Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 232: Sickness, stealing dragons and turning t

Jun also evilly sitting cross-legged on the futon in front of the Buddha statue, pondering the words of the dragon non-night, "Take the North Lijiangshan for a woman..."

He seems to be calm, but the clenched fist has already betrayed him.

He is crazy, the dragon is not mad at night than he is!

He had thought that Long Fei Night Club and Han Yu would join forces to rob Long Tianmo, who knows that the guy is not coming.

The entire network of the Hanging Temple is all in vain.

On this day, Jun Yishen sat down at noon from the sun, and when the sky fell, he finally confirmed that Long Fei will not come.

Say good after the deadline, killing people.

However, if it is really overdue, what should I do?

Jun and evil must be carefully considered.

If he did not remove the mask from Han Yu in the drug city and saw the true face, he was known by the dragon and the night. Today, if the dragon does not come, he will be more happy. He will not hesitate to cut down Long Tianmo’s head. I sent it to the Emperor of Heaven and Embry, and I bite the dragon for a night.

It is a pity that his identity has been exposed. The identity of the North Li Kang King represents the Northern Lihuang royal family, which makes him have to be scrupulous. He has to be wary of the dragon and the night to make a fuss about his identity.

He is not the royal lineage, but he is the most favored king. The northern lieutenant is a short person who wants to marry him.

Seeing that Jun Yi also got up, the attendants on the side dared to go forward. "On the Lord, will the dragon and the night not really reassure the woman?"

Jun also evil and disdain sneer, "Dragon is not night... Does he have a heart?"

The attendant is even more puzzled. "That won't be..."

"A lie is for a useful woman's heart..."

Jun Yixie said, paused, turned and looked over, the cold face was quite serious, "cost-effective!"

Han Yu’s poisoning is not only superb, but also mysterious. With such a woman helping, how many surprises and surprises will there be?

For Jun Yixie, a Han Han is worthy of a group of poisonous people he has raised. Therefore, even if Han Han has broken a lot of good things and even poisoned him, he still has never really killed himself. Pull it together.

Telling a woman a lie?

The attendants did not understand. In his impression, the Lord has never been close to a female color. Facing a woman, don’t tell lies, it’s just a greeting.

"Lord, that... Prince Tianning..." The attendant was concerned about this matter.

What should I do today? Can't kill, it's hard to make it happen, then it's not too embarrassing?

The people under his heart are heart-wrenching, worrying about their Lord. However, Jun Yixie has long been planning, he whispered, "take the purple Qiong clovers."

When the words came out, the attendant was shocked and reminded, "Lord, this medicine... there is no antidote yet!"

This is the main reason for the poisoning of Long Tianmo, the poison and then let go.

People can put it.

However, there must be a handle on the hand.

Ziqiong lobes is a poison named after Jun Yixie. The reason why it was named by Jun Yixie is precisely because this poison is a new poison, and it has never appeared before.

Jun Yixie cultivated a new poison in the forbidden land of Yaocheng medicinal herbs. Although it was interrupted by Han Han, he still had some materials on his hands. In the past few months, he has gained some harvest and cultivated three new poisons.

The poison is cultivated, but the antidote has not yet been formulated.

In other words, if you have these three poisons, you will have no medicine to save.

The toxicity of Ziqiong lobes is not fatal, but it is very afflicting people, it will make people stick to the bone joints.

Aching, can't move.

"Because there is no antidote, it is nothing!"

Jun Yixie sneered and walked toward the backyard of the temple. This time, he would like to see if Han Han has such a big skill to crack the purple cloak, he wants Han Han to mix in Tianning, to force the dragon Give up Han Yu overnight!

In the backyard, Long Tianmo is still lying in the carriage. The whole person is in a state of coma and weakness. His body is covered with a thick bedding. I don't know if this is a normal person and is sleeping.

Jun also evilly got on the carriage, but he never looked at the face of Long Tianmo again. Don't say that it is the Prince of Tianning, the Emperor of Tianning, he is not in his eyes.

For Tianning, for him, there is only one dragon and the night is called a hindrance.

He sat silently, until the attendant sent the Ziqiong clovers, and personally picked up the quilt of Longtian ink. Who knows, this sly, I saw Long Tianmo has a raised belly.

This... what happened?

Jun also had a stunned expression, and the attendants around him were unexpected.

A big man, actually a big belly?

Jun Yixie has not moved yet, and the attendant who has slowed down the gods has rushed forward to take off the shirt of Long Tianmo. This is more true. It is really a big belly, like a pregnant person.

"Master, this... how is it possible?" The attendant was shocked.

Tianning Prince has not been able to get sick for a long time. This is a well-known thing. As for what kind of illness, there are different opinions. No one knows the truth.

This time, Luo Dianshan screamed at the Dali Temple and made everyone known. Unfortunately, there is still no publicity about the "relapse of old diseases".

Jun Yixie knows about the medical consultations in the medical school. It is not clear about Long Tianmo's condition and does not care.


This is the first reaction of Jun Yi and evil. He is a medical doctor. He is good at using poison, and he knows a lot about medicine.

However, when Jun and evil were carefully examined, his face changed, and the cold eyes were filled with deep complexities.

When I saw it, the attendants didn't dare to ask more. However, Jun Yi also murmured himself. "It is not ascites, but..."

Jun Yixie did not say down, it seems that he is still not sure, and he has carefully checked it once. However, this time, his brow is locked tighter. He is completely sure. This is not "ascites", but... !

Long Tianmo is not a disease, but it is not a relapse of old diseases, but is being shackled.

Oh, this is the most terrible kind of poison.

Hey, it was a poisonous technique created by the poison of the medical school that year, and with the ban of the medical school poison, the cockroach has disappeared for many years in the Yunkong continent.

Don't say it, it is the medical school that has been poisoned, and few people know it.

Hey, there are three kinds of high, medium and low, with grass as the cockroach, insects as the cockroaches, and people as the cockroaches.

And people are embarrassed, it is the ultimate goal of the venerable and poisonous person.

Jun also knows how to understand.

"Wu Yubo will swear? Luo drunkshan will?" He wondered.

Long Tianmo’s disease is that the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem Emperor borrowed Yu Yubo to frame Han Han, and the only one who can kneel down is Yu Yubo, while Luo Zuoshan invited the elders to swear to overthrow the diagnosis of Yu Yubo and ask for consultation. Come, Luo Zuoshan also knows that this is Lieutenant.

It is not impossible to sneak a sneak peek at the qualifications of two directors. However, Jun also does not understand the evil spirits. Since it is a shackle, why does Luo Dianshan dare to ask for a public consultation? You know, you are in the hospital today.

The college is a big taboo, and does not say public consultation, it is privately mentioned, it is not allowed.

Could it be that Luo Zhashan was misdiagnosed as another disease?

Things are so big, how can Luochaishan be misdiagnosed?

There is an inconspicuous embarrassment in this incident. Jun also sneaked into the atmosphere of conspiracy. Of course, he did not have such leisurely things to do so in charge of medical school. His goal was always Han Han.

Then, on the evening of the same day, Jun Yixie solved the dragonfly for Long Tianmo, and then the poisonous purple Qiong clovers.

During the night, Long Tianmo’s big belly disappeared, accompanied by joint pain.

In the early morning, Jun Yi and Evil did not look at Long Tianmo, and told him coldly, "Before he woke up, he went to the medical school."

He thought that he had such a kick, and this consultation would be very exciting.

Han Wei, if you can detoxify this time, the king will serve you!

If you can't solve it, just wait for the Emperor of Heaven and Earth to sin, and the king will have to look at the dragon and the night to keep you!

On the way to the medical school, Long Tianmo is still trying to find the whereabouts of Long Tianmo. Luo Zuishan, Yu Yubo and Gu Beiyue have already arrived at the medical school. Gu Qi is missing.

The two important figures, Long Tianmo and Han Yu, were lost, and the consultation was naturally impossible.

Emperor Tianhui put it down. After five days, the medical school must send Gu Beiyue back to Tianning Imperial Capital. The disappearance of Long Tianmo and Han Yu must be given to Tianning.

The Presbyterian Church did not express anything, and sent many people to find someone.

Everyone is waiting for news. Han Hao arrived in the medical city and did not go to the medical school immediately. Instead, he was taken to the inn by Long Fei.

The best Yunxiang Inn in the medical city, Tianzi No.1 Room, standing in the window of the room, just can see the medical school gate.

At this time, Han Yu and Long Fei were in front of the window, standing side by side.

"Is there any news on Jun Yi's side?" Han Wei was quite worried. Although there was no news that Long Tianmo was not ruined, who knows that Jun will not let people go.

"Dragon Tianmo has no news in a day, you can rest more for a day, what is urgency?" Long non-night faintly asked.

This way, I haven’t stopped since I’ve been on the road, and when they say something, they can count on the slap, and there seems to be nothing more between them and less.

However, when he took her, when she took her, the strength seemed to be much tighter than before, and she was naturally a lot, no longer awkward.

"Is the emperor not only giving the medical city five days?" Han Yu asked again.

Long did not look at the eyebrows at night, sneer, "You too much to overestimate the emblem?"

The medical school represents the medical city, and the Emperor of Heaven and Emblem will not be stupid to the opposite of a ruined prince and a medical city.

Han Wei is not very clear about the strength of these forces in the cloud and the mainland. She is more concerned about the condition of Long Tianmo. Will it be a disease on the 5th?

After hesitating, she said seriously, "I still don't have a rest, go to the medical school, I have to see Gu Beiyue."

Luo Dianshan mouth can't ask anything, at least she has to discuss and discuss with Gu Beiyue.

As soon as I heard this, the dragon’s eyes were flashing a bit unpleasant, and he said coldly, “I have something tonight, don’t go.”

"What is it?" Han Yu wondered, come to the medical city, in addition to the consultation, is it more important?

However, the dragon did not answer her, but passed the dinner.

(End of this chapter)