Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 143: Encounter, pass by

Seeing Xue Gonggong’s mysterious expression, Changping Princess’s heart sneaked out, “Is there a play?”

Xue Gonggong laughed and didn't talk. Changping Princess's heart was more certain. She was overjoyed. She was more interested in the event of gambling than Mu Yiyue. Of course, she was still helping her. What's more, this girlfriend is still the sister of her sweetheart.

"Xue Gonggong, I must see my father today, you can help me think of a way." Princess Changping said anxiously.

You must know that regardless of whether Mu Haoyue is not guilty of gambling, or go out to the clothes and run the street, after today, everything is late, Mu Haoyue’s reputation will be ruined!

Who knows, Xue Gong is in a difficult position, but Frost Red is running in a panic, and he does not know what he said in the ear of Changping Princess. I saw that the face of Princess Changping changed greatly. Not talking to Xue Gonggong, he turned and ran away.

Frost Red said that the generals opened the door!

Someone stood up! It’s not someone else, it’s the brother of Mu Haoyue, the young general Mu Qingwu!

When Princess Changping rushed to the generals, the entire general army was surrounded by spectators, and Mu Qingwu stood at the gate and was preparing to take off his coat.

He just gave everyone a confession, saying that after Mu Qiyue came back from that day, he could not afford to go to school, so he could not perform the gambling contract. Today, the deadline has already arrived, and he will replace Mu Yuyue to undress and run the street.

Even a big man, standing at the gate, taking off clothes in front of so many people, it is a very insulting thing!

The whole audience was like a roasting pot, and even many people protested loudly.

"Mu Haoyue came out! Come out! The unscrupulous girl, what qualification is the daughter of the general?"

"Mu Yueyue must be sick, why not replace it, not counting!"

"The generals, there is no joke in the army, can't you just condone your daughter like this? Too fake!"

"If you don't believe, don't gamble, don't gamble!"


The gradual protests pointed to Mu Qingwu.

"Less general, you ran away, you ran away and counted!"

"Oh, less general, you don't take off, you take off... nobody sees it!"

"The young general, the kind of person who makes the girl, is not worth doing, you wake up!"


Princess Changping listened to these words and saw the long-lost Qingwu brother. She was so distressed that she couldn’t breathe. She stood far away, and her tears kept falling, and she hated Han Han!

They are all Han Han. If there is no Han Han, there will be no such bet, and Qingwu’s brother will not fall to this end.

At this time, Han Yu was also in the crowd. Her brow was tightly locked. I don’t know when she bit her lip silently. She guessed that Mu Yuyue would continue to pretend to be sick. However, she did not expect Mu Qingwu to come forward to replace Mu. Perform a bet on the moon.

Mu Haoyue’s nature is not mentioned. In fact, no matter whether she runs or not, her reputation is ruined. Nowadays, it is directed at Mu Qingwu’s gas festival. Perhaps, the gambling contract should be over.

Han Yuzheng is going forward. Who knows, Princess Changping suddenly rushed out of the crowd and hugged Mu Qingwu’s arm.

"Qingwu brother, I don't want you to do this! No! No!"

Changping, are you back?

Han Han was very surprised and returned to his footsteps.

Mu Qingwu was also very surprised. However, he quickly pushed the Changping princess's arm away without a trace. He whispered, "Princess, men and women don't kiss, please pay attention."

Princess Changping is not afraid of the sky, afraid of Mu Qingwu, whoever does not listen, listen to Mu Qingwu.

She didn't dare to move again, but she looked at it with tears.

Mu Qingwu, "I don't want you to be like this, no!"

The appearance of Princess Changping calmed down the audience. Mu Qingwu’s eyes flashed a complex, low-pitched voice, very serious. “Princess, everyone is watching, don’t be fooling.”

"I don't have a mess, Li is a Han family, and he can't help him..."

However, the words of Princess Changping have not been finished yet. Mu Qingwu’s eyes are so sharp that she scares her back and laughs even more, even dare not say it.

She has never seen the fierce look of Qingwu’s brother, as if she had made a big mistake that cannot be forgiven.

The gambling contract will stop here, and then entangled and smashed out the traitorous things, the impact is even greater. Qin Wang and the emperor are even more difficult to do. Now, under the eyes of the public, Mu Qingwu has to be more true.

Seeing Princess Changping shut up, Mu Qingwu looked up and looked at the front. His eyes were stunned, and he said, "You all see clearly, and the people of my generals can do it."

When he said it, he did not hesitate to untie the clothes and clothes belts and dry and crisply took off his coat.

White blouses, black boots, long and thin, standing like a stiff military posture gives a feeling of openness and loftyness. For a time, all the ridiculous and depraved voices, all doubts and sarcasm have become revered.

Mu Qingwu, real man too!

Princess Changping grinned and looked at it. At this moment, her heart was like a knife. However, when she was distressed, she also had a sense of pride for no reason. She was more determined and determined that she would not marry Wu Qingwu in this life!

Han Hao looked silently and silently. She knew that she had no need to stop it. It was useless to stop anyone.

Mu Qingwu stepped down the steps step by step, and the crowds on the scene took the initiative to let a road open. After Mu Qingwu walked down the last step, he immediately ran up and passed through the triple crowd and ran into Xuanwu Street.

Along the way, there were countless people on both sides. Everyone stopped and watched this scene. Even many people chased the footsteps of Mu Qingwu, followed by the back, and the Tianning Emperor, who was a big man, was empty!

After this day, Mu Qingwu became the big man who everyone admired. That is, from this day, the reputation of Mu Yuyue has plummeted, and many women of the dignitaries have differently communicated with her. Of course, this is a follow-up...

Han Yu is in the crowd, and has been chasing Mu Qingwu, but who knows chasing after, she has stopped.

She clearly saw the window of the restaurant on the side of the road, and saw a very familiar figure... Long non-night!

Although the dress is deliberately low-key, but Han Han still recognizes it at a glance, it is him, yes!

It turned out that this guy is here.

She is still stupid to think that he is not in the lonely court, or in the palace, is busy for the traitors, who knows, he is leisurely, went to the tea house to drink tea.

In fact, the traitor has nothing to do with her. Even if the dragon is not looking for the mask man from now on, she doesn’t care. She only cares about the sin of the Korean family. This guy can’t give her a satisfactory answer. Is it too much to have such a leisurely feeling?

Han Wei took a serious look and found that Long Fei didn't seem to be talking at night. He was opposite.

The window of the seat is on the second floor. Han Han stood on the opposite side of the tea house. She could barely see the dragon and the night. She immediately boarded the second floor of the tea house and confirmed that there was someone opposite the dragon.

Unfortunately, she changed several windows, but she could not see who the dragon was opposite the night.

Who on earth is it?

If you can drink tea with the dragon and the night, it must not be a simple person. It’s hard to come up with any guests. However, if it is a guest, it will not be in the tea house on the street.

Han Yu became more and more suspicious. Finally, she decided to go to the opposite restaurant.

However, she was about to leave, but she saw the dragon come up at night and they were leaving.

This time, Han Yu was nervous, squatting in front of the window sill, seeing the dragon disappeared in the window at night, her eyes immediately moved to the door of the downstairs tea house, stretched her breath, waiting.

After a while, I saw that the dragon came out at night, and the one behind him was...

Han Hao’s eyes widened and he raised his hand violently. He slammed his mouth and stunned and couldn’t speak. It was incredible. Too unexpected, the dragon’s “guest” would be her... Duanmu Yao!

Princess of Rongle in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Duanmu Yao!

So, is this the rhythm of the beauty of the tea shop? Therefore, the dragon is not guilty of the sin of the Han family in the past few days, can't give her a positive answer? Therefore, when she asked Chu Xifeng this morning, he would be so arrogant, dare not say?

Walking out of the gate of the tea house, Long Feiye and Duanmu Yao walked side by side. It can be seen that Duanmu Yao is very well dressed. She is full of spring breeze and laughs. It seems that she is discussing with the dragon and the night just about Mu Qingwu running the street, and the dragon It’s not as cold as usual, and I have been responding to her.

The two walked along the street and headed forward.

When Han Hao was shocked, the more she looked, the more angry she was. She didn't even think about it. She rushed straight downstairs and pushed away a few people who had to stop.

However, she did not know how, but she stopped suddenly and did not know what she was thinking. Suddenly she stepped in from the side alley and returned to Xuanwu Street from the small alley in front of them.

She stopped and took a deep breath, just stood and waited for them to come.

In fact, if she asked her what she was doing, she would not answer it. She didn't think much about it, just did it.

Although Mu Qingwu just ran over, the streets were still crowded, and from time to time they were collided. Han Han did not care, standing reluctantly.

Finally, she saw the dragon and the night they came over and came closer and closer...

Finally, in front of me, a step away, face to face, Long Feiye and Duanmu Yao certainly saw her.

However, the dragon's gaze only stopped on her face for a second, then she retracted and walked past her sidelessly like a passerby.

At this moment, Han Xin’s heart was hit by something, and there was a feeling of being out of reach. She didn’t know what happened to her.

It was a surprise to encounter Han Yu Duan Mu Yao, but she did not say hello to the dragon, but she was stunned.

She lifted her chin and glanced at Han Han with a provocative attitude. She strode past her and made a deliberate attack on her.

Duanmu Yao is a martial arts person. How hard is this collision? Han Wei did not stand firm, and when he took a step, he fell and scared people around him.

"Girl, are you okay!"

"Girl, hurry up, don't you tighten?"


Hearing the movement behind, the dragon stopped at night, but he continued to move forward. Duanmu Yao quickly caught up and complained, "Senior, you go slowly, there are too many people, I will go later. Lost."

Long did not respond to the night, nor did he slow down. However, Duanmu Yao was still smiling and in a good mood, and he kept up with him.

The brothers promised to accompany her all day, to do the friendship of the landlord, she really did not dare to ask for anything.

Han Hao was helped by the kind of passers-by. She looked at the back of the distance, and her heart was very uncomfortable. She shook her heart and even hurt her hand.

Long non-night, what is the relationship between you and Duanmu Yao?

(End of this chapter)