Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 207: Shocked, the secret of the big day

As soon as the mouth of catharsis was opened, Murong was as rational as it was, or from the moment he decided to kill Yitai, she was irrational.

Looking at the fear of Yi Tai, she completely forgot that if she was not too embarrassed, she was still an obscure little palace girl today, and she might even be buried because of the death of Princess Changping. She is now thinking just about it. Did not do her best to help her, protect her, did not hold her to the position of Qin Wang side.

The so-called rising rice enemies, this is no more than this.

"From small to large, I have to work hard to speculate on your mind, and I have to wait carefully for you, for fear that if you are unhappy, send me back to the palace. What am I for?"

"Yi Taihao, seven years ago, you told me for the first time that I would marry me to Qin Wang. What happened? You married me to Changsun Che! What kind of good is Han Hao? Although I am not You are born, but I have been waiting for you for so many years, can't you compare with a Han Han? You say it!"

Murong Wanru said more and more angry, the tears of the too embarrassing more and more flustered, even if the golden needle arrived on her neck, she even shook her head, negating Murong as everything said.

not like this! Over the years, she has treated her wholeheartedly, why do she think so in her heart?

In her heart, it is much more important than Han Han. No matter how good Han Han is, then it is an outsider!

"Why, am I wrong?"

Murong likes to sneer with scorn. "You are almost dead anyway. I may as well tell you that the things that Han Han will practice in medicine were scattered by me. Mrs. Xu came to the door and it was also my teaching, and..."

Speaking of this, Murong Wan seems to think of something, and the dawn suddenly became unsettled. "And, the plum blossom feast is actually arranged by me and Princess Changping. It is Han Yu who is invaded by Chang Sun Che, no. It's mine... it shouldn't be mine!"

At the end of the day, Murong is as close to the face of Yitai, almost low-lying, "I shouldn't be me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the golden needle on her hand jerked into the neck of Yitai, and then stalked to the depths of Yitai's neck little by little.


Yi Taihao was very surprised. I didn’t think that these things would have been done by Murong.

She looked at Murong with tears in her eyes, but Murong was already in a state of madness and looked at her mercilessly, as if she had appreciated it.

The neck is sore and painful, the blood is getting more and more, she will die! She will definitely die!

However, no one knows. At this moment, the heart of the heart is like a knife, and the pain on the neck is not as painful as the heart.

No, just like you can't kill her, anyone in the world can kill her, just like no!

Finally, she couldn't help it anymore. She ran into the Murong like a cold, took off the cloth in her mouth, and choked out. "Like, you made me too disappointed! Too disappointed!"

In the end, how much anger can you make this courage to resist?

Murong was astonished, panicked and faintly approaching, and suddenly it would be too shackled in the corner, and because of this struggle, the carriage shocked a big one!

At this point, Han Han has solved all the black assassins, is about to get on the carriage, see the carriage shake, she is suspicious, and quickly got on the bus.

People in the car, long ago

Forgot to pay attention to the movement outside the car, Murong is like using his body to block Yitai, holding three gold needles in his hand, once again on the neck of Yitai, Yitai’s hands are Being crushed, there is no room for rebellion. The lips of Yi Tai’s lips kept shaking and forgot to call for help.

"Mother, don't blame me for being ruthless. You are not righteous. You can rest assured that this golden needle is Han Yu, I will not have anything!"

Murong is like a cold, then he has to kill, who knows, at this time, Yi Taihao finally opened his mouth, "Stop! Like, you... you are my biological daughter! You can't kill me!"

It’s not too stupid to know that you have to call for help, but when someone shouts, someone will come, Murong is like this life is over!

When this was said, Murong was suddenly stunned. What did she just hear?

The golden needle was still on the neck of Yi Tai, but her hand was stiff. She should have understood every word she had just said, but she couldn’t understand the words together.

She was too tearful, and her tears seemed to be unable to stop. She never thought that she would tell the truth in her life, and even more unexpectedly would say the truth in this situation.

Murong Wan is not a palace lady, but her biological daughter! The origins, ages, and so-called relatives of Murong Wan are all faked.

Is she a rumor? Is it bitter fruit to taste?

At that time, she was the youngest and most beautiful of the first three queens in the harem. She did not have strong backings like other families, and she could rely on the power. Her father was just a county, than Pingbei. The title of Hou Ping Nanhou is still a lot lower.

Her only capital is young and beautiful, but the old and the old, not to mention, the most lacking in the harem is the hue, the missing son in the harem! A raccoon cat changed for the prince, and her biological daughter was sent out of the palace. The non-night became the emperor's seven emperors. She was glad that she had found such a talented and superb son, though not a royal family. However, the extravagance that he exudes is unparalleled.

At that time, no matter who met the child in the shackles, he would not doubt that he was not a royal blood relative.

It was the best of the first emperor to win the favor of the prince. Even the emperor went early, otherwise, today's world must be the world of her Qin Wangfu.

As if after all, it was the meat that fell from her body. After all, she took the opportunity to send her six-year-old daughter into the palace. She thought that raising a woman, she was frightened in those years, and did not want to be a book, as long as she could stay with her. Well, she even plans to be good. When she grows up, she will be the king of Qin. So she can stay with her in Qin Wangfu for a lifetime. This is also a make-up for her.

Han Hao mentioned the marriage of alike, she seems to have no objection, but her heart has long been an idea, but unfortunately, the plum blossom banquet is too sudden, too much trouble, there is no room for recovery!

She had to marry out, and even if she was married, she tried her best to seek a better future. If it weren’t for this guilt, this secret, a district fostering a woman, how could she lower her body to Pingbeihou? What is the government's face?

All her thoughts are on her daughter, but in the end it is indeed such a deep grievance and hate, Murong likes to kill her! Retreat 10,000 steps, even if she is really just a foster daughter, it should not be so envious!

Looking at the stunned Murong like, Yi Tai's heart is dead most of the time, her tears are still flowing, she keeps shaking her head, only feels tired and tired, do not know what to say.

Murong Wan gradually slowed down from the shock, his hands were soft, and the three golden needles fell. "You...you, what are you talking about?"

Yi Taihao silently shed tears, unable to talk without any power.

"I am your biological daughter? My biological?"

Murong’s shock was indescribable. Suddenly, her hands clung to the neck of Yitai’s neck and angered. “You lied! You want to live and make such a lie. Are you a fool?”

"No... you are my daughter, just like... I didn't lie to you. The sorrow of the birth of the year was..." Yi Taizhen was smashed and sighed. "Like, you should be...there should be a princess." It’s the mother... I’m sorry you! Like, you...”

When he heard the word "princess", Murong suddenly stopped.


Should she be a princess? She should have been with the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem, she is honorable!

However, how many cynics have she suffered from the many white eyes of the royal family over the years? She is only a foster daughter, even the slaves of Qin Wangfu called her "like Miss"!

Shock, anger, resentment, unwillingness to all kinds of emotions filled with the heart of Murong, she still licked the neck of Yitai, but did not use any force, she was there, everything came too suddenly, she did not know what to do .

At this time, another person was shocked by this secret. This person is not someone else, it is Han Wei.

She had already got into the carriage, just outside the curtain of the car, and she pulled the curtain with one hand. She almost picked up the curtain, and heard the conversation inside, so that her hand was still stiff.

She does not have Murong like so many emotions. The only thought in her mind is that if she is the biological daughter of Yitai, then in other words, the dragon is not a nightingale...

Yi Taihao has only one son in this life. After she is born, she can no longer give birth. This is well known to everyone!

It’s not so much that Murong’s life experience shocked Han Han. It’s better to say that the life of Long Fei’s night made her shock.

At this time, the guards were dealing with the assassin's body, several live mouths were tied up, and the people on the carriage behind were also coming down, and the grandson and peace Beihou rushed to this side.

Han Hao is still in front of the carriage door curtain, and has not slowed down the gods, so the secret of the big day, she really does not want to know!

The dragon ambushing on the edge of the grass is not knowing what happened in the carriage. I only think that Han Han is a bit strange.

"His Royal Highness, what is the goddess of the king?" Chu Xifeng whispered.

Who knows, as soon as this voice fell, several hidden weapons suddenly flew out from the opposite grass, and forced Han Han to go.

"It's finally here!" The dragon was cold in the night, and the volley leaped. The speed was lightning-fast. The sword swept away several hidden weapons and went straight to the grass.

Who knows, this is actually a measure of the tiger's departure from the mountains. The North Likang Wang Jun also fled from the other side. Under the mask, a pair of black and evil spirits were mad. When he approached Han Yu, he reached out and grabbed her.

No one expected that there would be an assassin. Han Han didn’t even think that Jun and evil also appeared. She didn’t think much about the Flint flashing, and instinctively picked up the curtain and went inside to hide!

(End of this chapter)