Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 182: Surprising, falling into the bag


A Daoli arrow flew in from all directions, and the arrow was like a heavy rain. The dragon was tightly held in the arms of the night, and the figure was flashing in the rain.

It’s not easy to escape for a while, but it’s not that easy to attack the dragon and the night with a single arrow.

If it was before, Han Yu would be afraid. However, after seeing the guy’s strength, Han Han had already relaxed his heart. She carefully came out from the dragon’s arms, and the thief looked at the poison pool below. Soon, I concentrated on getting into the state.

In a state of high concentration of psychology, she can take poison from the detoxification system. Similarly, she can also hide the poison into the detoxification system, but it takes more effort than the collection.

When Han Yi entered the state, he gradually forgot the dangers around him. He allowed the dragon to dodge at night and resist the arrow. She devoted herself to the poison pool.

At the end, even what happened around her, she couldn’t hear anything, the world left the poison pool below in her eyes...

The arrow rain gradually became sparse, and the dragon was waiting for the night. However, at this time, there was a scream from the bottom. "The poison pool is gone! It is gone!"

Long non-night side flashed over the sharp arrow that came over, and looked down. I was shocked to see that the poisonous pool of the original poisonous herb was empty, not only that, but even the water in the poison pool was gone!


Below, the lean old man and others all stunned, and the dragon was shocked at night, but he only took a look and did not stop and then withdrew.

I don't know how long the guards were shocked. In short, after the dragon was out of the medicinal forest, I still couldn't believe it.

"Have you seen the poison pool?"

When he asked, he wanted to let go of Han Han, but who knows that this time Han Han actually fainted in his arms.

When is it faint?


This woman is not so weak?

The dragon was wondering at night, and his eyes flashed a worries. He immediately took Han Han back to the Wang family. Unexpectedly, Han Hao’s coma did not wake up.

Wang Gong searched the doctors in the drug city, but no one can diagnose what happened to Han Han?

It is disease-free, painless, and harmless, and the pulse is normal. It is exhausted, but it is not so coma for so many days.

As for poisoning, how do you not believe that this woman will be poisoned?

In these few days, the Three Kingdoms of Medicine City summoned several secret meetings, and it was the banned poison pool in the medicinal forest. The night of the night was not wrong, the poisonous herbs and poisonous water in the poison pool were all out of thin air. Disappear.

Wang Gong personally went to see a cockroach, and indeed see the empty pool of poison.

"Qin Wang, this thing ... is really strange." Wang Gong with a beard, feelings again and again.

Since Mujia colluded with Kang Wang, he must know that the dragon and the night were not allowed to ban the land. Wang Gong did not expose the matter that Mu Jia colluded with Kang Wang to use the poison pool automatically, but Mu was not aware of the friendship between Long Fei and Wang Gong. I only talked about the two masked people who were arrogant that night, and as for their identity, they were not made public.

The Sanshi family added the defense of the medicinal forest. As for the ban on the drug pool, it is said that it is a common tracing. However, there is no clue. What can God know in the end?

"Disappear, so that the king will not bother to destroy it."

The forbidden land poison pool is the treasure of the drug city, but in front of the king, the dragon is not polite.

Wang Gong knows that there is a strong relationship. If the poison pool really falls into the hands of Kang Wang, then one day, let alone the Wang family, even the drug city may not be guaranteed. Wang Gong nodded and expressed his approval.

"There is something wrong with you, I am afraid that it is necessary to send more people and pay close attention to prevent further changes."

Seriously said.

Wang Gong nodded and said that the poison pool was forbidden, and it was full of mystery. Now it disappears out of thin air, and it may not seem to be underestimated.

While talking, the inner house suddenly heard the surprise of the prostitute. "His Royal Highness, King Qin, His Royal Princess Wake up! Wake up!"

The dragon was not happy at night, and he suddenly got up and left. He always kept his voice, but this surprise was all written on his face. Looking at the hurried back, Wang Gong looked incredible. In fact, the indifferent Qin Wang can take Qin Wang to travel, it is very surprising.

In the inner house, Han Hao just opened his eyes, his head was still faint, his limbs were weak, and there was a feeling of collapse.

She knew that she had to sleep for a long time, but she didn't know how long she slept.

where is this place?

I was about to ask the prostitute on the side, the familiar voice came, and the usual cold and overbearing, but there was a surprise that everyone could hear. "Han Wei, you finally woke up?"

It is a pity that Han Wei, who is dizzy, did not hear it. Soon, the face of Zhang Junmei who was angry with the dragon and the night appeared in front of her.

Han Shuzui, smiled palely. "Your Highness, we escaped."

Long Fei night just rushed all the way, but when he arrived here, standing on the bed and looking at Han Han, he suddenly felt a sense of incomprehensibility. He only faintly responded with a "hmm" and sat down along the bed.

The prostitute immediately fell to the warm water, respectfully handed it to the dragon and the night, the dragon was picked up by the night, but after receiving it, it was somewhat overwhelmed.

"His Royal Highness, Wang Hao's maiden does not enter the water for a few days. I have to drink some warm water before eating. The slaves will go to the millet porridge." The prostitute said that he had to retire.

Have to feed water...

The dragon didn't respond to the night, but he quickly picked up Han and let her lean in her arms. The water was fed to her mouth.

His movements are very unfamiliar. It seems that he is serving the patient for the first time. However, his arm is very powerful and stable.

Han Wei was still faint, sleeping for so many days, thirsty and hungry. When I saw the warm water, I was so anxious that I would sip it when I put it on my mouth, but I couldn’t give it a few mouthfuls. "Oh... cough... ..."

This squirting, immediately spit the dragon's mouth full of nourishment.

Upon seeing it, Han Yu immediately shut up, and the contradiction was instantly awake. Although the throat was too uncomfortable to cough up, she was still screaming and her face was white and white.

You must know that the most honorable King of Qin has a cleansing! And it is a serious cleansing!

Who knows, the dragon put down the water cup at night, and hurriedly let Han Han bow his head and pat the back of Han Han, not pleasing to the road, "cough hard, swear, don't kill?"

Does he not give up?

Han Hao did not hold back, coughing heavily, coughing for a long time to cough up the water stuck in the throat, gas is smooth, she also has no strength, squatting in the dragon's night arm.

She was very weak. She looked at the dragon and the night like a child who was doing something wrong. She looked at him slyly and was apologizing. However, the dragon stayed at night and let her rely on the pillow to wash her hands.

Apologize to the mouth, Han Han swallowed back.

She looked at the dragon non-night silently, could not see his face, I saw his face indifferent, his brow slightly groaning, it seems that there is a bit of disgust, he washed for a long time, very serious.

In fact, it is not bad that he did not push her on the spot. However, I don’t know why. Looking at the dragon that is so focused on washing hands, Han Yu has a feeling of loss that cannot be said.

Wiping his hands and looking at his well-maintained hands, the dragon was not complicated by a touch of the night, he poured a glass of water again and asked Han Han, "Drink again?"

Han Hao shook his head and didn't want to drink for the time being.

"Let's drink more."

Long Fei night said, the cup is about to be handed over, Han Han but subconsciously reached out to pick up, both of them are a meal, very soon, the dragon will give the cup to Han Yu at night, faint, "no one will grab you Drink slowly."

"Oh." Han Yu responded and bowed his head.

Both of them were silent. For a long time, Han Han still opened his mouth. "Just... dirty you, sorry."

The dragon was a faint "hmm" at night, and did not say anything.

But Han Han has an unreasonable annoyance. Even her own inexplicable ones. She has always been decisive and simple, why is there always a feeling of inability to open in front of this man?

Is there a hope and thought that should not be there?

At this time, the dragon was cold and cold and asked, "You have been in a coma for three days and three nights. What happened? Frightened?"

As the topic shifted, Han Hao was more comfortable. She looked up and made a shock. "Three days and three nights?"

"What happened? How did you faint?" Long asked again.

"I don't know. I don't dare to look up when I see so many arrows. I don't know how to feel a little uncomfortable breathing, and then I don't remember what happened." Han Yute seriously.

What is the meaning of this statement is that he is too tight and stunned?

The dragon looked at Han Han straight and looked at it. "So?"

Hey, this guy is not so easy to lie, Han Han is arrogant, "In fact... In fact, when he was sulking, he pushed down the temple a few times, but His Royal Highness was busy hiding those arrows, but he did not find it. His Royal Highness The hand is too strong, and the courtier can't make it."

There is no point in saying this. What he said is that he is too tight.

After listening to this, the eyes of the dragon and the night are not so arrogant, and Han Han’s heart snickers. Is this a Qin Wang?

She didn’t admit it, she was not so bold!

She hit the iron hot, and said again, "His Royal Highness, is the courtier really dizzy for three days and three nights? Isn't the vassal will have any strange disease? What did the doctor say?"

"First rest, let the doctor come over again." Long Fei night finally put away the look of the review.

"His Highness, the thing that banned the poison pool... How to deal with it?" asked Han Han.

Long Feiyue said the weird things, and also said the arrangements of the three major families.

"So surprised! How could this be?"

Han Hao is incredible, so excited, but the eyes have flashed a trace of silk, the only one in the world knows why this is the case!

"Your pool is strange, and the three great families can't say why. But it's a good thing to disappear." Long is not a night.

If the pool water and the poisonous herb disappeared out of thin air, he did not know how to deal with those things. After all, it was the treasure of the drug city. It is not easy to destroy it.

Han Hao nodded like a leek, she did not know what to do, even if the three major families have a great ability, then there is absolutely no way to find a poison pool, and, the pool is not likely to produce water!

I don't know that His Royal Highness King Kang knew that the new breed he had painstakingly cultivated was uprooted by her. In the whole income pocket, what reaction would he have?

She squinted her eyes and pretended to rest. In fact, the sneak sneaked into the detoxification system, and she saw that the poisonous herbs in the poison pool and the poison pool were all hidden inside, and she was relieved.

This back to the drug city is really no white, she has not enough energy to try to start the detoxification system to analyze these poisonous water and poisonous herbs, but they are also safe, she is not in a hurry.

Han Wei did not know how much surprise these poisonous waters and poisonous herbs brought to her. Of course, this is a follow-up.

After a day of rest, Long Feiye and Han Wei finally returned to the inn, and at this time, Gu Qixiao had already found them to look desperate.

(End of this chapter)