Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 181: Identity, it turned out to be him

Tell her to stand still, do I have to stand still?

Han Yucai did not care, continued to move forward, however, the mask man approached in an instant, could not allow her to escape, holding her hand in one hand, directly licking her mask!

When I saw Han Su’s small face, the mask man smiled. “This far distance can smell the poison of pollen, such a big skill, the deity thinks who it is? It’s really you!”

"let me go!"

Han Hao struggled and grabbed his arm. The mask man was in a good mood and let her catch it.

"Since Qin Wangyu has come, I think this is..."

The mask man said, turning around and looking at the dragon for the night, but who knows that at this time, a cold blade suddenly hits his neck!

It is a dragon non-night!

He can still stand up, can't he be poisoned? how come……

The mask man was unexpected. Unexpectedly, Han Yu had long seen that the dragon was not poisoned by night. Her reaction was very fast. With a moment of masking the man, she slammed his hand and smashed his mask of green fangs. Earn, you will retreat far away!

Han Hao was very nervous, but under the mask, it was a shocking face.

The contours of the five senses, like the ones carved out by the sacred, exudes the arrogance, arrogance, and the temperament of the king. His right eyebrows are embedded with a **** eyebrow, and the bangs are hidden. What totem, mysterious and wild.

He doesn't have to do anything, just this face is enough to make people feel scared.

Han Yu had a thumping heartbeat because the face did not consciously accelerate.

On the shoulders of the dragon's non-night blade, the mask man did not care, staring coldly at Han Han, Han Han tightly holding the mask of the green face, only to feel the killing, the subconscious retreat two steps.

"Han Han, very good!" The mask man's voice is full of threats, and he ignores the threat behind the dragon's night.

Although Han Hao’s heart is awkward, she hates this threat. She is not willing to show her weakness. “You can’t even see if he is not poisoned. It’s better to quit the poisoning world early!”

The mask man's fist creaked, and the dragon's non-night sword clung to his neck, slowly circling to the front.

Who knows, just when the dragon is about to see the face of the mask man, suddenly, the mask body is full of white fog!

"Be careful with poison!"

Han Yu exclaimed, the dragon was not at night, and immediately fell to the side of Han Han, protecting her. However, at this blink of an eye, the mask man had disappeared, leaving a large piece of dragon non-night blade. Yin Hong bloodstains.

The dragon didn't hurt him at night, and he was not hurt. It was only after all that he let him escape.

Han Hao was relieved, and it was dangerous and dangerous. If she was not poisoned by the night, she reacted quickly. She estimated that she had to delay her leg tonight.

"Remember his face?" Long asked at night.

Such a shocking face, naturally remember to live.

"He has a eyebrow in his right eye, blood red, like a totem." Han Hao quickly replied, such a special eyebrow nail, there must be few people.

Sure enough, when the words came out, the dragon sneered at night, "It turned out to be him!"

"Who? Is it a good person in the north?" Han Yu was very curious.

"North Likang Wang, Jun Yixie." Long non-night word, one look at the Three Kingdoms, also the character of Jun Yixie, he will be in the eyes.

Unexpectedly, it really is him!

Jun Yixie, Han Yu is very strange to this name, but she is known to the North Li Kang Wang. The three names of the North Li Kang Wang, Tian Ning Qin Wang, and the Western Zhou Dynasty Prince are all well-known in the Yunkong Three Kingdoms. Kang Wangba

, Qin Wang cold, 烨 Prince!

Han Yu had seen the Western Zhou Dynasty prince Duanmu Bailu, which is the brother of Rongle Princess. I don’t think so. However, this Kang Wang, not to mention the poisonous technique, is the evil spirit of her body. The memory is profound.

Disagree with the dragon and the night, and the Prince of the North, the King of the North is not the royal family, but the son of the Emperor Bei Li, however, the status is far higher than any emperor, is a person who covers the sky and covers the rain!

Although I didn't catch people, this time is not a white one. I know who the other person is, at least I can't prevent it, and the poisoning of the traitor is finally out of the picture.

Looking at the cold light of the dragon's non-night, Han Yu thought, this thing will not be easy to calculate.

The dragon wiped the blood on the blade and wiped the sword into the sheath. He was about to pull the poison needle on his arm. Han Han quickly stopped. "Don't move, I am coming!"

She took the sweat and carefully wrapped the poison needle, and then slowly pulled it up. The poison on the poison needle was poisonous pollen. If it was accidentally stuck, it would be poisoned.

When Han Yu pulled the needle, he found the truth. The dragon's nightwear sleeve contained a leather protective armor. The poison needle was only tied to the protective armor, and it was not really tied to him.

"You are really smart when you are poisoned."

Han Yu must praise the dragon for the night. In fact, if she did not use the detoxification system, she could not see it at all.

Thinking about this, Han Hao suddenly sneered.

"What are you laughing at?" Long asked coldly.

"Kang Wang must want to break his head and can't understand. How do I know that you are not poisoned?"

Han Hao is happy, who knows, the dragon is not at night, "He will find you."

When this was said, Han Yu’s smile stopped abruptly, and Kang’s double-hearted scorpion appeared in her back. Her back was immediately chilled. Well, as the chief culprit in tearing down the mask, she... very dangerous.

Seeing Han Han’s pale face, Long Wu asked with interest, “Afraid?”

Han Yu Li Ma looked pious, his eyes were hot, and he looked at him with a pitiful look. "There is a temple, and the courtiers are not afraid of anything."

In fact, her pity is pretending, is this a dogleg please?

Always hate women's swearing, pretending that the poor dragon is not annoying at night, his mouth twitching, seems to want to say something, but did not say anything, avoiding her sight, walked toward the poison pool.

Well, Han Han has long been used to this cold-faced guy who doesn't eat softly. She shrugged her shoulders and followed.

Anyway, she and the dragon are not on the boat in the night. If she is hijacked again, the dragon will not be able to discuss anything.

She should be considered as a kind of "have no fear"?

The mask of the poison pool is not too big, and the water is very shallow, but the poisonous herbs of the pool make the dragon and the night and Han Han both froze and look worried.

This is the biggest trouble in front of me.

When the distance is far away, the reminder of the detoxification system is very loud. It only shows that there are high concentrations and large areas of toxins. However, in the specific situation, Han Wei has to do detailed scanning analysis.

Although I don't know what the poison is, but in the end what is poisonous, how deep, the detoxification system is still derived separately.

This analysis surprised Han Han.

"The pool water has unknown and highly toxic, and the toxicity of these vegetation is still weak and weak, and it is not enough to cause poisoning." She faintly said.

Although I know that Han Yu’s poison is very powerful, but listening to her, she can’t help but wonder, “How do you know?”

"Smell out, my nose is very sensitive to toxins." Han Xiao smiled, even she felt that this reason is ridiculous, but she said that no one can question.

The dragon’s eyelids flashed a suspicion, and did not follow the roots. “So, there is no new variety in Kang’s hand?”

"There should be no, these vegetations have been growing for a long time."

Han Yu was fortunate to find it early. The detoxification system reminded her that the water was poisonous, and the toxicity of these vegetations was very low, basically because of the initial stage of formation.

In detail, these vegetations are non-toxic herbs, planted in toxic water, toxicity and medicinal properties are reacting, and new toxicity is gradually emerging.

Although the toxicity of toxic water is the same, the medicinal properties of each medicinal material are different, so the toxicity of the final cultivating will not be the same.

Although it was discovered in time, but looking at the water-poisoning herbs in this pool, Han Han could not help but shudder. The poisonous herbs in this pool are different. If it is cultivated one day, how many new ones will appear. Variety of poison!

In addition to fear, Han Yu took a medicinal material and looked thoughtfully.

The new breed falls on the hands of others. It is a horrible thing, but if it falls on her hand? That horror is someone else's.

Thinking about this, Han Hao’s sly scorpion gradually emerged with a touch of fineness.

She knows how to deal with this big trouble!

However, all her detoxification systems have recorded the poison, regardless of whether the detoxification system has drugs, can be distinguished, and give the antidote.

If it is not recorded, there is no solution.

However, she remembers that there is still a function that is not fully developed in the detoxification system. That is intelligent analysis. Given enough toxin raw materials, the detoxification system can analyze various properties of raw materials and formulate new poisons.

You know, this pool of water in front of her eyes, and these medicinal herbs that have not yet grown, can be regarded as toxin raw materials!

Looking at the full pool of green color, Han Hao mouth sneaked a snicker, these raw materials, she has to set!

Although the amount is a little bigger, but with the unlimited amount of space in her detoxification system, she still has to consume her brainpower.

Han Wei secretly turned to the dragon for a night, who knows that the dragon is just watching it.

"Is there a way to destroy the toxicity of the pool water?" Long asked the night.

Han Hao’s mind immediately appeared in four words, “The violent nature”, she wondered how to privately swallow the pool, and did not cause the suspicion of the dragon and the night.

Who knows, at this time, a fierce voice came, "Who is so bold, I dare to smack the drug city forbidden! Do you want to be an enemy of the entire drug city?"

The guards of the forbidden land finally came, Han Han immediately covered the mask, and his heart sneered, Kang Wang colluded with the Mu family, Kang Wang left, Mu family naturally want to bring the guards over, the thief shouted to catch the thief!

She quickly covered her face and soon saw a large **** emerging from the dark forest around her. Two people headed, one is the lean old man who just stood with Kang Wang!


Long Feiye pulled Han Han to withdraw. The forbidden land poison pool was shared by the Three Kingdoms of Yaocheng. The three chores were inconvenient for him to openly intervene. He did not want to be open to the enemy in the drug city. Now he can only get out first.

But who knows, the dragon is not a night, Han Han, a volley to escape, flying innumerable arrows in all directions!

Although the forbidden grounds are strictly guarded, there are not so many archers. This is clearly directed at the master of the dragon and the night. Otherwise, how can the jungle ambush so many archers.

Damn, this must be the teaching of Kang Wang!


To the reader: The identity of the black man is revealed! See the text of Kang Wangjun and evil, please pay attention to the public WeChat of the mustard, account: jiemomo2015, reply to "Kang Wang" can be seen.

(End of this chapter)