Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 133: Unwilling to announce the bet

Han Cong'an is a word that speaks powerfully and aggressively. Although he is a prisoner, he does not lose his homeowner's demeanor.

When he said this, all the doubts were eliminated. After all, it seems that Han’s attitude is not forced, but very serious.

After Han Cong'an finished, Ouyang adults quickly added, "Today's big troubles for the Qin Wangfu, the emperor's benevolence is kind, only to punish Xu's one person, to succumb to the effect, no longer pursue other people's crimes, but also hope that you are self-sufficient! If you dare to mess again The offenders will never be light!"

When the voice fell, the audience was still silent. These people were scared and stupid. They all felt impulsive, and knew that things would become like this!

Murong is like a horse in the crowd, and soon, a few people take the lead to bow down, "Taiwan Niangnience merciful! Xie Taizhen Niangniang is not punishable!"

As a result, everyone in the audience screamed and shouted at Shan En, at the entrance of Dali Temple, it was a spectacular scene.

But she was alone in Muyuyue. She stood sideways in the corner, her eyes cold and cold, and she looked at Han Ruoxue coldly. Han Ruoxue saw her, of course, just took a look and immediately bowed her head.

Seeing Han Ruoxue bowing, Mu Yuyue is even more angry. She has always been higher than the top. She can’t be as good as this foster daughter, but she can’t even condescend to Mrs. Xu. In order to delay the time of Han’s investigation, she does not hesitate to join these two people. Cooperation, I did not expect the result is a bamboo basket to fetch water, not to worry about Han Han, but actually for her name, so that she can be justified to get the key to the Han family warehouse.

Looking at Han Yu’s high standing on the top, how can she swallow this breath?

Mu Haoyue’s eyes both started, and it seems that he is making a decision.

At this time, I saw the untouchable people in the land, and I was always unhappy. I was so arrogant, and I was so proud of it, disdainfully glanced at the people, said nothing, and went away from the side.

Han Hao is also anxious to see the situation of Qi Yu Niang and Xiao Yi Er. He is turning to go. Who knows, Mu Haoyue suddenly came out from the side and shouted loudly: "Qin Wang Hao, I finally saw you today. I thought you were afraid to lose and hide!"

When this was said, Yi Tai and Murong Wanru, the Han Han three almost stopped at the same time, turned around and looked at it, and at the same time, the squatting people were all surprised to see the right side.

I saw that Mu Yuyue was standing there and standing there. Among the people who worshipped, it was especially high.

Mu Haoyue knows that she will gamble out today, which will affect her father and brother. However, in order to be able to defeat Han Han, she has to go out!

Today, with so many people present, she wants everyone to know that she and Han Han have a gamble, and after three days, they will honor the promise of **** the streets!

She expected that Han Han had not found the real murderer. If she had already found it, she would have been arrogant to her. How could it still be delayed?

For the remaining three days, she now took things out and made everyone known. In the three days, she had the way to continue to find trouble and let her have no time to investigate.

Anyway, this bet, Han Hao lost!

Yi Tai’s look at Murong’s eyes, a sneer on her lips, she gracefully turned and stopped, not going to leave, it seems that the Han family’s drama ended, Han Han’s good show is not over yet!

One by one, Han Han’s popularity is really not good.

Murong Wan did not expect Mu Haoyue to jump out at this time. This is really good. She made a deep impression on Mu Haoyue, indicating that although she is noisy, she will definitely assist in the next three days.

It will not let Han Han have time and have the heart to find out the real murderer.

The most unexpected thing is Han Han, and she never thought that Mu Haoyue would open a bet on this occasion.

In shock, she immediately screamed, "Mu Yueyue, you are a bit of a measure! Our private affairs, it is necessary to get a big audience to say? You should know that the impact is very bad!"

Han Hao has already said the words very straightforward. Once the gambling contract is said, she will help the young generals to investigate the poisonous and murderous things. The matter will be smashed. This matter involves the northern calendar, and the dragon is not the night. Always ask for confidentiality!

Mu Haoyue, this is crazy, still stupid?

Who knows, in the face of such a straightforward warning from Han Yu, Mu Haoyue not only did not converge, but it turned out to be intensified. "Qin Wanghao, is it that you are afraid of losing, will you dare to make things public? After three days, bet The date of the appointment is here, and everyone is present today. The Taisang is also present, and it is still open to let everyone be a witness, lest you regret not accepting the account."

"You!" Han Yu was really angry. Her Yu Guang took a look at Li's mother and daughter. I saw Han Ruoxue's face gloating, and Li was still calm.

If Lee knows her gambling contract with Mu Haoyue, will there be any reaction?

Seeing that Han Han did not answer positively, Mu Haoyue stepped up his offensive and asked curiously. "Qin Wang Hao, can't you be afraid? You are not prepared for the debts?"

Han Yuqi has a double sigh, the whole person exudes murderousness that is not close to the living. If not everyone is present, she really wants to rush down and seal the mouth of Mu Haoyue!

This idiot!

The suspect is at the scene, what is she doing!

"Xunzi, what the **** are you betting with Miss Haoyue? It’s not a bad thing. Let’s just listen to it." How could Murong feel like this at this time?

"That is, it is not something that can't be seen, Qin Wang, I can say it." Mu Hao month step by step.

"Miss Haoyue, what the **** is going on, even though you said that this palace is present, you must not allow anyone to lie!" Yi Taiyi also opened his mouth.

Under the attention of the public, Mu Haoyue has a special sense of accomplishment. When she comes over, everyone will consciously let go.

Looking cold and cold, Mu Hanyue, Han Hao has been unable to stop the development of things, simply, she also fights out!

This is the emperor's capital. It is the site of the dragon and the night. It is not easy for Li to escape. Before the tea test results come out, it is right and this is the opportunity to test Li's mother and daughter.

Han Wei is very much looking forward to what Li will have.

When Mu Haoyue walked down the steps, he couldn't help it for a moment. "Yi Yi is too embarrassed, Qin Wangxi and I bet, find out the true murder of the generals in a month, if you lose..."

Having said that, Mu Yuyue deliberately cast a provocative gaze toward Han Yu, and then continued. "If you lose, you will take off your coat and run around Xuanwu Street. After three days, it is the date of the appointment!"

When the voice fell, the audience was silent first, but it soon broke out!

"God! This is a bet... it’s too much!"

"This is who made the bet, it is too embarrassing!"

"Oh... look forward to it!"


I have to say that this bet is really shocking, so many people have ignored what they are betting on. Han Han looked at Li’s mother and daughter for the first time, but unexpectedly discovered that Han Ruoxue was still gloating. Look, and Li, still consistently calm, no shock or heart

Virtual performance.

They... how could this be?

At least give a little reaction!

Han Wei was incredible, and couldn't help but wonder if his speculation was wrong.

However, in fact, Li’s heart has already fallen into the sea at this time.

I thought that Han Hao would have trouble when I came back. I didn’t care about Mu Qingwu’s side. Who knows, she only turned her back in half a day! Who knows, Han Han actually has such a bet.

There are only three days left in the gambling period. The bet is so big. How can I be willing to lose with Han Yu’s temper?

If you don't lose, you have to win, which means that after three days, Han Yu can smash the poison.

Just, who can she pick out after three days?

The last time Han Han and Long Fei were secretly exploring her yard, and they did not find out why. Although they had already suspected that she was on her head, there was no evidence.

And a few days ago, Han Han has been hijacked. Where is the time to check the poison?

Could it be that she has already mastered the evidence in her hand? So, she dared to make such a heavy bet?

Will it be that jar of tea?

Thinking about this, Li is more and more uneasy. She has always been the most rigorous. Apart from the can of tea, there is no evidence left. Even if Han Yu suspects that she is coming up, she can't take her.

But the can of tea...

The more Li thinks, the more anxious her heart is. However, she has been lurking for so many years, and she has been determined to be a good person and has always been quiet.

Soon, she comforted herself, no matter what, now, nothing happened, and should not be settled so quickly!

Besides, her poisoning technique is very tricky. Even if the canned poisoned tea falls on Han Han's hand, Han Hao may not be able to find out why.

We must know that the poison tea that she personally prepared, in addition to the Lord, there should be no second person in the world to crack it.

In the shortest time, Li’s psychological construction was carried out, and the expression on his face became more and more calm, without any flaws.

Han Yu looked more and more confused, asking her to admit that she was wrong, she could not do it, but Li’s reaction...

Hey, what is the dragon at night this time?

Is it so long for a poisonian to look at the sub-inspection report? I took the inspection report and got the evidence to come and catch people!

"Han Han, Miss Yueyue said, but really?"

Yi Tai said a word, let the noisy whole audience immediately quiet down, and also pulled the **** Han Han back.

Murong Wan is like this, "Hey, isn't it true? You have been missing for a few days, isn't it just to hide this bet? Hey, though... although this bet is too much, but, people Have words and believe it!"

Han Hao was anxious to confuse his speculations correctly. For a time, he really ignored the bet. Hearing Yi Tai and Murong Wan like this one, they remembered the bad things.

This group of people is really odious, one is not good, down the stone, waiting to see her joke!

Han Yu was annoyed, but he still didn't answer Yi Taizhen. Who knows, at this time, an unexpected person actually opened his mouth.

"Sister, this gambling appointment I heard early Miss Yue said, you will not be swearing now?" This is not someone else, it is Han Ruoxue!

Han Ruo Xue!

The suspect identified by Han Han, this personally handed the poison tea to the suspect of Mu Haoyue, actually not at all guilty, but also help the moon?

(End of this chapter)