Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 150: This is Wang Hao’s arrogance

Is this a good idea?

Some of Han Han was thundered. She knows very well that the most basic battle between women is the chess and calligraphy, poetry and songs, but these women are from small to big, don’t bother?

She is annoyed when she looks at Gongdou’s novels. Is this a good idea?

Han Wei was a happy, but the excitement of everyone on the scene was ignited, and they were excited at once.

“When you are in the mood, you should live up to the beauty of the garden.”

"I also want to say that everyone is going to make a song, let the Princess of the Highness pick a few good ones, make a booklet, and go back to the Queen's Mother."

"Good, this idea is wonderful!"


These women and women have been waiting for this opportunity from the very beginning. Whether they are plum, plum, or fighting, they are all prepared. How can they get them?

However, Han Han was miserable. A waste material prostitute who was abandoned since childhood, what does she know? Look at her usual behavior, and if she says it, she knows that she is a vulgar person.

Her performance is too much to look forward to!

Princess Changping smiled and looked at Han Yu. "Qin Huangfu, what do you think of the plum?"

Han Yu’s mouth was twitching, and he still didn’t answer. Everyone on the scene was screaming.

"I haven't seen Qin Wang's poems yet? Everyone must be blessed today!"

"Qin Wang Hao, I heard that you are a talented woman. Qin Wang appreciates your talents."

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you can't hide it today, you must let everyone open your eyes and let everyone know what it is to learn to enter the eyes of His Royal Highness!"


This sound is flattering, but it is sarcasm, sarcasm, kill!

Han Yu will not look at the eyes of everyone, but he is not in the heart, let you envy and hate, I am clearing the wind and clear moon.

However, at this time, Duanmu Yao next to her couldn't sit still, smiled. "This princess wondered how Wang Niangniang married into the Qin Wangfu. It turned out that Wang Xiiang was only able to enter the Qin Wang. The eyes are really amazing...unbelievable. Why is it that Wang Hao’s maiden first came to write a poem?”

When the words came out, the lively scene was a bit quiet. Duanmu Yao’s words were really mean. Everyone knows the marriage contract between Han Yu and Qin Wang. But she just said this, this is simply the face of Han Han’s face.

Who knows, this time Princess Changping actually added fuel and vinegar, she looked shocked, "Hey... Qin Huangfu, I thought you only learned Qinhuangshu to marry you? I have not known before! Is it? ?"

How should Han Han answer?

If she replies yes, and can’t prove her talents, can’t she be laughed at?

If she replies no, Princess Duanmu Yao and Princess Changping will certainly use her marriage contract and her own things to enter the Qin Wangfu to humiliate her.

As soon as the words were finished, the eyes of all of them were all seen by Han Han, and no one was glad to wait for her to answer.

"Isn't it? Wang Hao Niangni, you give a message." Duanmu Yao smiled coldly.

Just when everyone waited to see Han Han at a loss, Han Hao actually smiled, especially good-looking, especially confident, she said slowly, "only learning, it is a reason."

This woman, the tone is not small!

"Oh, it seems that everyone is right, Qin Huangfu's talent is not ordinary, everyone will wait and see today!" Changping princess's tone has changed.

Duanmu Yao looked disdainful, "Would you please Qin Wanghao first come to the plum?"

"Yes, you must come first! Hurry!"

Princess Changping can't wait to urge.


Everyone’s eyes did not leave Han Han, and even a few men present, including Long Tianmo, also came over.

Han Hao must have been riding a tiger, and the tone is so dare to be so big, see how she will end up now.

But who knows, Han Hao is seriously asking, "Changping Princess, are you sure you want me to come first?"

When Princess Changping glanced, she nodded. "There is nothing to be sure about. If you don't know what to do, you won't be tempered again. It's not the skill. What are you going to do? Didn't you see everyone waiting? I am looking forward to it. !"

Duanmu Yao proudly smiled, "Wang Hao Niangniang, you don't... modest! Let's get started."

Han Hao Today, this princess must have knowledge and insight, how do you open this mouth!

The audience was quiet, everyone was waiting, the factors of tension in the air gradually dispersed...

However, Han Han once again looked at the end of Muyao. "The Princess Rongle is a guest, let her come first."

Excuse! Dodge word!

Han Wei, you are finished, you know that you can't do it!

Duanmu Yao has not answered yet, Princess Changping said, "Qin Huangfu, you are really joking, Princess Rongle is the most famous female poet in Yunkong, and there are several poems. In the textbooks of the Royal Academy, Also included her poems, we will carry a few heads! Of course, she has to press the axis, or you should come first!"

Duan Muyao was proud of his face, and he was so guilty of the exaggeration of Princess Changping.

Han Yupi laughed and didn't smile. Chang Ping did not say that she was reading Niu Muyao's poetry.

"Or, will Miss Xu come first?" Han Yu also resigned and looked at Xu Yourong.

Princess Changping immediately said, "Qin Huangfu, she only has five or six poems in the year to be included in the annual poetry collection, you should not let her ugly. You are not a grade."

"Who can you come first?" Han Hao said with a sigh.

When Princess Changping is happy, she knows that Han Yu will be anxious, and she will introduce it with enthusiasm. "Qin Huangfu, the one who is the priest of Shangli Shangshang, can be a poet at the age of three, and the seven-year-old champion." Position, Miss Seven of the National Government, Su Yingxue, her poems are familiar to the people of the emperor. There is also, this, even more, her poems make university students sigh like..."

Princess Changping showed off and finally laughed. "Of course, they can't enter the eyes of Qin Huangshu. It's not as good as you. You shouldn't give up again. Come and have one!"

Han Wei was really scared. I didn't expect so many masters. However, Chang Pinggong mainly used this method to raise her height, and then let her fall more miserable. It was a big mistake!

She stretched her waist down lazily, looked at the crowd and smiled. "Changping, you mean they are not as good as me. I did it first, and they don't have to waste time anymore?"

When the words came out, the whole audience was a big man, and Princess Changping took a sigh of relief. What does Han Han mean? This tone is bigger than just now!

"Changping, is it?" Han Yu asked again.

Princess Changping was incredible, but she nodded resolutely, "Yes!"

Han Wei, since you are looking for death, it will make you die even worse!

Han Hao was very satisfied with the nod. She really didn't want to listen to a lot of women writing poems here.

At this time, Duanmu Yao couldn't help but ask, "Wang Xiong Niang's meaning is to want to compare this Princess alone?"

It seems that I am afraid that Han Yu will not answer. She learned that Han Han had just asked the voice of Princess Changping and asked, "Is it?"


Knowing that Han Yu didn't even think about it, he replied directly, "Of course."


Duanmu Yao was not expected, and immediately said, "Don't wear it, you start!"

However, Han Hao sighed softly and said, "Hey, I am afraid that the poems I have made are so good, you will be embarrassed to do it again, or give you a chance, you should first."

Her voice is not big, but everyone in the room can hear it clearly!

This woman is so arrogant!

This is simply the degree of arrogance to ignorance. Actually dare to provoke the glory of Princess Rongle as a recognized talented woman?

Duanmu Yao stood up in a hurry and stared at Han Han with his eyes wide open. This woman was simply insulting her with her ignorance!

She couldn't bear it, and called her name, "Han Han, today, if you can win this princess, the princess will never make any poetry!"

However, Han Yu still tried to answer without thinking, especially refreshing, "No problem!"

"You!" Duanmu Yao couldn't believe his ears. Looking at the fearless light in Han Yu's eyes, she suddenly had some inexplicable fear. However, she soon ignored it, not to mention that this woman did not receive any education. I will never make a poem, even if she will, it is absolutely impossible to win her!

"If you lose, take the initiative to leave the Qin Wangfu!" Duan Muyao said a word very heavy, resounding the audience.

"Okay." Han Yu was faint, and his tone was extremely light, but it made everyone inexplicably shocked.

"You first!" Duan Muyao pressed hard.

This time, Han Han did not refuse, she took a sip of tea, and slowly took out the classic quatrain of Mao Grandpa.

"The wind and rain send spring return, and the snow flies in the spring. It is already a cliff with hundreds of feet of ice, and there are still flowers and flowers..."

When I arrived here, the whole audience had already fallen into a silence. Everyone seemed to be hooked up, listening carefully, waiting for Han Wei to continue, and Changping Princess and Duan Muyao face each other, and the face gradually changed.

Han Hao paused, smiled a little, and then continued, "Qiao is not vying for spring, only to report the spring. When the mountain flowers are rotten, she laughs in the crowd!"

After she finished, Princess Changping was paralyzed, and Duanmu Yao, she only felt that the whole world had quietly followed the end of Han Yu’s last "Cong Zhongxiao", and she only heard her. Heartbeat, "Hey! Hey! Hey!"


She... Did she hear the mistake? She... is she dreaming?

How can there be such a good word in the world?

Well, even if it is from the mouth of Han Han, she has to be willing to do it well, it is wonderful!

Yan Mei, in addition to praise the plum blossom character, most of them are expressed by the poet's high and out of the group, but they are completely different. However, the first word of Han Yu is completely different. The phrase "When the mountain flowers are blooming, she laughs in the bushes" It’s a killer of all the masterpieces, expressing humility and open-mindedness!

Duanmu Yao looked at Han Hao incredulously, fell down and sat down, and his flower was eclipsed.

At this time, everyone in the audience is still savoring the two words that Han Hao has just made, and there is no accident, no shock!

Silence for a long time, suddenly, Long Tianmo screamed loudly, "Good! Excellent! Wonderful! Qin Huangfu, you are really hidden, today, finally let everyone open their eyes!"

Long Tianmo is too accidental, even if it is a man, there is no such thing as the integrity and temperament in the poetry!

Words are like others, and poetry is like a person.

This woman is really arrogant, but she is a arrogant capital.

She is such a strange woman, how many amazing things on her body have not been revealed?

(End of this chapter)