Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1346: Ten years of the covenant: leaving

From the ten-year agreement agreed by Han Chen and Han Yu in the past, only half a year left.

In the same year, Han Chen and Han Yu agreed in the enchantment under the Fengming Mountain. Ten years later, Han Yu will return to the poisonous ban and confess the Lord. At the same time, duel with Han Xiang, the winner can choose to stay. Specifically, if Han Han loses, he will stay in the enchantment for a lifetime, and learn the enchantment to protect the mausoleum. If Han Xiang loses, the guardian will be Han Xiang.

Although Han Chen did not explicitly mention the affairs of the lord, it is not necessary to know that the losers will always be in the enchanted mausoleum. Naturally, they will miss the power of the sect. Even if they can hang the name of the lord, No real power.

In order to meet this duel, Han Yu began to receive martial arts after he gave birth to Princess Yan. If Han Chen is not eccentric, it is impossible.

After all, the daughter is a biological one, not to mention, he is very optimistic about the dragon and the night this son-in-law. Over the years, Han Chen has not officially taught Han Han what he is, but when he gathers in the spring tea garden every spring, he borrows a chance to chat and mentions a lot of Han Yu.

After Han Yu ignited all the hidden phoenix powers in the body, he began to systematically practice the infuriating in accordance with the martial arts system of Xuankong.

In the martial arts system of Xuankong mainland, force and qi are mutually reinforcing and cultivated at the same time. There are nine products in force, and nine products in gas. There are three grades in junior high school and high grade. Only when the strength and the gas reach the same grade, can it be a grade.

Han Hao's current Feng Zhili has reached seven products, which is a very high grade. It can be regarded as a top master in the Xuankong mainland. However, her instinct has just reached the beginning of the five products. In this way, she can only be regarded as a master of five products. Although this grade is the same as Han Xiang, but seriously compare, in terms of "power", Han Wei will win a lot, because Han Xiangxiu's real force has reached six products.

Six products and seven products seem to have only one product difference. The difference in strength between the two products is unimaginable. Many people have not repaired a class in a lifetime.

As for the dragon and the night, after the dragon is really in control of the power of love, it will reach nine products. In the past few years, when Long Fei was busy with government affairs, he also accompanied Han Han to practice. Today, his infuriating spirit has reached the top of the five categories. This grade is placed on the mainland of Xuankong, and it is easy to overwhelm all the masters on the new rankings. In a few years, if he participates in the ranks of masters, he will be able to win the rankings.

In the half year, Han Hao has already entered a state of retreat. The dragon has been staying in the Imperial Capital for the night and has no intention of leaving.

It was already in the early summer, and it was time to go to Rui’s poisonous ban, and when the school was closed.

Rui Er began at the age of three, and every summer he went to the poisonous ban to close the martial arts. Now it is the seventh year. At the beginning, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu will personally send him to Han Chen. After two years of delivery, Long Fei will not send it. He did not send it himself, and he did not let Han Yu send it, only let Xu Dong send it.

Since last year, Rui Er has not allowed Xu Dong to send it. Alone from the emperor to the poisonous ban, the servants did not bring it, they brought some money and went very smoothly.

This year, Rui is ten years old, and no one will let people send it.

The ten-year-old Ruier has a young boy's attitude, is full of vigor and enthusiasm, and is distinguished and noble. Just walk to the crowd and you can be dull to everyone around you.

Of course, the glory of his eyebrows and the depth of his eyes are more like his father. At a young age, the mood is inconspicuous, unpredictable, not afraid to tease, and deceive.

He stood in the royal study room and respectfully said, "The children will leave, please ask the father to miss."

Long non-night batches were folded to half, and the eyebrows looked at the son and faintly said, "Well."

Rui Er came straight and sneaked at the father's eyes. It seemed to be somewhat lost. However, he turned and walked away.

After he packed up the good things, he forgot to go to the west side of the palace gate. However, when he joined the palace gate, he saw that the tallest figure he was most familiar with stood at the door and waited for him.

After all, it’s still a ten-year-old child. He flies past, “Father!”

The dragon turned around and turned around, but he had not opened his arms, and Ruier rushed to him to hug him. He smiled helplessly. He didn't really want to go to the gate of the palace. But he didn't know what happened, and he came again.

Fortunately, Han Han is retreating, otherwise he must laugh at his soft heart.

The father and the son are both few people. After hugging for a long time, Ruier let go of the father. It is not like respectful and courteous in the royal study room, but the children of ordinary people say goodbye to their parents. He said, "Hey, I Go, I will miss you and my mother, and Yan's."

Long Fei night stunned his head, and under this favor, Rui Chen’s face was completely gone, and he looked up and smiled, his eyes bent.

He said, "Hey, I know you will miss me too."

Long did not laugh at night, and took his son's hand out of the palace gate. Rui did not say much, and quietly followed him. One big and one small figure under the towering palace gate, slowly going, like walking a long road, no end.

Seeing that the father was walking very slowly, Rui also slowed down. After the father and mother did not personally send him to the poisonous ban, every year, they will take him, from the palace gate all the way to the city gate. All the way, without a word, you can hold the small hand in a big hand and hold it very tightly.

The father and son spent a whole half an hour before they walked to the door of the inner city. Many of the princes and aristocrats in the city met and gave their own way. They did not know where the royal prince was going, but only when they were going out.

At the gate of the city, Long Fei was still very decisive.

"Be careful all the way," he said earnestly.

"Yeah." Ruier nodded.

Just about to leave, who knows the father and said, "take care of your sister."


Rui Er’s heart skipped a shot and was scared.

Yan and the small shadows had been harassing him for a while, asking him to take them out of the palace and go to the medical city to see and see. Of course he refused. However, he knew that Yan and the small shadow were ironed to secretly follow.

He thought that the small shadow of the brain is better than Yan, and should not leave the same day with him. Who knows, the small shadows make him worry.

They can choose to go tomorrow, or else, you can go yesterday! Staggered with him, at least the father found that he would not blame him.

Rui Er has never dared to lie in front of his father. He said, "Father, the younger sister said that after her mother retreat, she and the little shadow are suffocating, saying that she will not let her go out of the palace, she will be ill."

Long Fei’s mouth licked a smile, but he said seriously, “You are responsible for watching her on this road. What happened? I only ask you! When you arrive at the medical city, you don’t have to.”

The world of Ruier is dark.

He quickly rushed over and pulled the father down and whispered, "Father, do you want the little shadow to take the Yaner down south? Jiangnan can have more fun.

Fang! ”

The father knows that Yaner wants to go with him. How many guards should he secretly follow? How many people should be sent in the medical city to guard it! Not only the bodyguards, it is estimated that the palace eunuchs are all old.

He is not blamed for being bored along the way! Moreover, things that want to do some secrets can't be done.

After listening to Rui’s suggestion, the dragon is not a night, "Is it better to tell her?"

Long is not able to convince her daughter at night, she has long been convinced that she will not leave the palace and stay with him in the palace. The daughter is older, no longer the two- or three-year-old doll, but she is almost seven years old.

Besides, when a daughter is two or three years old, she is not good at cheating, let alone now?

Long non-night has never left the political affairs, far away from the heart of the world, but every time his daughter wants to go out of the palace, he can not wait to leave the political affairs, take Han Han with his daughter to go around. I can teach my daughter a lot of things along the way, lest she grow up and be deceived.

So parents, even if the dragon is high in the throne, there is also.

Speaking of convincing her sister, Rui Er is also particularly helpless, and he feels like a kind of sympathy with his father.

He said, "Forget it. I will look at her."

With the words of Ruier, the dragon is not at night. After all, he sent more guards, and he didn’t dare to stop Yan, and only Rui, when his brother started the fire, Yan’s fear.

As for the baby of Gu Beiyue, he is even less hopeful. The doll has a virtue with Gu Beiyue, and there is no temper in front of his family.

After sending away Ruier, the dragon turned back to the palace. Along the way, I was pondering the matter of Gu Beiyue. Gu Beiyue left for two and a half years.

Gu Beiyue had won Han Han but he could not beat him. In the past two and a half years, Gu Beiyue did not personally visit Daqin’s medical center, but his whereabouts are unknown.

The letter that was sent to the medical department at the same time was not sent by him personally, but his heart was distributed in the name of the big hospital in the city.

If these things are placed on others, it is a bully! On Gu Beiyue, the dragon is only worried about the night.

He knows Gu Beiyue too much, and Gu Beiyue must have done this in order to do so. Daqin is his, but he really can't find him on his own territory.

When Ruier arrived at the gate of the outer city, Yaner and the small shadow appeared.

Ruier is dressed in the martial arts. The Yanzi, who is about seven years old, is a man who is dressed as a man. It is like a rich young master. As for the eleven-year-old little shadow, he dresses the most simple, like a small one. attendant.

The small shadow drove the carriage, chased the side of Ruier, and smiled warmly. "His Royal Highness, please get on the bus."

Ruier looked back and saw that the luggage on the top of the horse was piled high, and several bags were hung on the left and right.

Ruier asked coldly, "Xuan Yanyan, are you moving?"

Yaner immediately started to smile, hehehe said, "Brother, come up, let's discuss something!"

Ruier is on alert, "No interest, you play slowly, I am leaving."

There is nothing good about the things she wants to discuss.

Ruier whipped his horse and hurried.

It is a pity that after a while, the small shadow took the Yaner to catch up. Instead of stopping in front of the horse, she put the Yaner on the horse.

Yan Er hugged his brother and smiled and said, "Brother, don't practice, let's find the shadow with us and go!"

Rui Er was shocked, "Tai Fu?"

(End of this chapter)