Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1356: Ten years of the covenant: duel

Han Xiang grabbed the words, and Han Chen did not mind.

It is not that Han Chen prefers Han Xiang, but that Han Chen is such a temper. It is so cold that people feel that he has no emotions.

He only said eight words, "only by force, it hurts."

Han Han did not intend to use poison, she nodded and said, "Okay."

As for Han Chen, she did not know when she started to call her predecessor, but she did not officially call her father. Then it became a state that is not called now.

"Yes, father!"

Han Xiang’s “father” word deliberately emphasizes that it is like this that you can distinguish yourself from Han Yu, who has not yet recognized the Lord.

Women, the more they show off, the more they actually need and what they lack.

If Han Xiang knows that Han Yu had refused Han Chen in the poisonous ban, and refused to have a wolf, what would it be like?

In the past years, Han Han encountered too many people like Han Xiang. She was lazy and arguing, wasting time.

She strode to the side and prepared to go to war. Upon seeing it, Han Xiang also went to the other side. Two people stood on the left side of Han Chen, one stood on the right side of Han Chen, and was about fifteen steps away.

Han Wei is pondering the words of Han Chen.

These four words are wonderful, both to hurt the other side and not to hurt yourself. This is more difficult than the average "life and death" or "point to the end".

Han Wei still likes the rules of the game very much. She looks at Han Xiang and slowly pulls out the Mo Xie sword.

Infuriating is introverted and used to help. The power is explicit, and through the weapons she is good at, the tricks are displayed.

Han Xiang also used the sword. Seeing Han Han and pulling the sword, she immediately showed the sword. Han Han does not recognize what sword it is, but knows that it should not be small.

Both of them draw swords and see that the trial is about to begin.

But who knows, Han Xiang suddenly looked at the dragons and nights, and smiled strangely. "Da Qin Queen, you have come so many helpers, it is better, let's add another chip, or everyone is not interested." Yeah?"

Han Yuchao looked at Han Chen and saw that Han Chen was indifferent, knowing that Han Chen would not manage this matter.

Very good, since Han Chen does not care, she can safely clean up!

She asked, "What chip do you want to add?"

Who knows, Han Xiang actually said, "Plus... man!"

When the words came out, the dragon was cold and the night was cold. If it was not agreed today, he would have killed the woman.

Rui's colorful scorpio has long seen the grade of Han Xiang, Han Xiang's force of the real force is six, and the infuriating is the first stage of the five products. Although he is wounded in the body, with the power of nine products, the instinct of the five high-end, to kill Han Xiang is more than enough!

As for Han Han, Han Yu’s infuriating and Han Xiang are the same as the first grade, but Han Yu’s phoenix power is seven products, which is a high level of Han Xiang. Although the two are the same as the first-class masters of the five products, in fact, the strength of Han Yu is high. This duel, when Rui children saw the strength of Han Xiang, has already won the game!

Han Wei has not yet responded to Han Xiang, and the dragon is out loud at night, "Hey, quick battle!"

This is almost the tone of the command.

"Good!" Han Yu knows the aversion of the dragon.

However, Han Xiang smiled. "Oh, I don't dare to add chips. Why did you promise me? The two of us met for the first time. How can you hurt me to be a sister?"

Han Yu’s eyes passed a touch of complexity, and there was a strange feeling in the faint feeling that this woman seemed to

Not only for the test, it seems to have another purpose. These few words are all deliberately provocative. What does she want to do?

"I never take a man as a chip. Moreover, no man can get my eyes." Han Yu said coldly.

When this was said, Han Xiang was uttered. She had to admit that she couldn't find a man who was more exciting than the dragon.

Han Wei sneered, "I want to add a chip, I will give you a cup of tea time to find out what chips he has to get into my eyes. Otherwise, don't talk nonsense."

Han Chen has nothing to do, this woman is so arrogant, she does not mind before the war, teach her what is called self-acquisition!

"Sword!" Han Xiang immediately said, "If you lose, leave your Moxie. If I lose, my..."

Han Han immediately interrupted, "Oh, you recognize Moxie! Sorry, I am not interested in your sword!"

"Oh, clearly, this is the sword of the Qing dynasty!" Han Xiang said proudly.

Han Wei actually heard the name of this sword. This is indeed a sword, but she does not want to recognize it. She said, "I have never heard of it."

When the words came out, a group of people almost laughed behind.

When Han Xiang said the word "Mo Xie", she was destined to lose this tongue and she lost.

Han Xiang’s eyes are full of anger, she is deliberately trying to provoke Han Han and annoy Han Han. Who knows, just a few words, I will be half-dead!

In addition to comforting herself to calm down, she has no other way. In any case, she must anger Han Han, which is the key to the success of this war.

When she thought about it, she said with arrogance, "Han Han, the loser gave the winner a three-headed voice, how?"

Han Yu Li Ma looked at Han Chen and had to say that Han Xiang raised the condition of gimmick in front of him. It was really ridiculous. Unfortunately, Han Chen is still indifferent.

He doesn't care how they fight, all he wants is the result.

"There is no need for the girl. The loser, slap the other party, how?" Han Han asked coldly.

It’s not a slap in the face, but her slap can definitely kill people! As far as Han Xiang had just watched the eyes of the dragon and the night, she especially wanted to slap Han Xiang.

"Good!" Han Xiang did not hesitate to agree, and she thought to herself, Han Hao really dare to gamble!

A person who believes in the middle of the road and who begins to cultivate infuriating halfway, has the temper to compete with the person who has cultivated instinct.

She doesn't know the bottom of Han Han, but she is very confident about her bottom.

"Let's get started!"

Han Yu language, suddenly volley flying, holding the sword against Han Xiang attack!

Who knows, Han Xiang did not fight, but adopted a way to avoid, avoiding the attack of Han Han.

This first move made Han Yu wonder.

What conspiracy does this woman play?

Han Yu attacked three or four times, and Han Xiang actually escaped again, even fleeing far away, not shooting.

There is no time limit for the test. Is it difficult for Han Xiang to play a long-term battle, and drag on her, and then take it? Long is not a night to speed up, she also wants! In addition, she also has the strength of quick fix!

"Queen Empress, you are so fierce!" Han Xiang smiled.

"Do not worry, it will be fierce." Han Yu chuckled. This trick, she must have Han Han!

She held the Moxie sword in her hands, and she sacrificed the power of the phoenix without reservation. All the strengths were all gathered on the Moxuan sword under the impetus of infuriating. For a time, Mo Xiebao Jian Jian Mang masterpiece, in this sword mans, there is a virtual shadow of the phoenix,

How powerful is the toe.

Everyone is watching!

It was the first time that Long Fei night saw that Han Han broke out with such a powerful force. Han Chen tightened his brow and muttered to himself, "The power of Feng, it is extraordinary!"

Everyone stared at Han Yu, and no one found out that Yan, who was standing next to Long’s night, was not right.

She stared at the phoenix shadow in the sword, and her expression was sluggish, as if she had been taken away; and her little hand became a fist, like what strength had gathered a little on her little fist, let her because Can not stand and tremble.


She was stunned, and her head was empty. She is very clear that Long Fei has the power to indulge in love, but never imagined Han Han has the power of Feng!

The power of Feng itself is much more noble than the general strength, and it has the domineering power of the king who is not in general power! Moreover, judging from the power that Han Yu broke out at this moment, the level of strength achieved by this force is far from her true power!

She can't escape!

Do not……


Looking at the sword that Han Han cut down, Han Xiang suddenly realized what she was. She turned and fled, and yelled, "Don't! Father, save me! He has conspiracy, father, save me. ......"

Han Xiang’s voice is very loud and everyone can hear it clearly.

However, everyone did not respond, I don’t know what Han Xiang said.

Only Han Wei, Long Fei Ye and Gu Qi Shao three know the He family! The He family is a large family in the western part of the Xuankong continent. He’s family, He Xiaotian, lost to Han Chen in the last time he was in the top of the Xuankong mainland masters. It was rumored that at that time, He Xiaotian was defeated by illness. In other words, if it is played normally, it may not only be better than Han Chen, but also more likely to enter the top three of the Xuankong mainland master list!

Has the family had a conspiracy?

What is the relationship between Han Yu and Han Xiang in the ten years? What conspiracy does Hejia have?

No one can figure it out, and, in such a short time, no one can think about it.

Han Yulian did not hesitate for the time. She decided to take the initiative to spare her, and let her make it clear. If there is a lie, it will not be late.

At this time, the sword was taken back, and the power of Feng was not recovered. Once it was forcibly recovered, it would be completely reversed to her. She can only minimize the damage to Han Xiang. She urgently stopped the Moxie sword under her arm and forced the sword to turn off.

Almost at the same time, Han Chen flew out from the side, and hardened the scope of the force of the phoenix, and saved Han Xiang.


A loud noise came from the earth, and the whole force of the phoenix hit it down. It hit the sea and the ice sea. The whole coast was like an explosion. It collapsed instantly and the stone was flying.

Everyone was shocked by this force, and they all retreated. The dragon was protecting the Yaner in the night, Gu Qi was protecting Rui, the Tang and the quiet, and the gold and Linger also followed.

Everyone retreated far away, only to see that the coast was hit by a large and deep mouth, and they could see the ice under the ice sea.

Such a powerful force is not commonly used. The reason why Han Yu has such a great strength is that he does not want to squat on Han Xiang, and wants the life of Han Xiang! I want to let Han Xiang have nowhere to escape, trapped within the scope of this force, and was injured.

Han Chen put Han Xiang down and asked coldly, "Her family, what is this, why?"

Everyone is worried and curious, waiting for Han Xiang to answer. Long Fei night noticed that Yan's is not right, just asking, who knows, Gu Qixiao suddenly shouted, "Look, it's cracked!"

(End of this chapter)