Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 129: Choice, nervous moment

Han Cong'an angered Han Yuxi's anger, and this continued to be too ridiculous. "The young master does not learn no skills, he is defeated, other young masters are dull, and at the time of distress, they abandon the Han family and flee, the seven young masters are talented, However, it is still young, and there is no one who can inherit the owner of the family. Therefore, the sinner decided to temporarily hand over the key of the warehouse to the Qin Wang, who was the only foreigner of the Han family.

"Father, there is me! I don't want to marry, I want to learn Korean medicine!" Han Ruoxue was so anxious to cry, her talent is the best, why her father never considered her.

When Han Yuxi heard his father yelling at himself, he was going to be angry again. Mrs. Xu took advantage of him to stop and quickly said, "Master, how can you say soy? He is your eldest son! He is still young. Light, still fun, can be sensible in a few years? Besides, you don't choose your home now, so you have to hand over the keys to the store! I am your wife!"

Who knows, Han Congan wisely followed them in their words. Of course, he still looked at Yitai and shouted. "Yi Taizhen, the situation of the Han family, you also saw it. It is because of this that the sinners are out. This policy, I want to test the children for a few years, and handing over the keys to the Qin Dynasty is the most fair."

When I heard this, Han Yu was happy. Han Cong was an old fox. He was really clever. He didn’t say anything to death, but it was a refutation.

But who knows, I’m not vocal, but I’m sneer.

"Han Congan, think about it, are you sure that what you are telling is true? If Qin Wang forced you, even if you say it, since this palace is coming today, it will definitely be the master for you, and the development of the Korean family, this palace Will also be on the mind!"

When this was said, Han Yu’s heart was awkward, and it’s too straightforward to say that it’s too straightforward.

Yi Tai’s eyes glared at her, and her eyes swept through the Han family. This continued. “Of course, if Qin Wangxi does not force you, this is all your willingness, this palace will never However, this palace wants to remind you that your Korean family is shouting everywhere, filthy Qin Wangxi covets Han family property, interferes with Han family affairs, and makes troubles in the city, even if Qin Wangyi does not care with you, this palace also Absolutely not light!"

Yi Taihao said that the entire lobby was quiet and the sound of a needle was heard.

For this silence, she seems to be very satisfied, calmly drink a cup of tea, and continue to speak. "Of course, if you let the palace find that you have a half-say today, this palace will not let you go... !"

As soon as the voice fell, the samovar fell, and the bang was loud and awakened to everyone.

In the words of Yi Tai, there is a good intention and a warning.

Not to mention the Han family, that is, Han Han is shocked!

The intention is to show that if Han Congan admitted that he was forced to hand over the keys to the storehouse, then it would be too embarrassing to remember the future of the Han family and reinvigorate the Han family.

The meaning of the warning is no longer obvious. If Han Congan admits that he is not forced to be forced, then the door of the Qin Wangfu, the Xu’s family that has fallen into the Qin Dynasty, is going to die!

Most of the people present were smart people, and they all heard that they were too embarrassed, especially Han Cong'an. He knows that since today, I am coming here, no matter what the truth is, I must take the handle of Han Han.

Yi Taihao, this is to ask him to admit that he is persecuted and filthy Han Han!

How should he choose?

Yes, how does Han Congqing choose?

Everyone looked at the Han Dynasty from Ang, and Mrs. Xu was so scared that she was so angry that she had a big trouble with the door of the Qin Wangfu.

It’s her full of the city’s ups and downs!

Once the lord chose Han Han, then she was finished and completely finished!

Thinking about this, Mrs. Xu’s hands couldn’t help but tremble. No one made any noise. She was the first to say, “Master, you must think clearly and answer it!”

At this moment, Han Yu looked at Han Congan, and his eyes were especially dignified.

I have to say that she has no bottom in her heart.

She and Han Cong'an agreed that it was a verbal gentleman's covenant. There was no evidence. Once Han was defiled by her, she would not be able to wash into the Yellow River.

In fact, at this time, Han Congan faced her not to choose her or to choose Xu; he chose to choose her, or choose Yitai!

Yitai is so white, and will put the development of the Han family in the future. Isn’t everything done by Han Congan just for the future of the Han family?

Putting the future of the Han family in a high position, the magical power of the vast majority of Yi Taishou, is better than her in the hands of a powerless Qin Wang, come well!

At this time, Han Cong was so pleased to be too embarrassed, and he could bite her bite!

How to do?

"Han Congan, are you forced to be forced, or willingly? This is the last time you have asked this." The reminder of the high-rise of Yi Tai, gave Han Congan the final night.

"Master! You must think clearly!" Mrs. Xu almost cried, and she knew how scared she was.

Han Yuzhen, who has always been unaware of the sky, is nervous. Once the mother is guilty of crimes, he will follow the finished one. He rushes to Han’s face and knees in front of him, loudly. "Father, you have to answer Yitai, You are forced! You are forced!"

If the tension between Xu and mother is guilty, then the tension of Han Ruoxue is an expectation.

She learned from Mu Haoyue that Han Yu and Mu Yuyue had a gambling contract to trace the poisonous murderer. After three days, if they lost, they would take off their coats and run around the street.

If it is because of the Han family's business, dragging the footsteps of Han Yu's investigation and dragging through these three days, then Han Han will lose.

Moreover, as a result, she and Mu Haoyue's "comrades-in-arms relationship" will be one step closer. If Mu Yuyue gives her support and then finds the opportunity to climb the Princess Changping, she will not have to avoid the power behind Mrs. Xu.

Therefore, she introduced Mu Haoyue and Murong Wanru to Xu to promote this farce. Of course, these careful thoughts about her mother did not know.

She did not consult the mother-in-law, and rushed over with Han Yuqi, full of excitement, "Father, the future of Han family, all in your hands!"

It’s too easy to appreciate the tension of the Korean family, and it’s not urging. It seems that I have confidence in Han’s choice.

Beside him, Murong Wan did not worry about Han Congan, but looked at Mrs. Xu with a frown. The eyes flashed a sneer and sneer, and Mrs. Xu was also married to Han Congan for so many years. Is it difficult to understand her husband?

Yi Taihao threw such a good olive branch. How can Han Congan choose Han Hao? How would he choose? It is already very obvious. What are you so nervous about?

Han Congan looked at a pair of children in front of him, and the turbid old man was hanging down, unable to see the color in his shackles, but he did not speak for a long time.

This scene makes the restless Han Yu more and more uneasy, let alone Han Congan, change to be her, and will definitely choose to be too embarrassed.

Her troubles are big.

She secretly took a deep breath, and at this time, Han Congan finally raised his head. When he saw it, everyone’s heartbeats accelerated. Han’s answer was answered?

So nervous!

Although Han Hao had a few thoughts, she still didn't want to give up until she had no results. She went to Angola from Antou to go to a questioning look, but who knows, Han and An Lima avoided it and looked directly at Yitai.


What does Han Congan mean? !

Han Hao couldn't help but take a sigh of relief. Could it be that he really made up his mind to really defile her?

Hey! Hey!

Han Yu’s heartbeat can’t be accelerated.

"Back to the Taisang Niangniang..." Han Congan fainted.

This time, even Yi Tai and Murong Wan are as serious as they are, and they are not consciously sitting up straight, she is looking forward to, looking forward to the conviction of Han Han!

Who knows, just when Han Cong'an wanted to say the choice, suddenly, Xiao Yier rushed out from the mother's body and fell heavily on Han.

"Yi Er!"

Han Cong An anxious, and quickly turned to help, however, when he picked up Xiao Yier, Xiao Yier cried. "Hey, my sister is a good person, my sister will not force you, right? ?"

Xiao Yier is still too young. He doesn't understand very well what Yitai has just said. He only knows that his sister will not lie. He is trying to speak. Who knows that the weak mother is suddenly taking him. Pushed it out.

With the support of the mother, he is more daring, he must say what he said.

"Hey, don't you filthy your sister?"

"Big brother bullied me, my sister saved me, and my sister sent someone to protect me and my mother."

"Hey, you don't want to..."

Xiao Yi's words angered Yi Tai, she suddenly screamed, "Come, drag the child out, above the lobby, let the children cry, what is the system?"

This time, Qiu Niang quickly came over and took Xiao Yier away, and she was frightened and eagerly asked. "Too sorrowful anger, anger, little child is not sensible, the woman will hold his mouth, let him not speak, the woman guarantees He won't make trouble again!"

Qiu Niang said, holding a small Yi Er, one hand actually gripped his mouth, shrinking his body, the look of fearful timid, pitiful and ridiculous.

For such a weak woman, Yi Taizheng was scorned into the bones. She glanced coldly and retired the attendants, but she did not have any trouble.

Han Wei looked at it and thought that Xiao Yier might help her. After all, Han Congan was the most painful and most optimistic about this son.

But now, she looks at the look of the pitiful worm of the Seven-Yang Niang, she is really desperate!


No one expected to think that after Xiao Yier shut up, Qiu Niang actually opened her mouth. "Master, I and Yi Er believe that you are not forced."

The voice of this choked voice is very small and very small. It sounds very timid and weak. However, I don’t know how it reveals an unusually firm force. It’s incredible. I just think it’s like the Seven-Yang Niang, but But not like it.

Han Hao looked at the past and used her understanding of the Seven-Yang Niang. She couldn't believe it. Seven-Yang Niang would say such things in this situation!

The people, all of them, were shocked to see, and they all said that people were light, but the words of the Seven-Yang Niang made everyone inexplicably uneasy.

Even Yi Tai is not safe, cold, "Enough! Han Congan, immediately answer the question of this palace!"


Han Cong'an's line of sight was removed from the mother-in-law of Qiu Niang, and he returned to Yi Tai's side. He gently took a deep breath and no longer hesitated. "Oh, the goddess, the grass people are..."

(End of this chapter)