Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 128: Intense, real situation

Mrs. Xu was so noisy at her door, although her reputation and image were finally saved, but it does not mean that she does not mind?

It’s not a bad thing, Mrs. Xu is good, how can I still give it a seat?

Yi Taizhen glanced at it, and his mind fell on the paper. When he saw it, Mrs. Xu never imagined that when she arrived at Dali Temple, she would be so cold, she was shocked and angry, and she went to Murong. Questioning the eyes.

Mrs. Xu, now, when do you still mind a seat?

Murong was as anxious as it was, and looked at Mrs. Xu with a look at the warning. However, all these two eyebrows were seen by Han Wei.

Han Wei slowly picked up his eyes, well, this time is Murong Wanru, this ghost is not a guy, not seeing the coffin without tears!

Today, she will definitely let her understand what it means to regret.

At this time, the outside was sent by the guards, "Oh... the prisoner Han brought it from An."

As soon as I heard this, everyone in the room played a 12-point spirit. It was not so important to position no position. I should sit up straight and be serious, cold and cold, "Come in!"

Han Congan didn't know what happened, and he didn't know who was going to see him. He just heard that he came to the lobby. He guessed that he must be a very honorable person to see him.

However, in addition to Han Wei, he could not think of who would remember him and would like to come to see him. However, Han Han wants to see him, they are all going to the cell!

Han Congan was suspicious and walked forward and passed the high threshold.

At this moment, after seeing the full house, especially the familiar face of the Han family, Han Cong An immediately became at the door and was stunned.

This... what happened?

He was still squatting, but Xiao Yier suddenly burst into tears and jumped out of the high chair and rushed over. "Hey!"

This "爹爹" is so real, then the emotional, naive voice is not artificial at all, illusory, full of thoughts and dependence, and then the heart of the heart will be moved, the heart of the heart is this?

Xiao Yier rushed to his father's arms and cried in spite of everything. "Hey, when are you going home! Hey...baby miss you, when can you go home?"

Xiao Yier is smart and precocious, and after all, she is just a child.

Xiao Yier listened to many people who said that his father was sentenced to life imprisonment and could never return home. However, he just reluctantly believed.

He is still waiting to go home, teach him to take medicine, teach him to see a doctor and save people.

Han Cong's prisoner's clothes, long hair messy, and a wolf, he looked at the little son in his arms, the deep-eyed eyes could not help but red, opened his mouth, but did not know how to answer his son's question.

Han Wei saw this scene in her eyes. She always loves and hates her for the first time.

No, to be exact, this feeling of guilt is against Xiao Yi'er. She secretly made up her mind. In any case, she must protect Xiaoyi's peace and peace, and grow up smoothly.

At this time, Han Yuxi suddenly shouted, "Father", then flew over, and Han Ruoxue followed.

Yitai was originally moved because of Xiaoyi’s tender and true feelings. When she saw Han Yuxi’s and Han Ruoxue’s fake look, she was not angry with the insults, and she was impatient and screaming. “This is a palace for the Han family to preside over justice. Not to see your family reunion!"

When this was said, Han Yuxi and Han Ruoxue were scared, and immediately retired, and Xiao Yier died.

I don’t let go of the dead, I’m afraid that I will be taken away.

"Seven-Yang Niang, still don't pull your son away, should you be in front of you, what is this system?" Mrs. Xu was displeased.

The lord has been imprisoned forever, and it doesn't make much sense to win the lord's good feelings. The lord and the lord will not be stupid enough to hand over the keys to the foreigner's daughter, regardless of who the master handed over the keys to the Han family. The way to fight for his son back.

The most important thing now is to grab the storeroom keys from Han Yu.

Aside, Qiu Niang saw the lord, the whole person was stunned, and the eyes were wet and circled again. She was reminded by Mrs. Xu that she was slowed down and quickly pulled forward to pull Xiaoyi, "Yi 乖The girl is too angry, you don't hurt you."

Qiu Niang always knows how to swindle Xiao Yier. When she said this, Xiao Yier was so frightened that she let go, and Qiu Niang quickly took him away, and she did not dare to sit in the original chair again.

Han Congan looked at the weak seven-year-old mother, very helpless, and she wanted to stop, but when she was stronger, she did not have to work hard to ask for Han.

Han Congan is also a personal thing. He sorts out the emotions a little and immediately goes to the ceremony. "The sinner Han Congan sees the Taisang Niangniang, see Wang Xiiang Niangniang."

"Han Congan, your wife, Mrs. Xu, is the key to the Han family's warehouse, and went to the door of the Qin Wangfu to ask for help. This palace is now asking you, where is the key to the Han family warehouse?" I was too embarrassed to ask.

Listening to the words "the house key", smart as Han and An Lima understand what happened, he originally entrusted the coffer keys to Han Yu, the main purpose is to beware of Mrs. Xu!

Mrs. Xu’s mother’s backing is strong. When he leaves, the Korean family will definitely become the world of Mrs. Xu. This is actually nothing wrong, but the young and the young are not competing.

The Han family fell in the hands of Mrs. Xu, and it was tantamount to falling in the hands of the young master. The great young master’s nature was not enough to defeat the Han family for three years.

Han Cong'an's eyes suddenly became cold and deep, and he looked at Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu’s heart was awkward and inexplicably upset. She said quickly, “Master, why don’t you answer the question of Yitai?”

Han Congan did not speak, and the cold eyes shifted to Han Yuxi. Han Yuxi unexpectedly came out and blurted out. "Father, Han Yu said that you handed over the keys to the storehouse. How is this possible? The key to the storehouse is that she grabbed it, right? What?"

"That is, Master, we have invited Yi Tai, you don't have to worry about Han Han, what is going on, you say it." Mrs. Xu said anxiously.

At this time, Han Ruoxue couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly followed the advice. "Father, how can the keys to the warehouse be passed on to the woman who is married? You must have suffered in prison. Do you have a good time all these days?" I can't see you, what happened in the end, you said it, you should give it to our Han family!"

The Han family was in a hurry, and Yi Tai was also anxious. She once again questioned, "Han Congan, Han Wei said that the key to the warehouse is what you confess to her. Is this true?"

After I finished this, I would like to add it to Murong Wan. "Han Congan, since my mother-in-law has come here, what do you say, don’t hide it. You are willing to hand over the keys to Qin Wang’s house. ?"

Xiao Yier and Qi Yu Niang looked at it. Listening, the hands of the mother and the child were tightly held, and they were anxious to know that the father’s answer was directly related to their destiny!

Finally, in the urging of the crowd, Han Congan calmly looked at Yitai, and all of them were quiet, holding their breath and waiting for him to speak.

How will he answer it?

Mrs. Xu couldn’t help but hold her heart, because the excitement of the heartbeat was quick, as long as the master denied it, Han Han was finished!

Murong Wan looked at Mrs. Xu with a glance, and was particularly satisfied. He also looked forward to Han Congan’s announcement of Han Yu’s crimes.

However, Han took a smirk from the lips, like helplessness, like self-deprecation, seeing that everyone does not understand what he meant.

At this time, he faintly said, "Oh, the mother of the cousin, the key to the treasury is willing to sin the people, handing it over to the Han family, it is also the king of Qin..."


This calm sentence, like a stone, stirred up a thousand waves in the quiet lobby!

"No! Impossible!" Mrs. Xu was shocked.

"Father, are you confused? What are you talking about?"

Han Yuxi was incredible. He went to Han to go forward in a fierce way. If Han Congan is not his father, he estimates that he should get started early?

"Father, must the Qin Wang force you to be right? You have a hard time right? Father, Yi Taihao said to give us justice..."

Han Ruoxue was also anxious, even if Sanshi Niang Li smashed her, she ignored it and continued with excitement. "Father, you don't have to worry about anything, how can Qin Wangzhen threaten you, you say it! Say it!"

Han Hao looked coldly, and his eyes passed over the hands of San Yu Niang to entangle Han Ruo Xueyi’s clothes and continued to be quiet.

In addition to the three mothers and the seven mothers and mothers, the Korean family was surrounded by Han Congan, and asked inquisitively, instead of asking questions, it was like asking questions.

Yi Taizhen shook her head incredibly, and she could not believe that Han Cong’an would say such a thing.

Han Congan has no reason to do this!

Not to mention that Han Han is a daughter who has already been married, that is, Han Chong's imprisonment. According to her understanding, Han Han can't get away with it. To put it bluntly, Han Chong's imprisonment is thanks to Han Han.

Han Congan hates Han Hao, it’s too late, how can I entrust the coffer keys to her and entrust the future of Han’s family to her?

"Mother, I think there must be hidden in the head." Murong Wan finally couldn't stand it, and it was rare to say such a direct word.

Han Yu looked at her meaningfully, and there was a sneer on her lips.

Murong Wan couldn’t help but feel awkward, and suddenly he was very upset. Han Hao laughed at her like this. Can’t he doubt what?

Do not!

Yesterday, Mrs. Xu came to the Korean family. She kept her secret very well. No one except Xu’s wife would know what she had given her.

"Han Congan, what is the hidden feeling, although you say it, this palace is the master for you!" Yi Tai is also very direct, things are like this, if you can not cure Han Hao, today she is not white?

However, Han Congan seriously said, "Too Yan Niangniang, this is the family affairs of the Han family. The reason why the sinner chose to hand over the key to the custody of the Princess Wang, is the consideration of his own criminal..."

Han Yuxi was interrupted when he said this. "I think you are old and confused. There are no considerations about Han Han. She has already married!"

"Reverse!" Han reprimanded from An Lima, angered. "While the old man is in a shackle, he still hasn't died yet. He is still the owner of the Han family. He also has the right to decide the ownership of the warehouse key and decide the candidate of the Han family!"

Han Yuxi did not care so much. In his opinion, this father was useless and was about to roar. Mrs. Xu hurriedly took it, fearing that the son of Lu Xun would have broken the big thing.

(End of this chapter)