Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1326: North Moon Special: mad

The emperor is in the middle and south of the cloud, and during the Mid-Autumn Festival, although the weather is cold, it is not necessary to wear cotton aphid. Princess Yan not only wore a cotton jacket, but also wrapped in a fox, not a long scorpion!

The reason why Long Feiye is so afraid of Yan Princess is so cold, it is precisely because Princess Yan is one year old, because it is too cold to wear, it is heavily cold.

That is the first time that Princess Yan has taken medicine in this life. Every time she drinks medicine, she is forced to pour in it and is smashed several times. In addition, Ms. Ren is very cautious in prescribing medicine, so she is slow and takes a long time to take medicine.

These days almost tossed the dragon non-night madness. When the first four ladies and Zhao Yan Guan Yan princess took medicine, the dragon was still watching and guarding. Later, several times, he couldn't bear to look at it and simply waited outside the door.

However, it is precisely because he left, Ren Si and Zhao Wei let go of their hands and feet, and the medicine was filled with more and more, and there was no more squatting.

After that, the dragon was especially afraid of the baby daughter to catch the cold, and the most important thing was whether the Princess Yan was warm. In other words, Princess Yan has actually grown a few times.

Ms. Ren Si, Zhao Wei and a group of experienced nurses are guarding Princess Yan. According to reason, they can persuade the dragons to be non-night, but unfortunately, they dare not say much.

According to the words of Miss Ren Si, it is common for children to get cold and cold. In case they say more, Yan Princess is dyed again, and the emperor blames it, they can't afford it.

People outside the palace may not know how much the emperor loves the little princess. The few people who serve on the day are the clearest.

Therefore, Zhao Wei looked for the Queen Empress to explain the situation, let the Queen Empress to convince the emperor.

Zhao Yu’s original words are like this. "Queen Empress, the emperor listened to you most. You persuaded the emperor to go on, and then boring it, and smuggling out the scorpion."

Han Wei said, "The emperor most listens to the little princess, and when the little princess is a few times long, she will resist."

Sure enough, Princess Yan was in the face of Gu Beiyue tonight, and resisted!

When the dragon was not moving at night, Han Han knew that Yaner was deliberate, so she was too lazy to reason.

When I heard Yan’s long scorpion, the dragon was anxious at night, “Where is it?”

"On the belly!" Yan said that he would pick up his clothes.

The face of the dragon is not dark, although he has told Yan children several times, he can't just slap his clothes and squat his sleeves. However, Yan children are still too small and often forget. Playing and playing, not to drag the shoes and socks, is to put the sleeves high and old.

Long Fei night quickly held Yan's hand, and it was passed down to Miss Four.

"Qin Min is here, no more than looking for a fourth lady." Han Yu opened his mouth.

She is about to take Yan children to the medicine, but Yan Er does not let it seriously. "After the mother, I have to say that I have to be especially important to talk to Gu Dafu. It is more important than the nephew."

"Then you said, go to the medicine when you are finished." Han Hao replied.

The dragon is very curious at night, who knows, Yan Er also said, "Gu Dafu, you are now advising my father. Let him not always fear that I am cold, I am not so weak! My brother is Laugh at me."

Yan Er also put his hand out. "Gu Dafu, if you help me with the pulse, Ren Si said that my body is particularly good. It is not easy to get sick."


In this way, Yan Er sat in his father's arms, but completely ignored her father, has been talking to Gu Beiyue.

In addition to the dragon, the dragon is not a night.

Han Han sat back and went straight for leisure.

Soup, occasionally looking up at the dragon to look at the night, seeing his sly expression, she laughed silently, especially happy.

Yan's little man is really smart enough to know that he has caught Gu Beiyue.

Gu Beiyue always smiles and listens carefully.

On the other side, Qin Min was particularly puzzled. The dragon is not cherished by the words like gold. Han Han is not a person who has more words. How did he give birth to a daughter? I have a fight with the big lady of Tangmen.

However, the tender voice of Princess Yan is particularly good, and the speech is still a meal, like a small adult, no matter how much she said, it will not bother.

Yaner is complaining, Ruier and Xiaoying don’t know when they have quietly landed on the top of the pavilion. Two people squatted on the roof and looked down through the gap of glazed tiles.

Of course, Xiao Ruier is always covering his ears.

From the moment his sister learned to speak, Tang Hongdou is no longer the most terrible existence for him. This sister is!

The small shadow is to listen carefully to what Yan Princess said, a word is not missed, while listening, laughing.

After listening for a while, the little shadow asked, "His Royal Highness, the princess is also the person I want to protect, right?"

Rui Er looked up and saw the small shadow still groaning. He pulled the small shadow of his head and asked, "And? Who are you protecting?"

The little shadow smiled and said, "You..."

Rui Er immediately let go of his head, stood up, and squatted in the upper ground, asked, "Do you want to protect me?"

The small shadow quickly climbed up and said seriously, "Yes! The mission of the movie family is to protect the royal family."

Rui’s snoring, “You will only run away, how can you protect me?”

The small shadow said in a serious way, "His Royal Highness, I can take you away."

When this was said, Ruier immediately fell down and almost rolled off the roof.

After he got up, he pointed it on the head of the small shadow with a finger and said in a word, "Gu Nanchen, don't tell anyone, I know you!"

When he finished, he continued to kneel on the roof.

The little shadow muttered, "His Royal Highness, everyone knows, we know it."

After they came out from Tai Fu Fu, they did not go anywhere and went straight into the palace. Two people chased the whole house in the afternoon, either he chased under the temple or chased him. The palace was run all afternoon.

All the people in the palace, the guards, including the shadow guards in the dark, all know that he is the son of Gu Taifu, to be his sister.

Or the Highness himself told Xu Donglin that the original words were particularly domineering. "Xu Shiwei, the notice goes on. This guy is a man of this prince. Whoever stops him is the way to stop the Prince."

Ruier looked up and asked seriously, "Gu Nanchen, what is the ability to escape?"

The small shadow also collapsed and said seriously, "His Royal Highness, can save lives, and will not hurt others, it is a big skill."

Rui Er asked, "What can I do if I can't deal with the enemy?"

The small shadow quickly said, "You can suffocate the enemy! Just like your afternoon, you can't catch me, are you not angry?"

Rui Er hit the roof and no longer talked to the small shadow. This kid does not have to escape, a few words can be mad.

The small shadow smiled slightly and continued to look down.

The little things huddled and looked at them lazily. The little things are the same as Rui, afraid of the little princess. Since the little princess has held it, Prince Edward is not the most terrible existence.

The little prince chased it at most and wanted it to change.

And the little princess... raises a cat!

It is not afraid of the tiger, but is especially afraid of the cat species. Whenever the little princess holds the cat in one hand and points to the past with a finger, it always has the illusion that he is really a mouse.

It accompanied the son to travel all over the Yunkong continent. Later, the medical reform was over. The son returned to Yuning and suddenly went away in a few days, so that he could not find it. It was entangled in the little princess, and it stayed in Yunning. Later, they returned to the emperor with the ramie.

Tonight, I finally saw the son.

It waited silently, waiting for the dinner to end, and secretly went home with the son.

In the pavilion, Yan Er just complained.

Although the dragon is not a night, he is always told by his daughter. He didn't like to talk, and he didn't like people who were noisy. He couldn't listen to his daughter.

Hey, for a while, listening and listening, he not only didn’t know what to do, but he laughed.

After all, the dragon is not worried about Yan’s nephew. He interrupted Yan’s. “Well, the father will not let you wear so much, will you? Go to the medicine.”

"Hook!" Yan said seriously.

Long Fei night did not hesitate to extend the little finger, who knows, Yan Er said, "The father and the doctor tied the hook."

Qin Min covered his mouth in time, or just squirted a soup that had just been drunk. The expression of the dragon's non-night is stiff, and Gu Beiyue's smile is also stiff.

As far as Han Han did not react much, this daughter had a temper and thoughts, and she felt more than the night.

"Why?" The dragon is not crying at night.

Yaner replied in a serious way, "Adult and child hooks are deceptive. Adults and adults are the contract, and they cannot be violated."

Long Fei thought for a moment and said, "I am pulling back with your mother, is it?"

Yaner shook his head and said again, "Men and women's hooks are also deceptive. Men and men are hooked by men and will not easily violate."

When the words came out, Han Yu’s soup was sprayed out.

She really didn't expect her daughter to say this, this girl is two years old!

"Who taught you?" asked Han Wei.

Yaner can be serious. "After the mother, I can't sell Master."

Han Wei also asked, Yaner has urged her father, "Father, I know you are deceiving."

Dragon is not a night, it is a helpless! He looked at Gu Beiyue, and Gu Beiyue shook his head in desperation.

In the end, Gu Beiyue first extended the little finger, and the dragon also extended the little finger at night, and the two touched it and immediately let go.

Yan's heart was satisfied, and she hadn't come over to hug her after her mother. She slipped from her father's arms and flew to the side of the house.

Itchy people are dead!

When Han Yu and Qin Min chased the house, they saw the scene in front of them, and they both smiled and sprayed.

I saw Yan’s back on the pillar and made it hard.

Han Han took her up and picked up her clothes, and saw a small cluster of red rash behind her.

Qin Min glanced and said, "The Queen Empress, does not get in the way, is the medicine that was wiped before?"

Zhao Wei had already chased the medicine with him. Some experienced people know that this is only a trivial matter. The dragon is not a big fuss to ask the doctor.

Han Yu looked for Qin Min to come over, but also let the dragon not have a good night.

Qin Min smelled the medicine and said, "Queen Empress, this is tea oil."

"Yes, the previous four Miss gave." Han Hao replied.

(End of this chapter)