Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 183: Satire, finally broke

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu disappeared for six nights. Gu Qi Shao searched the entire drug city for no clue. When he wanted to deny the reputation of Long Fei Ye, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu finally appeared.

As soon as the two entered the room, they were about to close the door. Gu Qixiao appeared out of thin air, and one hand was blocked on the door. He was slightly stunned by the narrow scorpion, cold and laughing, and the whole person exuded the dangerous atmosphere of evil cold.

Han Hao shrugged and opened the door and asked him to come in.

Gu Qixiao did not accuse her of anything, but also gave her a very bright smile.

Han Yu pulled his mouth and smiled at the corner of his mouth. Gu Qi Shao looked at the dragon and the night, and the lips immediately evoked a sarcasm. "The message of the royal king of Qin, the inquisition, he inquired for six days. Would you like to inquire a lot of secrets?"

The dragon did not pay attention to the night, sat on the path to make tea, and poured a cup for Han Han, and realized that she came to sit.

Han Yuzheng is going to pass, Gu Qishao grabbed the position, and greatly slammed the tea and sipped it. "I heard that the plague of the Tianning Emperor's capital has been controlled almost. The King of Qin Wang has not fulfilled the promise so far, and this young master can start counting. Interest."

The dragon is sitting high on the night, and he can't say a word, even looking at it.

This time, Gu Qishao was also silent, gradually convergence the smile of the eyes, replaced by a dangerous atmosphere, a quiet room, the atmosphere is getting more and more wrong, Han Hao looked at the side, did not dare to speak.

Long Fei night is not a person who does not keep his promise, but why he ignores it, Han Yu is also wondering.

Finally, Gu Qixiao slowly stood up, and the sneer of the sneak flashed a hint of killing, but who knows, just in this, Chu Xifeng came in, "His Royal Highness, you want something to be sent."

I saw Chu Xifeng holding a rectangular box in his hand. At first glance, it was the thing that hid the baby. Han Han suspiciously came over and sat down next to Long Fei.

"Open, let him check the goods." Long non-night this faintly opened.


It’s hard to be this...

Han Hao was incredible. Gu Qixiao picked up his eyes and looked suspicious, but he stared at the box.

Chu Xifeng put the box on the table and slowly opened it. I saw that there was actually a medicinal tea seedling hidden in the head. The roots were still carrying soil, and the branches and leaves had a few green shoots.

"This... is the medicinal tea seedling!"

Han Hao is not pleasantly surprised. Chaolong casts a gaze of worship outside the night. Gu Qi is still stupid waiting here. This guy actually got things done. When did he go to Mu, he didn’t alarm anyone. .

Long Fei Ye is just looking at Gu Qi Shao, said coldly, "Check it out."

Although Gu Qishao did not show horror, but the strangeness of the eyes could not be hidden.

No need to test, he can see the authenticity of this thing at a glance, it is true!

It’s just... how do you get this thing in the night of the dragon, you know, this thing is not a family, but a thank you!

He panicked Mu, it was just a trap.

The reason why I chose "medicine tea sapling" is precisely because there are very few people who know this thing. How do you know that this thing is in Xie's family?

Moreover, he actually stole the gods and did not know what to do. In the past few days, Xie Jia did not hear the news of losing things.

In other words, Long Feiye also knows his calculations?

"Is it alright?" The dragon was a little impatient at night.

"Yes, on this thing, the Royal Highness of Qin Wang is very good, so good!" Gu Qixiao does not deplore praise.

Who knows, the dragon is cold and cold, saying, "Take something, don't send it."

When this words came out, Gu Qishao’s eyes swept through a smothering cold. Undoubtedly, he lost. The dragon is not disdainful at night, but he has always been able to afford it.

When he loses, he smiles even more brilliantly, and he is very graceful. "That's not a polite thing, thank you!"

Say, take something to go.

Everything seems to be normal. Who knows, this time Han Han finally couldn’t help it, and laughed out.

Although it is a smile, it is more ridiculous than the cold face of Long Fei night!

The key, this makes Gu Qi Shao find himself lost in front of Han Yu.

Finally, Gu Qishao broke the work. When the day collapsed, the smile of the splendid still finally stuck on his face, until he walked out the door, and the beautiful face was still stiff.

Dragon is not night, this time, count you!

See Han Xiaoxiao, the dragon is not smiling at the lips of the night, but it disappears quickly.

"Chu Xifeng, preparing for the car, returning to the emperor." He faintly told.

"Is it going to go now?" Han Hao asked urgently.

"Do you have something?" Long asked the night.

"Can you go back at night? I still have some medicines that I haven't bought." It's hard to come to the drug city, Han Han still wants to find some herbs to spare.

The dragon did not answer the night and meditated.

Upon seeing this, Han Han quickly said, "If you want to go back to your Highness, you can go back to yourself."

However, the dragon is not at night, "take you to a place, let's go."

When I saw the four characters of the "medicine club", I almost scared Han Han. She couldn't guess that Long Fei will bring her to this place.

She heard about this place when she was at the auction site. All the products bought here are fine medicinal herbs. If there is no membership, they will not be able to enter. It is said that the expenses here will not be smaller than the auction site.

In fact, Han Wei only wants to go shopping in the small medicinal materials market, and scouring some bargains, because she does not have much money.

In the auction site, she has "pit" the Chuxi style, although the pit is the Chuxi style, but the gold master who actually pays is the dragon and the night, and the five or six thousand gold is not a small number, she has self-knowledge.

Who knows, when it arrived at the entrance, Dragon gave her a gold card at night. "This is the entry certificate. All the transactions here should use this card and get it. After sunset, I am waiting for you at the door."

Is this the legendary overbearing president?

She doesn't want to, is he strong?

However, Han Yu has not said no, Long Fei night will put the gold card in her hand, and confessed again, "wait here after sunset, don't forget."

After that, he turned and left, Han Yulian did not have room for rejection, and suddenly found that this guy turned his movements so handsome!

Looking at the gold card in his hand, Han Hao is a little bit smirking, but since the dragon is not so generous and generous, she is no longer polite, so this is not the case for his medical expenses.

She stared at Jingui's gold card, and her figure quickly disappeared into the medicinal club.

Put Han Han in the medicinal materials club, the dragon can put a hundred hearts in the night, and it is not the average person who can enter this place. However, it is not an ordinary person to operate this place. As long as Han Han does not go out of the medicinal material club, the medicinal material club must be to her. Safe and responsible.

Chu Xifeng thought that there were other things to do under His Royal Highness, but who knows, Qin Wang did not go far, but entered a nearby tea house.

You must know that the time of His Royal Highness is as precious as life. He has more things to deal with.

Is this a different way to accompany a woman? In short, Chu Xifeng can't imagine.

The dragon was drinking tea at night, while playing a quaint blue-and-white porcelain vase, and the cold face was covered with a haze.

Chu Xifeng saw the small blue and white porcelain bottle, and his heart was slightly surprised, the master

I haven’t come up with this thing for several years.

There is a poisonous head here, and there is a very nice name "Butterfly Dream", and it is this poison that has a bearing on the life of His Royal Highness, but Qin Wang knows nothing about this poison.

A very similar one was found in the poison of the Northern Lie one year ago. Although it is not completely, it is the only clue. Otherwise, will the Qin Wang’s princes chase after the investigation of Bei Li’s traitors for so long?

We must know that the greater the threat of Bei Li to Tianning, the less the Emperor of Heaven and Earth will dare to give up the energy to deal with Qin Wang.

The dragon looked at the blue-and-white porcelain vases at night, and some of them went away. For a long time, he looked at Chu Xifeng and said, "She... will she know this poison?"

She, this is undoubtedly Han Han.

Chu Xifeng was shocked and quickly said, "His Royal Highness, please think twice!"

Han Yu is still a mystery to this day. Even if she is really the scrap lady of the Korean family, her mother, Mrs. Tianxin, is still unknown.

It is because Han Yu’s poisonous skills are extraordinary, and such an important thing cannot be given to her.

Long Fei night looked at Chu Xifeng thoughtfully, and quickly put away the blue and white porcelain vase, and did not say anything.

Chu Xifeng couldn't understand his mind, he wanted to persuade, just hesitated, or closed his mouth.

After the sunset, Long Fei night meets at the entrance of the medicinal materials club and Han Han. Han Han is really a defeated woman. She has a lot of medicinal herbs and a carriage.

Chu Xifeng looked a little dumbfounded. The dragon was not blind at night. When Han Han wanted to return the gold card to him, he only said faintly. "You should keep it first. In the future, the king needs medicine and looks for you." It is."

"No problem, thank you all." Han Han is very refreshing, she does not like the problem of arguing with a man.

Aside, Chu Xifeng looked a little dumbfounded, he thought, he no longer has to worry about the deposit of his high school, so much can not be used.

This pharmacy city line, Han Yu harvest is the most abundant, the dragon is not white at night, the two are in a good mood, after eating a dinner in the restaurant, finally set off for the emperor.

As for Gu Qishao, they have been besieged by Xie’s people and they have no time to take care of them.

As for why Long Fei night knows that the medicinal saplings are in the hands of Xie, that is his ability, and why the people who thanked the family know that the medicinal saplings are in the hands of Gu Qi, which is obviously the night of the night.

In short, this review has less losses and Han Han earns the most!

After returning to the Imperial Capital for a few days, the poisonous plague has passed. After some sweeping, the whole emperor has been cleaned up a lot. It seems that even the air is fresh.

Han Wei brought two boxes of fine blood bird's nest to Yitai, and it was very unexpected. I thought that the last time I went to Princess Rongle, Han Yu had a meeting in my heart. I didn't expect Han Hao to have this heart to bring her a gift.

The worry in Yi Tai’s heart was suddenly dispelled. She took Han Han’s hand and smiled and asked, “Hey, your stomach... It’s time to fight, when will we add joy to our Qin Wangfu.”

Han Yupi smiled and didn't smile. He really felt that Taikoo had changed too much. However, she didn't know, because the words of Long Fei at the New Year's Eve dinner and the subsequent resistance were all spread in the circle. Her Qin Wang is a good pet!

After a few words, Han Hao left in a hurry.

However, on the side of the yard, Murong, who had not appeared for a long time, looked at her back and looked at her back. The eyes were full of resentment!

A few days ago, Pingbei Hou came to the door to book a marriage day, although the mother-in-law gave it back, but she did not marry one day, she did not have a face to go out!

Even the mother-in-law stood on the side of Han Yu. Murong knew that she had to find another backing. However, at this time, who can help her?

(End of this chapter)