Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 151: Fighting wine, trouble is not small

Long Tianmo looked at Han Hao incredibly. This is the second time he looked at her so close, the first time she was treating his strange disease and saving his life.

The feeling of this time is completely different from the last time, even if he ignores it again and again, but after all, he still deceives himself. He likes this woman. Moreover, he also knows that this woman is different from Duomu Yao, Duanmu Yao. He can help him to sit in the position of the Prince, and he will sit firmly in the future. Han Han can make his life reach another height.

However, he always reminds himself of the fact that the man behind this woman can also help him to help God, but it can easily ruin everything he has now.

He can't afford it!

Can you squat? How can a lone star glory with Yaoyue?

He can only secretly expect in his heart. Perhaps, Qin Wang has not found this woman's difference. Perhaps, the arrogant Qin Wang will miss this woman. Perhaps, one day in the future, he will have hope.

The applause of Long Tianmo made the people who were immersed in the shock continually slow down, and many people followed the applause.

"The wonderful, high-spirited, open-minded, this word must be a classic!"

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang is really hidden, Qin Wang His Royal Highness... Good vision! Ha ha!"

"It’s not a king of Qin, I’m taking it! I’m convinced!”

"There is no certain tolerance, absolutely can't be such a word, Wang Hao Niangni, we really don't have to do it again!"


Just those who are waiting to see Han Yu’s jokes, many of them have greatly praised Han Yu, and willingly sigh.

When you reach a certain height, many people will be embarrassed; but when you reach the true height, the person who yells at you will only look up at you.

Han Wei does not like plagiarism, but if this method can block the mouths of these people, it will let the self-righteous women know what is called someone outside, and there are people outside, she is still very happy to be a Lei Feng.

Now, it is time for her to take revenge.

She looked at the end of Muyao, faint and laughed, "Princess Rongle, it's up to you."

At this time, Duanmu Yao was slowed down from the shock, and his heart beat violently, and the body could not help but tremble.

She has shown.

However, if she does not make a better come, it is a foil, it is a shame!

What's more, Han Han just said that she is afraid that the poems she made will be very good, and she will be embarrassed to do it again.

Now, if she does, she is not as good as her. Isn’t it true that she should have her face and let her face no more?

What should she do?

Originally, it was necessary to make Han Han lose face, but now he has been surrounded by people, and he is in a dilemma. As time goes by, the audience becomes more and more quiet, and Duanmu Yao’s face is gradually reddening. She wants to find a place. Drill in!

Everyone waited, just a few in the early days, a few named by the Changping princess, all fortunate, fortunately, they did not play, otherwise, today is embarrassing is their own!

Han Han, this woman is too terrible, too deep and hidden, it seems that in the future, there will be little conflict with her directly, otherwise I don’t know how to die!

I have to say that at this time, even Princess Changping is fortunate. Fortunately, it is Duanmu Yao who bet with Han Han. If she is replaced by her, the biggest joke today will be her!

Han Yu’s patience is limited. She smiled and kindly reminded, “Princess Rongle, you have been thinking for a long time. You have so many books of poetry, you just have to pay for it, don’t you have to think for so long?”

Duanmu Yao looked up and looked at her.

Seeing her glory and glory, I really want to kill this woman with a sword. She took a few deep breaths and finally admitted her defeat. She gnawed her teeth and fangs. "The Princess Wang is very powerful, and the Princess is not as good as it is!"

Han Hao, this girl is absolutely enemies, she is not modest, smiles and said, "Oh, I have not reminded you earlier, you still want me first, I have to bet, this time, you have to gamble Have you made an appointment?"

Duanmu Yao’s **** smell all rushed into his throat. God knows how much she has wronged. She lowered her voice and hated. “Of course, I am willing to gamble and lose, this princess will never make poetry again!”

Han Hao was very satisfied, smiled harmlessly and splendidly. She looked back at Princess Changping. "Changping, do we still fight anything else? Painting? Qinyi? Or come to play chess?"

Where did Changping princess dare to promise, and quickly refused, "I am a hobby every year, I am not interested, I don't think it is necessary!"

Now, no one knows how thick Han Yu is, who dares to fight with her?

Princess Changping is really regretting death!

I knew that this would be the result. She would not toss any poems. Not only did she not fight Han Han, but she let her step on the Princess Rongle and was amazed.

Just the first word, the first-class spread, must be caused by the whole Tianning Emperor sensation, and Han Han defeated the Princess of Rongle, let the Princess Rongle give up the poetry song for a lifetime, the news spread, it is not a sensation of Tianning The emperor is all over, and it is estimated that the whole cloud will be sensational.

You must know that Princess Rongle is a famous talented woman in Yunkong. It is difficult to beat a Princess of Rongle.

We must know that the reason why Rongle is famous for its empty world is that in addition to real learning, it has also taken a lot of thoughts, time and money in the creation of public opinion, and Han Han is simply using a word to make a big bargain. Well!

After Princess Changping’s rejection, no one dared to provoke anything else. A new round of refreshments was sent and everyone was quietly tasting.

Princess Changping’s low-headed self-drinking tea is too unexpected. She needs some time to set her mind and re-examine the next Han.

And Duanmu Yao’s heart is being hit. The more he wants to be more grievous, the more he wants to feel more humiliated, he doesn’t dare to look up at others. Finally, she can’t sit still, and she is leaving in advance because she is uncomfortable. She wants to leave. Go, Long Tianmo is the emperor, can only stay with him.

Han Yu has a tasteful taste of pastries while watching Duan Muyao's back.

Looking at it, she couldn't help but think of the dragon and the night. She didn't see the guy for a few days. In fact, she thought that Long Fei will be accompanying today, who knows that it is Long Tianmo.

There are three rumors and pro-persons, Long Feiye, Long Tianmo and Mu Qingwu. As for the attitude of Princess Changping, Mu Qingwu is impossible. It will only choose between Longfei Night and Longtianmo.

What did the guy think about it?

It’s just that Han Hao didn’t care about his affairs, but Han Hao didn’t consciously get together.

In a few days, it is the New Year. Duanmu Yao wants to spend the New Year in Tianning. Who is she going to spend in the New Year's Eve? Where have you been?

And the pro, is there any news after the year?

Long is not a night after the night, is this really true?

After a while, plum wine was sent up, and Princess Changping raised her head. When she looked up, she found that Murong was always looking at her.

Princess Changping glanced at the plum wine that was sent up, and the eyes flashed a chill, and she revived. She turned to Murong and nodded to her.

On the plum wine, the plum blossom feast was only halfway. Although Han Han was out of the limelight in the first half, there is still the second half.

Princess Changping has done a good job this time.

Will you easily let go of Han Han?

Good play, in the second half!

Plum wine, which is unique to the plum blossom banquet, was made from plum blossoms and snow water last year.

Although this wine is fragrant, it is very easy to be intoxicating. Everyone usually tastes it. Of course, there are often people who are greedy. If you are drunk, you can only be sent to a distant room to rest for a night, and then return alone tomorrow.

After a few mouthfuls, Princess Changping opened her mouth. "Every year is a poetry song, and the chess and paintings are not interesting. The appreciation of plums has just been enough. I see, let's take a new trick! How?"

"I wonder if the princess has a good idea?" Murong, who had never heard anything, finally opened his mouth.

And a few women around her have also echoed, "I have to come up with new play, this year the princess presided over, the princess said!"

"His Royal Highness, let me have a good idea!"


Changping princess smiled, "This year, the mother is not there, let's play a big one, how?"

When this came out, Han Yu’s heart was awkward and she was alert. However, almost everyone present was delighted and agreed, the atmosphere and the warmth.

Princess Changping stood up. "Let's fight the wine! Fight this plum wine!"

"Fresh! Just play this!"

"His Royal Highness, this idea is good, we women do not lose men, today fight a bucket of wine!"


Fighting wine is much more fun than fighting poetry, especially for many women present, this is a rare opportunity to let go of the temperament, showing the true nature, everyone is very interested, the queen is no longer, Princess Changping presided over, anyway Princess Changping supports, no one is jealous.

Of course, many men are holding a wait-and-see state and have no plans to participate. After all, it is a bit of a martial fight to fight with women. It’s a great pleasure to watch a woman’s fight. However, the pair of Nanbei sons who are sitting together are I am eager to try, and it’s hard to hide.

The son is light and light, and his smile is charming. "Princess Changping, how can this be done?"

Princess Changping waited for this sentence, and immediately replied, "In the past years, your newcomers will have a show of art. I think I will fight the bar this year! Do you dare?"

The newcomer refers to the person who participated in the banquet for the first time this year, that is, Han Wei, the three sons of the North and the South.

Want them to fight?

What does it mean?

Han Hanmei looked at Princess Changping. "Changping, I made it clear, you let the king and the man fight, what do you mean?"

Princess Changping pretended not to understand the meaning of Han Yu’s words, so he answered it seriously. “It’s that you three newcomers are fighting for a lord, and then you start to guard. You are not afraid to be a goddess of Wang Hao? It’s okay, recognize losing, and you quit.”

When the voice fell, Murong just spoke up. "Xunzi, everyone's interest is so high, don't disappoint!"

"That is, Princess Wang, we are very optimistic about you!"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you can represent our women, win them two, don't lose face!"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, it is rare to have such a good wine, don't let it down!"


Everyone persuaded me to speak up, Han Han knew that he couldn’t escape. She glanced at the North and South sons, and the eyes flashed a complicated, real trouble.

Her drink is not bad, but it is not much better.

She has heard of this Nanbei son, a romantic immersed in the kiln, a full-time squatting officer, two people are all in the wine field!

If you don’t participate, you will not only sweep everyone’s happiness, but you will also be demolished, but it’s a hard battle to participate!

(End of this chapter)