Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 173: Threat, he will understand

The fire of the emperor of the Tianhui Emperor was not good for the aftermath of the Empress, so they all scatter on Gu Beiyue.

"Gu Beiyue, this is a few days, the hospital is still not clear about the disease so far, can you expect you to do something? Do you want to be a chief medical doctor?"

"The dome will give you three more days. After three days, if you haven't been able to control the epidemic, you will be ruthless!"

Most of the plagues have no treatment, but at least they can control the scope of the outbreak. However, even the disease of the plague is unclear, which means that there is no way to prevent and control it.

In this case, in order to prevent the outbreak of the epidemic and spread more people, we can only use inhumane methods to isolate and burn all the infected people.

However, for the civilian victims, the government can force this to do so, but for the many powers of the emperor, it is not good to treat them equally.

Just like the three sons of the National Palace, there is only one breath left. So far, a few doctors have been trying to rescue.

The same is human life, everyone is equal, princes will be related to each other?

It is a pity that this is a cruel reality. Gu Beiyue, who has always been in the air, has never let go of his brow.

The healer is kind, but often has to make cruel choices.

Gu Beiyue has long advised that there is no way to heal. Only control, it is necessary to control all, not only the people, but also the royal family, no exception, all burned!

However, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth refused directly without thinking about it. Which of the royal family is willing to accept this arrangement? Under a paper order, how many people are going to reverse?

Not to mention other people, that is the three sons of the country's family, the Queen Mother did not agree with her.

However, this time, Gu Beiyue did not even persuade him. He looked at the Queen Mother and then seriously said, "The emperor, perhaps the Weichen and the Tai Hospital are really not competent for this matter. Wei Chen is daring to recommend a person to you. ""

"Is it impossible to be cured? Who is it?" The Emperor of Heavenly Emblem was shocked.

Gu Beiyue no longer hesitates, very direct, "Qin Wangfu, Wang Xiiang Niangniang."

When the words came out, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem first glimpsed, and then sneered at him. "Han Han? What does she know? She is a poison doctor. When did she become a doctor?"

Who knows, Gu Beiyue has a serious look, "The emperor, the micro-communist just checked the body and found that something was wrong. The dead body was parked for a long time, and there was a poison corpse spot. If the lower official did not guess wrong, the plague Not an ordinary plague, but a poison plague!"

After the death of the palace lady in the Queen's Palace, no one dared to deal with it. The hospital staff did not delay enough for a long time, Gu Beiyue personally rushed over, and it was this way that Gu Beiyue noticed the poisonous corpse of the body, otherwise However, anyone who is sick and dead will be cremated immediately, and there is no such thing as a difference.

In this matter, Gu Beiyue just said it to the Empress Dowager.

After listening to Gu Beiyue’s explanation, Emperor Tianhui immediately fell silent.

Gu Beiyue certainly knows that the Emperor of Heaven and Earth is jealous of Han Yu, but he does not know what he thinks. He seriously asked, "According to the experience of Wei Chen, these nine out of ten are poison plagues. There must be a method of cracking! The body of the palace lady is still parked in the hospital. Would you please ask Wang Hao’s wife to come over?”

The Emperor of Heavenly Emblem is still silent.

At this time, the Queen Mother opened his mouth. "The emperor, how many people are waiting to save lives, it is a matter of great importance, no delay, or hurry up to call Qin Wang!"

The death of Princess Changping, the Queen is crazy, the Queen hates Han Han, but just Gu Beiyue said that the three sons of the State Council can only support one day. For the sake of the country’s single seedling, the Queen Mother will not be able to take care of it for the time being. There are so many things with Han Yu, as long as there is a little

When she gets a chance, she has to catch it!

I just gave Qin Wangfu a horse, and now I have asked for help. The Emperor of Heaven and Earth is naturally unable to get through, and my heart is not happy. It’s just that the Queen Mother is right, this is not small!

Of course, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem is also very clever, and he replied coldly, "Gu Beiyue, this is what you are too hospitalized. You have to ask everyone who doesn't care, what you want is to immediately control the epidemic!"

Let Gu Beiyue come to the name of the Ethere Hospital to ask, Han Han can not go where to go!

Gu Beiyue was overjoyed, "The lower official understands that the lower official will do it!"

Han Yu’s work for the dragon’s non-night has been depressed for several days, and because the plague is rampant, she has not gone out these days, always sitting at the door of the dragon’s night to think about things.

She knew that the plague had not been controlled so far, but she never imagined that the plague would be a poison plague!

The plague, to put it bluntly, is a contagious virus infection. However, the plague is a poison.

The virus and the poison are different. The virus causes illness, and the poison causes poisoning. To be exact, the infected person is not sick, but is poisoned!

Naturally occurring poisons that can cause infectious poisoning are rare, and artificial synthesis is not so simple. In other words, the probability of a plague is very low!

Han Yu faintly felt that this matter was a little embarrassing. However, Gu Beiyue sent people to come to the door for help. She did not think so much, and immediately packed up and went out.

However, before going out, he was hit by Xia Guanjia. "Wang Hao Niangniang, where are you going?"

"I will go when I go." Han Yu said faintly, she did not tell anyone that she was going to the hospital.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, go out, noisy outside, in case..."

The summer housekeeper has not finished, Yi Taihao slowly came over, cold and cold, "Xia Guanjia, she is looking for death, you go with her, don't come back best."

I was too embarrassed to say that I didn’t look at Han Han and I walked by.

Yi Tai’s sorrow for the Qin King’s things is like a dead body.

After listening to this, Xia Guanjia felt that he was hurting, let alone Han Han?

She said nothing, silently watching the back of Yi Tai's back disappeared into the garden, only to look back, laughing and talking to Xia Guanjia, "Xia Guanjia, help me stay at night, I will definitely come back."

She hasn't laughed these days.

However, at this moment, she was laughing, not only laughing, but the clear eyes were full of moving brilliance, like getting a new life.

Han Wei, what happened to her?

Xia Guanjia looked stunned, and Han Han did not say more, resolutely turned and went out.

When Gu Beiyue listened to Han Yu to the hospital, he immediately greeted him. "Wang Xiong Niang, the lower official knows that you will come."

"You are so sure." Han Xiao smiled.

She immediately and Gu Beiyue learned about the general situation of the plague. After the two made some simple protective measures, they went into the morgue.

For the ancient healers, Han Yu was admired in his heart. They did not have so many advanced protective measures in modern times. Even if they knew that they were infectious diseases, they were the first to bear the brunt of the first time to contact patients and bodies.

As soon as he approached the body, the detoxification system immediately issued an alarm. Han suddenly stopped and his eyes focused on the body.

I have seen Han Yu’s poisoning and detoxification several times. Gu Beiyue has become accustomed to her special inspection methods. He waited silently.

However, I did not expect Han Hao to come to a conclusion very quickly. Her voice was loud and sound, "is a poisonous plague."

"Poisonous plague?"

Gu Beiyue was shocked. The plague was the most terrible plague. No one, of course, he knew. However, the symptoms of the infected person are completely different from the plague. What is the poison plague?

Is it harder to be more horrible?

"Yes, it is the plague, the plague and the plague. The way of transmission is the same. It is transmitted by fleas on mice."

Han Yu’s face is serious and professional. Her heart is fortunate. This is a poison plague, not a plague.

The plague started from flea spread. After the spread of the virus, there were more infections. Even a sneeze would spread to others. Under the medical conditions in ancient times, this kind of thing was very horrible. It was basically unacceptable and extremely difficult to control. .

In the history circle, some people even think that the plague caused turmoil, which led to the demise of the country. Just as the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were large-scale plagues at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, if it is a plague, there is only one way to spread it, and that is the spread of fleas.

The poisonous flea **** blood and causes poisoning. In other words, as long as the flea is controlled and the poisonous flea is killed, the epidemic can be basically controlled.

Flea infection?

Although Gu Beiyue seems to understand and understand, but he is not stupid, he quickly asked, "So, as long as the fleas are killed and the vector is blocked, you can control the infection? In other words, if not Fleas are not contagious between people."

"Smart!" Han Xiao smiled.

"These people are saved!"

Gu Beiyue was overjoyed and rushed out of the morgue and immediately ordered him to "come, pass on orders, and withdraw all incineration plans! Call all the doctors and officials of the epidemic disaster department to meet!"

Looking at Gu Beiyue's joy and anxious look, Han Hao is warm.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you will be able to detoxify the plague, but not to mention the suburbs, there are hundreds of people waiting for help in the emperor." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

Han Yuzheng is going to answer, who knows that Gu Beiyue has said again, "Wang Hao Niangniang, the most urgent situation is the three sons of the State Council. The day before, even the Queen Mother has been paralyzed. It is estimated that he can't live tomorrow."

When this was said, Han Yu’s heart was suspicious. How did she feel that Gu Beiyue seemed to emphasize something with her?

"Gu Tai, you...will not remind me of anything?" Han Yu asked tentatively.

Gu Beiyue flashed a glimpse of his eyes, but he asked with a confused look. "Wang Hao Niangniang's words... What do you mean?"

When I saw it, Han Hao had to think about it more.

"It doesn't mean anything." Han Yu smiled. "The poison plague is of course solvable. It's just that, this prescription, I have to discuss with the royal family of Qin Wang, to be sure. Right, the flea is not a cure, only GF Medicine can be prevented before it happens!"

It is said that Han Hao fire robbery or selfishness. When Gu Beiyue sent someone to the house to find her, she immediately saw the hope of saving the dragon and the night!

The plague occurred in the Imperial Capital. Once it is not controlled, it will inevitably lead to mobilization. Even the big country will be affected. Moreover, many people who are sick, the emperor and the Queen Mother are eager to save.

Do not say anything else, the one of the three sons of the National Palace, which is the treasure of the Queen Mother!

The smile of Gu Beiyue’s eyes was a bit thicker. Unfortunately, Han Han did not notice.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, is it difficult to know the drug solution of the poison plague?" Gu Beiyue asked.

"Secret!" Han Yule, "Gu Tai, bringing my words to the emperor, he will understand."

Dragon is not night, you take the privilege of the emperor to save me, then, today I am Han for you, threatening the emperor today!

Han Han said, she sat down next to her, she is waiting here!

(End of this chapter)