Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 21: Waste materials, speak for yourself

Murdering the generals?

"Slowly, which of your eyes saw me murdering your young generals?" Han Yu angered and asked, is it hard to help people being deceived by bad deeds?

Li Changfeng kicked the dagger on the ground and caught it in his hand. He said coldly, "All of us have both eyes stunned. Women, no matter who you are sent, are ready to die!"

The driver who had been escorted was in a hurry. He wanted to say his identity but felt uncomfortable. He explained it quickly. "Misundering! Misunderstanding! We just passed by here to see the young general lying here. My family is kindly saved, there is no malice. The real murderer has long since fled."

Li Changfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Han Wei. He said coldly, "Would you like to save the knife, how can you still move the knife? Who are you? Come, take this woman."

"The knife is to save him. He has a poison needle. The position is very deep. If you don't take it out in time, the result is not that you can afford a guard." Han Yu was serious and shocked the audience.

Li Changfeng was somewhat hesitant in the inexplicable. Before two hours, the generals chased a spy and went all the way to the vicinity. Then they disappeared. What happened, no one knows. Looking at the dagger in his hand, Li Changfeng did not dare to take risks. He did not afford it.

"Do not talk nonsense, come, take her back to the generals, what misunderstanding, and the generals go!" Li Changfeng picked up Mu Qingwu, and hurried away.

"You will regret it!" Han Yu shouted, the **** thing, Mu Qingwu was poisoned, he dared to move him, this will only make the toxins accelerate in the internal organs.

Going to the military office, I am afraid that they will not be able to do it. She did not do anything to make things **** ****, and the generals of the generals could not be beaten into a move.

However, when he arrived at the generals, Han Han found himself too overestimated by General Mu.

Mu's family is a soldier, all of whom are rude and rude.

Mu Qingwu was sent back to the room, and the imperial doctor who had arrived hurriedly followed.

Han Hao and the coachman were thrown into the middle of the lobby. General Mu Da was a big-eyed, big-eyed beard, his eyebrows were upturned, his eyes were round and savage, and he held a long whip and pointed at Han Han. "That, who sent you!"

Who sent her?

Is she like an assassin like this? Even the rebellion was not brought to the generals.

These idiots, Mu Qingwu will soon be killed by them.

Han Han Tantan ****, extraordinary temperament, "I finally said once, I just passed by to save people, the generals were poisoned, the situation is very critical, and the consequences of not being rescued in time are unimaginable."

"Jokes, you have seen this woman general, and the evidence of the person is sure that you dare to argue?" General Mu said, holding the whip step by step toward Han Han, the whip was empty and creaked. People who listened to them were frightened.

Han Yuzhong only has firmness and seriousness, is unyielding, not afraid, and his eyes are straight into the eyes of General Mu.

General Mu, who read countless people, was the first to see such a bold woman, but what about this?

"This general makes you still arguing!" he said, and he waved his whip and smashed it toward Han.

Han Hao did not hide, she knew that she could not hide, and she had a whip in her hard life. Her arms were smashed, but she didn’t blink. She stared at General Mu, and said, “You will regrettable!"

"This general has made you regret it!" General Mu Da said, and waved another whip. At this time, Li Changfeng sent Gu Tai doctor out.

This Gu Beiyue Gu Tai doctor is very young, but in his early twenties, he is the chief medical doctor of the Tai Hospital. He did not wear the complex official uniform of the hospital, but it was clean.

Simple white, gentle, a quiet face, even if you don't laugh, give a warm feeling. Said that he is a doctor, but more like a scholar.

General Mu Da glanced at Han Yu and hurriedly went to Gu Beiyue. It was very rude. "Quickly, how is my son?"

"High fever does not retreat, coma does not wake up, you have to observe for two days." Gu Beiyue said that he frowned slightly, seemingly worried.

"What the **** is going on? How can a good end be unconscious? You say it!" The general voice of General Mu was deafening, and a pair of people wanted to eat Gu Beiyue.

Although General Mu Da held the military power and held a high degree of weight, he could pay attention to Bei Yue’s official worship of the second product. It was the emperor’s royal doctor, and the generals of Mu Da could not be so arrogant.

Gu Beiyue obviously has some helplessness, but he does not care. He is still very serious. "No injury, no pain, no abnormal pulse. I am also puzzled, so I have to observe for two days to be sure."

Gu Beiyue is the chief medical doctor. He said so, other foreign doctors will not have to ask.

General Mu Da was annoyed and uncomfortable. "Come, arrange to go to the room with Gu Tai, and live here for two days."

At this time, Han Han laughed, "Jokes, big jokes! The chief doctor of the Tang Dynasty, even the pulse of poisoning can not be released, and then observe for two days, I promise you can directly help Mu Qingwu to collect the body."

When the words came out, the audience suddenly felt silent. All of them looked at Han Yu. The woman said... What?

Gu Beiyue also looked over, only to notice the existence of Han Yu, he also suspected of poisoning, but did not say it.

"You! You dare to curse my son!" General Mu, the temper is very violent, rushing over and whip is about to fight.

At this time, the driver at the side couldn't help it anymore, shouting, "The generals can't fight, this is Qin Wang!"


Qin Wangxi?

General Mu’s whip stiffened in the air and did not fall. The people in one room were all shocked. How could this be?

"What do you say?" General Mu Da was yelling at the driver.

"The general, this is Qin Wangxi, this morning just entered the palace with the royal king of Qin, please, we met the young generals on the way back, Wang Hao's mother broke off without murdering the generals! Please the generals Mingjian!" said the coachman I am afraid that they do not believe that they will show the house of Qin Wangfu. Wang Hao’s maiden was beaten, which made him go back and how to explain it?

Everyone saw the doorplate that came out of the Qin Dynasty. I had to believe that I could see the wounds on Han’s arm.

This woman is the waste material of the Han family. He is the one who enters the door with the sedan under the car... Qin Wanghao, Han Wei?

Han Wei didn't want to show her identity. Wang Hao's identity gave her many privileges, and she also gave her a lot of restraints, especially her unrecognized Wang Hao, or a low-key point.

Since the driver has burst out, Han Yu thinks, should this group of people also converge?

But who knows, the whip that General Mu Dajun stopped in midair was indifferent, but this time, although he did not lie on Han Han, he was scared that she was not light.

"What about Qin Wangxi! Deliberately murdering the young generals, the same is a death sin! Say, who sent you?" General Mu, screaming and glaring, his face was red and fierce.

Dare to hurt his baby son, not to mention Qin Wang, even if Qin Wang came, he is just as strong.

What's more, this woman is not to be seen by Qin Wang. Even on the day of the big wedding, Qin Wang has not appeared, and is not a real name, but an empty title. Who is afraid of her?

Han Wei was very surprised and very helpless. However, she did not care so much and met the generals of Mu Dajun.

Angry eyes, cold voice, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I finally said once, your son was poisoned, and then no detoxification, I promise that after an hour, Da Luo Shenxian can not save him!"

"Ha ha ha!" General Mu Da laughed. "Listen! You all listen to what she said? The waste materials of the Han family will also see the doctor? The sun is coming out to the west?"

General Mu Da smiled and glanced at Gu Beiyue. "Gu Tai, you heard no, her diagnosis is completely different from yours. A waste material, a chief medical doctor, who do you listen to?"

These words, full of irony, provoked a room full of people laughing, Gu Beiyue looked at Han Han, but did not laugh, he slightly locked his brow, seems to be pondering what.

Soon, the laughter of General Mu Da stopped. "Come, let this woman go down! Wait for the general to wake up and send it to Dali Temple!"

Han Yu really couldn't help it. He turned his head and looked at it. The glory of the gloom, the hard-working and shocking guards who came forward came back, and it was a waste of Mu Qingwu's life to argue with these people!

She sneaked a look at General Mu, and sat down in the side, cold and cold, "Gu Tai doctor, you go to check the position of the two generals on the navel of the young general, Xuan Ling points and secluded points, silver needle test poison, I have If you don't lie, you will see it soon."

Han Yu’s voice just fell, and a mocking laugh suddenly came from outside the door. “Which mysterious and secluded points have never been heard, Han Han’s lying and making a manuscript.”

I saw a woman dressed in a goose-yellow dress came in, looks good, and sighs arrogantly. This woman is the woman who fell down Han Han’s red hijab that day, the great lady of the general’s army, Mu Haoyue.

Like the emperor's countless women, she firmly believes that no one in the world deserves to be a king of Qin. She does not expect to marry, but she does not allow other women to marry.

Han Hao, this scrap material not only snatched Qin Wang, but actually came to murder her brother, she never let go!

As soon as Mu Yiyue walked in, he took the hand of General Mu, and looked at Han Han provocatively. He said, "Hey, you don't hurry to send her to Dali Temple. She takes a knife to kill my brother. What everyone sees! What are you talking about with her! A waste material, what medicine do she know?"

Han Han does not remember that he has offended the lady, how do you feel deep hostility?

She is one of the first two big, silently calculating the time, Mu Qingwu's toxins will soon seep into the internal organs.

General Mu, of course, would not believe Han Han, and directed at the guards on the side. "Is it a rice bucket? I still don't take people away!"

However, at this time, Gu Beiyue suddenly said, "Slow!"

Xuan Ling and the secluded Gu Beiyue are known.

These two acupuncture points are not ordinary acupuncture points. If they are not insiders, they have never heard of these two names, let alone their specific positions.

In the two-inch position on the abdomen, Han Wei said it accurately. Moreover, these two acupoints are very sensitive to the toxicity of the internal organs, and are indeed the best place to test the poison.

Han Wei actually knows that this is enough to show that she is not a waste material. Her words are not unreliable. Gu Beiyue originally wondered if Mu Qingwu was poisoned. Detoxification is his weakness, so he was afraid to diagnose it.

Now it seems that it is not necessary to believe in Han and Yi.

"General Mu Da, Wang Hao Niangniang said that it is reasonable, I will try it right away." Gu Beiyue said urgently.

Mu Haoyue immediately murdered Barbara to live in Gu Beiyue. "You are not allowed to go to Gu Tai! Who does not know that she is a waste material of Han family? She knows what kind of poison is awkward? Joke!"

"Missy, life is a matter of life, if it is really poisoning, time is life, please don't make trouble." Gu Beiyue seriously.

(End of this chapter)