Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 127: Confronted, gathered together

"Wang Hao Niangniang, the lord will never do this. How is this possible? You ask everyone, which family owner will allow the daughter who is married to return to her family?"

Mrs. Xu sneered and refute Han Han, and everyone around me talked about it. Mrs. Xu looked at Yi Tai and asked seriously, "Taiwan Niangniang, this excuse, do you believe it?"

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean? Are you suspecting this king?" Han Hao angered.

"Yes!" Mrs. Xu went out.

Everything has gone to the point where she can't get out of it. Otherwise, this farce will not achieve her purpose, but it will make Han Han famous.

No matter what, she is not only going to get the keys to the storeroom today, but she must also see the lord. Once she sees the lord, the truth is clear, and Han Han will surely be defeated!

Mrs. Xu not only answered Han Hao’s question positively, but also seriously repeated the question of being a genius. “Is it too embarrassing, do you believe it?”

In the face of everyone, this is the rhythm that should be answered if you don’t answer too much. You should know that Yi Tai’s identity is special, and the reaction to this problem may stir up a thousand waves.

She didn't like Mrs. Xu at all. Han Han just took her, but at this time, she was more willing to stand with Mrs. Xu.

If Han Han really interferes with her family affairs for no reason and is greedy with her family, this crime is not a trivial matter. This is an excellent excuse for Qin Wang to retire his wife.

Yi Taihao looked at Han Wei and looked at Mrs. Xu again. He was hesitant. He hadn’t answered for a long time. Everyone was watching quietly and waiting.

Yihao’s hesitation is very unfavorable to Han Han and will only aggravate the suspicions of everyone.

Murong Wan still stood beside Yitai, always so weak and indifferent, and the lovely appearance of the beautiful, she took the arm of Yitai, deliberately lowered a little voice, "mother, I see this thing Here, forget it, after all, it is the affairs of the Han family, so that the nephew will return the keys to the warehouse to others."

Although she lowered her voice, she only pressed down a little, and it was clearly intended to be heard by people around.

She did not say that it was okay. As a result, Han Yu’s suspicion was even bigger. It’s so bad. Doesn’t it mean that Han Han’s guilty conscience, fear?

The original quiet surroundings immediately whispered, and Han Han looked at everything in his eyes, and his heart sneered, Murong like this is a radical approach?

Very good, she will come to count today!

Yi Taihao has not yet opened, Han Han took the initiative to say, "Mother, this matter is even if you believe that I am useless, people are coming to the gate. I also promised to take her to see my father, now Let's go! By the way, call other Han people."

No one thought that Han Han would be so decisive, especially Xu. When Han Hao said that after 10 days, she did not believe in Han Yu. I felt that Han Han was only delaying the time, but she could not see anyone yesterday. She was more certain that Han Han was lying. .

Who knows, today, in front of so many people, she dared to go to Dali Temple?

Is it difficult for her to have a way to suppress things in Dali Temple?

Mrs. Xu asked her father several times to let Dali Siqing get through, let her first sneak a glimpse of Han Congan, Dali Temple did not agree, obviously it is taboo Han Hao!

Thinking about this, Mrs. Xu can not dare to underestimate the enemy, and quickly said, "Too aunt, the woman is daring, please take a trip together."

"Why, are you still worried about what I am doing with you?" Han Yu sneered disdainfully.

Mrs. Xu is also welcome, ironically, "Qin Wang can block the way of my Han family to visit the prison, in Dali Temple, what can't be done?"

Regardless of the privilege of Han Yu in Dali Temple, as long as I am pleased to ask for it, Mrs. Xu does not believe that Han Han can only cover the sky!

"Mrs. Xu, you talk to the king to be polite!" Han Yu pretending to be angry.

When I saw it, I was too guilty. When she was in a guilty conscience, she really nodded and promised, "Well, in order to show justice, this palace will take you with you."

As soon as I heard this, the surrounding people called for a good time.

"Too niece, must be fair to the Korean family! Han family can not fall in the hands of outsiders!"

"Too Yan Niangniang, I believe that you will handle this matter impartially, let Qin Wangyi give a confession!"

"Well, let's wait at the door of Dali Temple. The truth will soon come out. You can't marry a good person, and you can't let go of those who are corrupt and unshakeful!"


These words, from different directions, are extremely agitating, and the people who talk are hidden in the crowd. This is clearly arranged in advance.

Anyone who is harsh will be worried, but Han Wei is not angry. No one knows that she is more expecting the truth than Mrs. Xu.

On the spot, Yitai was ordered to prepare a car, and together with Han Han and Mrs. Xu went to Dali Temple Dungeon.

Yi Taihao came to visit, and the newly appointed Dali Siqing Ouyang adults rushed to meet at the door.

Listening to Yi Taihao said that it was for the Han family. Ouyang adults screamed in the heart. On the one hand, Qin Wangxi, the savior of the Prince, and the daughter of Xu Shangshu, who was his enthus, he did not expect that Mrs. Xu would Things got a lot of trouble, and both of them were embarrassing on both sides.

Yi Taihao is the body of Jingui, can you just walk into the dirty Tianqiang prison?

Ouyang adults welcomed them to the office lobby of Dali Temple, and then asked the attendants to send Han from Amp.

Yi Tai is on the high seat of the main seat. Ouyang adults are seated on the left side. Han Han and Murong Wan sit on their right side, and Mrs. Xu stands alone.

Han Cong'an has not been taken over yet, and the Korean family first heard the news first, the young master Han Yuxi, the three-room three-in-law Li Shi and the second Miss Han Ruoxue, and the seven-bedroom Qi Yu Niang and Han Yunyi.

After the ceremony, Yi Taihao did not give a seat. Everyone stood there. Han Yu’s **** hurts. He is still a brain-filled brain with a lot of brains. It seems that he has a good grasp of today’s things. While whispering to Mrs. Xu, she did not forget to give Han Han a warning.

Han Hao was too lazy to compare with the brain, she looked at the seven sisters and Xiao Yier.

This mother and son have obviously never seen such a big scene, especially the seven-year-old mother, standing on the back, holding a small Yi Er, curling up the body like a little daughter-in-law.

In this group of people, it is the most decent of the mother and daughter of the three mothers, Li, and not humble, and quietly in the bow.

Han Wei secretly looked at Sancha Niang Li, who recalled the masked female assassin named Tsing Yi. She only felt that she was almost tall and thin, and looked at it. She believed that Li was the assassin.

Of course, intuition can't be done with evidence. Only after the cans of tea are checked out can you catch people.

Han Hao pondered, while looking at the second Miss Han Ruoxue, Han Ruoxue was originally a very important suspect, and now the appearance of the can of tea, no doubt makes Han Yu more sure that the poison is her.

Everyone should be from this two small

The sister hand was sent to Mu Haoyue’s hand and then sent to the generals.

Just, is Han Ruoxue poisonous? Will it also be martial arts? The young female assassin named Black Skull is not like Han Ruoxue at all.

Just like the outside of the Qin Wangfu, the big static dragon didn’t come out at night. Han Hao certainly wouldn’t expect him to save the field, but she was very curious about what he is doing now!

At this time, Chu Xifeng should also send the inspection report of the can of tea to Long Fei’s hand. Once it is determined to be toxic, there will be a green card, and I believe that people will be arrested soon.

Nowadays, in the Imperial Capital, even if Tsing Yi has a great ability, it is difficult to escape the palm of the dragon.

Han Wei is very keen to find out the truth, and she is really fierce. She is silently waiting for the dragon to work at night!

Of course, at this moment in the Dali Temple, Han Han will not be amazed by the three-year-old mother, anyway, there are still three days away from the gambling, she can wholeheartedly solve the troubles at hand.

There is a distance from the dungeon to the lobby and I have to wait for a while.

This waiting is long in everyone's eyes, and the room is silent.

Suddenly, Han Han faintly opened his mouth. "Come on, give the Han family seven young masters to sit."

When the words came out, the Han family saw them all. The servants on the side were very embarrassed. They looked at Yi Tai and looked at Ouyang adults. They didn’t know whether they should give them a seat.

After all, Yi Tai's identity is the highest, she has not given a seat, now Qin Wanghao doing this, is not appropriate?

Seeing that Yi Tai is not making a sound, Ouyang adults are also embarrassed, and do not know how to be good, so the servant has not moved.

"Ouyang adults, you are not a small shelf here, even the king of the king can not call it?" Han Yu asked.

Ouyang adults look at Yitai, but Yitai is still quiet, but in desperation, Ouyang adults can only anger the servant, "Stupid? Didn't hear the command of Wang Hao's mother? Don't give a seat!"

The gods are hard to serve! The servant scared a cold sweat and did not dare to delay the move to Xiao Yier to go to the chair.

Xiao Yier’s heart sneaked out and broke away from her mother’s hand. She stepped forward and had a slap in the face. “Xie Yi is too embarrassed, thank you Wang Niangniang!”

This time, Yi Taihao only glanced over, and did not care much, just drinking tea, and looking at the trial papers with great interest.

"Excuse me, sit down." Han Yu’s voice was softer, and Xiao Yi’s child was so good that she didn’t lose her face.

Xiao Yier sat down in a big way, so many Korean families, he sat alone, and he was still a junior, in this level of world, this is undoubtedly the face of other people!

Han Yuxi immediately whispered, "Mother, Han Yu, what do you mean? Deception is too much, you are not saying that Yitai is toward us?"

Mrs. Xu was also angry, and even the face of Murong was like a wink, Murong was like a comeback, she looked at it again, and looked at it, and then it would be embarrassed.

Murong was as unhappy as he was, but he couldn’t reprimand it. It only came from Mrs. Xu’s meaning.

"Mother, how can the children sit, the elders are standing? According to my opinion, are you given a seat?" Murong Wan said.

At this time, Yi Taihao was lazy to look up, but just inadvertently swept the Korean family and said nothing.

Yitai Temple to Dali Temple seems to be a fair host for the Han family. In fact, she came to Han Han. She did not put the Korean family in her eyes at all. She has not seen her since the Korean family came in.

(End of this chapter)