Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1293: Linger special: Can you

Don't say that people who are seriously injured, that is, normal people will be killed in the snow for an hour. Mu Linger personally took the woman to the stone house.

Gold pulled her up and frowned at the scar on her face. "Go to the medicine."

"First pull her back, otherwise she will die." Mu Linger said seriously.

"She's **** it!" said Kim.

"Do you really want to know your own life?" Mu Linger asked with anger. I don't know what I am mad at, I can't talk to this guy for three sentences, I will always be angry.

"My business doesn't require you to take care! You go to the medicine."

Gold took her to enter the house, but Mu Linger opened it. "My business does not require you to worry more!"


Gold sighed with relief, and it was very uncomfortable. He yelled. "Mu Linger, how stupid are you? Is your aunt giving you a brain? You know, I don’t know how dangerous it is, who? Are you coming here?"

Hey, let her take her aunt?

Mu Linger is also angry. "Gold, I finally said it again, my business, you don't need to worry about it! Can you understand people? You now, immediately, immediately, bring the woman to the house, she If you die, you can't cry too late!"

"She can't die, shut me down!" Gold is mad.

He risked his life. In the thick snow, he broke open the road, worked hard, braved the snow, and the clothes were wet and dried and wet several times. He didn’t dare to stop and change, just to hurry. Found her, she is not grateful to him? Isn't she crying very much? Suffering from such a big grievance, don’t you rush to his arms to cry? Is she still quarreling with him so confidently?

What kind of woman is this?

Mu Linger is also angry, how hard is it to communicate with this guy in gold?

"Do you want me to say how many times to understand? You really can't understand people? If she is dead, you can't find your life experience? You are not always checking your own life?" Mu Ling whistling Asked.

"Do you worry that I can't find out what I'm doing?" asked the gold anger.

"I am worried!" Mu Ling is fierce.

When the voice fell, the two people suddenly quieted down and looked at each other without looking at each other, but they immediately avoided sight.

Soon, Mu Linger hurriedly explained, "I am worried that you can't find your life, and finally blame me on my head! I don't want to carry this black pot!"

"Thank you for reminding me!" After the gold was finished, he strode over and grabbed the comatose woman.

Mu Linger looked at it and slowly raised her eyebrows. She didn't notice it.

Gold put the woman on the only stone couch in the stone house, and Mu Linger came into the house and asked, "What about the big white injury?"

"It's blood is poisonous, you bump it, it will be good for yourself." Gold said coldly.

Mu Linger also returned, kneeling on the bed.

Gold is really unbearable. "You still don't go to the medicine? If you ruin your life, you don't marry in this life!"

Mu Linger did not answer him, but he still went to the medicine to apply medicine. Fortunately, the scratches are not too deep, or they have recovered.

After applying the medicine, Mu Linger sat down at the side and said faintly, "How come you?"

"Why, don't you want me to come?" Gold asked.

Mu Linger silenced for a moment before he whispered, "Thank you."

If he does not come, she does not know what will happen, I do not know if I can survive.

I don't know if Kim will accept her gratitude. He hasn't spoken for a long time.

The two are like this

Sitting still, the woman is still unconscious. When the sky was completely dark, Mu Linger got up and said, "I am going to cook."

"Mu Linger!" Gold stopped her. "Who would you like?"

So dangerous, I was bullied and cried, she didn't want him to come, so who would she want?

"Who do you most want?" Gold muttered.

Mu Linger did not turn, but stopped.

Who does she want to come?

If she didn't ask for gold, she wouldn't think about it.

Yes, she was bullied and cried, who would she want to save her? If it was before, her first thought must be seven brothers, must be!

However, this time, her head is empty. She did not think that she did not have any hopes and expectations. Isn't it going to go to hope, go to jealousy, and then imagine what is impossible to happen, that is, grow up?

She is very clear that the seven brothers will not appear, it is impossible to come.

“Nobody.” Mu Linger is very honest. “I only hope that my military function is better.”

Mu Linger is about to go, but Jin asked, "Mu Linger, can I ask you a question?"

Mu Linger did not make a sound, nor did he go forward. Gold walked towards her step by step, standing behind her.

Mu Linger waited for a moment, and waited for him to continue to say, she was about to ask, but gold suddenly caught her from behind, and put her into her arms, and tightened.

He said, "Mu Linger, there is no hope in your heart... Then I am here... Can you hope me to come next time?"

Gold clearly felt the rigidity of the person in the arms. He buried his head on her shoulder, closed his eyes, waited for an answer, or said, waiting for a trial.

Knowing that it is impossible, but finally can't help but ask for an exit;

I know that I can’t love, but I can’t help but say love.

Ming knows that he can force, but after all, he is not willing to force her, he just, ask.

Mu Linger had already closed her eyes, and at the moment when the gold caught her, she closed her eyes. Her eyes were tears, and I didn’t know if I had just left it clean, or it was flowing now.

She is afraid, but she doesn't know what she is afraid of?

It has been clear that I haven't remembered my seven brothers for a long time, but at this time I suddenly remembered that she didn't know why she thought of it.

In her world, in the world of more than ten years, love is only related to the seven brothers, never before anyone else! In the world of more than ten years, no one has ever loved her, including seven brothers.

Is it scared?

Still not used to it?

She couldn't understand her heart, and she found out that she couldn't even understand herself. At this moment, she didn't even have the ability to think. She just wanted to escape and just wanted to hide.

"You let me go." Mu Linger choked.

The gold blinked in an instant. "You haven't answered my question yet."

Mu Linger is about to answer, but the gold is interrupted. "You give me the answer after thinking clearly. I have waited for two years, don't mind waiting a few more years."

When he finished, he immediately let go of her.

Mu Linger rushed out and hid in the invisible place of gold and cried. She couldn't even figure out why she was crying, just want to cry, and she felt so sad.


Why is it so uncomfortable?

When Mu Linger went back, gold had already prepared the food for her. Her eyes are crying red, and how to cover up can't hide it. He did not happen like anything, sitting at the table, his eyes narrowed and his face cold.

Mu Linger sees the table

The meal on the child, the attention is somewhat transferred, this meal is really good fragrance! This is a bowl of bacon rice, although only mushrooms and bacon, but boiled a mouth-watering taste and sell.

"Hot eat." Gold said coldly.

"Thank you." Mu Linger sat down.

She ate a few mouthfuls and showed an incredible expression. This meal was so delicious! Just like the ingredients, and the seasoning is very simple, how can he do it?

His mood is so bad, actually still have the mood to make such a delicious meal?

Mu Linger is actually very hungry, she does not stop eating bit by bit, but gold does not move chopsticks, staring coldly at her. Mu Linger soon felt his cold eyes, and she turned around in the bowl, leaving a back to the gold.

The fists of gold are all held up. Does this woman have any heart? Just crying so sad, actually still have a mood to eat?

Gold's temper is not good, patience is even worse, even he himself does not know why he has not been mad at this woman!

After dinner, neither of them spoke.

It was late at night, and the outside wind was heavy and heavy, and it was dark. The big tigers and the wolves, the snow leopards all guarded outside, and the gold and Mu Ling did not leave the stone house.

The stone house is really simple, there are two inside and outside, inside is a bedroom, outside is a fire room, a door is vacant in the middle, separated by a curtain. The only bed was occupied by the unconscious woman, and the gold and Mu Ling could only sit.

Sitting for a while, the gold went to the fire room. He laid all the thatched grass on the ground, and shouted a big white tiger to come in and lie on the side, which called Mu Linger.

"Let's sleep on the tiger, it won't die, it will be one night," he said coldly.

"What about you?" Mu Linger asked.

Who knows that gold has married her, "You control me!"

When he finished, he ran into the bedroom. Mu Linger slammed his foot and shouted. "Can't you talk well?"

She is an acute child. She has not done anything patience except for her seven brothers and medicines. She really doesn't know how to be patient, and she will bear with gold. If it is not her, they estimate that every time they say a word, they have to be noisy!

Mu Linger lay on the thatched grass and leaned against the white tiger. It is strange to say that perhaps because of enough trust in gold, she does not know when she is not afraid of tigers, not only white, but as long as he is the tiger he surrendered, she is not afraid.

Mu Linger lay down, obviously tired and dying, but could not sleep. She looked at the curtain and couldn't help but wonder, what did gold do in the bedroom?

Lonely man and woman, he really does not avoid it!

Mu Linger was thinking, the gold suddenly came out, she immediately closed her eyes and sleep.

Gold also found the remaining thatch on the side, spread out across Mu Linger, and shouted a tiger, lying on the tiger like Mu Linger.

So, the two of them became lonely men and women, and the distance was very close. As long as she stretched her legs, she would touch his legs.

Mu Linger was still relaxed, so she was uncomfortable. For a long time, she secretly blinked, only to see gold with her head down, arms around, seeming to fall asleep.

Mu Linger dared to open his eyes and look at him seriously.

He looks really good and looks very good. Besides the seven brothers, she has never seen such a good-looking man. The seven brothers look very much like enchanting, and he looks very cold and cold.

Who is he?

Mu Linger looked at it and thought, but gold suddenly reached out and blocked her face. Mu Linger was shocked and his face was red.

This guy actually didn't sleep!

(End of this chapter)