Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1369: New Year's Eve Specials

New Year's Eve.

Wanjia fireworks, lively and extraordinary.

The Daqin Palace is also decorated with lights and fireworks everywhere.

After the dragon and the night couple and the pair of children left, the big palace was no longer quiet, but deserted.

Fortunately, Gu Beiyue has the heart and arranged everything well.

Even if Ruier had already prepared the red envelope for the reward before leaving, Gu Beiyue did something for Long Fei and Han Han. .

For example, in the name of the dragon and the night, he rewarded the ministers of the dynasty, the soldiers of the border. In the name of Han Yu, the servants of the palace, the life of the emperor are ready for the red envelope, which will be sent out on the New Year's Day.

For example, in the name of Han Yu, he brought a bunch of things from the south into the palace, such as paper-cut lanterns, flowers and many fireworks and firecrackers that show the heart.

It is because of this incident that the palace tonight is so busy, and because of this, even the servants in the palace suspect that Taishang and the Queen Mother secretly returned to the palace, let alone the people outside the palace?

At this point, the distance is getting closer and closer, and the new year is about to begin.

The sound of the guns outside is getting louder and louder. Qin Min, but huddled in the sleep of Gu Beiyue. Perhaps it was the first time that people were tired, maybe it was too warm in this embrace, the sound of guns and bamboos was louder, and they did not wake her up.

On the contrary, Gu Beiyue has not slept. He has Qin Min with one hand and the other hand behind his head. His eyes are wide and he does not know what he is thinking.

Quiet for a long time, just listen to him sighing softly, "One year will be the night, and Wanli will not return."

The original calm scorpion actually had some tears. He was about to get up. At this time, Qin Min whispered a few times, like a proverb, and could not hear anything.

He turned his head and looked at it. Qin Min moved, and after a few moments beside him, he reached out and hugged him.

He seems to be somewhat uncomfortable, but his mouth quickly smirked, and he was helpless and three-pointed.

He can't move, and he won't move. Just careful to pick up the hair on her face for her, and then no plans to get up.

He has no sleep.

Listening to the excitement in the palace, no sleep...

At this moment, the Tang and the quiet in the palace, the two couples of gold and Mu Linger have not yet fallen asleep.

Tang Li and quiet sit on the threshold, quiet and chewing slowly and slowly simmering red bean porridge from Tang. Tang looked at her eating with her head, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was afraid of this bowl of red bean porridge. Still sweet.

After a few mouthfuls of quiet, I took a bite to Tang to leave my mouth.

Tang is more sweet than laughing, "Mrs., grow up."

Quietly asked with a blank expression, "What do you mean?"

Tang smiled and said, "I know the hard work of being a husband. I know how to work for me."

Quiet and faint said, "The sugar is not there, can't feed her, but I will not be used to it. I can only feed you to comfort my wife."

Tang was particularly disdainful. "My daughter started to eat at the age of three, never let people feed. Quiet, you can't marry your daughter, and smash her behind."

Quiet in my heart, "eat porridge is not much nonsense!"

She was not pleasing to the eye, Tang gave a look, said coldly, "I can't finish it, can you eat or not?"

Tang blurted out, "You eat so much, you can eat a big bowl!"

When the words came out, the serene expression was stiff, but she soon piled up a face and smiled, "Don't eat, pull!"

So, the red bean porridge that had already passed to Tang’s mouth was taken back quietly, and a big bite was eaten.


The original sweet and sweet painting style suddenly changed, and the quietness no longer chewed slowly. The big red bean porridge was eaten all over the mouth. Don’t say anything to eat, I couldn’t see it.

After the silence was over, the tableware was thrown into the hands of Tang, "wash and sleep."

She lazily stretched a lazy waist and went into the house. Tang looked at the tableware in his hand for a long time before muttering to himself, "Washing and sleeping?"

Wash and sleep, when did this mean?

Tang Li gave the tableware to the servant. After he returned to the house, he saw that he was quiet and did not sleep, but was packing his bags.

Tang quickly rushed over and smiled and asked, "Is it really angry?"

"A, let's go to the ice sea." Serenity said seriously.

After all, I still miss my daughter. Maybe I can meet Gu Qihao in the ice sea and ask about the current situation of sugar. Although the sugar three of them were sent to the Xuankong mainland, they changed their names and concealed their identity. However, in the past year, Gu Qishao has reported several times for the children, so that they can rest assured.

Tang Yi converges with a smile, and faintly said, "Well, you can't catch up with New Year's Eve. The Lantern Festival should also meet Xiaoqi."

Gu Qishao and the little things stayed on the ice coast, acting as the messengers of the two continents. As for his temper, the festival will have to go to the dragon and the night.

On New Year's Eve, he will definitely be in the ice sea, and the Lantern Festival will definitely be there.

Tang Li and quiet said to leave, they did not face and Gu Beiyue's resignation, but left a note, Tang also deliberately left a red envelope for small shadows, let Qin Min collect.

However, it was not long before Tang Yi and quietly went out of the palace. He heard a man and a woman quarreling, and the voice was very familiar to them.

The woman’s angry voice asked, “Will you die if you go slower?”

The man’s tone is cold and cold. “It’s that you are not going fast, but you still have to be slow.”

The woman said again, "You can take me three steps in a step. Do you mean that I am slow?"

The man said, "Is it short for yourself, but I still feel that my legs are long?"

The woman seems to be mad, and she hasn’t heard anything for a while.

Tang Li and quietly looked at each other suspiciously, and quickly took the horse out of the alley. Sure enough, I saw two familiar backs not far from the front.

These two are not Mu Linger and gold, who is it?

Even though the two men were very noisy, the gold still held the hand of Mu Linger not open.

Quietly looked at the hands clasped together, could not help but laugh out loud.

You must know that Mu Linger’s head is really short, and the gold is tall, and the gold has long legs. Mu Linger really has to take three steps to catch up.

Gold took Mu Linger away, but I can imagine that Mu Linger has to work harder.

Hearing the movement behind him, gold and Mu Ling returned at the same time.

"How come, do you want to leave?" Quietly asked.

"Quiet sister, we are going to the ice sea, are you going?" Mu Linger quickly replied.

If it wasn't for the Chinese New Year, she and the gold had already gone to the ice sea. Who knows that they are going south, and Rui is running.

She wants her little Linger, she wants her sister, and she wants seven brothers and little things.

After dinner, she wanted to ask her sister whether they wanted to go or not. The result was stopped by gold. Gold said what the New Year's Eve was full of fireworks, want to take a walk with her, look at the fireworks, all the way to the city gate.

She must have been in the water before she would believe in his ghosts. As for the difference in height between the two, this life is destined to be unable to walk happily!

"We also go to the ice

Sea, one..."

If the peace is not finished, Tang will be interrupted. "We also go to the ice sea. Let's go first, you... continue, continue! That... Jin brother's legs are really long."

If you don’t persuade the Chinese New Year, you will continue to quarrel. No one except Tang is away...

In this way, Tang’s words from the mouth made the scene paralyzed, and no one said anything. Tang Li took the opportunity to immediately turn over the horse, and took the tranquility to the top, and tightened.

"Ice the sea!"

Tang left the whip and left with his wife. The gold and Mu Linger stood in the same place, relatively silent.

"What do you mean?" asked quietly and angrily.

One of the things she regrets at the end is that she did not look for Han to discuss some poisons to hide. When necessary, she was poisoned and dumb.

Tang did not answer with a smile, and waved a few whip to make the horse run faster.

"Tang is away, you stop! Wait for them!" Serenity took the reins.

Tang left but bowed down, and his chin rested in her shoulders. He said softly, "Let them wait at the gate of the city. Peace, I don't talk, don't talk, is it good?"

Tranquility really didn't know what Tang wanted to do, but she still lost in his gentle voice.

She always suspected that he was noisy, but as soon as he was gentle, the low and magnetic voice, she would never listen to it.

Tranquility really does not sound, quiet, let Tang stay behind her. Tang Li is no longer whip, and the horse is walking under the fireworks all over the sky.

Finally, Tranquility noticed the sound of firecrackers that had been around for a long time. She looked up and looked down, and saw the fireworks in the sky. She burst into gorgeous flowers in the night sky. She murmured, "It’s beautiful."

Tang does not look at the fireworks. For him, beauty is not a fireworks, but time.

This moment, so beautiful!

At this time, gold had already let go of Mu Linger’s hand. He said coldly, "Forget it, I will not walk with you in the future."

Mu Linger grievances, almost cried, who knows that gold is kneeling down, the tone is still cold, "The length of the leg can not be intercepted, I will recite you later, is it good?"

Mu Linger slammed, then rushed over, climbed the back of the gold, and clung to his neck tightly. "Great, no regrets! Repentance is a puppy!"

After the gold turned a blind eye, he stood up. He didn't want to talk. However, he couldn't help but say, "Slim, and add half a bowl to each meal." rice."

"When are you a pig?" Mu Linger asked.

"The pigs are going faster than you." Gold said coldly.

"Are you still finished?" Mu Ling was angry again.

Who knows, gold actually replied, "Not finished!"

"What do you want to do?" Mu Linger no longer licks the neck of gold, but... stunned!

Gold said, "I don't want to think about it, I like to argue with you."

Mu Linger stunned, but he quickly slammed him, "boring!"

Gold doesn't talk, looking down at the road, but the corner of the mouth quietly evokes a touch of good-looking curvature. Quiet for a while, Mu Linger looked up and looked at the fireworks in the sky, murmured. "You swear to fight me after I have to fight with me, or else, I will not quarrel with you anymore."

Gold almost laughed out, but still resisted, coldly replied, "Cheng, then there will be no noisy." "You!" Mu Linger finally found himself pit.

And the gold finally couldn’t help it, and laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)