Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 231: Love words, not overbearing

What did Dragon had done in the night, and he and Han Yu were unaware of it. At this moment, both of them were squatting. Tang asked this question and made the atmosphere more and more strange.

Of course, the dragons who are cherished by words, such as gold, will not answer. Of course, Han Hao lowered his head and silently used the needles to detoxify the night, but he did not hear it.

Tang Mobi rubbed his jaw and looked at them with suspicion. He seemed to see what was there. He sneaked a smile and watched.

Tang Li was shut up, but he had just said that he had already set off a storm and could not calm down.

I don't know what the situation is in the heart of the night at this moment. In short, Han Yu’s heart has been turned upside down, and all kinds of messy.

Why is he playing her?

Are you doing nothing? bored? Still feeling good today?

However, even if you are bored, even if you are in a good mood, you will not do it!

In Han Yu’s impression, even in the impression of everyone, Tianning Qin Wang is not indifferent or indifferent, let alone joking and playing, even laughing will not.

Or, this is the other side of the dragon that is not known at night, but she has never known it?

In short, Han Han could not find a reason. She thought so quietly and thoughtfully, so she did not consciously go to God while applying needles.

Suddenly, the dragon's arms trembled fiercely, and a blood spurted out of the blood.


It’s not the dragon’s non-night call, but Han’s screaming, she’s stuck in the wrong spot!

"Sorry, I know it hurts..."

The acupuncture point is wrong. The pain of this needle is comparable to that of a knife, and it is unbearable. As a doctor, Han Yu knows best.

"I didn't mean it, I know it hurts, just... it's going to be good, you can bear it."

Her application of detoxification to the letter is calm, this should be the second time, the most flustered, right? Not like a doctor.

She looked at her scalp, and the dragon didn't just look at it at night. He didn't cry, and he didn't blame. He just looked at her coldly and turned his head. From the side, he could see that he was frowning. The facial curvature is so handsome that people are angry.

If you can make him frown, you can imagine how painful it is.

Han Wei is really guilty. In the face of his indifference, he does not know what to say. He can only continue to apply the needle silently. However, in a short while, he is once again distracted.

Do you want to question him?

"Dragon is not night, are you fun to play like this?"

"Dragon is not night, being bitten is what you deserve!"

"Dragon is not night, so big, you are bored and not bored?"

"Dragon is not night, you must apologize, otherwise I will not detoxify you!"


All kinds of straightforward questions continue to resound in her mind. If it is normal, even if she is facing him, she dares to ask for strength and geology. However, this time is good.

When she thought of the way she had just "tweaked" her, she wouldn't dare to ask, and some even dared not look straight into his eyes.

Han Hao is so entangled!

In this entanglement, Han Han lost his hand again, and he still misplaced the acupuncture points. This time, the blood did not spurt out, but the black blood stopped all the flow.

The **** Han Han actually did not find it until Tang reminded him, "Is the blood poisoned so fast?"


Han Hao looked up and waited for Tang to answer, and immediately looked down at the dragon's wounds, and then I realized that I was wrong!

Damn it!

she is at

In my heart, I succumbed to myself, and I didn’t dare to talk nonsense. I buried my head and changed my needles. The dragon didn’t have any movements at night, that is, the cold and handsome face was pale.

After a while, Han Han finally smoothly discharged all the toxins from the dragon's non-night arm, applied the medicine, and carefully wrapped it.

Tang came over from this time, and rubbed his jaw to look at the wounds of the dragon's non-night wounds. He said slowly, "Dragon is not night, you are the first time being bitten by a woman..."

When I got here, neither of them responded. Tang continued to carelessly. "Do you deliberately let her bite?"

When the voice fell, the hand of Han Han wrapped the wound suddenly became a heavy one, and the bandage was just on the wound!


Long Fei was screaming at night, and finally turned his head and looked at it. However, he seemed to want to think that nothing had happened, and directly avoided Han Han.

He blinked and looked at Tang, and asked cold and cold, "Dragon Heavens?"

After Han Yu and his party left Dali Temple, he followed all the way and secretly protected.

The black assassin hijacked Long Tianmo. When Rong Rong chased him, Tang Li had long secretly chased him. When Luo Zuishan was hijacked, he also sent people to follow up, but he only took care of the seven.

In this suspected consultation, Long Tianmo is very important, and Luo Zuoshan is also very important. However, as long as Han Han is still there, he will not come out for anyone. How can he and his wife adjust to the mountain? eye?

When the dragon was not asked by the night, Tang was only thinking that he was in a hurry.

"Be taken away by Jun and evil, his mother's poison is too powerful, I can't fight him!" Tang quickly answered.

"He went to Long Tianmo?" Long was a little accidental at night.

Jun Yi evil makes the tiger away from the mountain, the dragon will not count the tiger to leave the mountain, as long as the Jun and evil do not personally come forward, Tang left to deal with those black assassins, it is very easy to save Long Tianmo.

But who knows, Jun Yi, who should have been chasing the dragon and the night, did not chase it, but turned around and went to Baolong Tianmo.

I have to admit that Long Tianmo fell into the hands of the monarch and the evil, and the trouble will not be small.

"This king has looked down on him." Chess is a step, which makes the dragon very unhappy.

"This guy is mysterious. I haven't checked his bottom for a long time in the north." Tang said seriously.

Han Hao listened in silence, probably knowing what was going on, just want to ask, this time a black **** rushed to the fire, and he was afraid to scream, "His Royal Highness, Jun and evil people send words, say..."

Although the black guards are anxious, they are arrogant and do not dare to say.

"Looking for death? Not too fast to say!" Tang was anxious.

The black **** looked at Han Yu, and then he said, "Jun and the evil people sent a message, saying that they should be replaced by the royal prince Wang Si,"

When I got here, the dragon was not cold at night, and the eyes were looking at the black guards. The rhythm of the eyes made the black guards unable to stop playing a few chills, and felt that they had committed a great crime.

Han Wei is not surprised. Jun and evil have hijacked so many people, all of them are coming to her. The medical school consultation has no relationship with him.

If you take her to return to Long Tianmo, the medical school's consultation can still continue, Luo Zuoshan can prove that she and Gu Beiyue are not guilty, will not be implicated in the Qin Wangfu, right?

Moreover, this matter was passed to the ear of the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem, and the dragon and the night could be more clearly related to her, and the Emperor of the Heavenly Emblem.

It’s not that Han Yu’s little look at the dragon is not the night, but the person who knows the time is Junjie, barely a non-hero, after all, Tianning is still

The Heavenly Emperor's world, the dragon is not a night but a king.

Han Yuzheng pondered the strong relationship here, and the dragon was cold and cold, "When and where?"

"After three days, I changed people at the Hanging Temple at noon, overdue..."


"Destroy... mouth." The voice of the black guards trembled.


Killing the Prince of Tianning?

Tang’s face turned white for a moment, watching the dragons and nights, and the words and the words stopped, and the king’s evil spirits were too mad.

With the dragon's non-night temper, once you go to the appointment, you must save the person, not the substitution. Han Han, he has to protect him, and Long Tianmo will save him.

However, if this time is not prepared, I will not dare to release such words.

In the passive dragon, the night does not have the upper hand, and it is very likely that it will be deeply trapped in the Longtan Tiger Cave.

This is a powerful relationship, Han Han also understands.

Seeing the cold and awe-inspiring side of the dragon, she opened her mouth without hesitation. "Go and change it. When you change someone, you will leave. I have a way to deal with him."

Who knows, when this is the case, the dragon is cold and the night is cold, and the voice is angry. "Han Han, are you the king of the king?"

It’s hard to save this woman, she has to send it to her own door. Isn’t everything he has done in vain?

When she is who he is, will she hand over the woman in her name?

Or, the scene he played at Dali Temple was taken seriously by her?

Han Yu was murdered and had nothing to say. He noticed that the atmosphere was not right. Tang was very busy. "Going must go. When the two of you join forces to deal with Jun and evil, the other ones will be handed over to me."

Unexpectedly, the dragon lost two words to him at night, "Don't go."

"What?" Tang was scared, knowing that when Long Tianmo died, the Emperor of Heaven and Emblem would not finish.

Han is stunned and wonders if he is wrong.

However, the next sentence of Long Fei’s night made her completely smashed. He ordered the black guards to “go to tell Jun and evil, even if he had the ability to change the mountains and the mountains, the king would not change.”

What he wants does not need to be exchanged; what he owns has never been surrendered.

Long is not cold in the night, turn around and leave, and Han Han is in the same place, there is a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Who will tell her that it is the words that are not a bully? Jiangshan and the woman's choice, this man actually gave the answer.

But...but who told her, why she looked at his back, she still felt strange and alienated.

It seems that the cold and cold kiss has clearly represented a lot, but it seems to have nothing.

Han Wei stood stupidly, and the dragon went far away at night, but he still looked back and asked coldly, "Han Wei, are you still not going?"

"Where to go?" Han Yu answered without thinking.

"I just told you, haven't you gone yet?" The dragon was impatient and urged.


Well, when I just talked about her, I said that I would take her to the hospital.

It turned out that he did not forget the things he just did!

Although Han Wei was a little confused, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but rise up. What happened in Dali Temple was not necessary. No matter what, he came.

She quickly followed and walked beside him. Not long after, the dragon took her around the night, took her to the air and flew to the direction of the medical city.

Three days later, Jun Yixie waited in the Hanging Temple!

(End of this chapter)