Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 206: Killing, no one knows

What Han Han wants to understand is nothing else. It is the attitude of being too embarrassed.

Yi Tai's heart is notoriously high in the royal family, even more than the Queen Mother can not bend, what is the reason, so that she is willing to let the body like Murong like to put down the body?

You must know that Murong is like a marriage in this marriage. It is a shame that people who are so good-looking can do nothing like this in such a short period of time. Peaceful Beihoufu is a family. It is really unbelievable.

Is this sacrifice too great?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a real power, and the government has a high power. Now it is all about looking at the face of Pingbei Houfu. It’s too embarrassing to raise the Pingbei Houfu.

Not to mention how close the Yitai and Beibei Houfus have been in the past few months, just to participate in the spring hunting in the same day. The news of these three companies with the Qinwangfu is spread out. It will surely rise in a straight line and will also cause a communicative change in the Imperial Power Circle.

Yi Taihao wants to do this in order to make Murong like this. Have you ever asked the Royal Highness of Qin to agree or not?

The presence of His Royal Highness Princess Qin has already made a position for the grandson, and is it not enough?

The reason why Qin Wangfu is honorable is because of the existence of dragons and non-nights. If there is no dragon and no night, it should be too high-spirited, and it is just a too angry Taisang.

For a disappointing adoptive woman to lose the value of her son, this is not like the person who is too temperamental.

Han Wei is puzzling, faintly feels that Murong is like a married, but it is more painful to hurt her, until the carriage, Han Hao still frowned, and Murong Wan did not take the carriage of Pingbei Houfu, holding Yi Tai's hand is sitting beside him.

However, at this time, the same thing is still unclear. He looked at the back of a carriage, and asked coldly, "How come early this year?"

In the past years, he did not go with Yitai, but Yitai will start again after lunch break.

"Guichao in the courtyard of the Tailing Niangniang said that this is the idea of ​​Wang Xiang Niangniang, saying that she should go early, the time is plentiful, and the scenery can be seen on the road. He also said that in order to avoid other teams, the road of Wangjiagou was chosen, which is relatively remote. "The dark guard whispered."

Han Yu’s idea? Looking at the scenery?

This woman’s interest is good, just, can you think about security?

The dragon’s eye was overwhelmed by a touch of disappointment, and he did not ask much, cold and cold. “Commanded to the west, everything went according to plan.”

"Yes!" The dark guards took the lead, but the heart was wondering. His Royal Highness and the three sisters, how did they have no opinion?

The carriage galloped and soon came out of the imperial city. The carriage was opened in the front, followed by the carriage of Yitai, and the other three followed.

Along the way, Murong Wan was accompanied by Yi Taiyu, and it really was the mother and daughter who had been with each other for many years. Murong Wan was always able to amused Yitai in one sentence. The topic one by one, as if it could never be said, and this also makes the nest Han Yu, who wants to sleep on the side, can't sleep, and the topic they talk about is not familiar with Han Han.

She was too lazy to join in the fun, and she squatted on the window to see the scenery all the way. However, gradually Han Han felt that something was wrong, and the road of the carriage was getting more and more desolate.

She looked back, "Mother, don't we walk the avenue?"

From the Imperial Capital to Beizawa County, there is a direct avenue. It is a good way to go all the way. Although Han Han doesn't know the road, it seems that it is not the avenue!

I’m not happy, I’m not happy.

Listening to Han Han’s question, I asked the sentence casually, “What?”

"Mother, are we going the wrong way? What is this place?" Han Yu asked seriously.

Yi Taihao was suspicious, and was trying to look out the window. Who knows, at this time, the carriage suddenly stopped!


Yitai and Murong Wan screamed at the same time and fell forward. Fortunately, Han Han reacted quickly. He pressed the hand on the window and handed it to the hand of Yitai. Yitai was steady, and Murong was like a collision. On the door frame.

Haven't slowed down yet, and the voice of the guards came from outside. "There are assassins, protect the masters!"

"Assassin? God!"

Yi Taiyu screamed, the flower was eclipsed, and instinctively shrank inward. It wasn’t that she was not calm but she was rarely in danger in her life. Murong was like a cold feeling in her eyes, and she quickly fled to Yitai. Asked in panic, "Mother, what to do! How can there be an assassin?"

Where does Yitai know that the mother and daughter are soon together.

At this time, the outside fight is getting louder and louder, and the weapon handover is "squeaky", and the audience is shocked. This sound is heard, and the assassin will not be less!

"Like, take care of your mother!"

Han Hao took the initiative and left the carriage. After seeing it, Murong was like an accident and a surprise. Han Han, Han Han, I didn’t expect you to get off the bus. Since you got off the bus, things would be better!

Thinking about this, she held the fear of the yin too tight, the other hand quietly touched the three gold needles in the sleeve, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Where does Han Yu want to get the situation on the car, Yi Tai and Murong are like a person who can share the heart, leaving their mother and daughter in the car is the safest.

When she got into the carriage, she saw the guard guarding the carriage and fighting the black assassin. The latter carriages were also in the same situation.

She stood by the side and didn't do it. She looked at the black assassin's tricks.

Why didn't the carriage take the avenue, walked away from this remote place, and retired 10,000, even if it was normal, the land of Beijing, who has such a courage to dare to hijack the carriage of Qin Wangfu?

These black assassins are robbing money, or who is coming to the team?

Han Hao suddenly thought of the North Li Kang Wang, but this group of black assassins is not a master, fighting with the guards for so long does not win, North Li Kang Wang does not have such a weak hand, right?

Just when Han Yu meditated, suddenly, a black assassin broke through the line of defense of the guards, and the sword flew toward the carriage. Han Shuguang was cold, raised his hand and aimed, and a golden needle flew out from the wrist, accurately in the right black. Assassin's eyebrows!

Seeing the situation, the guards on the side were all smashed, and the black assassins also looked at them. Of course, this was only a moment, and soon they were killed together.

Han Yu’s lips lit up with a smile, and inadvertently turned around, the golden needle flew out, and the assassin who sneaked her from behind was destroyed.

In the face of the master of the Chuxi style, she has to be serious and honest, in the face of this group of black assassins, she seems to be able to let go!

It is rare that there are opportunities for actual combat. There are still so many people. Han Yu’s interest has come. She gradually moved away from the carriage and took the initiative to fight.

Seeing her coming, the black assassin is directed at her. However, her figure is as light as a flying geese, and her gestures are very elegant. However, it is this elegance, a gold needle is silently played out, it will be black. The clothing assassins fell down one by one, and all the guards were seen.

Incessantly stopped, the black assassin no longer surrounded the carriage, and the twenty-nine people all gathered to surround Han Han.

Han Yu is not afraid at all. The more she plays, the more she hides her hair, while she sneaks away from the sword of the black assassin. When she goes out of the needle, she sometimes leans back, sometimes leans forward, sometimes sideways, sometimes rotates, and the movement becomes smoother and smoother. It’s like jumping a moving dance.

The Chu Xifeng lurking on the side of the mouth looked at the mouth and twitched. I don’t know how to evaluate this woman. Can’t help but doubt that this woman is really a waste material?

The dragon standing behind him is not watching, and the cold lips are full of a smile.

This is to ambush the North Li Kang Wang, did not expect to encounter these assassins, of course, he did not intend to shoot.

The other people in the carriage did not dare to come down, and the guards all became spectators. When Han Han was playing happily, it was too embarrassing... on the verge of life and death!

In the carriage, it was too huddled into a group, and the mouth had been blocked. She widened her eyes and looked at Murong as incredibly, and her face was even worse than the dead.

This moment, she still holds the daughter of her hand and laughs, and at this moment she wants to kill her!

This daughter, who has been hurt for more than ten years, is thinking about her daughter, will she have her heart?


Why is that?

Yi Tai can't believe what she saw with her own eyes. Even if she dreams, she can't believe that she would have such a nightmare!

She has always been timid, and the shock at this moment is far better than fear.

No, she can't accept this fact!

And Murong Wan let her look at it, and she will show off three sharp golden needles, one by one, with a lot of interest. Her delicate flower is gradually showing a nearly sneering sneer, very soft tone. Very slow, but enough to shudder. "Mother, do you know? Some doctors have told me that as long as they are on the bright side of the people... squatting on the three needles, preserving... one life, screaming!"

When this was said, Yi Taizhen was finally scared, and the fear suddenly exceeded the shock. She was scared and her eyes were red. She looked back and forth between Murong’s face and the golden needle, and kept shaking her head in fear. The sound of screaming, the eyes are red like blood, tears.

"What are you doing with me, mother?"

Murong’s voice is innocent and innocent. “Mother? What are you crying? When I count, I have called your mother for so many years...”

Speaking of this, her voice was sharp and sharp, and she asked, "Is the mother-in-law shouting?"

As soon as the voice fell, she suddenly approached, and the tip of the needle was low on the acupuncture point on the neck of Yitai. The cold and sharp touch made Yitai scream a big tremble, and all the sweat under her body stood up all at once.

She could even feel the blood coming out and sloping down her neck.


She didn't dare to shake her head, and she screamed anxiously and loudly.

Murong Wan knows her more, and she is very close and very close. She asks with patience. "What do you want to say? Say you adopt me, I will envy you? Say you are good to me, I don't know how to be grateful?"

Yi Tai wanted to shake her head, but did not dare to move, "snap" response.

Murong just laughed like a disdain. "Yi Taihao, you have always been self-righteous, high on the top, giving a little gift, you must be grateful to Dade, do you know how tired these years are, how old are I living by your side?"

(End of this chapter)