Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 152: Make rules, play big

Newcomers fight!

Almost everyone in the audience was squatting, and the North and South sons stood up and eager to try.

I have just been out of the limelight. If they can win Han Hao in this fight, then their fame will not be louder than Han Han, at least with her.

Do you participate in the plum blossom banquet, is it not famous at the banquet? A woman who is famous can attract a group of admirers, men, in fact, a truth.

Fame and fortune, fame and reputation, naturally profitable.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, since everyone is so passionate, don't let it down!"

Sun Che, the son of the North Gongzi, smiled and walked out with a lightly folded fan. The wind was flowing and stunned, and many girls could not move their eyes. Of course, I saw the seven-great genie. Han Yuzheng’s eyes will not look at Sun Xue’s eyes.

When the northern son came out, the Nangongzi Li Muge was not willing to show weakness. He stepped on the small broken step and walked to the center of the banquet.

The folding fan is lightly covered with half of the woman’s face, and she is very delicate. “Wang Hao Niangniang, can fight with you, Xiaosheng Sansheng is fortunate, you don’t let Xiaosheng be disappointed, heartache!”

Han Wei sees some nausea and vomiting. This two sons of the North and South, is simply a demon, perfect match!

"Huangfu, why are you so unhappy? How can you fight for a fight? I didn't expect you to be so afraid of losing!" Princess Changping urged her, she couldn't wait.

At this time, Han Yu stood up and calmed down. "Of course, you can fight. Just how, how do you fight, how to lose, how to win, how can you make it clear?"

It is a blessing that is not a blessing. It is a curse. However, she has to go out. Although it is more troublesome, she has not tried it. She may not lose.

Today, she must do her best to make this group of people convinced, become the biggest winner of the plum blossom feast, the only winner, and see who will dare to find her after that.

Upon seeing Han Han promised, Princess Changping was overjoyed and stood up. "You three new people fight, the winner is the lord, the defender, the challenge of others, and if you lose..."

Han Ping’s words have not been finished yet, and Han Han interrupted. “If you lose, take off your pants and run on Xuanwu Street!”



When the words came out, Princess Changping was picked up and coughed several times. The people around him were all stunned. Many of the faces of Huanghua’s big niece were red and red, and even men were all face to face. Very incredible.

Han Wei, Han Han, the last time I bet with Mu Haoyue is to take off my coat. This time it is actually taking off my pants. You are still not a woman, really awkward! Are you so sure to win?

Who knows, Han Yu added, "This rule is not only limited to our three newcomers, but also to those who challenge the Lord. If you win, you will be the Lord. If you lose, you will take off your pants and run around!"

Either don't play, since you want to play, play with it!

I heard the addition of Han Yu, and the women who were eager to try, all of them were white and white, and they all retired in their hearts.

Although winning or losing is not necessarily the case, but the rules are so fixed, once you participate in the fight, there will be risks, who will dare to take this risk!

You must know that the person with the same status as Mu Haoyue is the girlfriend of Changping Princess. Even if someone runs on the run, they will be defeated. If they lose, then they must not be worse than Mu Haoyue?

The whole scene was silent, and the North and South sons who had just swung like flowers were snoring and unbelievable.

Very good, just everyone has been urging, even provoking Han Han, now, replaced with Han Yu to challenge

It is.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the north and south sons. She smiled. "The two sons, since they are so good, are simply bigger, you will not dare?"

Sun Che, the son of the North Gongzi, could not afford to be provocative. He hesitated for a moment. After all, he couldn’t help it. He smiled and smiled. "Why don’t you dare, as long as the king-in-law is open, he must be accompanied in the end!"

He thought that Han Hao is only a woman at best. Although he is a general woman, he is also a well-behaved woman. How many wine-making opportunities does she have? Where can the amount of alcohol go?

She proposed such terrible conditions, it is very likely to want to scare everyone, others will count, he will not be her way!

She can afford to have a woman's house. It's hard to be a big man. He still dare not play. How do you think about it?

Men and women fight, who is afraid of who!

And when listening to the North Gongzi promise, Nan Gongzi Li Muge also refused.

Although he was not happy with his heart, he did not have the guts. However, the North Gongzi promised. If he retreats and is contrasted, can he not be a joke?

"Well, Wang Hao Niangniang, also accompanied in the end." Li Muge finally said a bit of masculinity.

Han Hao was very satisfied, and they gave a thumbs up to them. The action was free and handsome, full of self-confidence, and the uneasiness of the people around them, and they speculated that it was a good drink for this woman. She was once again hidden. Not exposed?

Get the Nanbei son, Han Yuchao, Princess Changping, "Changping, who else wants to participate, do you want to register the name first?"

Princess Changping immediately looked at the crowd, but except for the men who did not intend to participate at the beginning, none of the remaining women looked up.

Princess Changping suddenly had no face, she was angry and named, "Shangguan Qinger, are you coming?"

"Princess, Qinger is not very comfortable today, even the tea is not afraid to eat more, or next time." Shangguan Qinger whispered.

"Su Yingxue, count you?" Princess Changping asked again.

Su Yingxue was so scared that he waved his hand. "Princess, I don't drink well, you know."

Princess Changping was so embarrassed that she was angry and asked a few people, but all of them refused. The people who had just started to swear, all gave up and hid.

We must know that they are not the same as the North and South sons. The capacity of the North and South sons is well-recognized, and Han Hao fights, the odds are great, but they are women after all!

If Han Han is the lord, see Han Hao so confident, do not know that she is a drink, who dare to take risks?

If one of the North and South sons is the lord, they are lost!

If you can win, if you win, if you win, you have to accept the challenges of others. Who can guarantee that they will always win?

This is completely a sale of a decisive capital!

Princess Changping is still asking, Han Han has stopped, "Changping, are you also participating?"


When this was said, Princess Changping suddenly became nervous and asked others, why didn’t she think of herself?

She won't participate! How can I take this risk?

She was embarrassed, and she looked at the sky inadvertently. "I still forget it. I don't think it is too early. Maybe you have three fights, and the sky will be dark. Let's go."

Princess Changping thought that Han Han was too arrogant and arrogant. She just thought that she was awesome when she was out of the limelight. I dare to make such a bet.

The Nanbei son is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Otherwise, she will not risk being victimized by her mother and invite these two people to come.

It doesn't matter if others don't fight. As long as Han Han fights, as long as Han Han is drunk, everything is easy to handle.

As for the gambling contract, it can only be said that Han Han is self-defeating and looking for death!

It is determined that no one else has participated. Han Han’s heart is finally relieved. She proposed such a bold gamble, and she wanted to let others pacing. As a result, her opponents only had two sons.

Winning these two people, her troubles will be solved!

In order to be fair, avoiding the time of rest, the three-person fight does not use a double-displacement system.

In the prescribed time, see who drinks the most, even if it wins.

The wine table is put up, good wine is brought up, and the wine is about to start!

After confirming that they did not need to participate, the crowds once again jumped up and the atmosphere was very warm. Everyone cheered for the three of them. Undoubtedly, they were all directed at the North and South sons. Han Hao was seated and was not affected.

The three people had a table and a chair alone. The table was full of wine jars. There were a lot of piles on the side. There was a palace lady standing next to each other, ready to send wine to the table.

The host is of course Princess Changping. She looked at the Murong who was invisible in the crowd. She quickly got up and walked out with excitement. The hands were lifted and the lively scene was quiet.

"When a fragrant time, who has more empty jars, who is the winner! Some people are witnesses at the place!" Princess Changping said loudly.

"no problem."


The North and South sons like this rule too much. The time of a fragrant incense is working hard with their level. It is estimated that no one can compare it!

They glanced at Han Han, they all disdain, look at each other, but they both squatted. They knew that the real opponent was they.

"Qin Huangfu, I will confirm with you, no problem?" Princess Changping asked specifically.

Han Wei took a serious look at the North and South sons. The line of sight seemed to be scanning, and it took a while to stop. "You can start."

"it is good!"

Princess Changping personally ignited the good fragrance on the side, "Begin!"

When the voice fell, the three movements were almost simultaneous, and the North and South sons began to sip their mouths in the mouth of the wine jar. Han Han was no exception.

The number of timed buckets, there are no shortcuts, you can only race against time!

At the beginning, it is speeding up. At the end, it is the amount of alcohol, and drinking too fast in the front means drinking more. Afterwards, the more you test the amount of alcohol!

Drink and drink!

The three people moved very quickly. A jar of wine and a jar of wine were emptied and shattered. At the beginning, the scene was very fierce, and everyone in the room did not dare to speak out easily, for fear of disturbing them.

It didn't take long for the distance to be opened. The wine jars that the North and South sons fell were almost equal in number, and they were all five altars, but Han Han was behind them.

Although, in such a short period of time, Han Han drank two altars, it is considered to be a good one in the women's alcohol consumption, but now is a test, everyone cares about winning or losing, no one will sympathize with her.

"Hey!" The North Gongzi broke the sixth jar, and then it was "squeaky", followed by Nangongzi, and Han's third altar wine continued.

"It seems that Qin Wangxi is not catching up!"

"There are so many behind the beginning, and there will be more after the end!"

"No, it’s only when the amount of wine is actually brewed. At this time, her wine strength is estimated to have not come up yet. After a while, she will come up with strength and she is estimated to be unable to move."

Soon, the arguments are everywhere...

(End of this chapter)