Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1308: North Moon Special: She saved

The gates of the Qin government were surrounded by water. The top three people who were quietly sitting and demonstrating were all young doctors in the medical city. The medical grades were not low. There are four or five rows of people standing behind them. There are doctors with low grades, ordinary people, and many families who send relatives to the medical city for medical treatment. They talked a lot, and from time to time issued a neat protest. At the beginning, they only denounced the Qin family. Later, they angered the entire Qin family. Even the famous doctors of the Qin family were defamed.

Qin Min is dressed in a goose-yellow dress, which is elegant and light, giving a refreshing and clean feeling in the summer. She was in a wheelchair and was pushed out of a small alley by drugs. Everyone's attention is on the excitement of the Qin family entrance, and not many people have noticed her. Even if someone notices her, she is attracted by her beauty, but she is only feeling that she is so beautiful but a disabled person.

Everyone in the medical city knows that the Qin family’s young lady’s legs are crippled, but few people know that the Qin’s young lady is beautiful.

When the peony saw the battle at the Qin family entrance, she was scared. She stopped and whispered, "Mrs, let’s let the priest send two guards, if they make trouble..."

When the words have not been finished, Qin Min interrupted. "When I got to my door, I was afraid of being bullied? Are you laughing?"

The peony pouted and no longer advised.

She originally followed the master, from Ning Zhoucheng to Yuning, but the master suspected that she had a lot of troubles, actually threw her in Yunning, and went alone with her aunt to the north. She wondered if there was anything happening between her wife and her uncle. Helpless, she did not dare to ask, for fear of making her lady unhappy, and sent her to Ning Zhou. I have to know that she has been asking for a long time, and the lady promised to let her go to the medical city to serve.

Qin Min was pushed by the cockroach and was getting closer and closer to the crowd.

At this time, the closed door of the Qin government suddenly opened. For a time, all the arguments and condemnations came to an abrupt end.

The world is finally clean!

Qin Min poked her ear while letting the drug stop, she had to send someone to the Qin family to respond to the matter.

Soon, Qin Min was surprised, because the Qin family came out not someone else, her second son, the baby son, the Qin family's young master Qin Zhengyuan. He was a dignified white coat with a jade belt and a high beam of hair. He stood tall at the gate, his face was serious, and his age was light, but he was quite calm.

Qin Erye and his father and son both wished that her father had failed in this matter. How could he help out? Qin Min has a number of hearts. Sure enough, after Qin Zhenyuan stood for a while, he personally closed the door and stepped down the steps step by step. Under the eyes of the public, he turned and made a sly to the closed door. He said loudly, "Jing Yuan, only ask for the uncle. If you don't agree with your uncle, you can't afford it."

Needless to say, this "life is big" word, it tells all the key. Qin Zheng said no, but he went down and squatted at the front of the young doctors who were sitting and demonstrating.

In an instant, the quiet whole scene boiled up.

"It’s rare that the Qin family still has a clear mind!"

"Oh, the Qin family is a generation of medical sanctuary, not as good as the younger, the medical doctor!"

"In my opinion, the Qin family owner is also more improper than this, or let the sage go early! Lest the foundation of the Qin family be in his hands, all of them are defeated!"

"Qin lord! Elder Qin Da, your Qin family can't see it from your family, you still don't show up?"

"Oh, don't be carried out by the Qin family himself, when the skin of the old face has to be lighted!"


There were a lot of arguments, and the Qin family’s head of the family, the first generation of medical sanctuary, was compared with the juniors and was degraded. This is a big joke, a shame.

However, the door of the Qin family is still tightly closed and does not move.

"Mrs., the gang of the second room may be able to force the master out!" snoring said.

The more Qin Min heard this, the more she felt wrong. She said seriously, "I don't tell you about it, don't open your mouth. I am my niece, what is your wife?"

Peony, this sentence "Mrs.", a "master", let Qin Min how to listen to how awkward. The dowry prostitute of her maiden, regardless of who she became the lady, still has to call her Miss. She really didn't know that the drug was called "Miss" for more than ten years. How could she change her mouth to "Mrs."

"Mrs, when is this, do you care about this?" He asked urgently.

Qin Min turned back and licked the past. The drug was still deadlocked with her at the beginning. However, as Qin Min’s clear eyes slowly picked up, the drug was guilty and changed his mouth. “Miss, this is all the time, let’s Is it better than calculating this?"

Qin Min was finally satisfied, she said, "Push me over."

Although Qin Zheng was originally in the younger generation of Qin family, the highest medical product, but Qin Min has never looked at him.

Pei medicine pushed Qin Min to go forward, Qin Min was helpless, whispered, "Tricks, let's come to the scene. Can you shout a few?"

Peony is still immersed in the depression of the two titles, this time only slowed down, "Good!"

When the words were finished, she suddenly shouted, "ah..."

This voice is not only scared of Qin Min, but also let the front of the small hundred people brushed back and looked over, shocked.

When the drug was seen, everyone turned back and she pushed the wheelchair and ran as crazy!

"Let's let it go, let it go! Hit it and hit it, don't compensate. Hurry and let it go!"

"Anything to appoint a good thing, and quickly let the road open, if you hit the dead, the consequences are at your own risk!"

"Fast! Fast! Fast! Never let go, no time to save people, one life!"


Not to mention everyone, that is, Qin Min himself was shocked and stunned by the sputum, what is this shouting? I don't know if these words are effective in the drug, or the speed at which she pushed the wheelchair was too terrible. The people were very conscious, and they quickly gave them a way to the master and the servant, and they went straight to the Qin family gate. Even Qin Zheng, who had just left the "long look down" slogan, got up early and fled. When the wheelchair braked and stopped, Qin Min almost flew out. Fortunately, she had the foresight and grasped the handrail tightly with both hands.

As soon as the wheelchair stopped, all the people around him looked at Qin Min. Qin Min also glanced at them, and his heart was depressed. It is obvious that the sputum is shouting, why do these people stare at her with the eyes that stare at the monster?

In the silence, Qin Zheng was suddenly shocked, "Qin Min!"

When this was said, the people in the crowd who recognized Qin Min had opened their mouths.

"Isn't this Qin Qinda Miss Qin Min?"

"This is the wife of the Dean, how?"

"When is the wife of the dean back?"


Those who did not know Qin Min were all pity, but they did not expect the most famous disabled woman in the medical city to have such a beautiful appearance.

However, the discussion is arguing that everyone wants to know that Qin Min appeared here at this time, why did he come, represent his father, or his husband.

Those who can come here to demonstrate are not friends of the Qin family. They are hostile to the Qin family. Qin Min is the head of the dean's wife. Everyone is still jealous, and the attitude is also very polite.

However, politeness does not mean goodwill. The identity of the dean’s wife has become the key to everyone’s misfortune.

This is not, many people have come around.

"Mrs. Dean, are you coming back to persuade the deity to be an adult?"

"Mrs. Dean, this is a matter of appointing a singer. Can the dean of the dean come out personally?"

"Mrs. Dean, who is the head of the family and the wife of the dean. If he is willing to go his own way, he will soon lose the face of Bengbu Medical School. You must persuade it."

These words are still implicit. More often, I asked with a smile, "Mrs. Dean, Qin Jia is what you said now. You can get your idea quickly."


Qin Zheng did not expect Qin Min to come. He did not dare to silence. He walked over and called out. "Sister, you are finally back. You have to persuade your uncle, and your uncle is listening to you."

At this time, the family members lurking in the crowd are waiting to watch the show.

Qin Min can convince the Qin family to do things, and things have come to this, the reputation of the Qin family has long been completely ruined. Their purpose has also been achieved. Moreover, when their masters found out that they were buying the old man, they had already explained clearly. Even if the Qin family is saving people now, they will definitely be too late.

This life, the Qin family is back!

As long as the Qin family has this stain, what if the Qin family is the wife of the dean's wife? The Qin family can never turn over.

Qin Zheng's original Qin Zheng original sinister intentions, Ren Jia has a family of intrigues, Qin Min sees transparent, she is too lazy to ignore.

She just came to do what Gu Beiyue said to do, and the rest is handed over to Gu Beiyue.

She opened her mouth and said what she said in accordance with the meaning of Gu Beiyue’s explanation. She did not add any ideas to herself.

She said, "Let's go back. I won't save people, I will save! If you don't save it, you will come back to the door, not too late."

When the words came out, everyone was shocked. Many people thought that they had misunderstood and whispered.

"What did she say? She wants to save people?"

"Jokes, Shen Affiliated Hospital does not dare to take over easily, she wants to take over?"

"Oh, this is a grasshopper!"


Everyone’s argument is still small. Qin Zhengyuan suddenly said loudly, “Sister, what joke are you doing?”

Now everyone is loud.

"Mrs. Dean, the appointment of Shaoguan is not a play? Why do you save people?"

"Can't save and come back to the door? It's late!"

"This... this is simply taking life as a play! The original Qin family is this virtue!"


Qin Min’s words annoyed everyone. The few people who are lurking in the crowd are also very surprised, and they are all somewhat unsettled. Just when I was about to speak, a woman came out of the crowd. She said loudly, "Mrs. Dean, this person, I can save it! Please give me this opportunity."

This woman is not someone else. It is the four ladies of Ren Jia, who is Yu Yu.

(End of this chapter)