Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 202: Actually will upgrade

Han Hao’s return to Qin Wangfu was already a quiet night.

Seeing the light of the dragon's night palace was not bright, she only went out when the guy went out, and she decided to find a chance to hold a dragon's thigh in the past few days and ask him to teach her hidden weapon.

The few tricks she and Gu Qi had, if she had enough strength, Gu Qi Shao was not so easy to escape, and after learning that the Tangmen hidden weapon was so bad, she couldn’t wait. Want to learn.

Even if the dragon refused at night, she did not hesitate to prepare for the dead skin.

Not that she is not good face, but that her face is not worth the money, especially in front of the dragon non-night guy. Moreover, the face is not as good as Kung Fu. When she learned the Tangmen hidden weapon, she was afraid that she could not earn her face.

Han Wei is definitely not a proud girl. She knows the time, can bend and stretch, and is very pragmatic.

As for why Gu Qishao had inexplicably pursued her head in the Tangmen, she had no time to think about it.

The whole day of the clinic was accompanied by a false alarm in the evening. It was really exhausting. After returning to the Yuncai Pavilion, Han Han was sleeping on the bed.

She didn't know that the dragon was sitting on the roof of Yunxue Pavilion at night, waiting for her for one night.

The light in the attic was extinguished, and the dragon flew down at night, like the **** of the night that descended from the sky, quietly falling in the yard, his hands behind him, silently going outside.

Soon, a dark guard appeared out of thin air and respectfully followed him.

"The master, as you expected, Gu Qi Shao went to the Han family to find Wang Xiang Niangniang, but also hurt Gu Tai doctor!"

The dragon is not the night's dark defensive mixed food, if it is not the dragon is not instructed by the night, they are afraid to leave the Princess Wang.

Since the pursuit of the lack of Gu Qixiao, Long Fei night does not mind changing the way, the initiative is passive, Han Han that woman is lack of mind, but he can see that Gu Qi Shao is close to have a purpose, there is the first There will be countless times in the back.

"Gu Qi Shao’s hidden weapon of Wang Xi’s maiden is Tangmen’s. It is also suspected that Wang Hao’s maiden is related to Tang’s...”

The Guardian slammed the things that happened in the Han family, and did not miss any of the words of Gu Qi.

Dragon is not stopping at night, muttering to himself, "Tangmen... What does he suspect?"

The dark guards respectfully waited and did not dare to talk.

Long Fei night directly ignored Gu Beiyue. After pondering for a long time, he took another step. He could not see his expression in the darkness, only listening to the sound as cool as the night wind. "Continue to keep guard, don't beat the grass and start the snake."

Night, getting deeper...

Han Hao, who was exhausted to the extreme, should have slept very quietly, but at this time she was frowning and muttering, very uneasy.

Not long after, she suddenly opened her eyes and found that she was sweating, and her back was all wet.

She has a nightmare!

She lay on her back, staring at the ceiling with her eyes wide open, trying to recall everything in her dreams, but unfortunately she couldn't remember it.

I can only vaguely remember that I walked into a very strange place in my dreams. I was both strange and familiar. When she concentrated on seeing her surroundings, suddenly there were countless herbs coming to her face, and it was very scary.

She woke up when she was about to be drowned by the medicine.

At this moment, her heart is still screaming, her head is faint, her body is weak, and there is a feeling of transitional overdraft, which is exactly what she is familiar with.

There is no rest in the middle, and it is this feeling after the detoxification system is continuously activated to detoxify several patients.

Han Han is thinking of something, sitting up fiercely, taking medicine from the detoxification system, but no matter how hard she works, how to concentrate, can not get it!


The medicinal materials that are smashed to her are the medicinal materials in her detoxification system.

How could this be?

Han Yu also tried to concentrate on taking medicine. However, she still couldn’t get it out. Is she too tired, or is the detoxification system out of the situation?

What does this nightmare mean?

Is that place a big space for the detoxification system?

Detoxification system is messed up?

A touch of fear passed over the heart, Han Han did not dare to try again, she leaned on the pillow, took a deep breath and told herself to relax, relax, must be too tired to be like this, as long as the rest is good, it will be restored.

She took a few deep breaths and slowly closed her eyes.

But who knows, just after she closed her eyes, a word appeared in her mind, "The system is in an upgrade state, please rest."


Han Han Li opened his eyes and his face was unbelievable.

She did not expect that this detoxification system actually has this function, the system is in an upgrade state, so the strike is temporarily stopped!

Scared her, she thought it was a malfunction, we must know that losing the detoxification system, under the simple medical conditions of ancient times, she would not have to mix.

In retrospect, the exhaustion after her return from the drug city should be related to the upgrade of the detoxification system.

However, Han Yu did not understand how the detoxification system was upgraded for no reason. After the upgrade, will there be new features?

The nightmare was just a coincidence dream, or another reason, her gods can control the detoxification system, but there is no way to enter the detoxification system to see what is in the big space.

The feeling in the nightmare, as if the soul and the body are separated, the soul has entered a large space. How many surprises, or fright, did the engineer who developed the system ambush her?

Han Hao took a slap in the face. Anyway, as long as it is not a system convulsion, a problem such as a crash, it is not a shock.

The upgrade is also good, she just took advantage of this time to take a good rest, as for the matter of learning Tang Tang hidden weapon, can only be temporarily postponed.

In the following days, Han Wei went to the Han Family Medical Center and went to see Gu Guyue's wounds. The rest of the time was waiting for the government.

Not to mention, the detoxification system upgrade really consumes her energy, often wake up is near noon, she will go to the courtyard of Yitai Temple after dinner, and now she sneaked back to sleep in the attic.

Zhao Yu looked more and more and felt that something was wrong. Finally, when she was eating this day, she opened her mouth. "Wang Hao Niangni, you are like this for a while... seems to be sleepy?"

"Spring is sleepy." Han Hao was asleep while eating lunch.

"Spring sleep is not so serious..." Zhao Wei hesitated for a while, and said, "Wang Hao Niangni, would you like to find Li Tai doctor?"

"Nothing, I am a doctor myself."

Han Yu stretched a lazy waist, and was about to leave. Zhao Wei was anxious and seriously advised, "Wang Hao Niangniang, this kind of thing can not be careless, in case it is!"


Han Han squirted the tea in his mouth, and when he did not know how to answer Zhao’s words, a cough sounded suddenly at the door.


If Han Han still has tea in his mouth, it will definitely be sprayed out, because it is not someone else standing at the door, it is the dragon night.

When did this guy come, did he hear anything?

I heard nothing, only Long Fei knew it myself, and he came facelessly, Han Han and Zhao Wei quickly bowed.

Zhao Wei’s eyes flashed a savvy, and he grabbed it before Han Han’s opening.

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang has been sleepy for a long time. Looking at the experience of the old slaves, it is very likely that she is pregnant. Her Royal Highness is still advising Wang Yan, and calling Li Tai doctor to come."

This is still some uncomfortable Han Wei listened to Zhao Wei, do not know why, suddenly wanted to laugh.

According to her understanding, not only Zhao Wei, but many people in the house, including Yi Taiyi, are very concerned about her relationship with the dragon and the night. In the end, it is a pet, or not.

Han Xiaoxiao was in the heart, innocently licking the dragon and watching the night, waiting for him to answer, there is no pregnancy, no one in this world is clearer than him.

But who knows, the dragon is not hesitant at night, his elegant robes are seated, it seems nothing, faintly said, "Isn't it going to Xuan Li Tai?"

Zhao Wei was shocked and happy, and he was very happy. "The old slave will go right away, go right away!"

Not to mention whether there is a joy, just rushing this Qin Wang, this sentence is enough to show that Wang Hao Niangniang is really fortunate, otherwise why do you want to declare a doctor!

Fortunately, it is the root of the pet!

Zhao Wei almost flew out, and Han Han locked his brow and watched the dragon watching the night.

Once Li Taiyi came over, even if he did not give up the happy pulse, it also proved that Long Feiye really did not know that she would declare a doctor. This matter was passed out through Li Tai’s mouth. Who would not believe it?

They are husbands and wives, and there is no such thing as a slap in the face. When this event is passed out, it will prove the rumors of her favor and consolidate her status as a king, and it will not harm her.

For no reason, how did this guy suddenly benefit her?

Han Wei is incredible.

Let Han Hao stare, Long Fei night trails from the tea to drink, indifferent, he has been in the house during this time, waiting for this woman to ask him to teach hidden weapons, who knows, first class is just a few days.

He is very curious, this woman is retired and does not want to learn, or is it really going to wait for Tang to come to teach?

No matter what the reason, he does not accept it.

He poured a cup of tea and pushed it to Han Han. He told her not to look at it and could sit down.

"You...have something?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Well, she doesn't believe that if there is no conditional transaction, the dragon will be so kind to the night, and it will be good for her for no reason. What is not a transaction between them?

"What do you want to say?" Long asked the night instead.

"Looking for a doctor for no reason, I will give you a happy pulse, you..." Han Yu’s thief smiled and asked again, "What do you want to do?"

Who knows, the dragon is not a night, and the sorrowful tea, this coldly said, "The old ladies in the palace and the palace are urging grandsons, and occasionally have to do it. Or, what purpose do you have for this king? ”


Han Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, but he soon greeted Long’s night with a questioning look. He laughed and said, “I guess it’s the same...”

Han Han bowed his head and drank tea. He didn't say anything. The dragon looked at her indifferently like a night, and the handsome brow didn't consciously get together.

"Han Han..." He didn't know how he called her.

“Well?” Han Han looked up and looked bright and clear.

He hesitated for a moment, said coldly, "Tomorrow will come to my yard tomorrow, start learning the Tang door hidden weapon, not late!"

Uh... Han Han’s eyes are so incredible.

"After learning, I will not delay my work with the king." It is conditional to teach her actively. Is this an explanation?

After two imperative "no", he got up and left.

The big eyes and bones turned a few laps, and Han Han suddenly burst into laughter.

The high court king of Qin Wang actually took the initiative...

(End of this chapter)