Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1284: Nightingale Special: Clean

In the face of Mu Linger’s cruel answer, Kim’s answer was even more cruel. He said, “What do you like? I just need a clean woman.”

Mu Linger had calmed down, and I heard this, and I was ignited and ignited!

Need a clean woman?

In his eyes, she is a woman who is cleaner than those who are not clean? What did he take her?

Mu Ling whispered and turned, directly rushing to the front of the gold, waving a fist and giving it to the left eye of gold!


The gold was not expected, and I never thought that this woman would really do it. He squinted and hurt as if the eyeballs were cracked!

Doesn't a woman just slap her face? This skunk head actually throws his fist!

Mu Ling was mad, and the fist was dropped by the gold. The other fist was immediately smashed. Fortunately, the gold was prepared and pulled her in time.

"Hit me, you have to wait for me all my life!" Gold said coldly.

"I not only want to fight you, I have to kill you! I am willing to marry you, I am willing to serve you forever!"

Mu Linger said, cold and not a trip to the gold feet to guess.


The gold hurts to let go, fall down and hold the foot, and scream!

Where is the strength of this skunk? Is this the power of the wild? What a special pain!

Mu Linger suddenly took the chair on the side, raised high, and rushed to the head of gold! The gold stunned and saw his expression, and Mu Linger gave himself a slap.

Her gaze came back and forth between the head of the gold and the chair in her hand. Upon seeing it, gold finally showed the color of fear, and the anger on Mu Ling’s face was getting more and more prosperous.

Mu Linger came back and forth for a long time, and suddenly she threw the chair aside, and she was shocked by herself.

How did you impulsive like this? Is she crazy?

Mu Linger stunned her heart and calmed herself down before she raised her brows and looked at the gold. "Sorry, this girl is not clean. You should consider whether you want to be embarrassed, tell me later! Goodbye!" ”

Mu Linger turned gracefully, but before he took a step, gold was angry.

Really angry!

"Mu Linger, you stand for me!" Gold angered.

Mu Linger scorned, she was not afraid of him, and immediately took a step.

"Mu Linger, you give me a step forward and try!" Gold roared.

This time, Mu Linger's feet are stiff, and even the heartbeat is not consciously stunned. Because, the sound of gold is really fierce.

Mu Linger’s first reaction was to rush, but she could not escape, and gold had come to her.

At this time, the eye that the gold was beaten was swollen, and the eyes were dark and green, like a panda eye. If it is normal, Mu Linger will laugh a lot, but at this moment, looking at his eyes, she can't smile at all, even very fearful.

Because, his eyes are cold and full of all the anger of the sky, burning!

Mu Linger took a step back in the subconscious. In fact, for the man in front of her eyes, she always had some taboos in her heart and could not tell the taboos.

Gold looked at her coldly, and she stepped back from her until she retreated to the table. There was no way to retreat, and he strode over.

"You, you..." Mu Linger

Tightened, very nervous, "You owe me money, you, you...what are you fierce?"

The gold suddenly approached, almost close to her nose. Mu Linger was shocked, this feeling is too familiar. Gold did not do anything, but immediately retired and walked to Mu Linger.

Mu Linger's heart screamed through the wild, gold stood, silent, and the big camp was suddenly quiet.

After a long time, the gold suddenly slammed on the table with a fist, and he sneered, "Mu Linger, who is this child you are pregnant with this time?"

Mu Linger turned his head and looked at him. He saw that even the perfect side face of the arc was full of horrible anger.

This scene is more familiar than the one just feeling. Once in the tiger prison, he was so angry that he also slammed his fist and squatted on the wall.

He said, Mu Linger, you do not care for yourself, how can I love you? At that time, she panicked that she was pregnant with seven brothers and was broken by him.

I don't know what happened. Looking at the angry face of gold, Mu Linger is obviously frightened, but her mind can't control the scene she never recalled.

From Santu Black Market to Beili Tianhe City, she panicked for pregnancy and he took care of him all the way. Although it is not careful, it is responsive. She named the soup to be drunk, and everything she wanted to eat, he could find it in time. Even in the wild, he can do it.

Mu Linger did not know why he thought of this. For two years, he never thought of it, thinking that he had forgotten it.

While unable to control the memories, while watching his angry and cold side face, Mu Linger's heart was sorrowful, there was a kind of pain that could not be said, and he did not know who it hurts.

After a moment of silence, the gold turned from the other side, did not look at her, did not say anything more, and went out silently.

Han Wei and Long Fei are still waiting outside the camp.

The dragon is not the night's private affairs, he is here to do business. When he saw the gold coming out, he said coldly, "You have to resign, go now. If you want to stay, prepare to prepare, and go to the secret road!"

Just angered, and shouted to resign the gold, he did not hesitate to answer the dragon and the night, "Shun a group of people in the past, waiting for the rabbit. The first batch of private salt is almost coming. The next official is ready, Minger Depart in the morning."

"Accepted." Long is cold and cold.

As soon as the gold went, Han Han went to the camp. The dragon was neither gossip nor curiosity. He went to the nearby ranch and went to see the people.

Han Hao entered the camp, and Mu Linger, who had been in a daze, immediately woke up and was shocked. "Sister!"

Han Yu pretended not to know, and asked, "Don't you not like gold? Are you running to find him?"

Before the truth, Mu Linger has not told her so far, just told her that she does not like gold, so she does not want to marry.

Mu Linger does not say, Han Yu is willing to play silly. It is said that the official is difficult to break the chores. However, the emotional affairs are more complicated and changeable than the chores. Seriously speaking, it is not that the feelings are changeable, but the people are too deep. Many times, others are unpredictable, and they are actually unpredictable.

Mu Linger’s heart is very uncomfortable, but she still doesn’t want to say anything. One is afraid that Han Han will help her pay the debts, and the other is that she is in a mess, and her mind is also chaotic. I really can't understand things.

She smiled and found an excuse. "I came to the Beiliu Snow Mountain. Before Junyi and Mujia joined hands to plant a lot of herbs on the snowy mountains, they didn't even

People are in charge. I want to go up the mountain before the cold winter, maybe..."

Originally it was an excuse for urgency, but Mu Linger said, but found that he could buy Chinese herbal medicines in the snow-capped mountains. The herbs grown on the snow-capped mountains are worth the money!

"Maybe I can make this sale!" Mu Linger suddenly became excited, and the sadness and sadness of the moment just passed away.

She is really such a person, she is going too fast when she is emotionally fast, crying when she says crying, laughing when she laughs. Unexpectedly finding a way to pay off debts, her mood became clear and clear.

As long as the debt is returned as soon as possible, she and gold will not have an intersection. She can't afford him, and hiding far is the best way.

Han Yu said seriously, "Those snow mountains are not good. I heard that there are still many wolves on the mountain and snow leopards."

"Not afraid, I have a way!"

What about Mu Linger's method besides the big tiger of gold? Gold owes her so much money, how can she help her to plant the medicine city on the snow mountain?

The reason why Han Yu asked the question was precisely because of the big tiger who thought of gold. She looked at Mu Linger suspiciously, and she didn't say anything for a while.

Very time to face this sister, she is speechless...

"Sister, how come you are here? Brother-in-law is here too? Ruier?" Mu Linger asked.

Han Wei only said something about smuggling, and did not go deep. She said that Mu Ling did not understand and was not interested.

"So, gold will go to the place with you tomorrow morning?" Mu Linger asked.

"Do you want to go too?" Han Yu asked.

Mu Linger immediately shook his head. "No, just ask."

"How long do you have to go?" Mu Linger asked again.

"Short for half a month, long words will take more than a month." Han Yu said seriously.

They are going to find the way, the second is to go to the point, and the third is to check the evidence. The dragon is not very patience this time, and the line is also long enough to kill the smugglers and take the opportunity. Packed up and collected several large families in Jiangnan.

"Then I will go back to the drug city first. Look for some herbs to come over." Mu Linger said seriously.

It was night, and the gold set up a bonfire dinner to accompany Han Han and the dragon to eat at night. Because Long Fei Ye and Han Wei are privately interviewed by the micro-service, gold has not invited other people.

After Han Yu and Long Fei arrived at night, they did not see Mu Linger.

"What about my family Ling?" asked Han Wei.

Han Wei is absolutely deliberate. She could have gone to find Linger to come over, but she just didn't do it.

"This is going to please, Queen Empress waits."

Gold found the attendant next to him, whispered a few words, and the attendant went to Mu Linger.

When the attendant saw Mu Linger, it was said, "Linger girl, Jin Daren has a feast, the Queen Empress has a request. Jin Daren let the little come over to take you."

Mu Linger is actually hungry, gold helped her arrange a tent, but did not arrange for her to eat! This is a camp. I don’t have a shop in front of the village. I look around and look around. It’s all in the prairie. She doesn’t know where to go.

She didn't know that when she was super gold with her, her sister and brother-in-law were on the sidelines. She thought that her sister and brother-in-law were there, and gold would not dare to let it go.

So she decisively went to the feast.


Mo's public WeChat account: jiemomo2015, welcome attention!

(End of this chapter)