there will definitely be a second time, the third time!

After the gift was given, Han Han was still sullen. She glanced at the table and looked unhappy. "The emperor, the dishes are all on the table, please move the chopsticks. The dishes in the recent days are all prepared by Chen. ""

When the words came out, Baili Yuanlong would have to get up, but Baili Lixiang took him, and Baili Lixiang was very cautious.

The dragon nodded at night, and Han Han ordered the court lady who was on the side to serve.

The palace girl respectfully, under the watchful eyes of everyone, opened the dragon non-night table, the largest porcelain pot.

As soon as the lid opened, the heat came out, and at the same time a burst of fragrance rushed. This is a very familiar taste of the dragon non-night, the taste of the old hen soup!

The palace lady carefully took a bowl and placed it in front of the dragon, and the man retreated.

"The emperor, this is a whole chicken soup, using three years old hens, adding a hundred years of snow ginseng and many other precious herbs, from the morning to the present. This soup is the essence of chicken and herbs, this dish, only soup or meat "Han Yan seriously introduced, the mood seems to be much better.

The dragon looked down at the chicken soup in front of him, his brow was slightly locked, and he was slow to use it. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Everyone is also squatting, using a chicken and a lot of precious herbs in a small pot of soup. If you only use this dish, you have to use more than 100 old hens!

If the meal was eaten completely in the past, how much food did it have to eat? How much silver?

Everyone did not consciously look at the hot soup in front of his table, especially want to open it. However, the temple has not moved yet, they still can't move.

At this time, the servant of the latter was not far away, but after the servant of the latter made a look, he gently kicked his father's foot and finally arrived at the shot.

I don’t think that it’s a small gift.

However, such extravagance and waste, but the actual evidence, everyone is obvious to all.

Han Wei, this round, even if the emperor has the heart to protect you, it may not be able to protect it!

The hundred miles long stood up and walked out of the position and kneeled down.

Suddenly, the audience fell into a quiet silence.

"Hundreds of Yuanlong, what are you doing?" The dragon opened his mouth at night.

"Old minister, please the emperor, the empress, the imperial concubine to sin!" said Bai Liyuan.

"What crimes do you have?" Long asked at night.

"Today's prince is happy, it should have been a joyous celebration. The Queen's maiden is planning a banquet for the prince. The banquet is a happy event. It is a big event. However, the people in the north still can't eat a full meal, and the disaster-relief soldiers are also squatting. Hungry. The old minister is in a distressed mood and cannot enjoy these feasts! The old minister asks the emperor to allow the veteran to retire!"


Everyone knows that the adults of Baili want to denounce the Queen, but they did not expect that he was not as fierce and direct as he used to, but expressed resentment by pleading with the Emperor to allow him to leave.

This is not just expressing resentment, it is to throw the problem to the emperor, to say more straightforward, this is threatening the emperor!

He threatened the emperor to make a choice on the spot, accepting the extravagance of the queen, disregarding the victims, or accepting his advice.

If the emperor allowed him to retire, it was in front of everyone, to condone the Queen's absurd practices, the emperor will be dragged back, losing the hearts of the subjects.

If the emperor does not allow

Xu let him retire, he must fight for reason, forcing the emperor to punish, and to appease the hearts of the people.

In the silence, Han Yuan sat quietly, and the dragon was very quiet at night. He looked at Baili Yuanlong.

"Please ask the emperor to admit the old minister!" Baili Yuanlong again.

Here, the ministers of several hundred miles camps all stood up, and together with the hundred miles, they said in unison, "The emperor, the ministers worry about the victims of the north, do not have the heart to enjoy today's feast, and ask the emperor to allow ministers, etc. Retired!"

This time, the dragon's brows of the night are smashed.

Aside, Gu Qishao has a small sigh of sorrows. He did not care about the Baili family before. Today is the first time that he has seriously beat the face of Baili Yuanlong.

Gu Beiyue lowered his head and did not make a sound. At this time, many people are staring at him and waiting to see his position!

百 百 背后 背后 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

Seeing the emperor’s delay in making a sound, Baili Yuanlong pleaded for the third time, “Please allow the emperor to!”

At this time, many ministers who were loyal and loyal to each other also got up and squatted behind them.

They did not get involved in the partisanship, and they always supported the empress and the prince. However, this time, they were also disappointed. Their move is not in line with the hundred miles, but to show their position.

They only didn't stand up for the first time, but because the official rank was low and the influence was not great. Nowadays, so many high-ranking officials have stood up, and they naturally have to join.

They did not say much, and they pleaded with enthusiasm. "Let the emperor allow the lower official to retire!

At this time, the dragon is not looking at Xiao’an who has been sitting still, "Dingguogong, want to stay?"

Xiao An always felt that this matter was not simple, but he couldn't find anything wrong with it. Even if Han Hao was even more powerful, after all, he was confused, and he was arrogant and arrogant.

Xiao An quickly got up and walked to the temple, kneeling beside the Bailiyuan, "please ask the Highness to allow the veteran to retire!"

Upon seeing this, some of the party feathers of Xiao Dong and Xiao Jia followed suit.

For a while, hundreds of people in the hall smashed two-thirds.

The dragon is still not late in the night, he looks at those who have not kneel, if thoughtful.

Time, a little passing.

Everyone is waiting for a decision from Long Fei.

At this time, an **** rushed over from the side and whispered in the ear of Long Fei. "The emperor, the north gate of the city and the south gate of the city have gathered a lot of ordinary people. The heads are all scholars, and they are denouncing the empress of the queen!"

Suddenly, the dragon glared at night, "What have you said?"

The **** was shocked, his legs were soft, and he went down.

"Say!" The dragon was not strong at night.

"Say...the Queen Empress is a banquet for the Prince, a waste of time, disregarding the victims, no... no..." The **** scared his tongue and tied it. "Not worthy of being a queen... No, not worthy of being the mother of Chu ""

“Extraordinary waste?” The dragon sneered out at night, “Queen, can you have this?”

Is this not the fact that is in front of you? Still need to ask? All the people in the temple were frightened and disappointed. The common people are noisy, is it difficult for the emperor to insist on indulging the empress?

Han Yu vomited and suffocated, and got up and left. She took Rui Rui and squatted in front of the dragon and the night. "The emperor, there is no such thing, the courtier!"

(End of this chapter)