Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 193: He is very satisfied with the test

Nine black female killers stood in a semicircle, trapping Han Han in the wall.

The dragon hidden in the shadow of the side looked cold and cold, and the eyes flashed a little complicated.

He still has to go to the attic right away. Otherwise, he doesn't have to call Tang to help him. However, he can't see the Han Han being surrounded by him. He still stopped.

Can this woman successfully pass this test?

Why didn't he have any sound? He thought that she would scream, call for help, call him and Tang to save her, but everything is so quiet.

Don't tell him, she is as scared as in the medicinal forest!

However, the dragon did not see it at night. At this time, Han Han, who was trapped at the foot of the wall, calmed down and held a heavy rain pear needle with a very professional grip.

When she was practicing medicine to save people, it was just so calm, calm, and meticulous. However, nowadays, it is not to save people but to kill people. Han Han told her very firmly that she is not killing herself, but is saving herself and must be saved!

Even if she is surrounded by death, it seems to be in a desperate situation, but she knows that this position is not harmful to her own. Her back is on the stone wall, which can guarantee the safety behind her. In other words, she You can completely worry about the crisis you see before you.

The only thing she can use is the torrential pear needle, and there are nine masters in front of him. This is the time to compete.

Is her hand fast, or is the sword of the black female killer fast?

Nine black female killers hold long swords one by one, and it is almost within a single stroke that she can kill her.

However, it is obvious that Han Han’s hand made this group of women jealous. They did not act immediately, and they were all vigilant.

The black female killer headed coldly and asked, "Rainbow pear flower needle, are you a Tangmen person?"

"Do you know that it is a storm pear flower dare to come?" Han Yu is not willing to show weakness, although it is sitting on the ground, but the momentum does not lose standing nine people.

The black female killer disdain sneer, but there is no movement, but Han Yu’s detoxification system has long issued an alarm. It is poisonous, it is ecstasy, there is ecstasy in the air, and the concentration is getting bigger and bigger.

The poisonous people are immune to nature and are not afraid. Nine people are standing and watching Han Han disdainfully.


Han Yu’s heart sneered, and she had already held her breath. The black female killer had to play poison with her. Just, she couldn’t ask for it!

Soon, Han Han was poisoned, and he frowned and went to the side.

See you, the black female killer headed by the disdain, "Dare to come here, do not inquire about, here is where!"

The other eight people immediately put down their vigilance, and the headed female killer personally walked toward Han Han, watching the rainy pear needle in her hand, showing greed in the eyes!

If you get this treasure, you will definitely reward it!

The leader of the first step forward, the dragon behind him immediately saw the situation of Han Han.

Seeing that she was unconscious, the dragon was about to shoot at night, but she saw that her hand was still holding the rain pear flower in a handsome posture. The dragon was not aware of the night, and the lips suddenly appeared a touch of light. He smiled, and he forgot his own urgency.

The black female female killer approached step by step, Han Han silently counted her steps, curled up in the foot of the wall, hanging her head, and her eyes were like a cheetah waiting for an opportunity.

Soon, the female female killer was close, and she bent down and reached over.

This is the moment!

Han Hao slammed his eyes, and the torrential pear flower targeted the female killer's heart and did not hesitate to shoot a shot.

The female killer was not expected, a needle

The commandment, directly to the South Korea, turned over, Han Han was able to cover the body of the female killer with lightning speed, and the other hand held the rain pear flower against the front eight female female killers, sweeping from left to right. !

With the movement of the pear in the direction of the rain, she repeatedly deducted the organs, "哒哒哒", a gold needle is not simply shot out, no, specifically, it is bursting out, and all of them are mistakenly immersed in the black female killer. Heart.

What is the rain pear flower needle, Tangmen ranked second treasure, speed, strength, even the master can not escape.

The remaining eight female killers will think that Han Han is not poisoned. Where else, they will think that the first person will die like this. In the face of the sudden rainstorm, they have no time to slow down, and they fall one after another. It’s all in one heart, and it’s on the spot!

Everyone fell, and the sight of the dragon and the night was no longer obstructed.

I saw Han Han still sitting in the original position, a cockroach pushed away the body of the black female killer, the beautiful little face is pale, but the frost is pressing, the light is fierce, there is a kind... can not speak The beauty of the world!

In fact, giving her such a terrible weapon as the rainy pear flower, the dragon should have been relieved early in the night. With such a powerful weapon, if she can't live without it, it doesn't make sense to leave her, isn't it?

However, he is still looking at the end from the beginning.

However, I have to admit that although there is a rush of pears, the speed of the explosion of these ten poisonous people is far beyond his expectations. It is not a loss of any master.

Han Wei didn't know that Long Fei was watching her at the side of the night, and she got ten poisonous people. She took the medicine and finally could breathe, and the tight strings in her mind also relaxed.

In the attic, the ten poisonous people guarded, and after they were removed, the attic was safe. As for the hundreds of black-handed killers outside, they were all handed over to Tang.

Although it is still a melee, but Tang can guarantee that no killer will be half a step closer to the attic.

Han Wei, very safe.

She stepped on the dead body and stood on the fence. She was very interested in watching the fight in the yard. To be exact, the melee in the yard was not a fight.

With Han Shuo's cleverness, I quickly saw Tang's routine. This guy has only two kinds of skills, one is to dodge the opponent's attack, and the other is to kill the opponent.

As for these two kinds of skills, Tang’s performance was very exciting. He flashed up like a lightning bolt. Han’s hidden weapon was almost invisible. He saw all the fallen bodies, all of which were hidden objects in the vital parts.

Han Yu looked more and more serious, and the more she became more and more fascinated, she thought, if she also learned that Tang was away from this kind of skill, and smashed the deadly poison on the hidden weapon, even if it did not hit the vital parts, it could kill people in the blink of an eye. .

Thinking about this, Han Hao suddenly found herself a potential danger, and she became happy.

On the side of the dragon, the night has not yet gone. He raised his eyebrows and looked more satisfied.

Very good, this woman can actually smile on this occasion, leisurely onlookers, really courageous.

Calm and calm, courageous, able to retreat, and a superb poisonous technique, staying beside you and not wasting, wasted.

The dragon looked at Han Han at night, Han Han looked at Tang Yi, and the time passed. It didn't take long for Tang to get nearly 100 black-handed killers. The entire village was covered with corpses and was a mess!

Tang was in the corpse of the dusty white robes, and his face was silent, his eyes were high and cold, and suddenly there was a feeling of desolateness between the heavens and the earth.

Han Wei only thinks that this guy is not eating a fire.

Ok, this is an illusion.

Tang Feifei swept

Lou, glanced at the poisonous people, and at a glance they all saw that these people all died in the rain pear flower needle, and all died in one shot.

Although the plum blossoms have a powerful needle, Han Han has never used it. The first shot will burst out of this level. I have to admit that the dragon's eyes are really good.

Tang passed a touch of appreciation from the bottom of his eyes, but he quickly disappeared. He said, "Rainbow pears, take it!"

This tone makes her private.

Han Hao did not hesitate to hand over the rain pear flower, she is not rare!

Tang also actually checked the turtles again, to make sure that things were not bad, and that only nine gold needles were missing in the eye of the needle, which was collected.

Han Hao looked at the mouth and twitched again and again, whispering, "Hey, this wins snow white suit is not for you, really."

"What?" Tang did not hear clearly.

"Nothing." Han Haohehe.

Tang Li did not pursue it, and asked casually, "Dragon is not night?"

Where did Han Yu know where the dragon was going, and the abominable guy left her here and left, so far no one was seen.

"Don't you come out?" Tang was surprised.

"Come out, is he in the attic?" Han Yu was also surprised. He looked inside and saw that there was no one. Yes, she remembered, and Long Fei said that there was a poison teacher in the attic. .

"Nothing will happen?"

Tang was scared, and the dragon came to the night to destroy the cottage, which was directed at the female poison master in the attic. Because he was afraid of delaying the time and making a mistake, he asked him for help.

Otherwise, even if there are poisonous people, the dragon is still a fixed person.

Now that the entire cottage has been destroyed, he has not returned yet?

At this time, the dragon that was hidden in the side came out at night, and looked at Tang Li and Han Yu, and looked faceless and went to the attic.

Han Wei is a fog, she still does not know what this guy is going to do, and Tang is incredibly catching up. "Dragon is not night, you... Where have you been?"

At the bottom of the night, Long’s eyes were covered with a irritating feeling. He did not answer and speeded up his footsteps. He really had to come in and he had been dragging on for so long.

When the dragon rushed to the center of the attic in the night, it was already late.

I saw a woman committing suicide in the attic, her wrists licking blood, and she had no breath.

When Han Han saw the poison on the table, he knew that this woman was the poisonist who wanted to stay alive in the night. It was a pity that he died.

Tang is like staring at a monster and staring at the dragon and watching it all night. I never thought that this guy would miss it. What did he just do?

You must know that he lost a large number of secret agents before he explored the situation of this cottage. This is the site of the North Li Kang King. This female poisonist has no power to bind the chicken, but he is a master of formulating poison. He is a powerful assistant of Kang Wang. Therefore, Kang Wang will use so many hands to protect.

At the beginning, Bei Lili used a poison that was very similar to the "dream butterfly", called "bone incense", which was from the hands of this female poison master!

To be exact, the dragon is not because of the "butterfly", but now it is good, people are dead, nothing can be asked, white toss one time.

"Where have you been?" Tang asked from Su suspected.

Kang Wang’s temper is very strong. If he knows he can’t escape, most of them will commit suicide. If the dragon knows this at night, can he still be late?


Long did not explain much in the night, like nothing happened, just throw a small blue-and-white porcelain bottle to Han Han, faintly said, "The poison here, you ponder it."

Seeing the blue-and-white porcelain bottle, Tang was scared, and was about to speak, but was shocked by the look of the dragon and the night...

(End of this chapter)