Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1282: Nightingale Special: Kana

To take a pseudonym, you should always choose the most common surname, and you should avoid it. But this smuggler has chosen the "Ning" surname that the Dongwu people do not have, and the "Le" surname of the largest slave trader of the Dongwu nationality. Why is that?

"The deposit he put down is not a small amount." Han Yu muttered to himself, "The deposits are all released... Still not late?"

Han Yu said and said, "Dragon is not the night, Ning Le is actually not at all, he is deliberate!"

Long Fei night also understood that this Ning Le is not like a real smuggler, but rather like deliberately set a trap for Cao treasurer, and then report to the dragon non-night, to be the night of the dragon to pay attention to private salt.

"This person... wouldn't it be Ning Cheng?" Han Yu muttered to himself. When she heard Cao's shopkeeper say "Ning", she first thought of Ning Cheng.

"If it is him, why does he use music?"

In fact, Long Feiye had some speculations in his heart, but he was not sure. He looked at Han Han and looked at his brows.

If Ning Cheng deliberately made a deposit to draw their attention, would Ning Cheng remind them that the trafficker is playing the idea of ​​Daqin private salt? If it is not for Ning Cheng, then you must take out the smuggler.

In this matter, Long Feiye and Han Yu did not dare to make a conclusion early. They can only wait for the news from Cao's shopkeeper, the dragon is not given to the set under Cao's treasurer, and the Cao treasurer is eager to make friends. They believe that as long as the smugglers have news, Cao treasurer will tell Long Feiye. .

After leaving Changning, Han Yu and Long Fei continued to go south in the evening, while micro-service private visits, while waiting for Cao dispensers to ship, the progress of delivery.

Ten days later, Cao treasurer first out of a hundred goods, Cao treasurer did not want to let the route of the goods leaked to the dragon non-night, he only said that the first batch of goods have been sent out, is expected to be in a Arrive in the vicinity of the three-way black market within the month.

The weight of one hundred car salt can not be small. If it is pure land transportation, it can't be reached in two months. Long Feiye estimates that this cargo should have been transported.

From the south to the north, you can walk on a canal. There are many levels on this canal!

"This big cargo actually dared to go bad luck, this is too blatant!" Han Hao was angry. This shows that there are many things in the Jiangnan three in the road of good luck!

Long Feiye did not support any local official, nor did he alarm the relevant senior officials. He only sent people to investigate.

After five days, the second batch of goods went out again. The time given by Ca’s treasurer is also about a month. Undoubtedly, the second batch of goods is also a good luck.

After ten days, the third batch of goods also went out. This time, Cao treasurer gave the time for two months.

Han Yu sneered, "There are people on the banks of the river, these locusts!"

The dragon is still silent, and only the confidant continues to chase. In this way, the Manchu martial arts thought that the emperor and the empress went to the Beili Weiwu private visit, but they did not check the private salt in the south of the Yangtze River.

A month later, the first batch and the second batch of private salt arrived at a large warehouse near the three-way black market. Cao’s shopkeeper asked Xin Fei to send the two shipments to Dongwu.

Long Fei night replied that the third batch of goods arrived and sent. A month later, the third shipment arrived as scheduled.

Two months, two months of tracking, Long Fei night basically carried out the transport and land transport, all the people involved in the South-North line along the line all through, and took control of the evidence.

There were a lot of officials who were bribed by Jiangnan, and they also voluntarily greeted the three in the south of the Yangtze River. They were also timid and afraid of being forced by the three Jiangnan.

Everything was found on this matter. Long is not anxious at night. He continues to use the name of Ye Gongzi to let Cao treasurer send the first shipment to Xiaoshan Fort in Dongwu.

This time, the time given by Cao treasurer is actually a month!

"One month?" Han Hao was an accident.

From the three-way black market to the junction of the North and the Winter Wu, it takes about two months. The distance between the two places is not long, but there is no straight road to reach, and many mountains and even snow mountains must be bypassed. From the border to Xiaoshan Fort, it has a lot of distance. It’s not a three-month total! The dragon looked at Han Han at night, and he didn’t speak for a long time.

"Is it difficult? They have other ways to go to the winter Wu country?" Han Hao muttered to himself.

"I understand!"

The dragon was suddenly realized by the night, and there was a touch of coldness in the middle. He said, "It must be Ning Cheng! Good guy, I used to hide in winter and go to drink and drink!"

Han Hao is still not very clear, Long Fei will seriously explain to her.

The horse of Dongwu State is a very good breed of horse. It is most suitable for use as a warhorse. The Beili Emperor spent several years dispatching a lot of envoys to go to the mountains to buy the horses, but it has not been successful. . But it was Jun and evil that brought a few emperors to do things.

The route that Jun Yixie took in the past was not the same as the general route of the minister. It was a secret route. Even in the cold winter, it is not afraid of heavy snow blocking the road, you can send the war horse to the North calendar very timely.

Both emperors died in the hands of Jun Yi, and those who knew this secret route were only those who were evil. The people of the Heizu later fell into the hands of gold and Ning Cheng.

Whether gold knows this route, the dragon is not clear at night. However, with the temperament of Ning Cheng, this road will definitely be found. Cao treasurer, they can send the private salt to the Dongwu people in a short time, and the route that must be opened by Jun Yi.

"I understand!" Han Han murmured.

After the Northern calendar was destroyed, the entire northern calendar was governed by gold. Gold has been busy with disaster relief and reconstruction, and this year it will be relieved. Gold did not report anything about the secret route, and the dragon was busy in the south of the night, and he forgot the existence of that road.

In other words, there is no one to guard the secret route, and there is no level. Whether it is smuggling goods or selling people, you can go that way!

Ning Cheng’s pseudonym used a “le” character, which is the surname of the Dongwu’s largest trafficker. Undoubtedly it is suggesting that music is related to this matter.

It is not difficult to find out the secret passage between the two countries.

Whether Le is trying to use this route to transport salt, or to sell people, or for other purposes, with his power at the border, there must be an ambition to control this secret road!

Jiangnan three people will know the existence of this secret road, no doubt, Jiangnan three people have collusion with Le Zheng!

"The three don't sell people." Han Yu said seriously, "Dragons are not night, they collude in one piece, they must be smuggled goods. Xiaoxiao Dongwu is just a small place to do business? Le Zheng is doing before Xuan The slave trade of the empty continent and the winter Wu country. The three people in Jiangnan and Le Zhengzheng are afraid of being the Xuankong mainland!"

Han Han is really angry.

Before, she also wanted to do the trading of tobacco and tea in Xuankong mainland. She wanted to use the proper way to do business. Gu Beiyue suggested that Longfei should raise tariffs. Jiangnan this group of people is good, actually smuggling tax evasion!

They originally searched for private salt, and who knows to find such a big thing.

"Ning Cheng has a good heart." Han Yu said seriously.

The dragon is not cold at night, "Cut the corner... Hehe, he better not let me find it!"

Long Feiye and Han Yu immediately canceled the trip to Jiangnan Meihai and took the Ruier to the north. When passing by the medical city, they handed Ruier to Gu Beiyue, and they still served in the north.

After the private salt entered the northern calendar, they privately found gold.

Gold is still the same, even if it is in a high position, even if it has done a lot of good things for the people of the Beili calendar in the past two years, he has not changed at all. He is still very thin, does not like loose clothes, a black body, short hair, shredded bangs cover the corners of the eyes, the whole person looks cold and gloomy.

If a person who does not know his identity meets him, he will definitely feel that he is a cold-spoken killer. In fact, his martial arts can be said to be general. What he is best at is still making money, and it is speculative to make easy money.

While he was collecting and collecting the mess in Bei Li Ting Ning, he had secretly returned to the old industry and opened an underground bank. The capital is of course the gold card from Mu Linger.

He had already donated a large sum of money that Mu Linger had given him to the disaster of the Northern calendar in various forms. The overdraft part, or the part that came to the pit, was used as the capital and opened a small bank. Although it is a small money house, but with his ability, one or two years will certainly be able to roll into a big money house.

He has been waiting, waiting for Mu Linger to find him. After all, he has carefully counted the number. At this time, Kanggan Qianzhuang should have already sought Mu Linger to seek debts. Unless Long Feiye’s brother-in-law opened his mouth to remove Mu Ling’s debt and sealed the gold card, Mu Linger had no reason not to come to him.

In the past few days, gold almost took the gold card to the bank to take some silver tickets every day to see if the gold card was banned. However, I can still get the money every time. Therefore, he is more and more expecting Mu Linger to rush to him to quarrel.

He really didn't think that Mu Linger didn't come. Instead, Long Fei Ye and Han Wei came to the door.

In fact, the gold card thing, Kang Gan Qianzhuang's Luo shopkeeper has long asked the dragon non-night, the dragon is too lazy to throw this thing to Han Han.

Han Yu thought for one night, and finally did not intervene, he returned to the four words of the treasurer, "business affairs!"

In the tent, Long Feiye and Han Han sat on the main seat to drink tea, and gold stood by. In addition to luggage, I have not said a word so far.

Han Hao grinds, she and the dragon are not open at night, gold is estimated to be silent all day. She is really curious, this guy is born with less words, or is it less when they are facing them? This guy is doing things under Ning Cheng, how many words?

If he is a man with few words, how can he get on the gimmick? To know that Mu Linger is actually very noisy, often like a bird.

Han Wei is quite like an experiment, to see how long gold can stand and how long it will be silent. However, the dragon is not so good at night.

He asked coldly, "Is it in the winter Wu country?"

When the words came out, the gold immediately looked up and looked at it. "Really?"

(End of this chapter)