Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 236: Dispute, the situation is not optimistic

Long Tianmo woke up?

It is not easy to tell the true and false identity of a comatose person, but when people wake up, things become much simpler.

"Take the way, the king will ask if you know it is true or not!"

Prince Rong is very anxious, and the most unfamiliar Prince who knows Long Tianmo is the one who is present, and Long Tianmo is true or false, and he has the most right to speak.

The crowd quickly went to the clinic, and the public consultation was postponed. Long Tianmo was sent to the back room of the consultation hall.

Who knows, everyone has not yet arrived in the yard, they heard the screams of Long Tianmo's grief.

The people were shocked and they stepped up. However, Han Han stopped short.

Seeing it, Gu Beiyue followed with a stop, whispering, "What's wrong?"

Han Hao didn't talk, and he was so full of ambiguity that he didn't know what happened to her.

"Nothing." She stopped for a while before continuing.

In the yard, Prince Rong has been rushing to open the door and rushing in. Inside the house, Long Tianmo actually rolled on the bed, sweat drenched a white dress, his face was pale and bloodless, his expression was terrifying. It seems to suffer from any unbearable pain.

"Ink! Ink!"

Before the prince went to the collapse, no matter how he called, Long Tianmo did not respond, and did not even find Rong Rong beside him.

In fact, he did not wake up, his eyes opened for a while, and he closed for a while, and he continued to make senseless mourning. The mourning sounds gradually weakened, revealing the powerless and desperate atmosphere.

"What happened?" Mrs. Pity asked the doctor.

"He didn't wake up to cry for a long time, and then it was like this, and then he couldn't speak for a while." The waiter's medical doctor replied quickly.


At this time, it is not the most important thing that people are true or not. It is important to save people!

In addition to the prince of the glory, all the doctors, although they can not diagnose what happened, but they can see that the situation of Long Tianmo is not optimistic.

The body's ability to withstand pain is bottom-lined, and it is not that it has not happened.

The three elders did not say anything, and they had to take the pulse for Long Tianmo.

When the three elders are out of the horse, the people behind them can basically rest. The three elders are the seven medical doctors. They are one of the three medical saints in the medical school and even the Yunkong mainland. Although there is only one difference, it is one. The order has smashed the two medical sects of Luo Zuoshan and Yu Yubo.

One room was silent, everyone looked nervously, Han Han stood on the far right side, arms folded around the chest, leaning against the wall, after hitting the door, her eyes had been swept away on Long Tianmo, not stopped.

However, she did not know that when she stared at Long Tianmo, Gu Beiyue’s line of sight did not leave her.

God knows how painful Long Tianmo has been. He has just rolled and kept waving his hands, but his eyes are gradually getting smaller. It seems that there is not much strength.

However, the three elders were about to pull his hand, but he suddenly opened, like a sudden full of strength, began to desperately roll, struggle.

The three elders held their hands together and stopped.

Upon seeing it, Rong’s prince quickly stepped forward and held the arm of Long Tianmo. Who knows, this button seems to hurt Long Tianmo, and Long Tianmo waved his hand sharply, and his movements were bigger and his strength was greater. It was hard to send a hand to the arm of the prince, forcing him to step back a few steps.

Rong’s military commander

Born, the hand strength is not small, but Long Tianmo is a martial arts person, and the hand strength is not to be underestimated.

The Prince of Rong also had to go forward. The three elders looked serious and ordered, "Don't touch him again, put on the soup, big dose, hurry!"

The medical sanctuary is the medical sanctuary, and the medical children are not qualified to give the three elders a hand. The five-product **** doctor pity the wife to prepare the medicine personally.

Who knows, at this time, Han Shu, who has been silent, said, "Three elders, wrong, never!"

When the words came out, everyone saw it.

The three elders who were denied seemed to be not very happy. However, he did not show his emotions, but looked at Han Han thoughtfully.

Mrs. Pity is not so good temper, eyes are disgusting, very impatient, "Han Han, what are you talking nonsense, no situation is urgent? What mess?"

Han Hao came over and looked serious. "Ma boiling soup can't make him quiet, but he can't stop the pain. He is poisoned and very poisonous."

Occupational habits, when faced with illness, her voice is always a bit cold, the whole person is like authority, exudes seriousness that cannot be violated.

Gu Beiyue has long been accustomed to this kind of Han Han, and even his favorite is her self-confidence and awe.

However, the people at the medical school were dumbfounded, including the little doctor on the side.

What does this woman say?

Is she denying the judgment of the three elders?

Where does she come from?

"Poisoning? You don't even have a pulse, what nonsense?" The pity of the wife immediately angered, and the confidence of Han Yu's eyes made her look particularly unsightly.

This kind of continuous pulse has not been diagnosed. Mrs. Pity has only seen two situations. One is a very common condition, such as a cold, a bruise, and a general doctor who asks a few questions to diagnose the drug. The other one was seen at the head of the medical school. The first place in the medical school was eight medicines. It was diagnosed with many diseases without a pulse, and it never missed.

Han Wei, what is the situation, let alone the pulse, even the consultation has not asked.

"I didn't talk nonsense, the three elders, don't believe you can touch his wrist and say."

Han Yu directly passed the pity of the lady, looking at the three elders, the dawn is clear.

It’s not her madness, but this time it’s unfortunate that she hit her professional field. If she is at the medical level, she is at least a three-person doctor, and she is at the lowest level. However, in terms of poisoning, She is the authority.

Even today is the first presence of the medical school, she is the same authority!

When she hadn't entered the yard yet, her detoxification system detected toxins and scared her, because the toxins detected were bone poisons!

Bone poison, this is a poison she named herself.

The reason why I named it is because it is a brand new poison, which is grown in the poison pool in the detoxification system.

The most terrible thing about this kind of poison is that it acts on the bones and joints of human beings, and once poisoned, all the large and small joints are not spared.

When I first discovered this new poison, Han Yu was shocked by a cold sweat.

I did not expect that someone actually had this poison.

The poisoned person is enough, this poison is also strong enough!

Before Han Hao had not entered the door, he knew that the poisoning was Long Tianmo, and he was very sure that the dragon in the house was really.


For this, the world can be poisoned, except for her, only the king is evil.

It seems that when Jun was evil, he still got the poison material in the poison pool of the medicinal forest. The reminder of the dragon and the night was right. Jun Yi will not let it go. He moved his hands and feet on Long Tianmo.

The three elders looked at Han Han and did not listen carefully to what she said. After all, in his eyes, Han Yu couldn’t even call a doctor. However, Han Yu’s authority exuded him and hesitated.

This kind of natural temperament, the authority posture can only be seen in the head of the hospital, I did not expect that she would have such a woman's family?

Just pity the wife said that the mother of this girl is Mrs. Tianxin, how does he feel that the name of Mrs. Tianxin is familiar?

Seeing that the three elders have not responded, Han Yu added, "Three elders, I don't feel pain, it doesn't mean it hurts."

For example, a person is injured, and the wound has inflammation. If the wound is not treated, but the nerves of the paralyzed person make it feel no pain, the wound inflammation still exists and will continue to deteriorate.

Ma Bo San can make Long Tianmo stun and feel no pain, but his joints have been in pain.

If it is general pain and inflammation, then there is nothing. The key is that the dragon in the ink is poisonous, not the usual poison.

I don’t feel pain, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt...

The three elders listened carefully to Han Yu’s words. He thoughtfully touched his beard and looked cautious, but he still didn’t say anything.

At this time, Mrs. Pity couldn't help it. "Han Han, you are not enough, you have delayed your illness, can you afford it?"

"The poison in his body is called bone poison. Once hemp soup is used, the medicinal properties and toxicity will react, the toxicity will mutate, and no one can detoxify at that time. Can you afford it?" Han Yu is not at all polite.

"You...hehe, why do you know that he is poisoned." Mrs. Pity is incredible, and God knows where this woman comes from.

At this time, Han Wei did not like people who care about her wife. She is serious and sincere. "Three elders, you touch the wrist of the Prince. What the truth is, you will understand."

Although the three elders are not poison doctors, but the deep-wound wrist joints, the three elders still feel the same.

Helpless, Han Yu thought things too simple, although this time is not a public consultation, but there are many people present, how can the three elders easily listen to her words!

If you touch this wrist joint, it is determined to be poisoned. Where are the old faces of the three elders?

It’s hard to ask him to admit that his decision was wrong. Would you like to admit that he’s a generation of medical sages, not as good as a stinking little girl?

Of course, the three elders still have a lot of medical ethics. The situation of Long Tianmo is urgent and cannot be delayed for too long.

Just as the three elders wanted to speak, the four elders who had been silent suddenly made a noise. "The two elders are the authority of orthopedics. Would it be better to invite the two elders?"


The four elders have undoubtedly questioned the three elders. Moreover, the two elders and the three elders have always been inconsistent. I invited the two elders to come.

The three elders who had to give in to the first one heard this, and suddenly they were angry and presented to their faces. "Oh, the old man has been practicing medicine for so many years. He never needs anyone to interject, he is pity, and he does not take hemp quickly. Boiling the soup?"

"No!" Han Han is also angry, cold as ice.

(End of this chapter)