Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1292: Linger special article: looking for deat

In the face of the anger of gold, the arrogance of a woman’s arrogance disappeared immediately, and the only thing left was fear.

She looked at the gold, she didn't know what was going on, and she didn't even have the courage to speak.

"Say!" Gold suddenly screamed.

The woman was so scared that she unconsciously let go of Mu Linger. The gold machine will bring Mu Linger over and embrace it.

He didn't need the woman's answer, and stared at her coldly and sentenced her to lynching. He said, "You are looking for death!"

For a time, behind the ten big white tigers, the woman was surrounded.

The woman has never been afraid of the beast since she was a little beast. Even if she can't control the tiger, she is not afraid of the tiger. However, in the face of ten big tigers, she was so scared that she fell to the ground and shouted, "ah...ah..."

"Tear her!"

With a gold order, a big white tiger rushed over and threw the woman to the ground, biting her neck. At this time, the woman suddenly issued a strange scream, which is like a leopard, and is clearly ordered to the wolves and snow leopards.

The wolves and the snow leopards all lie on the ground, not dare to move, but the white tiger is somewhat curious, not immediately biting down, but looking back at the gold.

When gold came, I saw so many beasts, and my heart had long been jealous. This woman knows the language of the beast, and has driven so many beasts on the snowy mountains. It should be the remaining party of the Hei.

Even if the Heizu is on the snowy mountain, what about the remaining party? This woman is also killing him! How dare you bully Mu Linger into such a look, can you bear it?

You know, he has been bullying Mu Linger but he has never bullied her to cry. What is this woman?

Seeing the big white tiger stopped, the gold kicked on the tiger's buttocks and screamed, scaring the big white tiger not to delay, and immediately bite his mouth.

Seeing that the fangs bite the woman's neck and biting it, the woman suddenly shouted, "You must be abducted! I know who you are, I know where you are from! I am dying, no one can tell you. !"

When the words came out, the gold was stunned.

Mu Linger, who is still crying, immediately flew over and pushed the big white tiger's mouth away. "Don't!"

The woman spit a big sip, and her heart beat wildly. It was really a tiger's mouth to escape.

Mu Linger looked back at the gold, only to see the complexity of the gold, and even some avoidance. Gold is always looking for her own life, she knows. When the woman appeared, she thought of the life of gold.

Mu Linger sat down on the side and secretly sighed. She had forgotten how miserable she had been bullied. At this time, a mind was all about the life of gold.

What really surprises gold is the word "trafficking"? These two words prove that this woman knows about him, and that this woman is not a Hei.

Although his sales contract is in Ning Cheng, he has never been a slave to Ning Cheng, but a friend of Ning Cheng and a partner of cooperation. He was a master in the three-way black market, and he was not a slave.

He always wanted to get back the selling deeds and return to the winter Wu country. First, he wanted to be free and completely unrestricted. Second, he wanted to figure out his own life, find out who he is, and find his parents and family.

When he found out in his tiger prison that he was born with beastly surgery, he could also control the tigers that the black people could not control. He knew that he was definitely a native. Ning Cheng once asked him about his childhood memories, but unfortunately he remembers all

Can't live.

Ning Cheng said that with his talent as a slave, he must be trafficked.

The woman was about to get up, but the gold suddenly stepped on her neck and slammed her up in the ground. He said coldly, "No matter who you are, no matter what you know, you should not pay with Muling."

God knows how strong the gold is, and the woman is trampled with red face and difficulty breathing. She couldn't even open her mouth, and she waved her hand in gold, trying to let the gold let go of her.

Mu Linger looked at the angry face of gold and wanted to speak, but did not dare. I thought that the last time I saw it was his most angry look, but now he is ten times more fierce than the previous one. Fierce... she didn't dare to speak.

As soon as the gold leaves the woman's neck, the woman coughs up violently. The gold can be ignored, cold and cold, "No compensation!"

The woman was unwilling and eager to answer, "I know, you can let me stand up!"

Gold didn't talk, watching the woman get up. However, as soon as the woman stood firm, he slammed into the woman's knees and took the woman down.

He squinted, and the bangs tipped the left corner of his eye. He said, "There is no way to pay for it."

The woman has always been proud. When she had suffered this kind of loss, she picked it up and stood up again. She lifted her chin and said disdainfully, "When you are a woman, you are a man!"

"Thank you for reminding, you can rest assured that this adult will not touch you again!"

The mouth of the gold mouth sneered, and he sneaked a finger, and a big tiger flew over, and the woman fell from the back, letting the woman fall a dog to eat, and fell to the feet of Mu Linger.

The woman is furious, "deceive too much!"

This man actually humiliated her so much, does he mean that she only has to match the beast?

Simply hateful!

The coldness of gold is really a piece of ice. It’s too much to deceive people. He doesn’t understand. He only knows that bullying Mu Linger must pay the price.

"There is no compensation!" He whispered.

"You have the ability to kill me!" The woman's heart must be fearful, so she hurriedly added a threat, "You will never know that you are a life!"

The Black Forest is the land where all the beast families of the Xuankong mainland are located. There are more than a dozen beast family in the Black Forest. The technique of the beast is high and low. The all-or-nothing language is just one of the skills of the beast. All the beast family will be.

The owner of the Black Forest is the head of the beast family, Ling Jia! Nothing else, just because Ling's beastly technique is far above other families. Even if the beasts are controlled by other families, people who encounter Lingjia may be snatched away. The most important point is that the people of Lingjia can control the royal family and the tiger family.

Many years ago, the less than the age of Lingjia Shaozhu suddenly disappeared, and many parties were unsuccessful. Lingjia’s mother has suffered from heartless madness. The Lingjia family has never been in the family, the affairs of the Black Forest, and the wife’s seclusion, and no one has ever seen. Regardless of the Ling family, the Black Forest lost its normal order, the families fought, the beasts ran rampant, and the accidental injury occurred.

The Black Forest was originally a dangerous place on the mainland of Xuankong. After that, it became a place of jealousy.

It’s nothing to control a tiger; but it’s a shame to control a group of tigers. The woman is very likely to see this man, must be after the Ling family, must be the Lingjia missing for many years.

When he was not killed in the past, he was most likely to be trafficked to the empty sky. How can Lingjia Er Lao think that his son was sent to the cloud?


The woman knows that this is the secret will be her biggest bargain!

"Threaten me?" Gold picked up his eyes.

"You spare me, I will take you back to your family!" the woman said seriously.

Gold ignored her, and screamed at the wolves, making a strange sound. Soon, a wild wolf flew over and stepped on the back of the woman.

The woman hasn't figured it out yet, and the wolf has buried her head and bite a bite, biting off a large piece of meat behind the woman.


The woman screamed, and the sharp and miserable voice sounded through the snow.

The wolf was eating the woman's flesh, Mu Linger looked stunned, his heart beat faster, and the gold's gaze was cold and cold.

Just as the wolf stepped on the woman's back again, the woman finally compromised, and it was completely thorough.

She couldn't care for the pain and shouted. "I'm sorry! Sorry! It's my fault! Sorry!"

Mu Linger’s aunt, did not speak.

"Who is the drug field?" Gold asked coldly.

"It's her! It's her!" The woman replied quickly, not waiting for the gold to ask, she admitted. "I am a monk, I am a monk!"

Mu Linger looked at the woman and slowly looked back at the gold. The gold was overlooking her. The two looked at each other and Mu Linger subconsciously avoided.

I don't know how, the original grievances, anger, and now... but suddenly want to laugh. It is not because of the deflation, because of what, she can not tell.

In short, she is not angry with women, and she does not want to care more.

Gold asked coldly, "What is the injury on your face?"

Mu Linger remembered the scratches on her face. It hurts when she touches it. She said, "This woman caught!"

"Catch back!" The tone of gold is simply an order. Half of the loss is not allowed to eat.

Mu Linger looked up and said, "Forget it, or..."

"Can't be counted!" Gold interrupted unpleasantly.

Mu Linger whispered, "I'm fine, I don't care about her like this..."

When the words come here, the face of gold is overcast. I hate this kind of generous temper, but who knows, Mu Linger went on to say, "You let her apologize to Dabai and let Dabai catch her for me. I don't want to use her hands."

When the words came out, the woman was so angry that she forgot the pain behind her. The whole person had to blow up.

She originally thought that Mu Linger would be a little more generous. Who knows that Mu Linger actually humiliated her with gold, which clearly means that she only has to match the beasts!

The frozen face of gold finally cracked. He couldn't help but laugh at the corner of his mouth. It was a pity that he disappeared quickly, but Mu Linger did not see it.

He said coldly, "Okay."

He looked at the white and saw the blood of Dabai, why not feel bad? As soon as he waved, Dabai ran over.

He hasn't opened yet. Dabai actually started the first move. A large paw smashed the woman toward the woman and directly smashed the woman out and fell in the distance.

The beast, disdain her apology!

In the world of beasts, how can you apologize? The most hands-on!

Gold and Mu Linger chased the past, and the white horse immediately ran over, only to see the woman vomiting blood, and actually fainted.

Dabai still has to move his claws, Mu Linger quickly stopped, "Okay, killed her, your master really does not know where to fight!"

(End of this chapter)