Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1283: Nightingale Special: Debt Collection

The expression of gold made Long Fei and Han Han very surprised.

They have always felt that gold should be exchanged with Ning Cheng privately, and gold must have known the whereabouts of Ning Cheng. However, at this moment, the excitement and resentment of gold made Long Feiye and Han Yu realize that there is no harmony between Jin and Ning Cheng in their imagination!

Long Feiye insisted on taking Ning Cheng out, not for other things, but for Ning Cheng to put his pigeons. As long as he promised to fulfill his promise, Ning Cheng fell in love with where to go, why do you want to go, he did not have so much leisure and leisure.

As for the reaction of gold now, it seems that the grievances against Ning Cheng are not shallow.

Han Li immediately said the matter of private salt. After listening to the gold, he stood up and stood up with his hands. He said loudly, "The emperor, the Northern calendar has been fixed! The minister has to resign!"

A good Ning Cheng, throwing the mess of the North Calendar to him, even if it is still hiding in the winter Wu people to hook up with the traffickers. This is what he always wanted to do!

At the beginning of the Northern calendar, the situation was unstable. Nowadays, even without him, the dragon has dealt with the Gang of the gang like the night, and he has no need to stay.

When the official is a chore, he can’t really do anything about worrying about the country and the people. He doesn’t know how he has been convinced himself to be the parents of the Beilun people in the past two years.

He will not go to Ning Cheng, as long as he quit his official name, he may not come to him.

Long Fei night did not like gold very much, Han Han is more alert to gold. After all, this guy is still unclear and his identity is unknown.

However, in the past two years, the performance of gold in the Northern calendar has made neither Long Fei and Han Han admire and trust.

Yu Gong, Long Fei night really does not want to lose such a personal talent.

The dragon is not polite at night, "Quasi! Go back to the new official of the Northern calendar and smash your money, you can get points, otherwise, even if you are successful, you must pack you!"

The heart of the gold was slightly shocked. I didn’t expect the dragon to be so fast that he opened the underground bank. However, he was shocked and shocked. He was also unceremonious. He said coldly, "Don't worry, Minger will loose the money and close the door!"

However, no one expected that when gold finished this sentence, a very angry voice came from outside the door, "Golden name! You give me out!"

What is the name of gold?

No one is present in the field! Gold is not surnamed gold. The name gold is taken because he likes gold.

No one cares about the surname, because this voice is very familiar to everyone! This is the voice of Mu Linger.

When the sound fell, I saw Mu Linger rushing in from the outside of the tent, like a gust of wind blowing down the gold.

The gold is smashed.

Countless midnight dreams, countless days of dreaming, countless times to imagine the appearance of this girl in front of him, that's it, like a gust of wind whistling to him!


When Mu Linger was about to rush to the front of the gold, she didn’t know what was going on. Suddenly she gave a dog a slap, and “噗通” a loud noise.

For a time, the entire camp was quiet. Mu Linger squatted on the ground, motionless. Han Yu and Long Fei are watching us incredibly in the night, and gold is even more incredible.

This flat road, this **** can actually fall? Originally, the wind was so hot that it was full of momentum.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu did not make a sound, gold is going to help people, Mu Linger first raised his head and held it in one hand.

Mouth nose.

As soon as she saw the gold approaching, the big, watery eyes were immediately shot out of the incomparable monks, and I wished I would use the gaze to delay the gold.

The gold came back and the distressed eyes were all hidden. He was still cold-faced and asked coldly. "Are you okay?"

Mu Linger got up and her hands were still covering her mouth. She didn't even find her sister and brother-in-law in the camp. She licked the gold in disgust, and asked with anger, "Why are you brushing my gold card? You steal my money!"

Gold almost laughed a little, but he still had to endure.

He said, "Mu Linger, are you so rich?"

"What do you mean?" Mu Linger asked.

"The 200 million that is beyond is the Kanggan Qianzhuang. Isn't it your money?" Gold replied.

"You!" Mu Linger almost fainted, "But that is my card! You spend all the money on my head! What do you put on me? You don't steal me, who are you stealing?" ”

After the original gold, she was already very poor and poor. Now she is in debt of 200 million. She really wants to kill herself. As soon as she learned about this, she couldn't even take care of the drug city. She gave up the little things and went straight to the North.

Mu Linger waited for the explanation of gold. Who knows, the golden cloud lightly responded with a light, "Oh."

"You!" Mu Linger was angry and anxious, and all jumped. She held her mouth and nose with one hand and gold. "You, you, you..."

"You" for a long time, she did not "you" so come out.

Han Yu and Long are watching at night, waiting, gold is waiting, waiting very patiently. He thought that Mu Linger was crying. After all, she was always a crying ghost.

But who knows, Mu Linger did not cry, she said, "What do you want?"

The heart of gold has to answer, but I don’t know how, and I chose silence. He was still cold and awkward, looking at Mu Linger.

"Return my card and money!" Mu Linger came over and the little hand reached in front of the gold.

"First owe, you open an interest, and when I earn money, I will return it to you, or else, I will pay your interest every month."

It’s so much to borrow money from a woman, but gold doesn’t mind at all, and says generously.

When this was said, Long Feiye and Han Yu were all in mind. They had some speculations about this matter before. It seems that gold is trying to borrow money to hold Mu Linger.

You must know that the gold bank is small, but you can still pay for it. He can do it. He actually prefers to pay interest and continue to owe it.

"I don't want it!" Mu Linger immediately refused.

Gold is ruthless. "Then I can't do anything. Anyway, the money is spent."

Mu Ling is so angry that his heart hurts, and the hand that reaches the front of the gold eye immediately becomes a fist, and may forget the gold face at any time!

It was at this time that gold saw her blood oozing out of her fingers in the mouth of her mouth.

The gold was in a hurry, and one of her fists fell, and she took her other hand very aggressively. Only then did she find that Mu Ling had a lot of nosebleeds, her nose and nose were all blood, and her hands were all blood.

On the side of Han Yu stood up and was about to rush, but was dragged by the dragon and the night, and went out from the piece.

Gold took Mu Linger's hand and stared at her face, and an anger suddenly rushed to her heart, so angry that he almost roared at her.

However, he still bears it after all. He didn't talk, took Mu Linger and went to the side.

"Let go!" Mu Linger struggled.

"You give me a quiet point!" The cold gold, so fierce and fierce, is even more fierce than Mu Linger's just asking for money.

How can there be such a person! Obviously owed money to others, actually still more fierce than people!

Are you owing money?

Mu Linger was really murdered and immediately settled down.

"Let your head up!" Gold said coldly.

Mu Linger did it, and looked up slightly to suppress the suffocation. Ning Cheng took out his handkerchief and took out Mu Linger's handkerchief and blocked Mu Linger's nose before he got a wet towel.

He sat in front of her and carefully wiped her blood, but Mu Linger quickly opened his hand. "You don't have to cry with your cat."

After the gold was silent for a moment, she threw the wet towel to Mu Linger and let her wipe it off.

He sat on the side and looked coldly. He couldn’t help but swear, "I haven’t grown in two years, and the more I live, the more I go back!"

Gold is obviously a man of ignorance, but when he sees Mu Linger, he can't help but want to talk.

He waited for a while, and Mu Linger did not say anything.

He then spoke again. "Mu Linger, when can you make people worry?"

Mu Linger just ignored him, lowered his head and wiped the blood in his hand. After a while, she wiped it clean, and she extended her clean hands again. "Gold card back to me!"

Can't pay the money, have to return the gold card to her?

The gold came up and said faintly, "A few days, I will send it over."

Mu Linger asked again, "You said, how much do you have to give me back in a month?"

"Up to five million, plus one million interest per month." Gold is quite serious.

"How many years have you been paying me?" Mu Linger is very sensitive to the dose of the medicine, but the arithmetic is still very poor.

"More than three years." Gold replied.

Mu Linger also does not want to bargain, she knows the savvy of her gold, she can not win.

She quietly pondered in her heart, she had to go to her sister to ask for sympathy, let Kang Gan Qian Zhuang less her some interest, she returned the gold back to Kanggan Qianzhuang every month.

"Well, give me the money this month!" Mu Linger said.

"We agreed to change the money on the last day of each month, how?" Gold asked.

It’s only a month before the end of the month. Mu Linger spit out her mouth, and she really didn't want to talk any more, and she agreed.

She said, "Then you will return to Kanggan Qianzhuang on the last day of each month."

"Good." Gold readily agreed.

Mu Linger turned and walked, but the gold came. "You don't want a gold card?"

"I will send someone to come and take it." Mu Linger looked back at him with a special look. "You can rest assured!"

She said she was leaving, but the gold faintly asked, "Mu Linger, have been two years, are you breaking the contract?"

When I said it was good, one year was a long time. Gu Qi didn’t want her, she married him.

Mu Linger had a footstep and he did not answer. Gold looked at her petite back, and it was not a long time to talk.

The two are so deadlocked, perhaps, they don't know how to say it, maybe they are waiting for each other's answers.

However, Mu Linger finally opened her mouth. She said, "Gold, if you want to marry someone who doesn't like you, then you will be embarrassed."

(End of this chapter)